*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
Quoting myself lol

Ok, here are the dry pics....I'm happy I guess...but I was hoping for more retention. Not really a diff in length :ohwell: but as far as overall health of my hair--there is a change
April 2009

Feb 2009

Im gonna stick with the drink b/c my body likes it and keep tip-toeing towards my goals....slowly but surely I'm getting there......


Your hair has a beautiful luster to it, it looks gorgeous to me!
AYoung, I def can tell a difference in your hair, it looks even healthier...beautiful luster and man, you are thick to the ends! And in only two months!! Get outta here, you definitely have growth! Looks great, hang in there, more length will definitely come.

Sunflower, glad you checked-in, things going well, I see. Glowing skin and I know your hair will show it, too.

I did it! I got my cocktail on!!! My hair was like, "YES!!!"
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Your hair IS longer you may not see it but it IS longer and it is so beautiful and shiny very healthy looking

You are doing great
Hello Ladies! I am a longtime lurker (5-6 years off and on) and I just officially became a paid member last night. So now I get to see what I've been restricted to for so long. I saw this thread back when it was first started and I began reading it, then got sidetracked and overwhelmed all at once when I saw it had reached the 60 plus pages...then even more so when I saw it was gaining on 300! But earlier this month I got some discipline from somewhere and told myself I was gonna get through it...from the top! Whew! That was some reading. I actually got antsy while reading the thread (because initially I told myself I wasn't gonna start the cocktail until I was completely through) but then I couldn't put it off any longer. I started the cocktail on 04.11.09 so it has been a week. I had gotten the book when the thread was first created, and then later on I bought Dale's book. I did miss the boat on the super cheap pricing, but it was still a decent price and not ridiculously marked up. Still waiting to get it in the mail, though.

Anyways, I like the drink and all i can say is :lick::drunk::spinning::grin::yep:. I don't want to beat a dead horse, but the benefits are the truth!!!!!

I didn't actually take a picture of my hair until I was 4 days in, but that's okay! I started out with one egg, then I bumped it to two eggs. one day I even used three eggs but that was only because I was trying to use up the carton because we had it for a while. Then I moved to drinking 2 shakes a day. I was only able to get in one yesterday though, but I'm glad i got it in. I went to the store last night to get a few more cartons of eggs and more bananas and other fruit. I even had a coupon for a free carton of eggs and I came across it in the nick of time because it was going to expire today.

Thanks Br*nze and the other ladies for this wonderful wealth of information...I hope that you are all prosperous in your journey to healthy hair, mind, body and soul!
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Quoting myself lol

Ok, here are the dry pics....I'm happy I guess...but I was hoping for more retention. Not really a diff in length :ohwell: but as far as overall health of my hair--there is a change
April 2009

Feb 2009

Im gonna stick with the drink b/c my body likes it and keep tip-toeing towards my goals....slowly but surely I'm getting there......


Your hair is definately longer. Great job! :yep:

Hello Ladies! I am a longtime lurker (5-6 years off and on) and I just officially became a paid member last night. So now I get to see what I've been restricted to for so long. I saw this thread back when it was first started and I began reading it, then got sidetracked and overwhelmed all at once when I saw it had reached the 60 plus pages...then even more so when I saw it was gaining on 300! But earlier this month I got some discipline from somewhere and told myself I was gonna get through it...from the top! Whew! That was some reading. I actually got antsy while reading the thread (because initially I told myself I wasn't gonna start the cocktail until I was completely through) but then I couldn't put it off any longer. I started the cocktail on 04.11.09 so it has been a week. I had gotten the book when the thread was first created, and then later on I bought Dale's book. I did miss the boat on the super cheap pricing, but it was still a decent price and not ridiculously marked up. Still waiting to get it in the mail, though.

Anyways, I like the drink and all i can say is :lick::drunk::spinning::grin::yep:. I don't want to beat a dead horse, but the benefits are the truth!!!!!

Welcome, to the thread and to LCHF! I have been on this shake since this past October and I tell ya, I wish I would have been drinking this shake since I joined the forum. Needless to say, God has a plan for all of us. Welcome again.
Happy Monday ladies.

