*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
Thanks Egglettes for all the feedback and testimonials --- keep 'em coming.

I have to add that this cocktail has "cured" my PMS cramps. I did not need any advil, nor did I need my hot water bottle to ease my pain. I also had no nausea at all. I remembered it did the same when I started, but for some reason, I did not stick with it. I'm hoping that my relaxed hair grows as fast as my natural hair. One other unexpected benefit is I'm so energized!:yep:

Hi ladies, I haven't kept up with this thread, but I am on day two of the egg cocktail. Between this and weight watchers, I hope to have much success.

My recipe is simple:
2% milk
tablespoon wheatgerm oil
raw egg

Blend real well and drink. It's really not bad. Tomorrow I am adding soy protein to the mix.
Congrats with your program. Fine with long hair...I think you'll be very happy :yep:.

This cocktail seems amazing. I would like to start this on the 1st of June w/CHL. Hopefully I'll have a great summer spurt
Girl, start today! No, really, you'll kick yourself for every day you miss...trust me, I know..:ohwell:

OK today I went one step too far. I've been sharing my morning cocktails with my Mum, but only doubling up on the egg, so today I doubled up on all the ingredients so that we'd both be getting the right amounts of the original ingredients. (Mixing it up as usual), today my mix was:

2 raw organic eggs
250ml (1/2 cup) almond milk
250ml (1/2 cup) guava, apple and grape juice
1/2 daily dose of CHL (around 5g)
2 tbsp wheatgerm flakes
2 tbsp flaxseed
2 bulbs organic cooked beetroot
Splash of mangosteen juice
1 and 1/2 tbsp wheatgerm oil

Whoa! The shake turned out really thick, it was pretty yucky to get through the whole lot with the extra flax and wheatgerm in there. I won't be doubling up on all the ingredients again. On the upside, my skin is still improving, and I'm not as gassy now either. I'm looking forward to more benefits to come!
Gosh you are creative. Glad the gassiness is gone...how does your Mum like the cocktail?

Yeah Jaded Faerie--it is pretty amazing. I feel like it's a definite part of my life now.

And, you'll most definitely have a summer spurt!

June 1st is a bit away. Sure you don't want to start before then? Or, perhaps you're still gathering research. Regardless, we'll be here to offer support whenever you begin.
I know. Start asap, Jaded! You'll be happy you did.

Small update on real egg vs powdered eggs.
No difference in hair so far.
Drink is more rich.
Didn't change taste of the drink.
I don't anticipate to be able to see the difference for at least a few more
weeks. This is week 3 I believe.
I will keep updating as we go through our journey.
Enjoy your shakes ladies.
Thanks for keeping us posted...and i'm glad you renewed your membership and continue to post {{*BIG HUG*}}
Hey Bronze, Mummy loves the cocktail just like I do, especially because I put CHL in the mix. She is a sucker for anything healthFUL like me.
Thanks Egglettes for all the feedback and testimonials --- keep 'em coming.

Congrats with your program. Fine with long hair...I think you'll be very happy :yep:.

Girl, start today! No, really, you'll kick yourself for every day you miss...trust me, I know..:ohwell:

Gosh you are creative. Glad the gassiness is gone...how does your Mum like the cocktail?

I know. Start asap, Jaded! You'll be happy you did.

Thanks for keeping us posted...and i'm glad you renewed your membership and continue to post {{*BIG HUG*}}

yep, as you probally guess I am mostly in lurk mode. I am just too busy these days. I am so exhausted from work today. I don't even want to see a computer. :lachen:
I pretty much lurk unless something is going on in this thread. I do visit Specktra alot though.
Hey there, Egglettes!

Okay my April progress pic is very tardy, but please be gentle. The pics have been taken, but not yet posted because I have been hustling to make some major moves in my personal life....

**Drum roll please**

"I'm goin' back to college, college, college....goin' back to college....Yes, I think so!"

Yes, Egglettes! Essensual will be sitting in a classroom with folks half her age in less than a week.:blush::lachen::lachen::lachen: But with only 5 CREDITS left to complete my AA, I've got no excuses anymore.

