*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
I drink 1/2 shake every nite.
G'nite dear.
Sounds good to me.

Hi Ladies. I wanted to check in in order to provide a mini update. I have been drinking the shake faithfully for 24 days now. It's hard for me to measure length since my hair is natural. However, I am happy to report that I am now able to use my Sally's large foam bun donut without any problem. My hair easily stretches around it with a little to tuck under where as before there is no way I could cover that donut with my hair. I couldn't even cover a itsy bitsy bun donut that I made from one thin dress sock. Anyhow, my experiences with the cocktail are going well. It's my breakfast in the morning and I'm never hungry until lunch. I used to always be hungry.Awesome!

I've also noticesd that my hair is softer, thicker, and stronger. I concur. This week I am also using 2 eggs. I don't want those eggs sitting in the refrigerator too long. Let me know how it goes using two eggs, i wanna know if you bulk-up, any, okay?

**My 2 pound chihuahua loves the shake** She's waiting for it every morning, and she wants seconds.:spinning:That's gonna be one hairy chihuahua :lachen:.....

My added ingredients are:
frozen berries
lecithin (1 tablespoon)
brewer's yeast (3 tablespoons)
1 gelatin (1 packet)
vitamin C (1 teaspoon)

wow, i got the book about 3 weeks ago but only picked it up to read it today, can i say amazing???Absolutely A-Ma-Zing.

i have read half of it already, i could not put the book down!!

that was a great find bronzebombshell :yep: Yep, it was.:yep:
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
i only paid one cent :yep: but it is one of the best beauty books EVER!![/quote]Yep, it is. :yep:

Hi Egglettes,

I am still keeping up with the shake even though I have not posted in a few days! I flat ironed my hair this last weekenend to check progress and I noticed some differences. The last time I flat ironed my hair was in January and it seemed much longer then, even my husband asked me if I had cut my hair. Do you think the shake or maybe the protein treatments (OCT) I have been using could be causing my hair to thicken and it seems shorter or what do you think could be happening? :perplexed
Now I'm stumped on this. I guess it stands to reason that this could happen, but I hate relying on my memory so I have to take pictures or mark my hair on a shirt or something, bcs sometimes my eyes will make me think I'm imagining things...

It could be that your hair just looks different because it is soo much thicker, it has a different "look" than before, though not necessarily shorter.
Can you bun differently or roll your hair differently than you could before?

I knew my hair was growing when my washn'go ponytail was easier to catch...I had a lot of hair to bun with where as when i first cut my hair on christmas day, i had almost nothing...Try to make note of your length now and do another length check in a month, that should set things straight.
I don't have a way to measure right now but I know for sure that it was definitely shorter. I think I am dealing with shrinkage because I am a natural but it was so much shorter. I can tell there is growth because I need a trim and it was funny how my hair just grew past the rough split ends anyway...I know I am not making any sense but that is exactly how it looked. Don't get me wrong, there was growth but for some reason even with the flat ironing, it would not stretch out like before. It must be thicker, that is the only thing that could explain this. The reason I know it looked shorter because I sent my husband pictures and he asked if my hair had been cut. It was down a little past my shoulders in Jan, and this past weekend it looked neck length. Sorry that I am venting but I can't figure this one out either. But in more positive news, my daughter is also drinking the shake and her hair has taken off like a darn rocket. Her hair WAS shoulder length in January and has grown in a few weeks to armpit length! Some weird hair stuff going on up in here! Her hair is so thick and long I was plain SCARED to flat iron it cause I did not want to go up in that jungle! :blush:
I don't have a way to measure right now but I know for sure that it was definitely shorter. I think I am dealing with shrinkage because I am a natural but it was so much shorter. I can tell there is growth because I need a trim and it was funny how my hair just grew past the rough split ends anyway...I know I am not making any sense but that is exactly how it looked. Don't get me wrong, there was growth but for some reason even with the flat ironing, it would not stretch out like before. It must be thicker, that is the only thing that could explain this. The reason I know it looked shorter because I sent my husband pictures and he asked if my hair had been cut. It was down a little past my shoulders in Jan, and this past weekend it looked neck length. Sorry that I am venting but I can't figure this one out either. But in more positive news, my daughter is also drinking the shake and her hair has taken off like a darn rocket. Her hair WAS shoulder length in January and has grown in a few weeks to armpit length! Some weird hair stuff going on up in here! Her hair is so thick and long I was plain SCARED to flat iron it cause I did not want to go up in that jungle! :blush:

Hi! That is great to hear about your DD! :yep:
I know what you mean, HairHustla, In all honesty, my hair has grown so quickly I think that I must be mistaken or that I'm just a little :spinning:. That's how my hair growth has been, I cut it and it grows right back. I've never had my hair to grow so quickly and I am recouping the thickness I lost.