Shortycocoa--WELCOME! I enjoyed reading your post. Looking forward to reading more. Wow, 3 cocktails sometimes? :blush: Maybe I can up that for the summer. It was 90 degrees here yesterday and supposed to be 94 today, so when it's too hot, I don't want to eat much and increasing my intake of the shakes might be perfect to ease me through summer and keep me cool.
Shortycocoa~ Welcome New Egglette!! Glad you are enjoying the journey. You are most welcome to our Nest.

Thanks for your support and your post was dead-on. Please let us know of your progress. So happy to have you aboard! Prosperous blessings to you, too, Chica!
Thanks for the warm welcome, ladies. @ puffybrown...I too wish I was
on it since October but you know how that goes. And you're right,
everything does happen for a reason and if we were supposed to be on
it in October then we would have been. But like I always say to my
boyfriend, it is of no consequence now because we are all doing great
things for ourselves and our bodies with this drink!
@tallnomad...I haven't worked up to 3 a day yet but I was thinking
about it last night. I did put 3 eggs in one cocktail though...just
didn't want the eggs to go bad so I was trying to use them quickly.
It might be hard for me to do 3 but it is a challenge that I accept.
Right now I am pretty satiated with 2 cocktails and I usually eat a
raw, mostly raw or veggie/vegan meal in between cocktails. It just
depends on when I have my drink. I definitely try to get one in as
soon as I wake up. I missed my first cocktail saturday morning
because I just didn't plan well that day. But I made sure to have
one Saturday night when I got back from the grocery store to restock

But tallnomad, I know what you mean about not wanting to eat much in
the blistering heat. Try one cocktail in the am, and then another
for lunch and then maybe a light raw meal in the evening. It can be
anything you want. That might keep you light on your feet and your
digestive system running smoothly. Another thing you can do to
stay cool is to eat some frozen grapes or a chilled fruit salad for
one of your meals. It is very refreshing.
@Br*nze...the nighttime cocktail wouldn't hurt. Sometimes I have one if I drink my first cocktail in the a.m. and then eat a meal during the day. It keeps me from snacking all night. I found that when I take 2 cocktails (one for breakfast and lunch) and then a meal at dinner I am more apt to snack at night. I try to make it a raw snack but sometimes those chips and other things are calling me and I just have to answer. I am getting better at it though. Last night (or should I say early this morning) I had a bowl of granola with soymilk. I don't know if it would keep you up all night (it usually does for me but I am a night owl anyway) but you are a teacher and need your rest for your students, correct? The upside to it is that It staves off hunger well into the next day. Yesterday I didn't have my first cocktail until around 2:30, and I wasn't even hungry then but I had it just because I felt like I should have something in my

I am giving myself a manicure now ladies. My nails grow pretty fast because of the mostly raw foods I eat, but I had started taking liquid chlorophyll and using green powder in some of my smoothies 2 weeks before starting the cocktail. Then when I started the cocktail, my nails started growing even faster. I could also feel that they were stronger and sturdier. It took me three tries with the nail clipper on some of my nails before they would actually go through the nail. I had to cut them down
because I couldn't type as fast and they were slowing me down. But I know they will be back soon! Plus, I finger comb my hair and I am always paranoid about what the nails might really be doing to my hair. So I always try to use the pads of my fingers when my nails are really long, but when they are filed down to my fingertips I
don't worry about it much.
Shortycocoa, thanks for the tips. I really wanna have a nightcap, but i usually munch alot and i don't want to overdo it. If I ate correctly, this would be a great thing, bcs I know drinking this at night would lead to me dropping excess pounds. I may plan for this.

Yes, my nails are growing phenomenally fast. I hate that, bcs my mani/pedis do not last for nothing. Nada.
Shortycocoa, thanks for the tips. I really wanna have a nightcap, but i usually munch alot and i don't want to overdo it. If I ate correctly, this would be a great thing, bcs I know drinking this at night would lead to me dropping excess pounds. I may plan for this.

Yes, my nails are growing phenomenally fast. I hate that, bcs my mani/pedis do not last for nothing. Nada.

