*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
All of you ladies who are using soy in your shakes everyday should take notice that soy protien is a very estrogenic food and can cause imbalance in your female hormones. Also, soy is a goitergen and can inhibitory effects on your thyroid making it sluggish. I know that soy in touted as this miricle health food because of the great effects attributed to it from the asian diet. However, the truth of the matter is that traditionally Asians do consume soy but mostly in it's fermented form such as soy sauce, miso, natto and tempeh. Soy is also a potent enzyme inhibitor which blocks the action of trypsin and other enzymes needed for protein digestion.

Now not everyone experiences these types of problems but I had a friend who worked at a health food store and her boss gave her a box of firm tofu cause they had extra. My friend thinking so was just the healthiest thing in the world started incoporating the tofu into her diet daily and after a month she was having some unexplained pelvic pain and her breast were getting lumpy. She went to see her doc and was told to lay off the soy cause she was getting way to much estrogenic exposure due to her daily tofu consumption.

Thanks for the info. I do notice something different with my body with the soy than with the whey but I can't really pin point what it is. I have alot of energy and I'm now going to burn off to my workout to burn off those calories I consumed in today's shake. That whole estrogen thing may the reason why my boobies got bigger. I'll be tweaking this reggie in a while. I wanna try the egg again so bad, I really wanna like it but my tummy tells me to stay away and I'm too paranoid about the salmonella although I know that the risk is very slim but I don't have health insurance so no risk taking for me. Once again thanks for the info.
All of you ladies who are using soy in your shakes everyday should take notice that soy protien is a very estrogenic food and can cause imbalance in your female hormones.

This is the reason why I've been doing 1/2 cup of soy milk, and the rest water. ..I used to eat a heck of a lot of soy products, but now limit them. Thanks for the info.
OK, its been downhill for me for about 2 weeks now and today I dranked my last shake! It took all the strenght I had just now to drink my shake. I have changed up too many times and today I had to force it down.

Its been an nice 3.5 month run but its time for me to move on. I will continue to have a egg or 2 daily but it will have to be cooked (fried or boiled). And the weight gain isn't going anywhere!

I got wonderful growth from it and the thickness is just an answered prayer. But I got to move on.
I just read further about soy on the female body, and the results were not good. I've been taking this shake for a while, and the soy milk explains why my period was only three days (irregular). I'm gonna finish out this carton of soy milk that I have and stick to the 2% milk going forward.

On the http://stanford.wellsphere.com/complementary-alternative-medicine-article/how-much-impact-does-eating-soy-products-have-on-female-hormones/353096, this is what effects of soy were:

Here are the side-effects of too much soy?

•Breast cancer (Soy isoflavones mimic estrogen)
•Calcium deficiencies (soy blocks calcium absorption)
•Cognitive decline (esp. in post menopausal women that have increased levels of estrogen in their blood)
•Endocrine disruption
Hair loss
•Hot flashes
•Irregular periods
•Loss of muscle tone
•Painful periods
•Premature aging
•Thyroid cancer
•Thyroid disease
•Thyroid Stimulating Hormone increase
•Uterine cysts
•Vitamin D deficiencies
•Weight gain despite workouts and dieting

Kind of scary now that I think about it.
I just read further about soy on the female body, and the results were not good. I've been taking this shake for a while, and the soy milk explains why my period was only three days (irregular). I'm gonna finish out this carton of soy milk that I have and stick to the 2% milk going forward.

On the http://stanford.wellsphere.com/comp...g-soy-products-have-on-female-hormones/353096, this is what effects of soy were:

Here are the side-effects of too much soy?

•Breast cancer (Soy isoflavones mimic estrogen)
•Calcium deficiencies (soy blocks calcium absorption)
•Cognitive decline (esp. in post menopausal women that have increased levels of estrogen in their blood)
•Endocrine disruption
Hair loss
•Hot flashes
•Irregular periods
•Loss of muscle tone
•Painful periods
•Premature aging
•Thyroid cancer
•Thyroid disease
•Thyroid Stimulating Hormone increase
•Uterine cysts
•Vitamin D deficiencies
•Weight gain despite workouts and dieting

Kind of scary now that I think about it.
Soy/soy products can also cause a decrease in libido too:yep:
OK, its been downhill for me for about 2 weeks now and today I dranked my last shake! It took all the strenght I had just now to drink my shake. I have changed up too many times and today I had to force it down.

Its been an nice 3.5 month run but its time for me to move on. I will continue to have a egg or 2 daily but it will have to be cooked (fried or boiled). And the weight gain isn't going anywhere!

