Ever had the impression of living in the wrong city/country?


Well-Known Member
Ever had the impression of living in the wrong city/country? Even when it happens to be a place where you were born & raised there?:ohwell:

I'm having this impression about my country. I was born and raised in east coast of Canada. I didn't like the mentality of the majority of the people in my area. Many seem ignorant( when it comes to other races). However, I oved to the capital of Canada. I'm not to fond of the people either.:nono: Some of the rudest people I ever saw. At the same time, some of the most childish people I ever saw. For example, I saw grown adults acting like elementary school kids attacking someone verbally because the person got a promotion :perplexed...they don't seem to have a limit when comes to things to keep to themselves.

Yes this also applies to the dating scene, the local men seem to be naive and childish as well. It's shocking. I noticed guys in their mid 20s and late 20s have the mentality of guys junior high school, high school sophmore ( on the east coast). This is bizarre.:spinning: But the east coast are no better, many of them are deep in drugs and alcohol. In way deeper than I ever saw here at the capital.

Looking back, all my ex's are American. I seem to get along more with american men. I have gut feeling I'm better of moving across the border to the USA. Plus, career wise it seems like I would be better off in the US.

Anyone went through the same thing? Did you move? Was your gut feeling right?
Really? I heard that Canada was the least racist place in the world?

Hmm, i dont know if i was meant to live another place.. but i do WISH i was born and living in England
I was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama and I can't recall a time I didn't want to leave . I can't wait to graduate from college and move out. When it comes to dating, I am particularly fond of people from a different country or culture than my own. I love different languages and places, so it just works for me. Alabama is not the place for culture and diversity, and ignorance can be rampant here.

I'm hoping to move to a big city with plenty to see and do and people to meet. I just hope I don't get way more than I bargained for when I finally move.
It's easy to see what you don't have every day as better. When I am in Bermuda all some people talk about is moving to the US. When I am in the US there are people there who hate it and want to move overseas. IDK what it is called but it happens to lots of people everywhere. I think you need to decide what you can live with and what you can't - just like when you are looking for a new SO.

Either way, try to find some happiness with yourself because stupid and ignorant people are everywhere.
I was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama and I can't recall a time I didn't want to leave . I can't wait to graduate from college and move out. When it comes to dating, I am particularly fond of people from a different country or culture than my own. I love different languages and places, so it just works for me. Alabama is not the place for culture and diversity, and ignorance can be rampant here.

I'm hoping to move to a big city with plenty to see and do and people to meet. I just hope I don't get way more than I bargained for when I finally move.

I could have written this post myself except, im from a small city in Louisiana. All the guys I meet, it seems like i've met them before or they're all reading from the same play book. I need more diversity and more options...I need to move to a bigger city.
I'm a native new yorker. I know how to get along in big cities, but it's not my dream location. I'm considering southern England and Scotland in addition to various states in the US for grad school.
I am american. I know how to get along here, regardless of what city or state I'm in, but I can think of other places where I might really enjoy living as well.
I don't belong here. I have nothing in common with the people here, ESPECIALLY the men. They are just :nono:. I see some black women come here from other areas and they LOVE the men here. They are just not for me.

My mother is from the Midwest. She always told me that she doesn't belong here (South), that it isn't her home. When she goes back home to visit, she feels an inner peace. I think I inherited some of that and it's been apparent since childhood. I am thankful that I'm such an outcast because it has kept me out of trouble. Once I graduate it's on!
Yeah, the feeling comes and goes in waves. I'm from NYC, sometimes I feel like I belong in a smaller city that is a bit more crunchy/granola'y, I'm not sure where this place is though.
I feel like that all the time.
I'm a NYC native, but I'm really not a fan of living in NYC. I don't like always feeling like I'm 5 minutes late for something, I don't like how rude and inconsiderate the people can be, I don't like the buildings, I don't like the weather... lmao, the cons outweigh the pros for me. I'm not sure where else I'd want to live as of yet though.
Really? I heard that Canada was the least racist place in the world?

Hmm, i dont know if i was meant to live another place.. but i do WISH i was born and living in England

lol yeah right

i wish that were true
Oh yeah I do. Im originally from NJ and I'm living in VA. Only down here for school. I was in the military stationed in italy for two years. I fell in love with that place.

I feel like I belong overseas. I love different cultures, history, the men, the people, and food. I find america to be very boring perhaps because this is my home country. Too many rude and close minded folks.

I hope one day to work and live abroad. Id love to live in Italy or one of those scandanavian countries.
I too, share the same mutual thoughts.
Right now I am in Florida and I attend school
in Northern Florida and I'm having the worst time ever.
I always feel like I'm always on the outside looking in.
The men here are very immature/vain/superficial. I can't take it!
I prefer museums while everyone wants to head out to the "club".
Now a days my only outlets are LHCF :look:, cooking, going to small restaurants or the gym.
I would really like to be somewhere culturally rich, diverse and
a place where it's fine to-think outside the box.
I'm counting down the days till graduation.
I'm from a small town in the Midwest and I'm counting the days until I'm out of this dump. I'm currently in a different town than the one I grew up in (same state though) and it's really no different.

I don't know where I belong but it certainly isn't here.
I feel at home when I travel and I feel out of place at home. I'm from upstate NY. :ohwell: :nono: I have felt most at home in Toronto, Chicago, Quebec City, L.A., and Montreal. Lively modern cities with progress, diversity, and culture.

I swore I would never come back here after I graduated from college. Later on I made the mistake of coming back here "temporarily". :wallbash: I didn't want to go to another city where I had no place to stay and no job because I had tried that before. Looking for a job and an apartment at the same time is so stressful.

I want to line up a job before I leave here again, but it's hard getting hired for a job when you're the out-of-town applicant. I don't like my job here but at least I have one. :ohwell:
I too, share the same mutual thoughts.
Right now I am in Florida and I attend school
in Northern Florida and I'm having the worst time ever.
I always feel like I'm always on the outside looking in.
The men here are very immature/vain/superficial. I can't take it!
I prefer museums while everyone wants to head out to the "club".
Now a days my only outlets are LHCF :look:, cooking, going to small restaurants or the gym.
I would really like to be somewhere culturally rich, diverse and
a place where it's fine to-think outside the box.
I'm counting down the days till graduation.

Took the word right out of my mouth...its like I wrote it. Only I'm in Canada. I'm looking for the same type of place...I have a gut feeling that this place is Boston. I always feel at home over there.

U got cold feetbecayse of the economy. I'm scared.
Looking for a job and an apartment at the same time is so stressful.

I want to line up a job before I leave here again, but it's hard getting hired for a job when you're the out-of-town applicant. I don't like my job here but at least I have one. :ohwell:

I feel the same way. I'm currently renting a small apartment its cute and cheap. It's 600$ furnished and utilities included. Groceries is cheap as well. With 100$ I got food for a full month.I plan to work a second job full time. This means I will be working about 12 hours per day bringing in close to 3000$ bi weekly. I also do mystery shopping on the weekend that brings in another 200-300$ monthly. I plan to have as much side revenue that I can continue working on regardless where I move to. I plan to have as much money possible when I move so that everything goes smoothly.

I'm also attempting to learn the local transport system of where I want to move to. I also got the couponing system down pack. I know where the stores are, who triples, who doubles...:lachen: I have been doing back and forth about this since 2002. I did what my family asked me to do. I moved to another province and I've been living in Ottawa for 5 years. I hate it.:look: I gave it a chance.
I have no problem with the US, especially New York, but I have a feeling that another country would be better for me, as if I would accomplish more of my goals

when I am outside the US I don't miss it that much (unless in in the UK)..I just miss my friends and fam