*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
Hi Ladies,

I just wanted to send some love your way! I have not been able to post as much these days but you all are still on my mind and in my prayers. I am so happy to hear about your nephew! Puffy, I am glad you are back on track for real! As for me, I have been slacking just slightly on the shake because I am still having weight loss issues and sometimes just a tad bit lazy but I find that when I don't do the shake I really do miss it, it has become part of my morning routine and a good way to get in chlorella and spirulina without a bunch of tablets so I am soldiering on with it! I think my weight loss issues have stabilized now so I can go back full force. I did have to modify a few things in the shake, I now only use either flax seed or wheat germ and not both as well as cut back the amount of fruit and took out the protein powder.

So now I am hoping things will start looking up. As for hair growth, it is hard for me to tell because I am natural and I have so much shrinkage but I asked my daughter to see if my hair looked shorter, she said no way...it looks waaay thicker mom, so that made me feel really good. My daughter is not one to butter me up, she is one of those who is straight up so I trust her analysis! The shake must be working big time! Anyway, I didn't mean to ramble on, just wanted to say hello and update you all on my little story! You all continue to be blessed and Glory be to God the most High! :yep:


The reason I asked my daughter if my hair looked shorter is that something definitely has changed about my hair, I mentioned this in a previous post but I really do feel like my hair has gotten so thick that I can't see any change in length at all, it looks so bushy and certain parts look like they are in a foot race and leaving behind other parts so SOMETHING is really going on with my hair and I am excited!
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I know the feeling. I have been using senna for a long time. The secret is not to let it steep too long. The longer you leave the bag in the water, the stronger it becomes. Trust me girl, I know :lachen:

GURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRL be careful with that senna! Somebody recommended that I drink "smooth move" whose active ingredient is senna. Well when I went to the health food store and saw senna, I decided just to use that. MAN my stomach hurt SO BAD!!! It was SEVERE cramping that kept waking me up out of my sleep and then it hurt so bad that it hurt when I walked. Having said that, I would recommend that you don't drink straight senna. JMO But what is CLA?

Thanks ladyofvirtue and bronze for updating me regarding your progress!
Happy Good Friday to all of The Egglettes~

Expect Miracles and The Resurrection of things that were dead in your life

Blessings to each and every one of you!!!!

Gonna have my cocktail, now~
Hello all,

I was on the "chicken bandwagon" with you guys, going strong too, but then I cut my hair . . . . . . . . . I do like it though, got an inverted bob
The drink was delicious but the eggs always ran right through me, I was thinking of starting back with just the egg whites? uncooked eggs are just not good for my stomach or colon. . . .

anyway been going through alot with the family and the air force, (dont join the military!)
My husband just had a congressional inquiery opened up for the second time in less than a year on two different bases!
two different congressmen!

for legit reasons ranging from all kinds of professional,racial,class descrimnation, but also outright lies and illegal activity (military illegal) and that is just from the base that we left, not to mention where we are now the commander that tried to get my husband and article 15(for asking a question) ended up getting one himself because of gambling.

I'm so tired of this.
Sho iz Pretty--I hope everything works out for you and your husband!

Drinking mine now and so is my dad! I don't think he's on a quest for longer hair, however, but I think he likes that this is a meal replacement.

He visited me for a few days and then I decided to drive him back home so I could visit with both him and my mom. Well, every single day he has been having the shake with me and just this morning, he helped me make it. :grin:

The first day he had it, he said it kept him full the entire day. I've been adding two eggs since it's the two of us drinking it. We both drove for 4 hours without stopping to get anything to eat or even feeling hungry at all.

When we first got back home from the drive, he gave me money and sent me out to Whole Foods to get the ingredients, so he was serious. So this morning, I had him make part of the shake by adding in wheat germ, etc., but he wasted some and then spilled another portion of it.

My mom is super neat and clean, so I'm not sure how she's going to handle him spilling flakes on her countertops. I was telling him that he just might want to focus on all of the other ingredients and leave out the "messy" things because my mom will be HOT if she finds flakes and mess all in her kitchen. She'll then be blaming me for introducing the drink to him and then you know I'm going to have to blame the whole thing on you ladies. :yep:

So, I think I'm going to encourage him to make it with two eggs, greens, berries and milk--that should hold him over.
Sho iz Pretty--I hope everything works out for you and your husband!

Drinking mine now and so is my dad! I don't think he's on a quest for longer hair, however, but I think he likes that this is a meal replacement.

He visited me for a few days and then I decided to drive him back home so I could visit with both him and my mom. Well, every single day he has been having the shake with me and just this morning, he helped me make it. :grin:

The first day he had it, he said it kept him full the entire day. I've been adding two eggs since it's the two of us drinking it. We both drove for 4 hours without stopping to get anything to eat or even feeling hungry at all.

When we first got back home from the drive, he gave me money and sent me out to Whole Foods to get the ingredients, so he was serious. So this morning, I had him make part of the shake by adding in wheat germ, etc., but he wasted some and then spilled another portion of it.

