*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
Okay Egglettes! March update:

It may be a little difficult to tell in the pics but there has been more growth. These roots are ridiculous! My pony tail holder tells to whole story. It is far more difficult to get all of that hair into the holder now. The roots are also much softer (thanks also to Chlorella, and ACV rinses), and thicker. I'm still sold on the raw egg shake and will fight over an 18 count of eggs! We're getting closer to April and more you ladies' REVEAL PICS. I cannot wait!

Here is a comparison from November 2008 until March 2009. I can definitely say that LHCF and the information applied from this forum is doing wonderful things for my mane!

Thanks for documenting your progress. It's magnificent and keep it up! I'm drinking my shake now. I almost missed it today, but I didn't want to miss so here I am drinking it before bedtime.
My Gosh, Essensual, that is some majah progress. Luscious, indeed. Well, I've gotta get a digicam bcs i wanna show off, too. Thanks for keeping track. It's good for you and for others on the journey...

GM^, try boiled eggs, or the suggestions that Essensual mentioned. I would err on the side of caution bcs of your condition, that I pray you are healed of, in Jesus' name. PuffyBrown purchases freeze dried eggs and she swears by 'em. I'm sure she'll chime in when she logs in. If you need an answer sooner, send her a pm and she'll respond to ya....she's a peach.

Okay, ladies, missed my drinks this weekend, but i'm on it in the am....good night.
thank you ladies, i am going to keep doing the boiled eggs and protein shakes and looking into powdered eggs. thanks for your help and Bronze B, thanks for your prayer.

Happy hair growing ladies. Now back to page 65 for me.
You are most welcome, G'M....'Bout to get my cocktail on', cheers!~

Keep it up, MagnoliaBelle, I hate to miss my cocktail, too....I think I'll take Puffy's advice and drink 1/2 serving at night, just don't want added pounds, and i'm a nighttime eater, too, so i've gotta tip toe very lightly around this one...

Essensual, I'm still flabbergasted by your progress...
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I can see the difference. Great progress!

Okay Egglettes! March update:

It may be a little difficult to tell in the pics but there has been more growth. These roots are ridiculous! My pony tail holder tells to whole story. It is far more difficult to get all of that hair into the holder now. The roots are also much softer (thanks also to Chlorella, and ACV rinses), and thicker. I'm still sold on the raw egg shake and will fight over an 18 count of eggs! We're getting closer to April and more you ladies' REVEAL PICS. I cannot wait!

Here is a comparison from November 2008 until March 2009. I can definitely say that LHCF and the information applied from this forum is doing wonderful things for my mane!

Awww shucks, Ladies!

...y'all makin' a sistuh blush. Thank you so much for the support and encouragement. I am so thoroughly enjoying the lovefest I'm feeling is this thread as well as the CHL thread. Positivity is so powerful and contagious! While I've been a member of the board for a while, I didn't subscribe (pay the fee) until the end of last year. I started trying to build a working regimen (thanks ladies for helping me spell that word correctly.LOL) and work my plan. I set some goals and started my journey. I have no complaints. I've really been having so much fun! I have always had a love for hair, make up etc. Even my DCs are benefitting from the things shared on LHCF. Thanks everyone!

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Well feeling good is such a good thing. When we feel good our bodies know and will reward us with beautiful skin, fatburning and hair growth. When we cherish our hair and take care of it, we get benefits of growth, thickness and all the other elements of beautiful. I feel really honored myself to have stumbled upon this website. I will never forget it. It has been the best find in my life and I really mean that. I probally would have had a matted mess or braids had it not been for this website. Many wishes to you on your hair journey.

Awww shucks, Ladies!

...y'all makin' a sistuh blush. Thank you so much for the support and encouragement. I am so thoroughly enjoying the lovefest I'm feeling is this thread as well as the CHL thread. Positivity is so powerful and contagious! While I've been a member of the board for a while, I didn't subscribe (pay the fee) until the end of last year. I started trying to build a working regimen (thanks ladies for helping me spelled that word correctly.LOL) and work my plan. I set some goals and started my journey. I have no complaints. I've really been having so much fun! I have always had a love for hair, make up etc. Even my DCs are benefitting from the things shared on LHCF. Thanks everyone!

