*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
Oh, Puff, I'm back on the wagon!!! I fell off last week, and I missed it sooo bad. I was like, needing my fix :look:. No, seriously. I felt something was sooo *off* with my week. As soon as I got my ingredients, I had a nightcap cocktail...didn't really sleep, :yawn: but that's okay. I feel so much better, so complete, and my focus is back. I was all over the place :spinning: last week, really.

I feel more like me, and my hair is much happier...it told me so.

That can NEVER happen again!!!

Hi everybody, just checking in. I haven't gotten caught up on the posts but I see I better hurry because the posts are piling up on me. Just wanted to give a shout out to all the new Egglettes. Thanks for taking this journey with us. I am happy with the health quality of my hair. Lenghtwise, it is coming along, but my hair is definatly healther, shiner and stronger. Welcome again.

Bronze, how's your drink going?
sunbubbles, there are probably lots of secret/closet Egglettes! :lachen: And welcome aboard, Blaque*Angel...I forgot to welcome you with all the excitement about someone else having the scalp pulsations.

Pookiwah, I can't speak for everyone else because I imagine the results are different for everybody. However, I started the cocktail on april 11th, so next week monday will make it one month for me. I think I started paying attention to the weird scalp feelings about 2 weeks in. It has been that way ever since and I am always doing the "itchy weave pat" even though I have none.

ladies, get your drink on!!!

i am going to make mine right now!

thank you for the welcome, yeah this thread is a sticky and has so many views, there certainly is loads of secret egglettes!!!

some have sent me pm's :sekret: :lol:
I luv u, Blaque*Angel....you're amazing...

I agree with the pulsing in the scalp, thingy, i've felt that. You have not missed since March?!?! You've got me beat. But that's okay, i'm on it...i'm in it to win it. And yes, my body missed the cocktail, I was absolutely run-down last week, and i just lately realized why...:nono:. Once you start, you just can't stop.

Aww luv u too bronze, because i am low carbing and cant be bothered with all the cooking in the morning, the shake is great for me :) especially when i have a busy day, as it keeps me full for up to three hours :)

you've been drinking the shake since november, so i'm yet to catch up to you!!

the scalp thing, i'm getting used to it now, it really used to bug me :giggle:

i don't think i can imagine life without my shake, it comes second nature now :yep: :rosebud:
OK, yesterday evening I saw myself on video from Christmas '07...and my hair was gorgeous! It was so heavy and full and bsl...I became very, very sad...it made me feel like my hair is just pitiful, I had to shake it off...

~ so now, I'm now looking forward - even more- to what the future holds for me and my hair. I just had to share that with my Sistas.

Aw,. it'll be what it used to be and much more. keep doing what your doing ((hugs))
Hey ladies, day 3 whoo hoo! :drunk:

I am experiencing - sorry for TMI in advance - very loose BMs and very very eggy farts, but that won't stop me. Today my mix was (changes in bold):

2 raw organic eggs
125ml (1/2 cup) rice milk
125ml (1/2 cup) apple juice
1 tbsp wheatgerm flakes
1 tbsp flaxseed
Generous handful of spinach
1 golden kiwi
1 tbsp wheatgerm oil

It was delicious! I left out my CHL as the tabs are pretty easy for me to take with other meals and it makes the shake a bit more grainy than I like. Adding another egg meant that there was more than enough for me to share with my Mommy who I've initiated too. I think I'll be an egglet that changes it up every day, no chance of boredom.

I also am considering adding a green tea supplement to my shakes in the morning - does anyone know if caffeine would disrupt the absorption of any of the cocktail's nutrients? If yes, I will reintroduce my CHL into the shake and take my GT later in the day so it doesn't have any obstructive effect.
Morning Ladies! I just got finished gulping my shake down! I had to swallow it QUICK cause my ride to work had come, but I was like "Im not missin my shake!!" lol
Can we please, pretty please have a part two thread?

Yes, I did have my shake today and my hair is thick, glossy and almost oily.
I had my shake for the first time this morning minus the wheat germ with a banana and oil from a vitamin e capsule for the heck of it. It was rough trying to get it all down I'm going to get some straws and see if that will help. I felt a little nauseated afterward but it's starting to pass. Does anyone ever feel like they have egg residue in the back of there throat after drinking? I keep feeling like a want to gag. Can use use toasted wheat germ? I thought I read that before in this thread.
Oh that strength test story was amazing. I am sooo glad that the shake is working for you. Keep on drinking.

Bronze, your hair is even going to be more amazing than Dec 07. I truly believe our hair is being nourished inside of the strand and being strengthened.

