Steaming Challenge 2012 - Part II

Yesterday I did a HOT/steam with HH Jar of Joe followed by a dc/steam with Shi Naturals Henna Gloss Conditioner.
I steamed with avocado, tresseme naturals, oils (I bought peppermint oil last week so I mixed it in with the rest, and it smells amazing!) I forget that it's suppose to increase hair growth :)

I did do a couple of things different. I left coconut oil in my hair overnight, a pre-poo. Then added my the avocado dc to my hair. Then I did something for the first time, I steamed first before cleansing!! I read an article on it before, but finally really tried it.

Here's the article:

My hair feels incredibly soft, I'm already 4 days post washing and my hair still feels soft and looks shiny. I haven't even moisturized my hair today, that's how much of a difference it made! If I wanted to be technical, I haven't used a a moisturizer outside of water in 2 days (when I styled my hair in twists), and the only reason I'm counting I used water yesterday is because it accidentally got wet in the shower.

Does anyone else steam first before the cleanse/co-wash instead of steaming after?
I steam before cowashing. My reasoning has more to do with cutting down on getting in & out the shower. This way I only get in once and I am done.
I am doing a steam deep conditioning right now on dry hair with AO GBP conditioner. Then I'll shampoo with a moisturizing poo and add leave-in, airdry, M&S, braid and done!
I steamed with SD Mocha Silk DC (10 mins) and with my kalpi tone + EN Seabuckhorn & Horsetail DC paste for 30 mins.
Does anyone else steam first before the cleanse/co-wash instead of steaming after?[/QUOTE]

I do it both ways. Usually if I steam before hand I'm using Chicoro's pre-poo recipe. First applying the Aloe Vera Juice w/ Jojoba Oil followed by Coconut Oil and then Steam.

I steamed with Bee Mine Deep Conditioner and Argan Oil for about 30 minutes after first steaming my Henna treatment for an hour.

JJamiah said:
I haven't used my steamer in a long time. IT gets so hot :(

JJamiah Yeah, it gets really hot. I have to wrap tissue around my ears and put one of my kids' tshirts on my forhead to be able to stand it. :lol:
After doing a Henna treatment (I do one every 2 weeks - those gray hairs are stubborn) I followed up with a steam treatment using My Honeychild Molasses Deep Conditioner with Caster Oil for about 30 minutes.