My s-i-l said, "OOOhh, look at all that hair!!" Now she has beautiful thick hair as well, and it grows really quickly, so I know I'm on to something when she begins to comment on my hair....

I don't have a way to measure right now but I know for sure that it was definitely shorter. I think I am dealing with shrinkage because I am a natural but it was so much shorter. I can tell there is growth because I need a trim and it was funny how my hair just grew past the rough split ends anyway...I know I am not making any sense but that is exactly how it looked. Don't get me wrong, there was growth but for some reason even with the flat ironing, it would not stretch out like before. It must be thicker, that is the only thing that could explain this. The reason I know it looked shorter because I sent my husband pictures and he asked if my hair had been cut. It was down a little past my shoulders in Jan, and this past weekend it looked neck length. Sorry that I am venting but I can't figure this one out either. But in more positive news, my daughter is also drinking the shake and her hair has taken off like a darn rocket. Her hair WAS shoulder length in January and has grown in a few weeks to armpit length! Some weird hair stuff going on up in here! Her hair is so thick and long I was plain SCARED to flat iron it cause I did not want to go up in that jungle! :blush:
I had some hair loss. My hair thinned out from wearin that dang wig. I loved wearing it but I surely paid the price. I I went back to the MT treatments so hopefully that will help things move along.

HairHustla I wish you the best on regaining the hair you've lost. Did you ever have a relaxer, maybe its shedding at the demarcation section.
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I don't have a way to measure right now but I know for sure that it was definitely shorter. I think I am dealing with shrinkage because I am a natural but it was so much shorter. I can tell there is growth because I need a trim and it was funny how my hair just grew past the rough split ends anyway...I know I am not making any sense but that is exactly how it looked. Don't get me wrong, there was growth but for some reason even with the flat ironing, it would not stretch out like before. It must be thicker, that is the only thing that could explain this. The reason I know it looked shorter because I sent my husband pictures and he asked if my hair had been cut. It was down a little past my shoulders in Jan, and this past weekend it looked neck length. Sorry that I am venting but I can't figure this one out either. But in more positive news, my daughter is also drinking the shake and her hair has taken off like a darn rocket. Her hair WAS shoulder length in January and has grown in a few weeks to armpit length! Some weird hair stuff going on up in here! Her hair is so thick and long I was plain SCARED to flat iron it cause I did not want to go up in that jungle! :blush:

I can totally relate to this. After the 2nd full month on the eggshake My roots were so thick and "jungle-like", I felt as though the flat iron was having a good laugh. :lachen::lachen::lachen:. Once I finally DID get it ironed, it seem as though it was shorter. Thank goodness for the pictures because that was the only way I could tell there was actually growth happening. I am truly grateful for pictures. :yep::yep::yep:

If you're certain it is breakage, I would definitely do a quick reevaluation of you regimine. It may just need some tweaking. HTH.
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GSista, so saad to see you go...but I totally understand.
I'm sorry your mix wasn't working for you and yes, with whey protein you definitely have got to work out to keep from blowing up. Either that or cut all carbs...which is what i did when i slimmed down using Atkins.

I wish you well and keep us updated with your progress. I still wanna see you make waistlength. You can do it.


Hey Bronze I'll still be checking in tho.
You ladies are so sweet! I pray that you all have had a blessed day, for me it is winding down as it is almost 4pm but I will check in with you later on tonight!


Girl, sorry you are in the same boat but you did give me some comfort that it must be thickening up! I don't have alot of damage and I am not even sure if I have split ends, I just know that when flat ironed, the section close to my ends look flat but kind of different from the rest of my hair..hope I am making some kind of sense!:look:
I don't have a way to measure right now but I know for sure that it was definitely shorter. I think I am dealing with shrinkage because I am a natural but it was so much shorter. I can tell there is growth because I need a trim and it was funny how my hair just grew past the rough split ends anyway...I know I am not making any sense but that is exactly how it looked. Don't get me wrong, there was growth but for some reason even with the flat ironing, it would not stretch out like before. It must be thicker, that is the only thing that could explain this. The reason I know it looked shorter because I sent my husband pictures and he asked if my hair had been cut. It was down a little past my shoulders in Jan, and this past weekend it looked neck length. Sorry that I am venting but I can't figure this one out either. But in more positive news, my daughter is also drinking the shake and her hair has taken off like a darn rocket. Her hair WAS shoulder length in January and has grown in a few weeks to armpit length! Some weird hair stuff going on up in here! Her hair is so thick and long I was plain SCARED to flat iron it cause I did not want to go up in that jungle! :blush:


Are you and your daughter drinking the original shake, I mean with wheat germ oil and all. My daughter said that the wheat germ oil was nasty. :lachen:

Are you and your daughter drinking the original shake, I mean with wheat germ oil and all. My daughter said that the wheat germ oil was nasty. :lachen:


No, where I am I do not have access to the wheat germ oil so we just use the wheat germ. Try this, my daughter loves it although she says it looks nasty but tastes so good. Every morning I put sliced avocado in along with a teaspoon of cream of coconut. No other sugar or anything sweet is needed if you do this. The avocado gives the shake a powerhouse of nutrients and a creamy consistency and the cream of coconut gives it additional nutrients plus creamy but natural sweetness. So in all, here is the recipe I use:

1 cup of organic or whole milk preferably 2% or fat free
1 tsp of flax seed and/or wheat germ
¼ cup of egg beaters or one whole egg
1/4 scoop of whey protein (I use strawberry Designer Whey)
5 pieces of avocado, or any in season fruit. 1 teaspoon of coconut cream or cream of coconut made by Goya.

Try it this way and let me know what your daughter says. Even with chlorella and spirulina mixed in it, my daughter can't taste them when I put the coconut cream and avocado in.
Ladies, I thought I would tell you a little about coconut oil or cream. If you are like me, you are looking for something that will help burn that fat off right? I actually put it in my morning shake because it's all good ladies, it is the truth! Here's why:

People have a really hard time believing that coconut oil is not "fattening" or "dangerous". We have all been falsely led to believe that fat, especially saturated fat, is the cause of our weight gain and health problems. This is only half true. Some fats like hydrogenated oils and vegetable oils do contribute to heart disease and weight gain but good fats like coconut oil, butter and olive oil are actually great fats for our bodies. Think about how much healthier people were in the late 1800's and very early 1900's. Heart disease was almost unheard of back then.

Let's put some of these MYTHS about coconut oil to rest right now.
Myth #1 - Coconut Oil contains a lot of fat so it must be fattening.
Truth - Not all fat makes you fat (I want to get this tattooed on my forehead). Certain fats do cause weight gain but other good fats will actually burn unwanted fat off your body and accelerate your metabolism. I explain this in much more detail in my video "Does Fat make you Fat?". You can watch it here:
Myth #2 - Coconut Oil contains almost all saturated fat so it must be bad for you.
Truth - Saturated Fat is not the cause of heart disease, weight gain and high cholesterol. Saturated Fat has been falsely accused and it is SUGAR that is Enemy Numero Uno (It is worse than the Joker in Bat Man). I have explained this very thoroughly in my video "The Truth About Saturated Fat". If you haven't watched it already, you can watch it here:
Myth #3 - Coconut Oil should be avoided by those who are at risk for heart disease
Truth - The fat in coconut oil is one of the healthiest oils you can consume (yes, even for those with heart disease). It is rich in lauric acid, which is known for its antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties and contains no trans fat. The saturated fat in coconut oil is different than many other oils in that it is of the medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA) variety. The body digests MCFAs more easily and sends these fats directly to the liver where they are immediately converted into energy. Now isn't that great? A fat that is used to make energy instead of storing it on our bodies. We can all use some of that.

I highly recommend everyone use unrefined, organic coconut oil for all of their cooking needs. 1 - 2 teaspoons for most cooking is more than enough. You can even use it raw if you like as I think, it tastes OH SO DELICIOUS! I usually have about 2-3 total tablespoons per day which is a perfect amount for a fat burning eating plan. While it's really good for you, there's no need to go overboard.
If you have a hard time finding coconut oil in your local supermarket, I buy mine here:
Now go right ahead and enjoy your coconut oil.
I used coconut oil, but it froze in my mix....i hated the hard 'pellet' like consistency....it was not smooth and i gagged. So no more coconut oil in my cocktail unless i can keep it from getting frozen...i have capsules for the very reasons you mentioned above, but i keep forgettin' to take 'em.... ;(
I used coconut oil, but it froze in my mix....i hated the hard 'pellet' like consistency....it was not smooth and i gagged. So no more coconut oil in my cocktail unless i can keep it from getting frozen...i have capsules for the very reasons you mentioned above, but i keep forgettin' to take 'em.... ;(

Eww, I know what you are talking about, try the cream of coconut then. It is already smooth like an oil but it is a cream, that works for me without the pellet taste! It is so good for you that I had to find a way to use it.
OMG this recipe looks great!


No, where I am I do not have access to the wheat germ oil so we just use the wheat germ. Try this, my daughter loves it although she says it looks nasty but tastes so good. Every morning I put sliced avocado in along with a teaspoon of cream of coconut. No other sugar or anything sweet is needed if you do this. The avocado gives the shake a powerhouse of nutrients and a creamy consistency and the cream of coconut gives it additional nutrients plus creamy but natural sweetness. So in all, here is the recipe I use:

1 cup of organic or whole milk preferably 2% or fat free
1 tsp of flax seed and/or wheat germ
¼ cup of egg beaters or one whole egg
1/4 scoop of whey protein (I use strawberry Designer Whey)
5 pieces of avocado, or any in season fruit. 1 teaspoon of coconut cream or cream of coconut made by Goya.