Hi Ladies,

I am thinking about adding the shake for evenings too. I am an off and on grazer at night but I have found for the last week or so that when I eat kind of heavy for my last meal, that seems to hold me somewhat...oh and I sometimes have to get me a hot cup of nettle tea or any other kind of tea as long as it is before 6 or 7 so that I can sleep at night. So I am with you ladies on the night snacking thang!
In regards to the thirst issue, it is hard for me to not drink
anything for the 2 hours. I try to stick to the rule, but sometimes
I find I have to drink water. Other times, I can wait it out and
I'll just chew a piece of gum. However, I am trying to kick my
chewing gum habit but it isn't easy. One thing I did find was the
thread about gum alternatives in the natural living thread, so I read
through that. I am finding that I am slowly not liking the taste of
gum. I'll chew it for a few minutes, spit it out and my throat is
still dry. I did see something in Sports Authority this past
saturday called Quench chewing gum. It's for athletes and active
people and it is supposed to satisfy your thirst. I didn't get to
investigate it further because we were pressed for time, but I did
try to do a search online later this past weekend to get more info
about it. So that might be another alternative for us, ladies!

Br*nze...do you do your own mani/pedis or do you go to a salon? I usually do my own but last spring/summer I went to a salon a few times just for a pedi (I did do a mani/pedi but the mani seemed to not be worth the money and I felt I did a better job) and then I had to let that go for a while. I was thinking about going to get a pedi today or I might just suck it up and do it now. My nails are back down the way I like them...yay! If you do it yourself, think of it this way...the average price of a mani and pedi together can be anywhere from 36-50 dollars...and that's $$$ you could use to buy more eggs/ingredients for your cocktail. But you can always get mani/pedi supplies from a dollar store or other cheap department store and hook your nails up something serious yourself for less money...and isn't that always great?

The food bill is also less. Are you ladies spending less on groceries or is it about the same?
I also wanted to add that I noticed a lot of you are using that Bob's
red mill raw wheat germ...I had some of that in my refrigerator left
over from cooking before I knew about the cocktail. When I was going
to order all the supplies, I was going to go with iherb.com but then
I saw a health food store while I was out running errands and decided
to see what their prices were like. I ended up buying in store (plus
I was really anxious to get started and didn't want to wait for
ingredients to be shipped) which was Good Nutrition. I got 4 bags of
wheat germ from them @ $1.29 each. I don't know if that was a
special sale they had at the time or if that is an every day price; I
didn't think to ask the associate who helped me. But I did ask her if
it was raw wheat germ and she said it was. It was in the
refrigerated section of the store, so that was definitely a good
look. I am using the Now brand of wheat germ oil, which I also
bought from there. I know from lurking experience I can't just come without
pictures or visuals, so here is what it looks like for those of you who don't already


It is pretty good to me, so some of you that
voiced your issues with other brands not tasting good, you can try
that one. It was $10.99 for a 16 oz. bottle so I got the last two on
the shelf. I am thinking of re-upping on a a bottle of wheat germ
oil now because I feel the bottle in the fridge getting light and I
don't want to run the risk of running out, even though I have another
unopened bottle. Don't want to get slack and miss a cocktail!
tallnomad....here is my recipe contribution to you girlie for a nice,
refreshing summertime soup. it's from Suzanne Havala, M.S., R.D.'s
book, Vegetarian Cooking for Dummies.
I bought it back in 2005 when i decided to go vegetarian. This is
what it looks like:


I tried it as a soup a few times, because I don't like cantaloupe
plain but blended this way I love it! You can also drink it as a
smoothie. It's delish that way. I also had a bunch of cantaloupe to
use up when I started the cocktail so my fruit was 1 banana and a few
spoonfuls of sliced cantaloupe, along with the other ingredients.
yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy in my tummy is all i can say.
here it is:

prep time: 10 minutes (plus time to chill)
yield: 4 servings
1 medium cantaloupe, peeled and cut into chunks
1 cup orange juice
juice from 2 fresh lemon or lime (about 2 tablespoons)
1 tablespoon honey
1 cup nonfat yogurt (vegans can substitute 1 medium ripe banana)
fresh mint leaves

1. combine the cantaloupe, orange juice, lemon or lime juice, honey
and yogurt in a blender or food processor and puree until smooth.
2. refrigerate until the soup is very cold--at least 1 hour. Serve
in glass bowls or cups, if available, and garnish with mint leaves.
vary it! if you love the aroma and flavor of fresh mint with melon,
tear a mint leaf into tiny pieces and add it to the blender with the
other ingredients. As the soup chills, the mint wil blend with the
other flavors.

per serving: calories 128 (from fat 9g); fat 1g (saturated 0g);
cholesterol 1 mg; sodium 60 mg; carbohydrate 28g (dietary fiber 1g);
protein 5g.

