*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
we love you too br*nze....sending some extra love and support to you and your family during this difficult time. i had 3 cocktails yesterday and am having my first one for today right now.

off to watch the young and the restless now...
Much love to my Egglett sistas!
This thread is so blessed. It is nice that God has brought us together to reach some common goal. No matter what your goals are. God has a plan. To everything there is a season. God knows everything about us and his son Jesus Christ. Even though we don't know ourselfs during times of trouble sometimes his soul is enduring and he knows what is best for us. He passes that on to us in his love and each day that we wake up and are still on the face of the earth. This is until the day we find ourselfs crossing over in this world to his. This is what he wants for us. God heals the sick and leads the poor to prosperity. There is no other God like him this I know. Blessed is his name and may the Lord God bless you all, in all the days of your lives. Amen.


<< Ecclesiastes 3 >>
King James Bible
1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
9 What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth?
10 I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.
11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.
12 I know that there is no good in them, but for a man to rejoice, and to do good in his life.
13 And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labour, it is the gift of God.
14 I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him.
15 That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past.
16 And moreover I saw under the sun the place of judgment, that wickedness was there; and the place of righteousness, that iniquity was there.
17 I said in mine heart, God shall judge the righteous and the wicked: for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work.
18 I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts.
19 For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity.
20 All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again.

21 Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth?

22 Wherefore I perceive that there is nothing better, than that a man should rejoice in his own works; for that is his portion: for who shall bring him to see what shall be after him?

Hi Ladies,

Puffy, I just want to give you props on your hair girl, I am so proud of your growth, just keep on keeping on girl! As for me, I am blessed you all. I just lost my Grandfather this weekend, he was 91 and my grandmother in Dec. She was 92. I lost my aunt just before her and my uncle is in the hospital right now suffering from colon cancer and his prognosis is not good but that is ok because I know a healer, and his name is Jesus. The deaths have hit me hard because I am so far away from my family and I feel so helpless at times but God sustains and comforts me so I don't have to worry! I just give him praise for allowing my grandparents to have a long and wonderful life. I am almost 40 (in 2 yrs) and still had my grandparents around, I think that is wonderful.

Both of them passed away with no pain and no sickness, my grandmother passed out on the floor and my grandfather just passed away in the night. So I am sorry for such a long post but I just wanted to share with you all because I feel that the Holy Spirit abides here and I feel comfortable with you all. Thank you for listening and may God bless all of you and yours.

Oh, and my shake is a daily "requirement", got to have it!


Oh, HairHustla,

I know what it feels like for a Beloved Grandparent to go on to be with The Lord, My Mame' went home February 5, 2009. Her memorial service was on my anniversary, Valentine's Day. She had a wonderful celebration, it was simply beautiful. I was just thinking of her a few moments ago and how i felt privileged that her memorial service was on the day recognized by Love - The Best Thing She Gave all 200 of her grandchildren, 12 of her children and 130 great grandchildren...- And I feel honored, that I will always remember her when my DH and I reflect on our "Day of Love"

- God has truly blessed you just as he has blessed me and my family. Thanks for sharing, and yes, Holy Spirit resides in this place.

Blessings and {HUGS} to you and yours~

LoV~ As always, thank you for reaching out. Miss ya, girlie.
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Oh, Puffy,I needed that. Thank you so much for taking the time to post.

This is a thread like NO other. I thank each and every one of you (even the silent supporters) for being a part of it.

Be Blessed, All
Our meeting went well...off to find a therapeutic hospital....
I started with just egg whites---then 2 weeks later I switched to the entire egg. I've been using the entire egg since the middle of January.

:curtain: I'm just peaking in...I just have one question then I'll go back and read from the beginning.

Are you making your shakes with egg whites or the entire egg.

Is anyone concerned with salmonella exposure ?


Ur hair looks great--you are doing ur thing! *woot* I can't wait to see all of our hair after summer and at the end of the year!

I took wet hair pics (this is the way I see growth) and wet you can def see the change in thickness and length.

I'm glad I got over my fear and stereotype of the egg :lol: I see a total diff. in my hair in less than 6 months! :yep:

December 2008---before egg drink

April 2009--3 months of egg drink
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I started with just egg whites---then 2 weeks later I switched to the entire egg. I've been using the entire egg since the middle of January.