I'm drinking my shake now. Earlier this morning, I was in the bathroom and pulled out a few shedded hairs from the front of my braids that were sticking out. One strand was THICK and very dark. I wanted to see how easy it would snap. So, I tried to snap it, but the hair would NOT break. I wrapped it around my finger, pulled, nothing, wrapped it around again, and still nothing. I then started thinking maybe it was part of the synthetic hair, but it wasn't because it had the white bulb attached to one end. I was finally able to break it after using my nails to pull it.

There was another shed hair that was thinner than the previous one, again, it was very hard to break as well. To me, this is a sign that my hair is really gaining strength, because prior to this drink, my hair would have snapped as soon as I tried to pull even lightly.

And in regards to the scalp pulsating experience, I don't remember feeling my scalp do that, but I wouldn't mind. Maybe my follicles are communicating to me in other ways.
tallnomad i did something like that a few weeks ago too when I noticed a shed strand of hair. it did not break for nothing!

i missed my drink this morning but i will most definitely be getting it in at some point this evening. even if i have to make a mini mini cocktail...like just enough for a shot glass. it is that serious!

@kutie85--you can use toasted wheat germ... a few ladies had been using it initially, but most of us stick to the original recipe and use raw wheat germ. of course, raw is supposed to be better for you but if you prefer toasted then by all means, do you.

i'm not too sure about the nausea/egg residue feeling you are experiencing, but maybe it is coming from you not blending the drink long enough. i know most of the time i end up with little chunks of fruit from not blending long enough so i try to make sure i don't skimp on the blending time.

straws do help because i find with my frozen bananas it makes the drink thicker. but you can just add more water to thin it out if you prefer a thinner drink. maybe that will also help with the gag feeling.

sunbubbles, take that cup/glass with you next time! i don't see why you can't get your drink on when you're on the go!

pookiwah--the gas will pass (no pun intended) in a few weeks...just give your body time to adjust. i'm not sure about the caffeine and all the extra you are doing, but a lot of us did a lot of heavy experimenting with our own versions of the drink and concoctions. a few of us have reverted back to the original recipe because it really is best and you can't go wrong with it. i just take all my extra stuff separately.

i think it will be hard for all of us to catch up with Br*nze...cause she was the original egglette who decided to pass the knowledge on to us!
Br*nze...did we get an update on your nephew? I have been watching this thread and can't remember seeing one about him. I hope he is still doing ok.
Its day 6 for me, still gettin my shake on, inclusive of half my days dose of CHL. I've changed my mind about adding my GT supp to the shake, as I tried on my wedding gown this Fri and its bordering on loose now! Over the wknd people told me I look like I'm losing weight, and this AM I caught my mum examining my face but in a good way! I think I'm starting to manifest the results of an improved diet, and all the nutrients I'm absorbing from the shake. Thanks for your help ladies.
Morning Ladies! I missed my shake on sat and sun but I got it in today. I also bought some flaxseed oil pills and started taking them yesterday to replace the wheatgerm oil!
Welcome Egglette Kutie85 to our Nest!

Nope, never had the egg residue feeling, however, taking with a straw makes it much easier for me, otherwise, it's just too thick for me to get down easily.

I've used toasted wheat germ, however, the untoasted variety is more nutritious (sp?), but I used this for months before I purchased raw wheat germ, so I think you're okay.

I had my shake for the first time this morning minus the wheat germ with a banana and oil from a vitamin e capsule for the heck of it. It was rough trying to get it all down I'm going to get some straws and see if that will help. I felt a little nauseated afterward but it's starting to pass. Does anyone ever feel like they have egg residue in the back of there throat after drinking? I keep feeling like a want to gag. Can use use toasted wheat germ? I thought I read that before in this thread.
I used to add instant coffee to my shake, I'm not sure if that caffeine was a problem, but I definately did it for about a month or two, I still got great growth and awesome benefits.

Go Pookiwah, Go~

Hey ladies, day 3 whoo hoo! :drunk:

I am experiencing - sorry for TMI in advance - very loose BMs and very very eggy farts, but that won't stop me. Today my mix was (changes in bold):

2 raw organic eggs
125ml (1/2 cup) rice milk
125ml (1/2 cup) apple juice
1 tbsp wheatgerm flakes
1 tbsp flaxseed
Generous handful of spinach
1 golden kiwi
1 tbsp wheatgerm oil

It was delicious! I left out my CHL as the tabs are pretty easy for me to take with other meals and it makes the shake a bit more grainy than I like. Adding another egg meant that there was more than enough for me to share with my Mommy who I've initiated too. I think I'll be an egglet that changes it up every day, no chance of boredom.

I also am considering adding a green tea supplement to my shakes in the morning - does anyone know if caffeine would disrupt the absorption of any of the cocktail's nutrients? If yes, I will reintroduce my CHL into the shake and take my GT later in the day so it doesn't have any obstructive effect.
Thanks ShortyC~

Mark is doing well. He is becoming VERY alert. He is moving his limbs and having so many different facial expressions, it's awesome. He went to another hospital, just by God's grace, I asked a nurse for a recommendation, turns out it's one of the BEST places we could place him. He has come a long way, and things are looking great. Please continue to lift him up and our family. I have an aunt that was diagnosed with cancer over her heart, and another who was hospitalized for depression....