My mom is super neat and clean, so I'm not sure how she's going to handle him spilling flakes on her countertops. I was telling him that he just might want to focus on all of the other ingredients and leave out the "messy" things because my mom will be HOT if she finds flakes and mess all in her kitchen. She'll then be blaming me for introducing the drink to him and then you know I'm going to have to blame the whole thing on you ladies. :yep:

So, I think I'm going to encourage him to make it with two eggs, greens, berries and milk--that should hold him over.

What a cute story...:cupid:

I'll be visiting my DD next month, and I'm looking forward to introducing lots of messy concoctions to her...

(I'm already deep in the planning stage, and YES, she's very anal, :doingdishes:so I have a challenge on my hands...:lachen:
I went to 2 Whole Foods and to Trader Joes today. None of them had wheat germ. I am glad I went before I ran out because now I have to figure out what to do. I hate to have to order some online when the bag is 2.50. Who wants to pay shipping on a $2.50 product.:wallbash:
Okay, I didn't have my cocktail...got sidetracked, but i'm gonna make a hi-pro shake instead, not eating meat today....

It's ok Bronze; we all get sidetracked...that hi-pro shake will be an excellent substitute since you're not eating meat today!!! Hope your Good Friday was indeed good! I'm sitting here 'hungry' since I had my shake hours ago...:ohwell:
Hiya Egglette, caring for an under-the-weather lil' chica, so i missed work and have been on private nurse duty...missed my cocktail, too...i'm all over it tomorrow...hope all is well with all of you~
Okay Egglettes,

I have a prayer request. I'm posting it here because I know my Egglettes got my back on this.
A young lady from our fellowship was in a serious car accident last week and is in SICU. The doctors call it a coma, but we are calling it rest. I paid her a visit today, and when I began to sing praises unto the Lord, she responded by opening her eyes for a few minutes and trying to lift herself off of the bed. We are certain that she can hear us, so help us to pray her all the way through this rest, and back to us. I won't post too many details because I hadn't ask permission to do so yet. I just did not want waste a moment to but this petition in the hands of you Intercessors out there. TIA.

...AND... since I believe in praising Him in advance:


I'll join you in Praise and Worship, even before i pray....

Father, I pray in Jesus' Name, for complete healing of this young lady who is in a state of 'rest' - i believe that Jesus' bore stripes for her healing and by those stripes' this girl is healed! I plead the Precious Blood of Jesus over her from the top of her head -her brain- to the very soles of her feet, that no weapon formed against her shall prosper. Jehovah Ropha have your way and do what doctors can not. You are no respecter of persons, and the same miracles You are performing in Mark's life, I expect you to perform in this young lady's life. Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever more. Just as You performed miracles in the past, Jesus, I expect a miracle today and i look for a praise report on her behalf. Amen.

Essensual, Mark is also in a state of 'rest' and Jehovah Ropha is showing up and showing out on his behalf, too. Expect Miracles.

:yay::band2::clapping::dance7::woot::band::bouncy::circle::headspin::pulpdance::reddancer::worship2:And I'm gonna Praise Him again for doing it because He is so faithful to heal Mark and our Young Lady....

Okay Egglettes,

I have a prayer request. I'm posting it here because I know my Egglettes got my back on this.
A young lady from our fellowship was in a serious car accident last week and is in SICU. The doctors call it a coma, but we are calling it rest. I paid her a visit today, and when I began to sing praises unto the Lord, she responded by opening her eyes for a few minutes and trying to lift herself off of the bed. We are certain that she can hear us, so help us to pray her all the way through this rest, and back to us. I won't post too many details because I hadn't ask permission to do so yet. I just did not want waste a moment to but this petition in the hands of you Intercessors out there. TIA.

...AND... since I believe in praising Him in advance:

Oh my. I am sorry to hear this. I know that the Lord will bless and keep her during her time of struggle. He is the father on high and his word reigns. God Bless.

Okay Egglettes,

I have a prayer request. I'm posting it here because I know my Egglettes got my back on this.
A young lady from our fellowship was in a serious car accident last week and is in SICU. The doctors call it a coma, but we are calling it rest. I paid her a visit today, and when I began to sing praises unto the Lord, she responded by opening her eyes for a few minutes and trying to lift herself off of the bed. We are certain that she can hear us, so help us to pray her all the way through this rest, and back to us. I won't post too many details because I hadn't ask permission to do so yet. I just did not want waste a moment to but this petition in the hands of you Intercessors out there. TIA.

...AND... since I believe in praising Him in advance:

Hey! :wave: I been MIA from this thread. I'm still very grateful this thread. I joined WW and I am finally losing the weight. I was thinking once I get to at least 140 I will try again but just not daily.

BTW, my hair is still healthy and strong. I use to have thin hair!

Thanks for asking about me!
Got my cocktail in yesterday and today, and Im LOVIN the flavored coffee creamer in it!

