*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
I hate that, Cupcakes, your setback that is, I hope that all is well. I started Chl as well, and hoping for additional benefits. Glad you are keeping up. Salons can sure wreck havoc on a girl's hair...isn't it suppossed to be the opposite?

HΞy ladies i have been keeping up with my shakes and also taking chl and wheat grass. So far I've noticed cleare skin. Longer nails and eyelashes. I can't Rモ∀LLy tell about growth until i straighten it. I had a bad experience at a salon this week.. And i hope it didn't cause .М∈· a set back.
^ Not a dumb question at all, My mom gave me CHlorella three years ago and I stopped taking it. I didn't really know what to expect and i was taking other stuff so i quit. I just decided to revisit it this week. I'm starting off at 1 gm and working my way up. There are a few that are taking chl, but at higher dosages.
Hey JFemme--the first two-3 weeks, my skin looked flawless and glowy.

In regards to my hair, I'm in braids until June, but about two weeks ago, my braider was amazed by how much my hair had grown. I'm assuming the growth was due to a combo of the shake ingredients with the added chlorella.

Last week, however, I had a breakout which I haven't had in a long time. I'm just getting off my cycle, so I'm sure that was a part of it, but I broke out on my neck which never happens. :nono:

I need to read the chlorella thread in more detail, but from my quick skim throughs, it sounds like some women experienced a detox; I'm assuming that is what is happening to me now. I'm going to finish the rest of my bottle, but if I'm still getting breakouts, I'm going to have to leave it alone as this is the only new thing I've added to my regimen.

I do have a lot of energy though. And chlorella helps with that.

Hope that helps in regards to your question. :look:

What changes have you noticed since taking Chlorella...(just bought some this evening:sekret:)

:grin: (hey, gal !)
I had my first cocktail today. A little slimy. Maybe because I mixed it by hand. The taste wasn't bad actually. Just a little slimy. Will put in blender tomorrow.

I was gassy all day today. How long will that last?
^Give the gassiness about 9 days to go through your system...you should be all good by then.

Also, got my cocktail on and it's Saturday...woop woop
I don't know why I did not think of this before but this morning I put my milk in the freezer to chill and forgot about it. When I got ready to make my shake it had the perfect pieces of "milk" ice and made my shake taste so yummy. I think I will get up early every morning and put some in the freezer so that it can chill up before I make my shake.
I finally have all my ingredients. YAY :yay:..Soooo, I think I will do my first one today, and like drink this 5 days a week. I'm still reading through this thread. I'm like on pg. 40 something. LOL. I doubt I have time to read the whole thing, so, I will be skimming, and searching for the "key" things that I need to know. I'm an official egglette. LOL.

10 mins later...
okay, so the taste definitely wasn't great at all. Infact I added sugar :look:.. I know, it's supposed to be healthy. But I think that was the only way I'd be able to drink it. And the taste still wasn't that great, but definitely tolerable. I have a little bit left in my cup and I'm gonna just go ahead and take it to the head. What kind of fruit are you ladies using?? I used strawberries and grapes.
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Thanks for responding...I didn't realize my question was maybe "taboo" since no one really responded:perplexed..well keep up the good work ladies I guess if it is working for you.

Oh no, not taboo at all. I think it may have been overlooked because the topic has been addressed previously. Most of the ladies have decided that they would be posting result pics during April and May. I am personally on a growth challenge for 2009 and would be taking monthly pics anyway, so I've decided to post my progress pics in my siggy for the time being. It's a LoveFest up in this thread so trust me, any oversight wasn't intentional.:nono: Got a question? Ask away!:yep::yep::yep:
I finally have all my ingredients. YAY :yay:..Soooo, I think I will do my first one today, and like drink this 5 days a week. I'm still reading through this thread. I'm like on pg. 40 something. LOL. I doubt I have time to read the whole thing, so, I will be skimming, and searching for the "key" things that I need to know. I'm an official egglette. LOL.

10 mins later...
okay, so the taste definitely wasn't great at all. Infact I added sugar :look:.. I know, it's supposed to be healthy. But I think that was the only way I'd be able to drink it. And the taste still wasn't that great, but definitely tolerable. I have a little bit left in my cup and I'm gonna just go ahead and take it to the head. What kind of fruit are you ladies using?? I used strawberries and grapes.