We are certainly going through, but God is leading us out. I've been really on the go and haven't been able to post as much. I go to the hospital almost daily. So please forgive me and help our sistas as much as possible.

Thanks for your love and support and keep it coming,

Br*nze...did we get an update on your nephew? I have been watching this thread and can't remember seeing one about him. I hope he is still doing ok.
Thanks ShortyC~

Mark is doing well. He is becoming VERY alert. He is moving his limbs and having so many different facial expressions, it's awesome. He went to another hospital, just by God's grace, I asked a nurse for a recommendation, turns out it's one of the BEST places we could place him. He has come a long way, and things are looking great. Please continue to lift him up and our family. I have an aunt that was diagnosed with cancer over her heart, and another who was hospitalized for depression....

We are certainly going through, but God is leading us out. I've been really on the go and haven't been able to post as much. I go to the hospital almost daily. So please forgive me and help our sistas as much as possible.

Thanks for your love and support and keep it coming,

This is wonderful news Bronze. I know how you feel becase we have had trials in my family too. About a month ago my mom's best friend died and just two weeks a go the same woman's daughter died at 49 years old. The daughter had complications with lupus. They left behind two girls ages in the twenties. I cannot help to think that it is a tradgey to have to bury your mother the day before Mother's Day, just awful. I hope and pray for their well being and know that God will pull them trhough.
This is hard, because we were all trying to be strong this Mother's Day with the loss of our Grandmother in February....

I pray for their strength, as well. And I pray for the strength of your family, too. They will, indeed, get through this.

This is wonderful news Bronze. I know how you feel becase we have had trials in my family too. About a month ago my mom's best friend died and just two weeks a go the same woman's daughter died at 49 years old. The daughter had complications with lupus. They left behind two girls ages in the twenties. I cannot help to think that it is a tradgey to have to bury your mother the day before Mother's Day, just awful. I hope and pray for their well being and know that God will pull them trhough.
I have to add that this cocktail has "cured" my PMS cramps. I did not need any advil, nor did I need my hot water bottle to ease my pain. I also had no nausea at all. I remembered it did the same when I started, but for some reason, I did not stick with it. I'm hoping that my relaxed hair grows as fast as my natural hair. One other unexpected benefit is I'm so energized!:yep:
Hi ladies, I haven't kept up with this thread, but I am on day two of the egg cocktail. Between this and weight watchers, I hope to have much success.

My recipe is simple:
2% milk
tablespoon wheatgerm oil
raw egg

Blend real well and drink. It's really not bad. Tomorrow I am adding soy protein to the mix.
OK today I went one step too far. I've been sharing my morning cocktails with my Mum, but only doubling up on the egg, so today I doubled up on all the ingredients so that we'd both be getting the right amounts of the original ingredients. (Mixing it up as usual), today my mix was:

2 raw organic eggs
250ml (1/2 cup) almond milk
250ml (1/2 cup) guava, apple and grape juice
1/2 daily dose of CHL (around 5g)
2 tbsp wheatgerm flakes
2 tbsp flaxseed
2 bulbs organic cooked beetroot
Splash of mangosteen juice
1 and 1/2 tbsp wheatgerm oil

Whoa! The shake turned out really thick, it was pretty yucky to get through the whole lot with the extra flax and wheatgerm in there. I won't be doubling up on all the ingredients again. On the upside, my skin is still improving, and I'm not as gassy now either. I'm looking forward to more benefits to come!
Yeah Jaded Faerie--it is pretty amazing. I feel like it's a definite part of my life now.

And, you'll most definitely have a summer spurt!

June 1st is a bit away. Sure you don't want to start before then? Or, perhaps you're still gathering research. Regardless, we'll be here to offer support whenever you begin.

This cocktail seems amazing. I would like to start this on the 1st of June w/CHL. Hopefully I'll have a great summer spurt
Small update on real egg vs powdered eggs.
No difference in hair so far.
Drink is more rich.
Didn't change taste of the drink.
I don't anticipate to be able to see the difference for at least a few more
weeks. This is week 3 I believe.
I will keep updating as we go through our journey.
Enjoy your shakes ladies.
Hey ladies, got my cocktail on. And yes, it is amazing. You know, i haven't cramped in months since i started the cocktail, i haven't put the two together until DD did, thanks, Chica.

My hair is quite large. That's all i'ma say.

Okay, and i'm getting A LOT of compliments.

I'm done.

Okay, one more - "it looks soo healthy and thick..." *as they touch the fluffy mass* Priceless.

I'm done. For real.