*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
Are any of you Egglettes drinking two cocktails per day? I think I want to do this and I'd like to know of your results. Thanks in advance~
Are any of you Egglettes drinking two cocktails per day? I think I want to do this and I'd like to know of your results. Thanks in advance~

Hey Br*nze,

I drink two cocktails per day. In the morning I have the Alexander cocktail:
1 Egg
2 tsp Wheat Germ
1 tsp Wheat Germ oil
Soya Milk
Pinch of cinnamon for flavour

I have a normal lunch and in the evening I drink my own cocktail:
1 scoop of soya protein powder
Mango juice

I find both cocktails really filling but follow up with lots of water during the day. I'd say for the past week of doing this, my hair has almost grown 1cm and my face is definitely clearer (my boss commented on my clearer complexion lol) I've also lost about 3 inches from my waist, hips, arms and thighs. HTH

On another note, my copy of the Natural Way to Super Beauty finally arrived today :grin:
Are any of you Egglettes drinking two cocktails per day? I think I want to do this and I'd like to know of your results. Thanks in advance~

Bronze, for the past 15 days I have been drinking 2 of the original cocktails/shakes per day. For the first few days I was drinking it with the added protein but Im worried about calories and fat so I cut that out. Now my recipe only has the chlorella and spirulina powders in it which add protein and a nasty fish taste. Im only going to continue for the next 15 days making it 30 days in total. I dont want to comment on all the benefits I have been seeing because I don't know what they should be properly attributed too. BUT my hair and skin have greatly improved within those two weeks, and I have obtained measurable growth.

Now for other side effects. At first I was losing weight doing the 2 shakes, but I was also working out and not eating anything because I couldnt. I have only done 1 workout in the past week and I am not feeling comfortable with that given the amount of protein that I am taking so believe that I will be remedying that situation ASAP. I hate aerobics so I tivo Gilad or do the Jiliian Micheals 30 day shred both are about 22 minutes and then I do like 5 of the Callenetics moves nightly. I know thats not much but I think its helping. I hope this helps. If you need something more specific let me know and I can try to answer your questions.
I'd like to do two shakes a day. Maybe I'll try once my mom leaves town.

Hi ladies. Been awhile since I really posted here.
Thanks Cosmic, Kimbos and Yodie,

I was hoping for weight loss and increased growth, to tell the truth. Thanks ladies, this will be on my to do list for next week.

Happy Waistlength Hair Growing, Egglettes~

Cosmic, you will Luv Luv Luv that book!
Thanks Cosmic, Kimbos and Yodie,

I was hoping for weight loss and increased growth, to tell the truth. Thanks ladies, this will be on my to do list for next week.

Happy Waistlength Hair Growing, Egglettes~

Cosmic, you will Luv Luv Luv that book!

I just guilted myself into working out, so I went and did Gilad real quick.

Bronze I will let you know about the increased growth. I am hoping that everything combined I get 1.5 inches this month maybe 2.

I honestly upped it to 2 shakes a day because of the skin benefits I was seeing. I was hoping it would continue to decrease the discoloration on my elbows and knees and fade those old acne scars. I think its working. :grin:
Hi Ladies,

I just want you to be the first to know that my LCHF membership is coming up early next month. I am not going to renew my membership. I have learned so much on this website but it is time for me to move on. I will probally lurk for awhile and maybe someday see some of my cousins (Nikko's) on this journey we call life. I love you all so much (you wouldn't believe how much). I have just gotten tired of coming to the website and need a break from it.

Wow, PuffyBrown! You will be so missed around here! It won't be the same without you! (sniff, sniff..) Keep in touch, and let us know about all the progress you're having with your hair, and school!
I just guilted myself into working out, so I went and did Gilad real quick.

Bronze I will let you know about the increased growth. I am hoping that everything combined I get 1.5 inches this month maybe 2.

I honestly upped it to 2 shakes a day because of the skin benefits I was seeing. I was hoping it would continue to decrease the discoloration on my elbows and knees and fade those old acne scars. I think its working. :grin:
I swore to myself i would not mention this unless someone else did, but my KNEES, ANKLES and ELBOWS are improving in tone, texture and scars are fading away. Yessss!