Try it this way and let me know what your daughter says. Even with chlorella and spirulina mixed in it, my daughter can't taste them when I put the coconut cream and avocado in.

I will try it. I don't know where to get the coconut cream. I will try whole foods and trader joes. I am not sure if they carry this at my local supermarket. ie...Kroger, Publix.
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OMG this recipe looks great!

It really does taste uhm uhm good! Let me know if you try it and like it! It comes out like a creamy green smoothie. Make sure to use only part of an avocado like 4 or 5 slices and only a teaspoon of coconut cream because you want to make the expensive avocado stretch for one and two even though there are a healthy fat, you want to keep your calories down a bit.
I'm telling ya'll my eyelashes are the truth. I wish that I took a before and after pic but I had no idea my eyelashes would take off. I started taking chlorella about a week or so ago. I knew my eyelashes were taking off when I started taking the drink some two months ago. I'm not sure about my hair because I am natural and I rarely flat iron. I can tell you that if my freaking eyelashes are growing then the hair on my head has to be growing. My eyelashes have never looked like this.
It really does taste uhm uhm good! Let me know if you try it and like it! It comes out like a creamy green smoothie. Make sure to use only part of an avocado like 4 or 5 slices and only a teaspoon of coconut cream because you want to make the expensive avocado stretch for one and two even though there are a healthy fat, you want to keep your calories down a bit.

I'll let you know how it goes, I need to go and get some new ingredients this weekend.
OMG this recipe looks great!

I will try it. I don't know where to get the coconut cream. I will try whole foods and trader joes. I am not sure if they carry this at my local supermarket. ie...Kroger, Publix.

Puffy they should have it at Kroger or anywhere in the section that has like mexican foods or ethnic foods. Try looking there first. HTH:yep:
I hope it goes well for you and make sure that you let your avocado sit like in your window sill for a day or two so that it can get fully ripened. :yep:

I tried your recipe this weekend and my daughter like it but couldn't finish it. :grin:

I absolutely loved it.:lick: I will have to modify it during the week b/c I can't use my blender every morning since everyone is sleep, but it's a keeper.
Okay Egglettes! March update:

It may be a little difficult to tell in the pics but there has been more growth. These roots are ridiculous! My pony tail holder tells to whole story. It is far more difficult to get all of that hair into the holder now. The roots are also much softer (thanks also to Chlorella, and ACV rinses), and thicker. I'm still sold on the raw egg shake and will fight over an 18 count of eggs! We're getting closer to April and more you ladies' REVEAL PICS. I cannot wait!

Here is a comparison from November 2008 until March 2009. I can definitely say that LHCF and the information applied from this forum is doing wonderful things for my mane!

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I am so down w/ you and I am wishing and praying for your success. I want desperately to reasd this threasd but... um, er, uh, it is almost 300 pages. I started reading the beginning and got to page 65 and then jumped to the end to see the results. I bought the book and am ready to roll but first...

I have an autoimmune diease, lupus, and i take prednisone daily to LOWER my over active immune system which makes me suseptible to other viruses and bacteria. Do you think I can take the egg raw or should look for a substitute? As a sub, what would you suggest?
I am so down w/ you and I am wishing and praying for your success. I want desperately to reasd this threasd but... um, er, uh, it is almost 300 pages. I started reading the beginning and got to page 65 and then jumped to the end to see the results. I bought the book and am ready to roll but first...

I have an autoimmune diease, lupus, and i take prednisone daily to LOWER my over active immune system which makes me suseptible to other viruses and bacteria. Do you think I can take the egg raw or should look for a substitute? As a sub, what would you suggest?
Welcome grnidmonster!

Glad to have you! What about lightly scrambled eggs or maybe poached eggs?
Okay Egglettes! March update:

It may be a little difficult to tell in the pics but there has been more growth. These roots are ridiculous! My pony tail holder tells to whole story. It is far more difficult to get all of that hair into the holder now. The roots are also much softer (thanks also to Chlorella, and ACV rinses), and thicker. I'm still sold on the raw egg shake and will fight over an 18 count of eggs! We're getting closer to April and more you ladies' REVEAL PICS. I cannot wait!

Here is a comparison from November 2008 until March 2009. I can definitely say that LHCF and the information applied from this forum is doing wonderful things for my mane!

that's great progress!!! wow, and yeah, I cant wait for april neither. :lol: