*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
oh BTW.
I am going in for a trim today.
I am excited.
The only thing is that I just got my
Pibbs on Wednesday and now I have to wait
a oouple days before I can use it.
Nevertheless, I finally got my Pibbs and I am in love
already and I haven't even used it yet.
GSista and Egglettes, do NOT leave your cocktail to ferment....it will sour. You must drink it immediately, per Dale Alexander, the author of this recipe. I never let my cocktail sit. This will more than likely cause upset stomach.
Hi Bronze I'm right here. I had a bad day. I had to train early this morning about 10. I drank my shake on the train and when I got to practice I was feeling alittle sluggish and when I did my warmups I felt the same way. So halfway thru my actual workout I threwup everything. Well I ran to the bathroom. All I could think was "my shake, my protein all gone!". Then I thought that apart from it being a very rigourous workout it may have been because I made the shake the night before and let it sit in the fridge till morning. Idk, all I know is that if I do another morning workout I am not drinking the shake until after. Apart from that everything from the kness down hurt and I feel I like if anyone or anything hits my shins I'll die from the pain and go melting into the floor.

FYI everybody my shake is one scoop 25g soy protein powder to 8oz soy milk. I think I'm going to ditch the soy protein when it's done. It may be messing with my workouts. I feel so sluggish for some reason and I can't think of anything else.

You are probably right to ditch the soy protien because it can make you sluggish due to thyroid supression and give you brain fog.
Has anyone noticed softer hair? I know that some of the various ingredients are supposed to help with softer hair, such as wheat germ oil, as well as flaxseed powder (which I add to my shake), so has anyone felt that their hair texture has changed or softened?

I got my hair re-braided about a month ago, so maybe the full force of the new growth hasn't kicked in yet, but the bit that I do have seems to be finer and much more soft. I would love it if this shake could really help to "tame" my coarse hair.
Yep, Tallnomad, my hair is even softer, it was pretty curly before, and now it's growing out kinda "straight." I believe it is a definite result of the cocktail.
And yes, Puffy, we will make sure this thread remains positive, it's been going great for 3 months and we intend to keep it that way. Don't get sidetracked or discouraged, Ladies. Hold your course, and your results will come.

I'm not easily swayed, if I were, this thread would have been over a long time ago, ...... so I encourage all of our Egglettes to "keep on keepin' on" til you get that waistlength hair!


You are probably right to ditch the soy protien because it can make you sluggish due to thyroid supression and give you brain fog.

I'll research the bolded. It's weird because at first I was energised by the shake and then now I feel sluggish so it may be the thyroid supression kicking in? I wanna try egg white protein next.
Is anyone using vegetable protein in the shake. I have been using soy protein and I liked it, I guess I didn't notice anything bad. I am now using the jay robb egg white protein and that is a heavier on my stomach, I haven't noticed weight gain or anything but I don't like the feeling. I am looking at green protein, veggie protein (i think the difference is that the green as grass and algae) and pea protein. I already have a green mix that doesn't have protein in it, I may start with that first move to greens + protein in the same powder mix but if anyone has any experience or advice that would be nice.

http://www.vitacost.com/Lifetime-Lifes-Basics-Plant-Protein Im thinking about trying this brand, anyone use this?

I think Im sticking with the nonfat milk too for now. After researching the others Im not sold on the fat in soy although the protein is good. I think i just started looking because I heard something weird about "no other species of mammals drinks another species milk" but now that i think about it Humans do a lot of things other mammals can't so why not just chalk that up to the benefits of being human.

sorry not only am i thinking aloud, im in a very boring class
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After reading Kimbo's post about soy and almond milk, I'm heading out right now to get my hemp milk. I do love my almond milk so much, but I had a feeling it may have been watered down a bit and then pumped up with some additives. Hemp probably has some mess going on with it too, but as of right now, I'm going to try it since it's high in protein and omegas .

Here's some info I found if anyone is interested. Mentions skin and hair health too:


Though its name might be a bit misleading, organic hemp milk is a perfectly legal, not to mention healthy, alternative for vegetarians or non vegetarians. Produced from the seeds of the hemp plant, this milk has only begun to be sold in the United States within the past few years.