Ladies, I feel the love, too....I was so hesitant to post because i've read the negative remarks left by so many, and it is so unnecessary and vicious that it makes a person want to remain in lurk mode....

i'm happy to have the freedom to share my experiences on my journey to waistlength...i prayed that God would lead the right people to this thread and I must say, He did just that. I got mad love for you Egglettes. Good night and God Bless. And ~ Grow Some Waistlength Hair, Already.
Got my cocktail on, doing great added 5 chlorella tabs (I used this in the past, but never noticed the results)....Keep up the great progress, Egglettes~
Beautiful Ladies, just Beautiful in every aspect, literally and utterly. I am enjoying the lovefest too! Still hanging in there with my shake although it is getting harder for me because I have CHL and Spirulina in it in the mornings and sometimes the taste is pleasant but the smell ISNT! Also, I am still struggling with the weight loss but I suspect that it is the chlorella so I am cutting back this week. I am still losing but very very very slowly. Before I was on a roll with just the shake. Love ya ladies!
I tried your recipe this weekend and my daughter like it but couldn't finish it. :grin:

I absolutely loved it.:lick: I will have to modify it during the week b/c I can't use my blender every morning since everyone is sleep, but it's a keeper.

Praise God that she did like it, try adding a couple of drops of stevia sweetener if it needs sweetening but normally the coconut creme does the job! As for your blender issues, hmmm, you could try throwing a couple of heavy towels over it while it is roaring to mask the sound. :yep:
Okay Egglettes! March update:

It may be a little difficult to tell in the pics but there has been more growth. These roots are ridiculous! My pony tail holder tells to whole story. It is far more difficult to get all of that hair into the holder now. The roots are also much softer (thanks also to Chlorella, and ACV rinses), and thicker. I'm still sold on the raw egg shake and will fight over an 18 count of eggs! We're getting closer to April and more you ladies' REVEAL PICS. I cannot wait!

Here is a comparison from November 2008 until March 2009. I can definitely say that LHCF and the information applied from this forum is doing wonderful things for my mane!

Essensual You are growing girl, I am so proud for you!
I am so down w/ you and I am wishing and praying for your success. I want desperately to reasd this threasd but... um, er, uh, it is almost 300 pages. I started reading the beginning and got to page 65 and then jumped to the end to see the results. I bought the book and am ready to roll but first...

I have an autoimmune diease, lupus, and i take prednisone daily to LOWER my over active immune system which makes me suseptible to other viruses and bacteria. Do you think I can take the egg raw or should look for a substitute? As a sub, what would you suggest?

Hi There,

Could you try the eggbeaters? I don't have any problems with regular eggs and I use them every day but if you feel you should tread kind of lightly I would go with some egg beaters. Good luck to you, my mom has Lupus too.
Got my cocktail on, doing great added 5 chlorella tabs (I used this in the past, but never noticed the results)....Keep up the great progress, Egglettes~

Good job in keeping up with your shake, I will tell you the truth..God has been really working with me on being consistent. I THOUGHT that I had commitment problems, but evidently, God says different. I have joined a new Church and have been attending CONSISTENTLY.
I have started these shakes for the past 3 wks...CONSISTENTLY (haven't missed not one day!)
I have started Chlorella and Spirulina for the past month...WHAT? Consistently!
So I know that I can be faithful to God AND MYSELF!!!! Amen and excuse me.
I absolutely and positively appreciate your post. I, too, have commitment issues...the day after my wedding, i woke up hyperventilating...why? Commitment Issues.

This is the most consistent I've been at anything, honestly. Even just keeping up with the posts is an achievement for me. I am so glad to have found something i can stick with, you guys just don't know. So congratulations on your accomplishments, HairHustla, keep it up, don't stop, I know you won't stop.