Hey there! I have tried several fruit options with great success. My favs have been strawberries, blueberries, bananas, or peaches. I suppose pineapples might even be in order. I'd maybe try honey or agave nectar instead of sugar....or you could substitute a fruit flavored yogurt instead of milk. HTH.
10 mins later...
okay, so the taste definitely wasn't great at all. Infact I added sugar :look:.. I know, it's supposed to be healthy. But I think that was the only way I'd be able to drink it. And the taste still wasn't that great, but definitely tolerable. I have a little bit left in my cup and I'm gonna just go ahead and take it to the head. What kind of fruit are you ladies using?? I used strawberries and grapes.[/quote]

Hi there! I was using Goji berry juice but, no I do not include any fruit. I drink a mixture of 1/2tbs spirulina powder with 1 egg yolk and 2tbs of wheat germ and 3/4 c milk. The mixture is not sweet but, I am used to the taste and milk does have some sugar in it.
Morning Egglettes! I missed my shake on Sat and Sun, but started back up this morning! I dont know if its the shake or not but Ive lost 2 1/5 pounds this last week. I know that doesnt sound like a lot, but if you would have seen the way that Ive been EATING this last week you'd be supprised I didnt gain 5 POUNDS! :perplexed Ive been pigging out CONSTANTLY, idk why! Maybe its cause Im close to the time of my monthly. For example.............. Sunday I woke up, had a huge fattening breakfast from burgerking ( yuck I know), then 2 hours later I had a fruit smoothie ( the BIG one), a few PB& J sandwiches ( yes I said FEW :lachen:) A big bag of chips. Then I went home and made fried plaintains ( I had a taste for them) and went out for a chicken and cheese monster CALZONE later that night....... and another fruit smoothie before bed..........:ohwell:

Ive been eating like that ALL week long and I lose weight???:spinning: Oh well I aint complainin! LOL

Oh yea and did I already say how much Ive been craving Avocados lately (which might I add are amazing for you skin and hair)?! I GOTTA HAVE THEM AT LEAST ONCE A DAY!

I think that Im gonna try to start putting the WGO in my shake this week. Id like to see where that takes me as far as results, but I definately have got to cover the taste somehow. Maybe with a fruit or something?

One more thing....... I had some coffee creamer in the fridge so I decided to put that with my shake for a little kick. Can I just say it was the BOMB DIGGITY!! I used coconut cream flavor......mmmmmmmmmmmmm:lick:
I used
Almond milk
1 raw egg
2 Tbl Raw wheat germ
vanilla ( for flavor)
and a few squirts of Coconut cream coffee creamer!

Maybe if I start adding the WGO to that the coffee creamer will cover the taste? I smell an experiment brewing!! lol Sorry for the long post! Have a great day ladies!
Girl, LOL! Good for you....yeah those monthly bingefests can sure set a gal back, it didn't hold you back, any, huh?

Love the coconut cream flavor idea...delish~
Morning Egglettes! I missed my shake on Sat and Sun, but started back up this morning! I dont know if its the shake or not but Ive lost 2 1/5 pounds this last week. I know that doesnt sound like a lot, but if you would have seen the way that Ive been EATING this last week you'd be supprised I didnt gain 5 POUNDS! :perplexed Ive been pigging out CONSTANTLY, idk why! Maybe its cause Im close to the time of my monthly. For example.............. Sunday I woke up, had a huge fattening breakfast from burgerking ( yuck I know), then 2 hours later I had a fruit smoothie ( the BIG one), a few PB& J sandwiches ( yes I said FEW :lachen:) A big bag of chips. Then I went home and made fried plaintains ( I had a taste for them) and went out for a chicken and cheese monster CALZONE later that night....... and another fruit smoothie before bed..........:ohwell:

Ive been eating like that ALL week long and I lose weight???:spinning: Oh well I aint complainin! LOL

Oh yea and did I already say how much Ive been craving Avocados lately (which might I add are amazing for you skin and hair)?! I GOTTA HAVE THEM AT LEAST ONCE A DAY!

I think that Im gonna try to start putting the WGO in my shake this week. Id like to see where that takes me as far as results, but I definately have got to cover the taste somehow. Maybe with a fruit or something?

One more thing....... I had some coffee creamer in the fridge so I decided to put that with my shake for a little kick. Can I just say it was the BOMB DIGGITY!! I used coconut cream flavor......mmmmmmmmmmmmm:lick:
I used
Almond milk
1 raw egg
2 Tbl Raw wheat germ
vanilla ( for flavor)
and a few squirts of Coconut cream coffee creamer!

