
I eloped 9/1/99 (it was a beautiful Wednesday morning) when I was 20 years old. We missed a day of college to elope and went to Hempstead City Hall to do it. The ceremony took less than 4 minutes and our witness was dressed in a pair of Timbs and baggy jeans. We had told him a few weeks in advance but who knows what he was thinking :rolleyes:? We dropped him off back to school and went to Stop 20 Diner for breakfast. Then we went to the Capri Motel and wore each other out.

Now when our parents found out they were pissed off to say the least. But I guess they figured it could be worse :look:.

If I had to marry him all over again, I would not change anything. We're planning for a big wedding for '09/'10. :yep: I actually think people should do it simple first and then have a big wedding later. I think people who stick together should have the big shabang. What's the sense to spend 50K and break up 3 years later?
i did, it turned out great!! i was never one to have that fairytale wedding that most women want. i always had dreams of just the 2 of us standing together becoming a union. so we did! we went to vegas and did it! i must admit i wanted it to be a total secret and just call my family and friends after we got married but about 3 weeks before we did it, we told our family. then the madness began!:lachen:they rushed to throw me parties, people wanted to come etc etc. that was the whole point, i wanted to avoid all the hoopla but it was cool, we still did it alone!!!:grin:
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I don't have a personal story to share. Boo ain't popped the ? yet! :sad:
But we agree to elope -just me and him - no family - just great times and a great honeymoon.

My niece is planning her August wedding and is about to lose her mind.
Bridemaids haven't ordered their dresses yet, haven't called her back, etc...I don't need that drama.

Plus, I don't wanna cost my parents a whole lotta money on a BIG WEDDING. I have too many family and friends who would expect to come.

Then there's always the idea of inviting a few people or just family.
But where do you cut the list short?
So instead of offending a few people - we plan to offending EVERYONE - and doing what we want!
One day we were told we could take a long lunch. So we decided to go to the JOP and get married. I was in my bdu's and so was he. It was just me, him, and the judge. We will make 10 years in July. We always say we might have something later but really it doesn't matter. I only regret not taking at least one pic. Other than that, I would do it all over again. Q
I didn't elope when I got married many moons ago, but the experience left me determined to never, EVER, go through another wedding again. The next serious relationship I get into, I'm making it clear from the start--we either elope or I'll elope with someone else.