I thought, am i imagining things, but i used to use cocoa butter faithfully and i stopped for a few months, don't ask why, i mean i've used for yeeeaars, anyway, i took a good look at myself and I see the difference. Scars on my body are disappearing like they were never there to begin with.

It is definitely working. :yep:
My skin is so soft its unbelievable! I'm wearing my hair braided and wearing a wig until May. I cant wait to see the growth. Will be reporting hair growth in May...

I take my shake everyday...late for work and all!
Good Morning! I have not had the shake since Thursday morning. I ran out of eggs and keep forgetting to get them when I go to the store. :wallbash:
^ I soo hate when that happens, I've been picking up 3 dozen at a time...lol an I still run out...3 cartons of soy and i still run out in a week, go figure! I had my cocktail and looks like i'm still slimming down...I have to find a black dress today so we'll see....{bronze says a prayer}
Morning ladies. Gotta get back to posting here.

Just sipped my lovely green shake. I took the wig off and pressed my hair last night. Whew, that was a challenge, but I must admit that I'm seeing progress.

My shake is still simple:
Almond Milk
Wheat Germ (not the oil)
Frozen Banana
I'm adding chlorella instead of spinach.
Great news, Yodie, keep up the progress, Chica.

Morning ladies. Gotta get back to posting here.

Just sipped my lovely green shake. I took the wig off and pressed my hair last night. Whew, that was a challenge, but I must admit that I'm seeing progress.

My shake is still simple:
Almond Milk
Wheat Germ (not the oil)
Frozen Banana
I'm adding chlorella instead of spinach.
it seems like what's holding you back is the raw egg bc of the egg white. you can always substitute the raw egg w/ powdered eggs or egg beaters. or you can separate the egg white and the yolk. the key is really protein, so you can just use some amino acids or protein powders or drinks. increase the protein, increase hair growth. hth.

Yeah, I'm definitely not eating any raw egg ever, my doctor would throw a fit. But, I do like getting the information and I already eat a lot of protein so I'm sure I'm fine on that front. Thank you for the suggestions though!

If you search this thread for my name you will find my post with the pictures. If not, PM me, and would be more than happy to email them to you. I will also be posting additional progress pics on the 20th (My monthly anniversary of my inch a month personal challenge)...... MT, MTG, and BM also works! I am a witness. My hair is growing like crazy! The LHCF forum is FULL of progress pics and proof of what works!

Thanks I'll definitely look for them. I have a question....if you're using all of those growth aids at one time, including the shake, how do you know which one is working? I mean you can't really contribute your success to one thing can you? I would think you can't.

Yeah, I'm definitely not eating any raw egg ever, my doctor would throw a fit. But, I do like getting the information and I already eat a lot of protein so I'm sure I'm fine on that front. Thank you for the suggestions though!

Thanks I'll definitely look for them. I have a question....if you're using all of those growth aids at one time, including the shake, how do you know which one is working? I mean you can't really contribute your success to one thing can you? I would think you can't.
I'm using multiple growth aids, and I know when i add something to my regimen if my results change in anyway. I know what type of growth and thickness i've gotten with the cocktail and without. My growth/thickness has been more substantial with.

As with most LHCFers, we go for multiple routes to growth and many of us know how to track/assess our patterns based on our reggies. So, I don't doubt anyone, I assume they are knowledgeable enough about their bodies (hair) that they'd know what is working and what isn't. Now this doesn't apply to everyone, but I think it applies to enough of us.
Well, when I got off work I went straight to WF because I wanted try the wheat germ oil now and see if that makes a difference than when I wasn't putting it in my shake. I also didn't forget the eggs this time! Saturday, I bought Hemp milk instead of the almond milk, I hope the hemp milk doesn't gross me out. So my shake starting tomorrow will be:

Wheat germ
Wheat germ oil
hemp milk
Well, when I got off work I went straight to WF because I wanted try the wheat germ oil now and see if that makes a difference than when I wasn't putting it in my shake. I also didn't forget the eggs this time! Saturday, I bought Hemp milk instead of the almond milk, I hope the hemp milk doesn't gross me out. So my shake starting tomorrow will be:

Wheat germ
Wheat germ oil
hemp milk
Sounds good DivineF, tell me how the hemp milk tastes. Just make sure to blend your wg oil really well add a sprinkle of cinnamon, and you'll be fine. that wg oil has soo many benefits, you'll appreciate that.