Maybe if I start adding the WGO to that the coffee creamer will cover the taste? I smell an experiment brewing!! lol Sorry for the long post! Have a great day ladies!

Got my cocktail in, i'm on a roll......
A Great Week is in store for each and every one of us!!!
So you all are adding in the greens with your cocktail? I've been drinking the cocktail with the regular ingredients and then having my green smoothie (kale or romain lettuce or spinach, apple,water, agave nectar) later in the day. I'm just wondering how the kale would taste mixed in with almond milk...I don't know if I can stomach that. :lachen:

It still tastes like a green smoothie...but...I don't know if I can handle the egg y'all. I usually drink my green smoothie. But I've been guzzling it now because of the egg. Is there anything I can put in to mask the egg scent? I've been drinking holding my nose. I added orange juice today, that seemed to help a bit....
I've never dealt with egg 'scent' so i don't know about that...orange juice is a no no, bcs it well interfere with absorption of nutrients. Can you add fruit or yogurt to your cocktail? That may help. I wish I could help more...

It still tastes like a green smoothie...but...I don't know if I can handle the egg y'all. I usually drink my green smoothie. But I've been guzzling it now because of the egg. Is there anything I can put in to mask the egg scent? I've been drinking holding my nose. I added orange juice today, that seemed to help a bit....
I've never dealt with egg 'scent' so i don't know about that...orange juice is a no no, bcs it well interfere with absorption of nutrients. Can you add fruit or yogurt to your cocktail? That may help. I wish I could help more...

Really? I have no problem with the texture of the egg, it just goes down better when I hold my nose, so I thought it was the scent bothering me, that raw egg smell. Anyway, I think I'm going to have to drink the shake and then have my green smoothie afterwords. How long should I wait after the shake to drink my green smoothie do you think?
did anyone answer my question about my mom saying that our bodies cant process raw protein...? I would hate to start and have something happen and then she be like i told you so lol

you ladies that have been doing it for a long time, have you seen any really bad effects?
did anyone answer my question about my mom saying that our bodies cant process raw protein...? I would hate to start and have something happen and then she be like i told you so lol

you ladies that have been doing it for a long time, have you seen any really bad effects?

I'm not sure if it was addressed previously, but in a situation such as hers I would probably go with powdered eggs. Some have the ladies here have been having success with those. You could also try poached or lightly scrambled HTH.:yep:
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Daughter of Zion, i posted this last week, so here, i've pasted it for ya...

I'm not a nurse, but individuals eat raw meat all the time, from fish to steak, so I differ on that, and raw egg consumption has been going on for decades, and I can attest to its value. I've had no ill effects, and if questioned, hundreds on this forum would vouch for.

Mothers are always cautious, so I understand your mother's concern. Do some research on this (or just read this 3000 post thread, lol) and you should get your answer. We've gone through this so many times, and it is really a matter of individual preference. The raw egg hasn't hurt anyone, the cocktail when mixed with certain ingredients could cause weight gain...and basically, that's about it.

I do know this. If you try it, you'll love it.

Originally Posted by DaughterOfZion1
I am getting ready to start. I told my mom (shes a nurse so she thinks she knows it alllll lol ) and she was like our bodies were not made to process raw protein and me doing that could be a problem. Can you ladies answer this for me?

Originally Posted by Austro-Afrikana
I've fallen off this bandwagon...and every morning i'm so HUNGRY! Lol

If you're hungry every morning, have a Waistlength Cocktail...Get up a little earlier and try and work it in, if can stick with this, anyone can :grin::yep::drunk:
Child of The Most High.......
I Always Win!!!
So you all are adding in the greens with your cocktail? I've been drinking the cocktail with the regular ingredients and then having my green smoothie (kale or romain lettuce or spinach, apple,water, agave nectar) later in the day. I'm just wondering how the kale would taste mixed in with almond milk...I don't know if I can stomach that. :lachen:
I'm like you divinefavor. I keep my hair tonic and smoothies separate. I alternate by drinking the hair tonic one day, and then the smoothie the next. That way, I feel I'm getting the best of both worlds without having to worry about digestion conflicts in my system. :look:
Stella, I feel you girl!!

I haven't had any digestion problems with drinking the green smoothie later in the day (usually as a mid-morning snack).