But back to hair progress:
Lawd, da roots just keep on coming, however, I think the FL summer came early this year and I suffered some breakage. :wallbash: I need to tweak my regimen for the summer. Also, in preparation for my renewed CO-ED status, I wanted some "Back to School" hair, so I cut a bang as well. It's cute if I must say so myself. (pics to come soon).....so please forgive the delayed update pic--pretty please.:look:
Morning Ladies! (and gents if there are any lol) I got my shake on yesterday, and Im gonna get it in today after work. I decided to switch it up and have a fresh juice this morning for breakfast. Doc said Im extremely anaemic, so Im tryna find more Iron. So this morning I had a juice of

Between my juices, Green smoothies, egglette cocktails, more meat and maybe some extra supps hopefully I'll get my Iron back up.

Go Team!!! :grin:
Hey there, Egglettes!

Okay my April progress pic is very tardy, but please be gentle. The pics have been taken, but not yet posted because I have been hustling to make some major moves in my personal life....

**Drum roll please**

"I'm goin' back to college, college, college....goin' back to college....Yes, I think so!"

Yes, Egglettes! Essensual will be sitting in a classroom with folks half her age in less than a week.:blush::lachen::lachen::lachen: But with only 5 CREDITS left to complete my AA, I've got no excuses anymore.

But back to hair progress:
Lawd, da roots just keep on coming, however, I think the FL summer came early this year and I suffered some breakage. :wallbash: I need to tweak my regimen for the summer. Also, in preparation for my renewed CO-ED status, I wanted some "Back to School" hair, so I cut a bang as well. It's cute if I must say so myself. (pics to come soon).....so please forgive the delayed update pic--pretty please.:look:

CONGRATS!! You'll have all those college guys crickin their necks to check you out with your glowing skin, and longer hair from the shake - stay grounded girl, don't forget where you comin from, LOL!
Morning Ladies! (and gents if there are any lol) I got my shake on yesterday, and Im gonna get it in today after work. I decided to switch it up and have a fresh juice this morning for breakfast. Doc said Im extremely anaemic, so Im tryna find more Iron. So this morning I had a juice of

Between my juices, Green smoothies, egglette cocktails, more meat and maybe some extra supps hopefully I'll get my Iron back up.

Go Team!!! :grin:

That juice recipe sounds yummy!
Go Essensual,

Do I hear a Cougar in the Midst? Grwwwlllll.... LOL!
Go get 'em, tiga! Them young chics won't have nothin' on The E!

Awesome, I'm heading in that direction, meself. We'll have to cheer each other on. :yep:

Come on with the pics! You know we rely on you for our Egglette Growth Fix ~

Hey there, Egglettes!

Okay my April progress pic is very tardy, but please be gentle. The pics have been taken, but not yet posted because I have been hustling to make some major moves in my personal life....

**Drum roll please**

"I'm goin' back to college, college, college....goin' back to college....Yes, I think so!"

Yes, Egglettes! Essensual will be sitting in a classroom with folks half her age in less than a week.:blush::lachen::lachen::lachen: But with only 5 CREDITS left to complete my AA, I've got no excuses anymore.

But back to hair progress:
Lawd, da roots just keep on coming, however, I think the FL summer came early this year and I suffered some breakage. :wallbash: I need to tweak my regimen for the summer. Also, in preparation for my renewed CO-ED status, I wanted some "Back to School" hair, so I cut a bang as well. It's cute if I must say so myself. (pics to come soon).....so please forgive the delayed update pic--pretty please.:look:

Good job, sunbubbles ~ I promise y'all are gonna make me add veggies to my cocktail. I'm so embarassed. Well, I am adding Chl so that should count, right? :spinning:

Morning Ladies! (and gents if there are any lol) I got my shake on yesterday, and Im gonna get it in today after work. I decided to switch it up and have a fresh juice this morning for breakfast. Doc said Im extremely anaemic, so Im tryna find more Iron. So this morning I had a juice of

Between my juices, Green smoothies, egglette cocktails, more meat and maybe some extra supps hopefully I'll get my Iron back up.

Go Team!!! :grin:

CONGRATS!! You'll have all those college guys crickin their necks to check you out with your glowing skin, and longer hair from the shake - stay grounded girl, don't forget where you comin from, LOL!
Day 3
1 scoop soy protein
1 tablespoon Wheatgerm oil
1 teaspoon oilve oil
3/4 2% milk
1 raw egg

A tad oily (duh :lachen:) but otherwise fine.
Hey there, Egglettes!

Okay my April progress pic is very tardy, but please be gentle. The pics have been taken, but not yet posted because I have been hustling to make some major moves in my personal life....

**Drum roll please**

"I'm goin' back to college, college, college....goin' back to college....Yes, I think so!"