Ur hair looks great--you are doing ur thing! *woot* I can't wait to see all of our hair after summer and at the end of the year!

I took wet hair pics (this is the way I see growth) and wet you can def see the change in thickness and length.

I'm glad I got over my fear and stereotype of the egg :lol: I see a total diff. in my hair in less than 6 months! :yep: You can see the diff. better in my fotki.....


PS I don't know how to take pics at the same scale...

Sooo, I put a line horizontal across the longest part of my hair in both pics.

Now thatz what Im talkin bout'. I can't wait.
ayoung...girl you better work! look at your hair!!!!

Puffybrown I agree....everyone's hair is going to be BANANAS at the end of the year. I am anxious to see those pics.

Br*onze....would a Naturopath be able to help your nephew?
I just realized you posted an update. Girl your hair has GROWN! It looks so good. Healthy and thick. Your hair is encouragement for me that I can get my thickness back after wearing a wig for too long. I look forward to the next few months, watching my hair regain its true form.

I started with just egg whites---then 2 weeks later I switched to the entire egg. I've been using the entire egg since the middle of January.


Ur hair looks great--you are doing ur thing! *woot* I can't wait to see all of our hair after summer and at the end of the year!

I took wet hair pics (this is the way I see growth) and wet you can def see the change in thickness and length.

I'm glad I got over my fear and stereotype of the egg :lol: I see a total diff. in my hair in less than 6 months! :yep:

December 2008---before egg drink

April 2009--3 months of egg drink
Oh, Puffy,I needed that. Thank you so much for taking the time to post.

This is a thread like NO other. I thank each and every one of you (even the silent supporters) for being a part of it.

Be Blessed, All
Our meeting went well...off to find a therapeutic hospital....

I sooo agree, this is more like a theraputic/support/inspire thread. It is different than any other. Thank you Puffy, I wanna be like you when I grow up!!!!

Girl your hair is onfiya! Whoo that is some growth. I am looking forward to getting there right along with you girl..outstanding progress! :yep:
ayoung...girl you better work! look at your hair!!!!

Puffybrown I agree....everyone's hair is going to be BANANAS at the end of the year. I am anxious to see those pics.

Br*onze....would a Naturopath be able to help your nephew?

Shortycocoa girl you ain't said nothing but tha TRUTH!!!!:yep:
Oh DANG!!!!


Talk about progress!! Girl, that is Phenomenal!!!

I started with just egg whites---then 2 weeks later I switched to the entire egg. I've been using the entire egg since the middle of January.


Ur hair looks great--you are doing ur thing! *woot* I can't wait to see all of our hair after summer and at the end of the year!

I took wet hair pics (this is the way I see growth) and wet you can def see the change in thickness and length.

I'm glad I got over my fear and stereotype of the egg :lol: I see a total diff. in my hair in less than 6 months! :yep:

December 2008---before egg drink

April 2009--3 months of egg drink
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Ok Br*nze...definitely look into it and let us know how it goes. I wish I was already a Naturopath (that's one of the things I really want to do..I am looking into it now) and then I would try to help your nephew.

This past fall my bf went to the hospital due to meningitis. The doctors later told him he had diabetic neuropathy. He is improving more and more every day, and when he had his check up with the diabetes doctor this past february, the doctor told him that he could go off insulin. During that whole time I was doing everything natural that I could think of to help him. So now he has changed his whole position on my lifestyle, and now I find him really paying attention to some of the things I've told him before during our discussions about Big Pharma, the medical industry, FDA, etc. etc.
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Hey Ladies,

I had posted this in the CHL thread but you all have to see this too. Talk about inspiration!

By Ericka Blount Danois | Special to The Sun
Trainer, 71, is inspiration to clients


I am shocked and ashamed yall, this lady is 71 years old. I copied most of the article but it was long so I cut and paste the most important parts. You all, we have no darn excuse:

Shepherd hasn't always had a focus on fitness in her life. In fact, in her younger days she was a 'prissy' girl, with little athletic interests.