I tried it with yogurt the first time ever and then I wanted to keep
it as raw as possible so then I ditched the yogurt and used banana
instead. I also juiced my own oranges, which is about 3 oranges if
you wanna do the same. If you are against honey, you can use another
sweetener of your choice. Agave is good too. I like to blend the
mint in the drink and then you get a refreshing drink and minty fresh
breath too. can't beat that!
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Well, Mama, I wish i could say i'm a diy-er, but i get acrylic overlays, so i'm in the salon every two weeks, looks like every week. I'm at three weeks and my nails are hideous. I hide them from even myself. I only get overlays bcs the polish lasts longer. I lUVE nail polish and i hate that regular mani/pedis do not last long, okay, like, a *day*, so that's a no go. I used to hook myself up, and i definitely saved $$, but i just hate chipped nails. And i don't have time to re-do twice a week and such. Man, my supplement stash would be HUGE with the duckies i spend on mani/pedis....

I get thirsty, too, and guess what? I drink water. I hate to. I feel like i'll dehydrate and whither (sp) away...when i can hold out, i do, but more often than not, i can't.

In regards to the thirst issue, it is hard for me to not drink
anything for the 2 hours. I try to stick to the rule, but sometimes
I find I have to drink water. Other times, I can wait it out and
I'll just chew a piece of gum. However, I am trying to kick my
chewing gum habit but it isn't easy. One thing I did find was the
thread about gum alternatives in the natural living thread, so I read
through that. I am finding that I am slowly not liking the taste of
gum. I'll chew it for a few minutes, spit it out and my throat is
still dry. I did see something in Sports Authority this past
saturday called Quench chewing gum. It's for athletes and active
people and it is supposed to satisfy your thirst. I didn't get to
investigate it further because we were pressed for time, but I did
try to do a search online later this past weekend to get more info
about it. So that might be another alternative for us, ladies!

Br*nze...do you do your own mani/pedis or do you go to a salon? I usually do my own but last spring/summer I went to a salon a few times just for a pedi (I did do a mani/pedi but the mani seemed to not be worth the money and I felt I did a better job) and then I had to let that go for a while. I was thinking about going to get a pedi today or I might just suck it up and do it now. My nails are back down the way I like them...yay! If you do it yourself, think of it this way...the average price of a mani and pedi together can be anywhere from 36-50 dollars...and that's $$$ you could use to buy more eggs/ingredients for your cocktail. But you can always get mani/pedi supplies from a dollar store or other cheap department store and hook your nails up something serious yourself for less money...and isn't that always great?

The food bill is also less. Are you ladies spending less on groceries or is it about the same?
Shortycocoa, girl you read my mind! Just yesterday I was wishing I had a recipe for a summer soup. Thank you! I used to do raw and still try to incorporate a lot of raw entrees into my diet as often as possible. I have Alicia Cohen's book, so I think she has some good summer soup recipes too. Once I make it, I'll let you know my thoughts! :grin:

tallnomad....here is my recipe contribution to you girlie for a nice,
refreshing summertime soup. it's from Suzanne Havala, M.S., R.D.'s
book, Vegetarian Cooking for Dummies.
I bought it back in 2005 when i decided to go vegetarian. This is
what it looks like:


I tried it as a soup a few times, because I don't like cantaloupe
plain but blended this way I love it! You can also drink it as a
smoothie. It's delish that way. I also had a bunch of cantaloupe to
use up when I started the cocktail so my fruit was 1 banana and a few
spoonfuls of sliced cantaloupe, along with the other ingredients.
yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy in my tummy is all i can say.
here it is:

prep time: 10 minutes (plus time to chill)
yield: 4 servings
1 medium cantaloupe, peeled and cut into chunks
1 cup orange juice
juice from 2 fresh lemon or lime (about 2 tablespoons)
1 tablespoon honey
1 cup nonfat yogurt (vegans can substitute 1 medium ripe banana)
fresh mint leaves

1. combine the cantaloupe, orange juice, lemon or lime juice, honey
and yogurt in a blender or food processor and puree until smooth.
2. refrigerate until the soup is very cold--at least 1 hour. Serve
in glass bowls or cups, if available, and garnish with mint leaves.
vary it! if you love the aroma and flavor of fresh mint with melon,
tear a mint leaf into tiny pieces and add it to the blender with the
other ingredients. As the soup chills, the mint wil blend with the
other flavors.

per serving: calories 128 (from fat 9g); fat 1g (saturated 0g);
cholesterol 1 mg; sodium 60 mg; carbohydrate 28g (dietary fiber 1g);
protein 5g.