Good job in keeping up with your shake, I will tell you the truth..God has been really working with me on being consistent. I THOUGHT that I had commitment problems, but evidently, God says different. I have joined a new Church and have been attending CONSISTENTLY.
I have started these shakes for the past 3 wks...CONSISTENTLY (haven't missed not one day!)
I have started Chlorella and Spirulina for the past month...WHAT? Consistently!
So I know that I can be faithful to God AND MYSELF!!!! Amen and excuse me.
I absolutely and positively appreciate your post. I, too, have commitment issues...the day after my wedding, i woke up hyperventilating...why? Commitment Issues.

This is the most consistent I've been at anything, honestly. Even just keeping up with the posts is an achievement for me. I am so glad to have found something i can stick with, you guys just don't know. So congratulations on your accomplishments, HairHustla, keep it up, don't stop, I know you won't stop.

You are cracking me up! :lachen:
Hi everyone! Still drinking my shake! 3/4c fat free milk 1/2 tsp spirulina and 2 tbs of wheat germ! Growing like crazy! I have to say that I also take 3g of chlorella as well! My texture has somewhat relaxed as well! I love my shake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been drinking my shake for 4 months on the 7th!
Great news, onelove08, keep up the excellent work...can't wait to see your progress.....i'm at 1g of chlorella day 3...

Hi everyone! Still drinking my shake! 3/4c fat free milk 1/2 tsp spirulina and 2 tbs of wheat germ! Growing like crazy! I have to say that I also take 3g of chlorella as well! My texture has somewhat relaxed as well! I love my shake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been drinking my shake for 4 months on the 7th!
I am getting ready to start. I told my mom (shes a nurse so she thinks she knows it alllll lol ) and she was like our bodies were not made to process raw protein and me doing that could be a problem. Can you ladies answer this for me?
I'm not a nurse, but individuals eat raw meat all the time, from fish to steak, so I differ on that, and raw egg consumption has been going on for decades, and I can attest to its value. I've had no ill effects, and if questioned, hundreds on this forum would vouch for.

Mothers are always cautious, so I understand your mother's concern. Do some research on this (or just read this 3000 post thread, lol) and you should get your answer. We've gone through this so many times, and it is really a matter of individual preference. The raw egg hasn't hurt anyone, the cocktail when mixed with certain ingredients could cause weight gain...and basically, that's about it.

I do know this. If you try it, you'll love it.

I am getting ready to start. I told my mom (shes a nurse so she thinks she knows it alllll lol ) and she was like our bodies were not made to process raw protein and me doing that could be a problem. Can you ladies answer this for me?

I've fallen off this bandwagon...and every morning i'm so HUNGRY! Lol
If you're hungry every morning, have a Waistlength Cocktail...Get up a little earlier and try and work it in, if can stick with this, anyone can :grin::yep::drunk:
I tell you what, if I can get up and make it (I wake up at 5:45 am anyway) anyone can. I am not a morning person at all but since taking the Chlorella it has helped me not hurt people and the shake helps me not be hungry hence..not hurt people out of hunger! I m just joking I would never hurt anyone but I know that the shake will be a part of my routine for a long time to come!

A co-worker just complimented my hair. She is very, very picky...she used to play in my hair on a daily basis...that stopped about a year ago....She just picked up my hair, and said, "With your pretty hair..." Now I know, It's On!!!!! I'm on the comeback, Praise The Lord!!!!

Yes. I am excited. Me and my hair have been through alot.

A co-worker just complimented my hair. She is very, very picky...she used to play in my hair on a daily basis...that stopped about a year ago....She just picked up my hair, and said, "With your pretty hair..." Now I know, It's On!!!!! I'm on the comeback, Praise The Lord!!!!

Yes. I am excited. Me and my hair have been through alot.

Whoo Hoo! You are on the uptake girl! :grin:
I would have been over the top. That must have been the best news you could have received. Now you know you're on you way when other people start noticing.


A co-worker just complimented my hair. She is very, very picky...she used to play in my hair on a daily basis...that stopped about a year ago....She just picked up my hair, and said, "With your pretty hair..." Now I know, It's On!!!!! I'm on the comeback, Praise The Lord!!!!

Yes. I am excited. Me and my hair have been through alot.