Yes, Egglettes! Essensual will be sitting in a classroom with folks half her age in less than a week.:blush::lachen::lachen::lachen: But with only 5 CREDITS left to complete my AA, I've got no excuses anymore.

Morning Ladies! (and gents if there are any lol) I got my shake on yesterday, and Im gonna get it in today after work. I decided to switch it up and have a fresh juice this morning for breakfast. Doc said Im extremely anaemic, so Im tryna find more Iron. So this morning I had a juice of

Between my juices, Green smoothies, egglette cocktails, more meat and maybe some extra supps hopefully I'll get my Iron back up.

Go Team!!! :grin:
Your mix sounds good. Even the beets. Who knew.:lol: This weekend I'll have to make my way to the store so I can throw in some fresh vegetables and fruits in my mix.

I'm anemic too. Have you looked into Chlorella? I'm reading up on it now. Chlorella caught my eye because it's high in iron, B essentials and it said to help with engery/vitality.
Came back to add that yesterday was day two of drinking the cocktail. Usually I conk out on the train home and am too tired to do anything around the house. I still conked out on the train :lol: but I spent time with my parents finding out about their day then went downstairs blasted my music and danced my heart out.:lachen:

I haven't done that in a loooooooonnnnnnnggggggggg time. And it was a Tuesday! Not a Friday, but A TUESDAY!!!! Then I went did some bible reading for about an hour and afterward played with my dog till he got tired of me.:lachen: But wow, this was on a Tuesday. Ya'll don't understand. I never have energy Mon-Thurs. Never. I am psyched.
Your mix sounds good. Even the beets. Who knew.:lol: This weekend I'll have to make my way to the store so I can throw in some fresh vegetables and fruits in my mix.

I'm anemic too. Have you looked into Chlorella? I'm reading up on it now. Chlorella caught my eye because it's high in iron, B essentials and it said to help with engery/vitality.

I keep hearing about Chlorella and Spirulina (sp?) for anaemics. I might have to give it a try. I was thinkin about just buying some Prenatals so I could kill 50 birds with one stone ( or 2 stones depending on the dosage :lachen:)
Thank you for the love and encouragement! As promised you'll find the April 09 progress pic has been added to the siggy pic. I'm also including a 6 month comparison shot. Okay, it may seem as though there is little actual length happening here, the nape seems to be creeping along. However, the roots, especially the crown area are most certainly getter thicker and stronger. The side of my hair above the ears is catching up with the rest of my hair, and the interior layers are indeed legthening to meet the rest of my hair.
Now, for the bad news...
...shortly after these pics were taken I suffered a bit of breakage. I think it was a remnent of my poor flat ironing techniques prior to November, as well as needing to tweak my regi for the FLORIDA summer. I had suffered some heat damage before I learned better techniques. :nono:But I sally forth!:yep::yep:

Siggy pic:

6 month comparison shot:

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you ladies seem to be up to great things with the cocktail. wonderful progress, indeed! I had one shake yesterday. I was down to one carton of soymilk so I went to the dollar tree to re-up (only got 2 cartons for now and will get more on friday when bf gets paid--I kinda missed that train last pay period. but i'll be damned if i'm gonna miss it again. :lachen: they had a shelf full of the stuff still, so I will shut it down on friday.)

Br*nze...my hair has always been thick even when I was relaxed, and then even moreso when I went natural. But now???? I was looking at it in the mirror after I washed and conditioned last night and it has gotten even bigger/"wider" if that makes sense.

I was like, "dammmmnnnnnn....." :blush: and "let me find out!" :blush:
I gelled it but didn't take any pics as I intended because I was chatting online with a friend at the time. It took me 2 hours to get through gelling all that hair.

ladies get your drink on. you will not be disappointed!
I am still doing the back-reading and feel that soon I will go the less-is-more route as concerns my cocktail ingredients. I will still try and add at least one good portion of veg to my cocktail, and still have a lot of 'extras' to get through (frozen berries, juices, fruit, etc.) so my simplifying will not be for a while.