ETA: Im gonna look into getting the Wheat germ oil pills, cause I just CANT stomach the oil. Ive tried it a whole bunch of different ways! Its just NOT YUMMY! lol
Just wanted to report that I am back on my shake faithfully, I took a few days off from it for lack of supplies. I have added a fruit powder from iherb to the shake along with my chlorella and spirulina so I am getting a power packed healthy hair and body shake in the mornings. I just recently got my hair trimmed so I will be able to track growth from here on out. Here is the fruit powder, it helps with the taste as well:

  • Freeze-Dried Goji
  • Wild-Harvested Açaí
  • Freeze-Dried Mangosteen
  • Seabuckthorn Juice Powder
  • Full-Spectrum, Certified Organic, Freeze-Dried Wild SuperBerries & SuperFruits
  • Extracts of Pomegranate & Mangosteen

  • Health & Well-Being*
  • Free Radical Scavenging*
100% Natural -- No added sugars, flavors, artificial sweeteners or colors of any kind!

Our Unique Exotic SuperFruit Blend contains: Freeze-Dried Goji Berry (Lycium barbarum) Juice Powder – Goji Berries contain: Beta-carotene & Zeaxanthin, Trace Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, Essential Fatty Acids & Polysaccharides. These berries support: Healthy Immune Function, Healthy Energy Levels & Healthy Aging.*

Wild-Harvested, Freeze-Dried Açaí Berry (Euterpa oleracea) Powder – This little purple berry from the Brazilian Rainforest contains: significant amounts of Protein, Anthocyanins (powerful antioxidants), Essential Fatty Acids & Dietary Fiber. Açaí supports: Cardiovascular Health, Healthy Inflammatory Response & Free Radical Scavenging.*

Freeze-Dried Mangosteen Fruit (Garcinia mangostana) Powder – Native to Southeast Asia, and known as the “Queen of Fruits”, its taste is indescribably delicious. Used primarily to enhance the flavor profile of this formula.

Seabuckthorn Juice (Hippophae rhamnoides) Powder – The Yellow/Orange Seabuckthorn Berry is native to Eurasia and contains: Fat & Water Soluble Vitamins (most importantly Vitamin C), Minerals, Essential Fatty Acids, Protein, Flavonoids & Polyphenols and a number of key phytonutrients.

Our Proprietary Certified Organic, Freeze-Dried High-Latitude Wild SuperBerry and SuperFruit Blend contains:

  • Wild Bilberry & Wild Blueberry Powder – These closely-related berries contain high levels of Anthocyanin pigments and a diverse range of micronutrients and phytochemicals.
  • Wild Lingonberry Powder – Contains Vitamin C, beta-carotene & phytochemiicals.
  • Black Currant Powder – This dark purple/black berry has significant amounts of Vitamin C.
  • Aronia (Chokeberry) Powder – This deep purple berry is high in Anthocyanins and Proanthocyanidins.
  • Pomegranate Powder – The Juicy Arils (seeds) of this fruit contain Vitamin C, Punicalagins & Ellagic Acid.
  • Concord Grape Powder – This purple grape contains Resveratrol and other Antioxidant compounds.
  • Sour Cherry Powder – This deep red cherry contains naturally occurring Melatonin & high levels of Anthocyanins.
  • Wild Elderberry Powder – This berry is best-known for its immune-supportive properties.*
  • Wild Cranberry Powder - This intensely red berry is commonly used to support Urinary Tract Health.*
  • Red Raspberry Powder & Black Raspberry Powder – These deeply pigmented berries both contain a wide range of micronutrients and phytochemicals, including: Ellagic Acid, Quercetin & Proanthocyanidins.
Hi Egglettes! I'm still cocktailing it!!! I have my days where I'll miss it, but it's more so when I don't have all of the supplies.
okay. I'm quoting myself.

I have to revise what I said about my supposed chlorella detox. My skin was acting up, so I decided to remove chlorella from my shake. But, I had added raw cacao beans which is supposed to be full of magnesium which is great for the skin. I had been tearing up that cacao and probably overdoing it a bit. My chest started breaking out as well as my back, so finally and reluctantly, I now know it was the cacao messing me up. I was "slow" to realize it because I loved the taste and the texture of the beans. A lot of raw foodists called cacao a "superfood," but I found a blog where many people were saying that cacao caused rashes and other issues for them. So, I'm back on the chlorella bandwagon.

Hey JFemme--the first two-3 weeks, my skin looked flawless and glowy.

In regards to my hair, I'm in braids until June, but about two weeks ago, my braider was amazed by how much my hair had grown. I'm assuming the growth was due to a combo of the shake ingredients with the added chlorella.

Last week, however, I had a breakout which I haven't had in a long time. I'm just getting off my cycle, so I'm sure that was a part of it, but I broke out on my neck which never happens. :nono:

I need to read the chlorella thread in more detail, but from my quick skim throughs, it sounds like some women experienced a detox; I'm assuming that is what is happening to me now. I'm going to finish the rest of my bottle, but if I'm still getting breakouts, I'm going to have to leave it alone as this is the only new thing I've added to my regimen.

I do have a lot of energy though. And chlorella helps with that.

Hope that helps in regards to your question. :look:
I like Mona's post...I used to have thin hair....

my hair is lookin real good y'all. Lookin' real good. Everyone just keeps running their fingers through it and complementing my natural hair, in amazement..i think i'll have some natural converts, soon...feels like old times....