Fall 2011 Steaming Challenge

Woohoo! I'm in! :woohoo:

1. How often you will steam: at least once a week
2. What steamer you are using: Pro-150 Salon version
3. What products you steam with: Various DC mixes, as needed
4. When will you start: Tonight
faithVA I AM IN!!! I need the motivation.

1. How often you will steam: 1x weekly
2. What steamer you are using: Salonsrus steamer
3. What products you steam with: Lemon coast mud wash, AOGPB I am currently searching for a few natural moist DCs. I want to try Komaza & Karens body So my post will be about my product experiences with different DC. I am not a PJ so it wont be many products. LOL I hope not
4. When will you start: Sept 11 or 12th
I am currently under the steamer....Didn't get to steam last night (forgot i promised some friends to hit the movies - Final Destination 5 is sum scary ish). Will let you guys know how it goes. oh yea, I'm steaming with silk dreams Vanilla DC :lick:
faithVA Can I join even if I am just steaming the diy way? ...plastic bagsand hot towels? Lol. I tried it for the first time on sunday and I am doing it again tonight. It seems to help with my low porosity issue but I cant afford a steamer any time soon.

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@faithVA Can I join even if I am just steaming the diy way? ...plastic bagsand hot towels? Lol. I tried it for the first time on sunday and I am doing it again tonight. It seems to help with my low porosity issue but I cant afford a steamer any time soon.

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isawstars... absolutely. Anyway you can get the benefits counts. :welcome:
1. How often you will steam

2x a week

2. What steamer you are using

DIY method :grin:

3. What products you steam with

Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose

4. When will you start

Ok guys so my steaming session was :lick: and cause I was craning my neck to see the tv, one side of my head got the full blast of the steam....while the other one didn't. So I was able to get a comparison....even if unintentionally. The side which got the full effects of the steaming.....was soft, smooth, silky. The other side not so much. My hair is still soft and fluffy 2 days later.
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Ok guys so my steaming session was :lick: and cause I was craning my next to see the tv, one side of my head got the full blast of the steam....while the other one didn't.

That's funny. :lol: You should go back under so the other half isn't jealous.
@faithVA i know right! I am gonna steam tonight again....so I will have to force myself to keep quiet so the left side of my head doesn't decide to rebel against me. She was not happy last time.....like 'what?!? u don't think i wanna be as smooth as butta too?!?! I'm gon get u!' - cue SSKs. :lachen:
I just finished my second steam treatment for the week.

Tuesday: Steamed Hot Six Oil with a moist towel and my heating cap
Today: Sat under the steamer with Elasta QP DPR 11+ mixed with a small amount of ORS replenishing pak.
Steamed again last night....did a protein treatment followed by a deep moisture treatment. My tangles melted away. I am a newbie to steaming, but I am loving it more and more.
Just washed with lemon mud wash. Now steaming with AOWC w/ WGO and a glass of moscato. The glass isn't part of the challenge but is so fitting at the moment. ;-)

ETA: I just steamed for 30 min. and looked at my hair my hair literally absorded all of it. This has NEVER happened before. I had given up on AO as it just sat on my hair. I mean seriously its gone. :look: I love to see that because it makes me feel as if my hair properly abosrbs the goodies. If my hair feels great after drying this is a STAPLE!!!! :lick:
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I'm in. With winter approaching, I need to get back to steaming.

1. How often you will steam

1 to 2 times per week.

2. What steamer you are using

Model with stand and wheels, don't recall the name

3. What products you steam with

Whatever I have in the cabinet at the time: Deep conditioners, oils

4. When will you start

Yesterday was my birthday and family members were very generous this year. :grin: I want to purchase a steamer ASAP! I really want the evasalon http://www.evasalons.com/store/inde..._id=37&zenid=59613f43c96cede8afe205a238f427b3 it's in my price range! But it says it's not available until NOVEMBER 21st! The challenge will almost be over by then. *sigh*

I know there are a alot of steamer threads (i've looked through them all) but I'd appreciate it if you share the exact model you are using. Or anything similar to the evasalon... or even somewhere that also sells the same product. TIA
I almost forgot that I started this thread :nono: which means I really need it. I did not steam this weekend. I decided to henna instead. That made my wash day really long so I cut the steaming out so I could get to bed by 12. For some reason it didn't occur to me to steam after the henna with a DC. :ohwell:

But I did watch the BeHuetiful yt video which gave me some insight on the Huetiful Steamer. So I am definitely ready to get back on point this weekend.
I Forgot to Post in Here Saturday, but I Steamed with Marie Dean's Seaweed & Rice Deep Conditioner.:lick:

Will Steam tomorrow with the Rest of the Jar. (It was a 2 ounce Sample), but I did buy a Full Sized Jar during her Labor Day Sale.
I want to steam but have to keep my twist in for 5 days. So I will steam Sunday. :yep: and try some new things out on my hair.
I forgot to post that I steamed with JBCO and Vatika the other night. My hair really needed it. It's been feeling dry lately.