Today my cocktail ingredients were: 2 org. eggs, 250ml almond milk, 1 heaped tbsp flaxseed, 1 heaped tbsp wheatgerm, 2 bulbs org. beetroot, a splash of Naked Green Juice, half tbsp org. honey, 5g CHL :lick: :lick:

I also realised a few days ago that the wheatgerm I've been using is toasted :ohwell: - it's all I could find... I ordered raw from iherb yesterday :yep:

My skin is clearing! Like noticeably!!! I looked in the mirror this morning, and I was like :grin: :grin: I can't wait to see my hair results after a few weeks. I love this shake & my CHL. Haven't missed a day, and don't intend on it either! Lets keep it going ladies!!
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Day 4
2% milk
Wheatgerm oil
Olive oil
Raw egg
4 small banana slices
1 scoop soy protein

My skin is breaking out a bit. I figure my body is detoxing. My energy is increasing greatly. I woke up this morning before the alarm went off. Last night I went to class and didn't collaspe in bed when I got home. This mornong instead of conking out on the train to work, I'm on LHCF via my Blackberry.
Morning Ladies! Got my shake on this morning! I started adding ground flaxseed again. Lets just say between the ground flaxseed and flaxseed oil pills ( I cant stomach the wheat germ oil) has made for some VERY interesting mornings in the bathroom! :lachen:

*Bronze* didnt you say there was a tasteless brand of wheat germ oil? Ive got "Viobin" brand and its just too horrible! If there is a tasteless one then Ill try it after I finish up these flaxseed oil pills!
Morning Ladies! Got my shake on this morning! I started adding ground flaxseed again. Lets just say between the ground flaxseed and flaxseed oil pills ( I cant stomach the wheat germ oil) has made for some VERY interesting mornings in the bathroom! :lachen:

*Bronze* didnt you say there was a tasteless brand of wheat germ oil? Ive got "Viobin" brand and its just too horrible! If there is a tasteless one then Ill try it after I finish up these flaxseed oil pills!

I have NOW brand and it has little to no taste.
ShortyC~ Who likes Big Hair? I do!! Long Hair, Do Care!! I know what you mean, i've been using flexirods on my 5-day old flat ironed hair (which means it has gone through some reversion) and my hair is really Large. I like it. It's easier for me to just roll with big hair than keep working to get it straight. I perspire in my scalp. I live in Houston. Enough said. We don't have big hair down here for nothin'. :spinning:.

you ladies seem to be up to great things with the cocktail. wonderful progress, indeed! I had one shake yesterday. I was down to one carton of soymilk so I went to the dollar tree to re-up (only got 2 cartons for now and will get more on friday when bf gets paid--I kinda missed that train last pay period. but i'll be damned if i'm gonna miss it again. :lachen: they had a shelf full of the stuff still, so I will shut it down on friday.)

Br*nze...my hair has always been thick even when I was relaxed, and then even moreso when I went natural. But now???? I was looking at it in the mirror after I washed and conditioned last night and it has gotten even bigger/"wider" if that makes sense. >>>yep. it does

I was like, "dammmmnnnnnn....." :blush: and "let me find out!" :blush:
I gelled it but didn't take any pics as I intended because I was chatting online with a friend at the time. It took me 2 hours to get through gelling all that hair.

ladies get your drink on. you will not be disappointed!

Morning Ladies! Got my shake on this morning! I started adding ground flaxseed again. Lets just say between the ground flaxseed and flaxseed oil pills ( I cant stomach the wheat germ oil) has made for some VERY interesting mornings in the bathroom! :lachen:

*Bronze* didnt you say there was a tasteless brand of wheat germ oil? Ive got "Viobin" brand and its just too horrible! If there is a tasteless one then Ill try it after I finish up these flaxseed oil pills!
Sunbubbles, NOW Brand makes really good wheat germ oil. It costs more, but if you are sensitive to the taste/smell of Viobin, this may be your saving grace.
Is everyone using ORGANIC eggs?

I want to start again I dropped out last time because it was not cost effective for me.
Essensual, great documentation of progress. You are definitely showing thickness AND growth. Don't worry about your setback, you won't even miss it. Remember how i was concerned about my protein overload? Well, I cut an inch off and it's like, no big deal. My hair feels great. I just can't keep my hands outta my hair! Even when it doesn't look so hot, it feels wonderful! This is better than when my hair was relaxed! I'm feelin' my hair right now, and I am so grateful for that.

So - IF anyone is concerned about setbacks, just continue or start taking this cocktail and you'll recover SUPER fast. It is unreal how much hair i continually cut and it comes back. Now, you must realize, my hairloss started at the ROOT, so I have had alot to overcome. I am thankful that I have Egglettes that support and uplift me as I go through so many challenges.

So, my hair is not waistlength right now, but it will be. And I'm thankful that I'm enjoying the process. You guys are with me and I'm not alone. If we continue to cheer each other on and share our achievements, i'm convinced that EVERYONE will have the hair of their dreams. Just don't quit. Be patiently persistent. And know that your setback is a setup for a comeback.