I tried it with yogurt the first time ever and then I wanted to keep
it as raw as possible so then I ditched the yogurt and used banana
instead. I also juiced my own oranges, which is about 3 oranges if
you wanna do the same. If you are against honey, you can use another
sweetener of your choice. Agave is good too. I like to blend the
mint in the drink and then you get a refreshing drink and minty fresh
breath too. can't beat that!
Bronze, I know that you've trimmed your hair recently. I'm starting to think maybe my hair hasn't retained as much length because I haven't gotten a trim in over two years. I think Hairhustla started a thread about trimming and I read a post from someone who said that trimming has nothing to do with growth, but has everything to do with retention of growth.

Do you ladies agree? Bronze, have you noticed more retention with your trims? Hairhustla, have you noticed anything regarding trimming of your hair?

I'm afraid that when I take these braids out, I might have to get a hair cut instead of a trim because it's been so long since my ends were clipped.

My hair was super beyond soft when I got it pressed the other day. I was in disbelief. :spinning: So, I know that it's this cocktail and it seems like it's infusing my strands. I'm hoping with the increased growth that I seem to be getting, that it outweighs the possible split ends I may have. My ends looked fairly healthy do me, so maybe my hair just grew slower than normal, but I'm really thinking the reason why it was significantly shorter than I expected is because it's gone so long without a trim, not even a dusting.
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Oh, you're most welcome, tallnomad! I hope you like the recipe. The first time I made it I used the food processor and i was like :lick:. Then when I had a chance to get another cantaloupe I tried it in the blender as a smoothie instead and it was still :lick:. So it really is going to boil down to preference with which appliance you want to use.

I have Alissa's book too, I got it when I decided to go raw in 2007. Right now I still incorporate mostly raw meals and i do eat some seafood every now and then. I want to try the watermelon soup. Have you done that one yet?
I knew I spelled her name incorrectly--Alissa . . .

Your diet sounds fab. I'm vegetarian or pescetarian (sp) I guess you could say. I love salmon and tuna.

I have a food processor and blender, so I'll try the recipe in both. I'm not a huge cantaloupe fan either, but because it will be blended, the taste might be better.

No, I haven't tried the watermelon soup. I've only made the pastas from her book and those came out really well. I look forward to more "raw" convos with you because this will inspire me to do a lot of raw this summer!

Oh, you're most welcome, tallnomad! I hope you like the recipe. The first time I made it I used the food processor and i was like :lick:. Then when I had a chance to get another cantaloupe I tried it in the blender as a smoothie instead and it was still :lick:. So it really is going to boil down to preference with which appliance you want to use.

I have Alissa's book too, I got it when I decided to go raw in 2007. Right now I still incorporate mostly raw meals and i do eat some seafood every now and then. I want to try the watermelon soup. Have you done that one yet?
Tallnomad, I think trimming is important, and I understand why many don't. I probably wouldn't do it if i didn't wear my hair out as much as i do. Some of my ends look perfect. Then there are others that look as though they obviously need a dusting. I'm trying to work the 'hole' out of the middle of my hair, so i'm trimming as i go, now if i didn't, i'd be very very very close to waistlength this year....but, i want to get there and stay there, so i'm just doing a little at a time.

I really don't think you'll have to 'cut' your hair. I think your hair just may be getting bigger before it gets even longer. I wouldn't sweat it, because when your hair does lengthen, it'll make up for lost time. Don't be eager to cut. If your ends look good, by all means keep them. If you need to dust, then do that, but don't cut what isn't necessary. Lavendar and a lot of the ladies told me here to let my hair do its thing, i suggest the same to you. Leave it alone, dust it, and watch it happen. The length WILL come.
Welcome shortycocoa,
Always happy to have more Egglettes!