One concern that people have about organic hemp milk is that it might contain some of the chemical THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is found in marijuana. Rest assured that this ingredient is not present or associated with hemp milk.

Another concern is that the hemp seeds must be imported since it’s currently not legal to grow the hemp plant in the US. Some hemp milk producers have to rely on obtaining hemp seeds from farmers in Canada or Europe, where the growth of hemp plants for oil or milk is perfectly legal.

Health Benefits of Organic Hemp Milk
Organic hemp milk is also a great alternative to toxic cow’s milk and those who cannot consume dairy because of dietary issues.

One 8-Ounce glass contains the following healthy nutrients:
900mg Omega-3 Fatty Acid
2800mg Omega-6 Fatty Acid
All 10 Essential Amino Acids
4 grams of Digestible Protein
46% of RDA of Calcium
0% Cholesterol
Vitamin A
Vitamin E
Vitamin B12
Folic Acid
Vitamin D
And more…

Other Things You Need To Know About Organic Hemp Milk
It can be purchased in plain, vanilla, or chocolate flavors, and the boxes they are packaged in do not have to be refrigerated until after you open them. There are now multiple stores selling multiple brands, so if you are a consumer who prefers to stick to organic products, you should not have too much difficulty finding them.

Plain organic hemp milk contains no sugar, no cholesterol, and is free of soy and gluten. For many people, these factors make it an obvious choice for an abundant source of vital nutrients. The essential fatty acids, vitamins & nutrients that are contained in organic hemp milk provide a wide variety of health benefits.

The Declaration of Independence was first drafted on hemp paper.¹Hemp Milk Benefits Include:
Strengthened Immune System
Clear, Healthy Skin, Hair & Nails
Strong, Healthy Heart
Increased Mental Capacity
NOTE: As with anything, you should always conduct a sufficient amount of research on any products that you are considering trying. There are actually quite a few different brands available on the market, and not all of them are made with organic ingredients. Try to get in the habit of reading product labels on everything, not just food and beverage items. When you regularly read ingredients of the things you and your family are using or consuming, you will develop a greater understanding of labeling practices and what to look for to be safe.

Organic hemp milk may very well be the best alternative for those of you who either do not like cow’s milk, suffer from lactose intolerance, or are vegetarians. While the taste of it may be something that you have to adjust to, you might just find that you actually prefer it to any of the other milk products you have tried.

Ok...so I went in for a trim.

YAY: Hair trim went wonderful.
NAY: Styling practices SUCK.
She washed, conditioned. I thought I was in
the money. After coming from under the dryer
do you think she added more product?
How about some moisturizer or some CHI
Silk Infusion. My hair was so freaking dry when
I got home. I just put some CHI on it and it
is better. I so waisted my money. I needed that
trim though and she did a good job on that.
Lesson learned.

Puffy, how much was your Pibbs? What model did you get? I want one!!
Just had my first drink.

  • Rice Dream Original Rice Milk
  • 2 free range eggs
  • 1 tablespoon of cold pressed WheatGerm oil
  • 1 teaspoon of RX Omega 3 oil
I can't find raw wheatgerm on any UK website so I've left it out.
I feel slightly weird which has happened before when taking raw eggs.
I will carry on, maybe 1 egg next time though.

Puffy what is CHI Silk Infusion good for? I have seen it in the store but thought it was just a heat protector and didn't get it b/c I really don't use heat on my hair.

So I ended up going back to the basics with my drink, and I love it! I substituted whole milk for fat-free milk, so that I can get the protein with less calories. I love that now it's easy to swallow and I don't feel overwhelmed with tastes. I never did find the right combination for me, but since I'm trying to lose weight and can stomach it without flavor I figured I'd just drink it that way. It currently has around 313 calories, which is perfect for a breakfast.

I have been noticing a lot of NG, but I won't know for sure how much I have until I can get my hair redone and take another length shot. The last time she did my hair she didn't braid it all the way up to the top, so I'm not sure which is NG and which was already there. Darn!