I am so excited, Egglettes. My mother told me that i'm slimming down. Yaay!
Sounds good DivineF, tell me how the hemp milk tastes. Just make sure to blend your wg oil really well add a sprinkle of cinnamon, and you'll be fine. that wg oil has soo many benefits, you'll appreciate that.

I am so excited, Egglettes. My mother told me that i'm slimming down. Yaay!

Wish I had seen your post this am before drinking the shake. I did not like my shake this morning and almost gagged. But, I got it down. I did not like the taste at all, I don't know if it was the hemp milk or the wg oil. I used the Vidoin brand from WF and the date hasn't expired, so the wg oil couldn't have been rancid. I wasn't brave enough to taste the hemp milk before putting it in the shake to see what it really tasted like. Not knowing that you wrote this post, I called myself doctoring the shake up a little with cinnamon and also add a tad of agave nectar. But, it still wasn't good! Maybe I need to mix the oil with something first before putting it in my blender. I'm not sure.
I do not put wheat germ oil in my shake. I am still seeing progress.

Do you take wheat germ oil at all? Maybe I should just take that by itself right before I drink the shake. I wanted to try the wg oil because so many were giving reports about their skin, and I hadn't seen those type results while drinking the shape without the wg oil.
Thanks I'll definitely look for them. I have a question....if you're using all of those growth aids at one time, including the shake, how do you know which one is working? I mean you can't really contribute your success to one thing can you? I would think you can't.

I do use multiple growth aids so I can only tell doubters to take it for what it is! I am not the only individual drinking this. There are many women in this thread that have posted the benefits. There is proof. Anything additional would take doing it yourself! That or continue to doubt.

I'm using multiple growth aids, and I know when i add something to my regimen if my results change in anyway. I know what type of growth and thickness i've gotten with the cocktail and without. My growth/thickness has been more substantial with.

As with most LHCFers, we go for multiple routes to growth and many of us know how to track/assess our patterns based on our reggies. So, I don't doubt anyone, I assume they are knowledgeable enough about their bodies (hair) that they'd know what is working and what isn't. Now this doesn't apply to everyone, but I think it applies to enough of us.

Thanks Bronze!!
Do you take wheat germ oil at all? Maybe I should just take that by itself right before I drink the shake. I wanted to try the wg oil because so many were giving reports about their skin, and I hadn't seen those type results while drinking the shape without the wg oil.
no, i never purchased it. a couple of people said they were gaining weight with it. i do not need any extra pounds so i decided not to include it. i do however, put the untoasted wheat germ in it. i use coconut oil instead. my skin looks nice(DH has been telling me .lol.) but, i take ALA and i am also mixing green powders and taking green pills with the shake.
Wish I had seen your post this am before drinking the shake. I did not like my shake this morning and almost gagged. But, I got it down. I did not like the taste at all, I don't know if it was the hemp milk or the wg oil. I used the Vidoin brand from WF and the date hasn't expired, so the wg oil couldn't have been rancid. I wasn't brave enough to taste the hemp milk before putting it in the shake to see what it really tasted like. Not knowing that you wrote this post, I called myself doctoring the shake up a little with cinnamon and also add a tad of agave nectar. But, it still wasn't good! Maybe I need to mix the oil with something first before putting it in my blender. I'm not sure.

GIIIRRRRRLLLL!! Believe me its the WG oil!! :lachen:
Im not feelin tha taste of that stuff either so I went to gnc and got some of the WG oil pills!! Same thing.
yeah...the wheat germ oil doesn't taste that hot. i have the same brand, viobin. i don't really care though. in my head i'm thinking "waistlength hair here i come!" and that's when i take the drink straight to the head. i haven't looked back since.
Believe me its the Viobin! If you go to Whole Foods get the one in the freezer section. It cost about $16 but if you must use WG its worth the price. I brought it one time and after that I stuck with Flaxseed oil by Udo's.
yeah...the wheat germ oil doesn't taste that hot. i have the same brand, viobin. i don't really care though. in my head i'm thinking "waistlength hair here i come!" and that's when i take the drink straight to the head. i haven't looked back since.

Have you gained weight at all from the wg oil?