It wasn't until she turned 56 that she began to exercise with the aid of her sister.

They were both spurred on to join a gym after shopping for bathing suits and not liking what they saw in the mirror.

Day trained them both at a gym on U.S. 40 and remembers that Shepherd was in good shape, but had a lot of body fat and didn't know how to lift weights. Her sister, a year older, acclimated her body quickly to the routines.

Then one day in 1992, her sister came into the gym complaining of a ringing in her ears. 'A few days later, she passed away,' remembers Day. 'She had a brain aneurysm that burst in her head. They were really close, they did everything together.' 'When she died, I said I didn't want to do anything,' says Shepherd, a retired Baltimore schools secretary. 'A friend of mine said, 'You know your sister wouldn't want you to do that.' '

Day says that when she decided to come back to the gym, she came back with a new vigor and dedication. Before long, people would compliment her on how she looked. 'She was the most dedicated person I have ever trained,' says Day, who worked with her for 15 years.

Ok ladies...I've been up for a while but just haven't been hungry enough to have my shake yet. So I'm gonna go whip one up after this post. Plus, I think I forgot to take my MSM yesterday, so I wanted to get that in first today. I will probably double up since I missed it yesterday.

I just came back to reach out to tallnomad. I went to Sam's earlier this week, and I had been wanting to try these salmon burgers for a hot minute. I finally got a box and put some of them in the oven last night. I actually wanted a meal and not a coctail for dinner for a change. I ate it with some sauteed green beans. I liked them, and I know you are a salmon lover just like me so it might be worth a try if you don't know about it already. Here's the link for a visual.:


It's $11.83 for 1 box of 10 burgers, so that's not bad.

I tried these several years ago too and they are also :lick::


These are a little pricier ($14 and change I believe...but it's still pretty good. If I remember correctly, there's six in a package.)

and finally...when I first went vegetarian at the end of 2005 I was able to find a box of Boca veggie burgers there, so I got a box. Then a few weeks later when I went back to re-up...they didn't have anymore. I asked a cashier about it and she said they may have stopped ordering it because it didn't sell well there. I haven't been able to find it again at any Sam's I've been to, but if you have a Sam's near you it might be worth looking into. I don't remember quantity or price since it was a while back. But look what I just found...something told me to just do a search:

($9.82/16 ct. box...and you KNOW how much retailers charge for a 4 ct. box so this is good! Plus, I found a Sam's in my area that is listing it as an in-store item so that's even better!)

Ok ladies that's my contribution for the day...off to make my brunch cocktail. I will probably be heading out today to re-up on bananas, flaxseed oil and wheatgerm oil.

Have a most eggcellent day!
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shortycocoa, thanks for the tip about the salmon burgers. my parents have a sam's card, so next time i visit, i will most def check for those.

but, thanks to you, i went to trader joe's and picked up some salmon burgers! :lick:
I started with just egg whites---then 2 weeks later I switched to the entire egg. I've been using the entire egg since the middle of January.


Ur hair looks great--you are doing ur thing! *woot* I can't wait to see all of our hair after summer and at the end of the year!

I took wet hair pics (this is the way I see growth) and wet you can def see the change in thickness and length.

I'm glad I got over my fear and stereotype of the egg :lol: I see a total diff. in my hair in less than 6 months! :yep:

December 2008---before egg drink

April 2009--3 months of egg drink

Wow, AYoung, your picture is an inspiration! I ran out of eggs last night, but I'm definitely stopping by the store tonight. I haven't seen a dramatic difference like this, but I will if I'm consistent. Do you ladies think wheat germ oil is a major factor in growth? I don't add it to my shake.
This was so inspirational. This is a true testimony. Our bodies are so strong. Sometimes people just don't give themselves enough credit.

Hey Ladies,

I had posted this in the CHL thread but you all have to see this too. Talk about inspiration!

By Ericka Blount Danois | Special to The Sun
Trainer, 71, is inspiration to clients


I am shocked and ashamed yall, this lady is 71 years old. I copied most of the article but it was long so I cut and paste the most important parts. You all, we have no darn excuse:

Shepherd hasn't always had a focus on fitness in her life. In fact, in her younger days she was a 'prissy' girl, with little athletic interests.

It wasn't until she turned 56 that she began to exercise with the aid of her sister.

They were both spurred on to join a gym after shopping for bathing suits and not liking what they saw in the mirror.

Day trained them both at a gym on U.S. 40 and remembers that Shepherd was in good shape, but had a lot of body fat and didn't know how to lift weights. Her sister, a year older, acclimated her body quickly to the routines.

Then one day in 1992, her sister came into the gym complaining of a ringing in her ears. 'A few days later, she passed away,' remembers Day. 'She had a brain aneurysm that burst in her head. They were really close, they did everything together.' 'When she died, I said I didn't want to do anything,' says Shepherd, a retired Baltimore schools secretary. 'A friend of mine said, 'You know your sister wouldn't want you to do that.' '

Day says that when she decided to come back to the gym, she came back with a new vigor and dedication. Before long, people would compliment her on how she looked. 'She was the most dedicated person I have ever trained,' says Day, who worked with her for 15 years.

Yodie, I think wheat germ oil does help with growth, i think it helps retain it, and keep the hair from breaking as easily. It also aids with improving hair texture. I ran out yesterday, but i'm still having my cocktail. My order should be in tomorrow. i buy $15 32oz bottles of Viobin from iherb...that's the best price i've seen.

Yodie, I agree with Bronze. I cannot even express to you how soft and luscious my hair felt after I took it out of braids. My lightly press hair got frizzy, but still maintained the softness. I use both flaxseed meal and wheatgerm so both of them probably help, but I would not be without my wheatgerm oil at all.

If you get a sec, do a search for wheatgerm within this very thread and read the benefits of wheatgerm oil, or just do a google search. Wheatgerm is great for hair.

Edited to include wheat germ oil benefits for Yodie:

This is from MonaRae:

Wheat Germ is loaded with B vitamins and vitamin E. Both does wonders for your hair. So skipping it would decrease the benefits for your hair.

This is from a online post I found:

I take wheat germ oil capsules and yes, I keep them refrigerated.
I have indeed noticed an increase in stamina with my workouts since i began
taking them a couple of months ago. My hair seems shinier and healthier
and my skin fresher.

Some years ago I used the liquid, the taste can be hard to take, I wouldn't recommend
it with food. Otherwise, great stuff.

Wheat Germ Oil (Triticum vulgare)
* light weight
* rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, D and most importantly E
* nourishing to the skin
* also contains phosphorus, zinc, iron, sulphur, potassium, carotene and vegetable lecithin
* highly nutritive ingredient in skin care products
* soothes and nourishes irritated skin and may be helpful with eczema
* believed to promote skin elasticity, nourish skin cells, and prevent moisture loss resulting in smoother, younger looking skin. Mature skin, in particular, will benefit from wheat germ oil
* anti-oxidants improve the scalp’s ability to utilize oxygen, leaving the scalp healthy, decreasing thinning
* also softens hair* COM 5
* shelf life 1 yr; should be refrigerated

Wheat germ Oil
Contains: protein, minerals, vitamins E, A & D
Uses: dry cracked skin, eczema, psoriasis, prematurely aged skin, stretch-marks. Thick, sticky, some sources say anti-oxidant. Use a 10% dilution NOTE: often recommended as addition to other oils to increase stability and shelf life. HOWEVER, Sylla Sheppard- Hanger states that "if anything it oxidizes more readily than others. The vitamin E content is low and does not prevent it from oxidizing...if it has been used as an anti-oxidant and worked it is purely because the original wheat germ oil contained synthetic anti-oxidants commonly added at the source of production."

WARNING: Wheat Germ Oil can be very dangerous for a person with a severe wheat or gluten allergy. I recently received the following in my email, from a member of the Canadian Celiac Association " Just wanted to mention that wheat germ oil would be harmful to those people who have a wheat allergy, or gluten sensitivity, like Celiac Disease (CD), or the associated disease, Dermatitis Herpitiformus, (DH). Both Diseases are sensitive to the gluten in the wheat germ, and might inadvertently absorbed through the skin."