Puffy what is CHI Silk Infusion good for? I have seen it in the store but thought it was just a heat protector and didn't get it b/c I really don't use heat on my hair.


CHI Silk Infusion helps strengthen your hair, providing incredible softness, manageability and shine without any build-up. Alcohol free, enriched with pure silk and wheat and soy proteins. Available in 6 oz. and 2 oz.

Product Features:
  • Silk Reconstructing Complex no pH
  • Rich leave in treatment
  • Enriched with pure silk along with wheat and soy proteins
  • Alcohol free
  • Ceramic heat will insure deep penetration of silk proteins
  • This will help strengthen the hair, providing incredible softness, manageability and shine without any build up
Cyclomethicone, Dimethiconol, Dimethicone, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Panthenol, Ethyl Ester of Hydrolyzed Silk, Phenoxyethanol, Fragrance, D&C Yellow 11, D&C Red 17, Zinc Oxide, Titanium Dioxide, Mica, Boron Nitride Powder.
So I added the hemp milk to mine today. Still delish, but was a little thick. I think I put too many spinach and romaine leaves in, so I will cut back tomorrow. I did add some Almond milk to water it down a bit.

Still loving this drink and so happy I'm being consistent.

Have a relaxing Saturday!
Hola Egglettes,

Another thread was started requesting progress pics from the egg shake. I know that many here have decided to post pics around April/May, but I decided to go ahead and post some now. I had to post for my fellow Egglettes first, though!:grin: Keep in mind, I AM using other growth aides, and I have been drinking the shake for less than a month. At any rate...if the pikistrips link works you can see my progress thus far (Dec 2008-Jan 2009).

Peace and blessings,:rolleyes:

P.S. ...umm...would you say I'm grazing shoulder length?:perplexed
Thanks Puffy for looking out! $10 in savings is always appreciated.

Essensual, you are definitely shoulder length. That is awesome. Great job!!! I know you are happy for that much progress in a month. Shut it down!!! Woop-Woop!

Can you post the link to the other thread? I haven't seen it. TIA!
Seems like inquiring minds want to know how The Egglettes are doing, eh?

Yep, Lux in Musica, that's why I try to keep my cocktail basic, that way I can keep consistent. I'm challenged in that area~so I really only go with what is absolutely necessary so I'll know what's working for me or against me.
So I ended up going back to the basics with my drink, and I love it! I substituted whole milk for fat-free milk, so that I can get the protein with less calories. I love that now it's easy to swallow and I don't feel overwhelmed with tastes. I never did find the right combination for me, but since I'm trying to lose weight and can stomach it without flavor I figured I'd just drink it that way. It currently has around 313 calories, which is perfect for a breakfast.

I have been noticing a lot of NG, but I won't know for sure how much I have until I can get my hair redone and take another length shot. The last time she did my hair she didn't braid it all the way up to the top, so I'm not sure which is NG and which was already there. Darn!

I went back to the basics as well. I felt as if I was taking away from the effects of the ingredients by adding so much stuff. Now I only use the original ingredients in addition to adding MSM and Maca powder. I honestly feel the effects so much more than I did when I was adding all that fruit and what not. Instead of milk I may use the superfood smoothies, but that's only the 8 ounces as suggested. That is delish:drunk:. Espiacally the mango and green food ones.

Man oh man. This week was my first week cutting down on all that extra fruit and I have been ENERGIZED. In addition to the energy, I am RARELY hungry. Today I drank my shake while I did my cardio at 8AM. Then at about 2PM my stomach started to growl and I realized that I hadn't eaten. So I ate a bowl of cereal. At about 7PM I decided to eat some soup because I knew I needed something else on my stomach. I was honestly so satisified with that bowl of soup! Usually I can max some food and need an appetite supressant when dieting, but this drink has kept me going and I am really losing weight! Now I eat for health reasons and not because I am hungry.:drunk:
^Weaveologist that's great news. I'm slimming down, too. I am sooo happy about that. I think it's a good idea to stick to the original recipe as far as this goes, too. I haven't deviated very much and it is showing all over my body.