2011 Cowash Challenge--January 1st to April 30th

Co-washed last night with V05 mixed with Peppermint oil, Tea Tree oil, and OO. For my actual conditioner, I used for the first time the Curl Junkie Daily Hair conditioner. We'll see how this one does. :perplexed
Co washed last night with Aussie Moist. I like it because it was thick and creamy and it did its job, hair was moist. I always forget to put product on my edges and it always seem to dry hard but with Aussie it dried nice and soft
I cowashed on Wednesday or Thursday, forgot to post. Used HE LTR...I think after I run out of my CW conditioners I am going to start using Suave bc it seems pretty thick like HE.
What I have left is....
Aussie Moist Conditioner
Salon Care Honey and Almond Conditioner (from Sallys)
being using up my suave sweet almond and shea butter....added suave humectant tonight because it's supposed to be humid for the next few days...
I did my last cowash for this challenge last night with a mixture of V05 Herbal Essences, Tea Tree Oil, Peppermint Oil and Coconut Oil. My hair loved it as usual. I will be doing a traditional shampoo on the 30th so I will come back and post progress pics then.
Started speaking with several of my friends who do hair and regardless whether they work on relaxed or natural hair everyone in the industry appears to be appalled at the notion of cowashing.

I was told what makes them chuckle is how much build up is on the scalp when people who have been cowashing come to them for services. They said they can still smell the grime and grit and could almost scoop up the residue from the scalp under their nails.

The thought is conditioner is not a cleanser so any product that was applied to the hair over the course of the weeks of non-washing remains on the hair, now conditioner is applied on top of that and then more products are applied.

They said it ends up being a mess and coating the scalp. They said they have attended natural hair expos (with their booths) and so many folks are coming up to them saying they are doing cowashing. Everyone is just blown away at how much this has taken off b/c they do not believe it is healthy long term. They said you need cleansers (sulfate-free of course) to remove all of the product, dandruff, environmental dirt and grime from the scalp and hair strands. Conditioner is not made to do that.
I use a shampoo (sulfate-free) weekly and cowash as many times as I feel up to throughout the week (usually once or twice). I think it all depends on the products you use throughout the week or month. A lot of ladies on this board use all natural products so I don't see anything wrong with shampooing once a month. Natural products should wash out with even just water.
Shea butter is natural but requires more than water to wash out. Several of the natural oils also require more than water to wash out. These people are locticians, natural stylists as well as traditional stylists and I find it very interesting they all are noticing the same thing with several of their clients when they go to wash their hair. They can "feel" folks aren't shampooing more regularly and typically have to give 4 to 5 washes to get all of the "junk" and products out.
Co washed with Aussie Moist yesterday for a wash n go. Even though I'm happy with this conditioner my wash n go was huge a no no. I just can't get wit my limp shoulder length hair n any state so I ended up disturbing the curls and combing out for volume. Will try another wash n go when I'm APL...we'll see.
Did a poo bar to clarify, no build up just felt like it... I'll be back to co cleansing this week. Since it's spring & I'm doing p90x I'll be co cleansing 2-3 times a week and poo bar or low pooing 2x a month. I'm so happy to find something that cleanses without bothering my scalp.
Exiting this challenge and heading to the new one but first wanted to post my ending pics. Here they are (first 2 are from the start of this challenge and the last 2 were yesterday):


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