Thank you for the love and encouragement! As promised you'll find the April 09 progress pic has been added to the siggy pic. I'm also including a 6 month comparison shot. Okay, it may seem as though there is little actual length happening here, the nape seems to be creeping along. However, the roots, especially the crown area are most certainly getter thicker and stronger. The side of my hair above the ears is catching up with the rest of my hair, and the interior layers are indeed legthening to meet the rest of my hair.
Now, for the bad news...
...shortly after these pics were taken I suffered a bit of breakage. I think it was a remnent of my poor flat ironing techniques prior to November, as well as needing to tweak my regi for the FLORIDA summer. I had suffered some heat damage before I learned better techniques. :nono:But I sally forth!:yep::yep:

Siggy pic:

6 month comparison shot:

Hey Amour, didn't know you were an Egglette! Come on back, i use straight-up cheapo grocery eggs. I keep it simple and cost efficient so that i can remain on it. I hate starting something i can't keep up with. So i don't get exotic with my cocktail. KISS works for me.

So with that info, come on back, okay? Don't let that hinder you. I've never used organic eggs. neva.

Is everyone using ORGANIC eggs?

I want to start again I dropped out last time because it was not cost effective for me.
My recipe is egg, 1 frozen banana, 4 frozen strawberries, 2 tbsp of light N fit vanilla yogurt, wheat germ flakes, 1/4 cup orange juice, and 1 tbsp honey. It's weird but it feels like my lower abs are shrinking. I have not exercised in a week. I have to get of my lazy butt and get busy.:rolleyes:
oooooo wee! Chica. I can tell that your hair is getting thick. Thanks for sharing the pictures. You came out right on time because I was wondering where you was at.

Hey there, Egglettes!

Okay my April progress pic is very tardy, but please be gentle. The pics have been taken, but not yet posted because I have been hustling to make some major moves in my personal life....

**Drum roll please**

"I'm goin' back to college, college, college....goin' back to college....Yes, I think so!"

Yes, Egglettes! Essensual will be sitting in a classroom with folks half her age in less than a week.:blush::lachen::lachen::lachen: But with only 5 CREDITS left to complete my AA, I've got no excuses anymore.

But back to hair progress:
Lawd, da roots just keep on coming, however, I think the FL summer came early this year and I suffered some breakage. :wallbash: I need to tweak my regimen for the summer. Also, in preparation for my renewed CO-ED status, I wanted some "Back to School" hair, so I cut a bang as well. It's cute if I must say so myself. (pics to come soon).....so please forgive the delayed update pic--pretty please.:look:
This shake has worked wonders on many things for us. My skin is off the chaing. Not bragging or anything.:look: I really think that this drink has to be one of the healthiest things ever.

I have to add that this cocktail has "cured" my PMS cramps. I did not need any advil, nor did I need my hot water bottle to ease my pain. I also had no nausea at all. I remembered it did the same when I started, but for some reason, I did not stick with it. I'm hoping that my relaxed hair grows as fast as my natural hair. One other unexpected benefit is I'm so energized!:yep:
:look: I am guilty of big hair and it has been an omen. I remember when I was little and see all the purty little girls with long hair. Well my hair was long but only when straightened. Otherwise I had really thick thick thick hair. Fat gargantuan ponytails. I used to be so mad at my mom when she put those ponies on my head. Honey, I wanted to wear my hair down. I am praying for length with this shake. I am still getting thickness so I will just have to appreciate what I have.

ShortyC~ Who likes Big Hair? I do!! Long Hair, Do Care!! I know what you mean, i've been using flexirods on my 5-day old flat ironed hair (which means it has gone through some reversion) and my hair is really Large. I like it. It's easier for me to just roll with big hair than keep working to get it straight. I perspire in my scalp. I live in Houston. Enough said. We don't have big hair down here for nothin'. :spinning:.

Sunbubbles, NOW Brand makes really good wheat germ oil. It costs more, but if you are sensitive to the taste/smell of Viobin, this may be your saving grace.
You'll get it, Puff...you'll get it...
:look: I am guilty of big hair and it has been an omen. I remember when I was little and see all the purty little girls with long hair. Well my hair was long but only when straightened. Otherwise I had really thick thick thick hair. Fat gargantuan ponytails. I used to be so mad at my mom when she put those ponies on my head. Honey, I wanted to wear my hair down. I am praying for length with this shake. I am still getting thickness so I will just have to appreciate what I have.