Wow! Former Rawbie here, and yes, Alissa Cohen's book is all that. I really wish I didn't love coooked so much. Winter is tough for me, then it's hard to get back to raw in the Spring...but I digress.

Br*nze--If you decide to try your own manis again, try using the top coat from a company called Sech Vite. (You can purchase this at Sally Beauty Supply). They may last a little longer.
Thanks Bronze! I definitely feel encouraged by not having to do a cut. I think you're really right about leaving it alone and letting it do its thing! As always, I appreciate your insight!

Tallnomad, I think trimming is important, and I understand why many don't. I probably wouldn't do it if i didn't wear my hair out as much as i do. Some of my ends look perfect. Then there are others that look as though they obviously need a dusting. I'm trying to work the 'hole' out of the middle of my hair, so i'm trimming as i go, now if i didn't, i'd be very very very close to waistlength this year....but, i want to get there and stay there, so i'm just doing a little at a time.

I really don't think you'll have to 'cut' your hair. I think your hair just may be getting bigger before it gets even longer. I wouldn't sweat it, because when your hair does lengthen, it'll make up for lost time. Don't be eager to cut. If your ends look good, by all means keep them. If you need to dust, then do that, but don't cut what isn't necessary. Lavendar and a lot of the ladies told me here to let my hair do its thing, i suggest the same to you. Leave it alone, dust it, and watch it happen. The length WILL come.
Your diet sounds fab. I'm vegetarian or pescetarian (sp) I guess you could say. I love salmon and tuna. girl me too! I am actually craving some right now! I bought some salmon burgers from Sam's earlier today while I was out. I was recently trying to transition back to all raw, but I think this is more me also. I told my bf that Saturday (probably for like the fiftyleventh time) and he was like, "duh!" :wallbash:
so now I'm just trying to go with whatever my body wants out of those categories of vegetarian, raw, vegan and pescatarian.

I have a food processor and blender, so I'll try the recipe in both. I'm not a huge cantaloupe fan either, but because it will be blended, the taste might be better. I think I developed an aversion to cantaloupe because my mother would feed it to us so much as a child. It seemed as if that was the most economical fruit or something, because we ate it like it was going out of style. But I have learned that most times if I don't like a particular food, it's best to try it in a different texture before I write it off completely. I'm glad I did, because it's great with this recipe, and some cantaloupe and banana in the egg cocktail is mmm mmmm good!

No, I haven't tried the watermelon soup. I've only made the pastas from her book and those came out really well. I look forward to more "raw" convos with you because this will inspire me to do a lot of raw this summer!

I've tried some pasta dishes off and on but I just can't get my spiral slicer to make really long "noodles." I guess practice makes perfect. pasta was something that was really hard for me to give up when I first started eating raw. I still have a love affair with it every now and then...my bf took me out to this seafood restaurant Saturday and I didn't even get any seafood! When I realized this and told him, he was also surprised. I ordered a vegetarian pasta dish. It was ok. He ate it the next day, and I wasn't even upset.
I was cracking up about your post--your boyfriend getting frustrated with you about salmon. I get on everyone's nerves with my salmon fetish. It went from them saying: "well, that restaurant doesn't have a lot of vegetarian stuff" to "they don't got no salmon there."

I think most vegetarians are extremely flexible, so I can always find something decent to eat when out.

It took me a minute to get the spiral slicer down, but I'm pretty good with making the noodles. Zuchininis work really well. You can adjust the little latch and get thin or thicker noodles.

Running out, but getting to my shake early this afternoon!

I've tried some pasta dishes off and on but I just can't get my spiral slicer to make really long "noodles." I guess practice makes perfect. pasta was something that was really hard for me to give up when I first started eating raw. I still have a love affair with it every now and then...my bf took me out to this seafood restaurant Saturday and I didn't even get any seafood! When I realized this and told him, he was also surprised. I ordered a vegetarian pasta dish. It was ok. He ate it the next day, and I wasn't even upset.
Hello Ladies,

This is my progress picture. I am showing growth in my hair. I am overall pleased with the progress. Point of reference is the panthers chin. :> It thinned from wearing wigs. (Never again). I started using MT again. We will see. I only use heat 1x per month if that, so hopefully it will grow during the summer months.

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