This amber oil has a nutty aroma and is extracted by pressing or solvent extraction from the wheat "germ." Wheat germ oil is very rich in lecithin, minerals, proteins, and vitamins A, D, and E. This oil is especially high in vitamin E, an antioxidant long used to help skin tissue rejuvenate itself.

Wheat germ oil stimulates tissue regeneration to minimize wrinkling, scarring, and stretch marks. Good for aging skin, promotes skin cell formation, improves blood circulation, softens and rejuvenates the skin, speeds up healing of cuts and wounds. Also good for psoriasis and eczema.
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shortycocoa, thanks for the tip about the salmon burgers. my parents have a sam's card, so next time i visit, i will most def check for those.

but, thanks to you, i went to trader joe's and picked up some salmon burgers! :lick:

glad to hear it, tallnomad! weren't they just scrumptiously delicious? And only 130 calories/patty. I had some with greenbeans and sliced fresh pineapple for lunch today, and a cocktail for dinner. Got hungry for my cocktail around 9:00 or so I believe, so I went to whip one up. I am still pretty full right now.

I will definitely be going to get more salmon burgers from Sam's the next time I am out. Maybe tomorrow. I got lazy and didn't get the other stuff from the store today, so I'll do it tomorrow while bf is at work.
Hello All, :yep:
I'm new to this site but love it ! I'm really curious about this shake. How many times a day should you drink it? I 'm trying to grow my hair back ,it broke off and seems to be shedding a long .So it went from being think and healthy to breaking and shedding . I'm not sure why either but I suspect stress (economic kind)

Thanks for you help on this
Welcome Beachlover to our Nest! You are our latest Egglette and you'll love being on this cocktail :yep:.

Also, welcome to LHCF...I have my cocktail once, in the morning. There are a few, like Shortycocoa that takes it a few times a day. Others may have it as a nightcap, as well.

There's some awesome sistas here who will help you in any way they can.

Happy Waistlength Hair Growing!!

I hope I don't have a setback, y'all. I over-proteined my hair, it became really tangly, and I don't think i moisturized enough before detangling...it was a mess. My hair is not looking/feeling right, but, I didn't see that much hair coming out, (it was more than i've had in months and months, though)...say a prayer for me....

Hello All, :yep:
I'm new to this site but love it ! I'm really curious about this shake. How many times a day should you drink it? I 'm trying to grow my hair back ,it broke off and seems to be shedding a long .So it went from being think and healthy to breaking and shedding . I'm not sure why either but I suspect stress (economic kind)

Thanks for you help on this
How do I resize my pics so that I can post my growth results? The attachement manager indicate that my pics are too large and they need to be 620 x 280. When I change the attribute, you loose the picture.
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Welcome Beachlover! That's a great name. Once summer comes, I'm going to be at the beach all day.

Bronze, praying for your hair. I'm sure that it is fine. Maybe try some castor oil or a good thick leave-in-conditioner?

I am a bit scared of protein as it is so drying. I think because we're doing these protein shakes internally, they supercede the external protein used for our hair.

Please keep us posted on your hair. We are all praying for your nephew and your hair. Just baby it and let it rest. Not sure how often you comb, but you might want to just fingercomb it for the next few days until it get backs the way you feel comfortable. Hugs to you!
welcome aboard, Beachlover. I'm sure you will find that the egg cocktail is great! Like Br*nze said, some of us have it more than once a day. One day this week I had 3 cocktails. I didn't eat anything else that day, nor did I need to. I might fall back for a little bit because I have a lot of fresh produce I need to use up before it goes bad...so I'm thinking just one or two cocktails and then a raw/veggie/pesco meal until it's all gone.

Br*nze...so sorry to hear about your hair. But I'm sure you will bounce back with no problems. Just give it extra tlc like tallnomad said and finger comb and re-up on the moisture.
I have never added it to my drink but still have had pretty good results. I'm straight egg and milk (and flaxseed oil when I remember)

Wow, AYoung, your picture is an inspiration! I ran out of eggs last night, but I'm definitely stopping by the store tonight. I haven't seen a dramatic difference like this, but I will if I'm consistent. Do you ladies think wheat germ oil is a major factor in growth? I don't add it to my shake.
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