I got wonderful growth from it and the thickness is just an answered prayer. But I got to move on.
Awwwwww.........sorry to hear that Mona!!! How much weight did you gain and about how much growth did you get while on the shake?
I just read further about soy on the female body, and the results were not good. I've been taking this shake for a while, and the soy milk explains why my period was only three days (irregular). I'm gonna finish out this carton of soy milk that I have and stick to the 2% milk going forward.

On the http://stanford.wellsphere.com/comp...g-soy-products-have-on-female-hormones/353096, this is what effects of soy were:

Here are the side-effects of too much soy?

•Breast cancer (Soy isoflavones mimic estrogen)
•Calcium deficiencies (soy blocks calcium absorption)
•Cognitive decline (esp. in post menopausal women that have increased levels of estrogen in their blood)
•Endocrine disruption
Hair loss
•Hot flashes
•Irregular periods
•Loss of muscle tone
•Painful periods
•Premature aging
•Thyroid cancer
•Thyroid disease
•Thyroid Stimulating Hormone increase
•Uterine cysts
•Vitamin D deficiencies
•Weight gain despite workouts and dieting

Kind of scary now that I think about it.

Please listen or give it consideration! I mentioned this before in some thread (4get which). When I was younger -early twenties I began to have discomfort which got worse every year. No doc thought to look for uterine tumors becuz of my age. During those time I was HEAVY into soy - soy everything. An older woman had warned me, but I didn't get it. Finally I had to have surgery to remove more than a dozen HUGE tumors. I always examine diet, and I knew that was the biggest change. Today I don't touch soy, but it's hard cuz these days it's in just about everything. I am a little paranoid so I think that it's part of the plan to keep people sick. Anyhoo, just be careful with soy as it is estrogenic. Btw, while I was on soy, my skin always had a fine rash. Post soy --no rash, nor breakouts. Food for thought.
Thanks for the info. I do notice something different with my body with the soy than with the whey but I can't really pin point what it is. I have alot of energy and I'm now going to burn off to my workout to burn off those calories I consumed in today's shake. That whole estrogen thing may the reason why my boobies got bigger. I'll be tweaking this reggie in a while. I wanna try the egg again so bad, I really wanna like it but my tummy tells me to stay away and I'm too paranoid about the salmonella although I know that the risk is very slim but I don't have health insurance so no risk taking for me. Once again thanks for the info.

I wouldn't do the raw egg unless you have organic, free range eggs preferably from a farm. The store bought ones are okay too, but the farm ones are fresh and you can actually go the the farm and see how the farmer treats his/her chickens. I have been drinking smoothies with raw egg yolks for about 2 years and I don' get sick. If you are adding coconut oil or wheat germ the lecithin rich egg yolks help to emulsify the fat/oil so the smoothie has a better mouth feel.
Please listen or give it consideration! I mentioned this before in some thread (4get which). When I was younger -early twenties I began to have discomfort which got worse every year. No doc thought to look for uterine tumors becuz of my age. During those time I was HEAVY into soy - soy everything. An older woman had warned me, but I didn't get it. Finally I had to have surgery to remove more than a dozen HUGE tumors. I always examine diet, and I knew that was the biggest change. Today I don't touch soy, but it's hard cuz these days it's in just about everything. I am a little paranoid so I think that it's part of the plan to keep people sick. Anyhoo, just be careful with soy as it is estrogenic. Btw, while I was on soy, my skin always had a fine rash. Post soy --no rash, nor breakouts. Food for thought.

Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Usually when I talk about the dangers of soy people dismiss me and tell me that I crazy but unfortunately soy is not as healthy as claims make it out to be.
You know what is really bad is that they put soy in infant formula!!!! This is just horrible especially for little baby boys!!!!!
OK, its been downhill for me for about 2 weeks now and today I dranked my last shake! It took all the strenght I had just now to drink my shake. I have changed up too many times and today I had to force it down.

Its been an nice 3.5 month run but its time for me to move on. I will continue to have a egg or 2 daily but it will have to be cooked (fried or boiled). And the weight gain isn't going anywhere!

I got wonderful growth from it and the thickness is just an answered prayer. But I got to move on.

Say it ain't so, MonaRae! You will be truly missed.

I gained 15 pounds max and I fighting not to gain an ounce more.
So you really feel the cocktail caused this much weight gain? I picked up a few (3 or so) but nothing close to this. And I got rid of it once i cut the whey protein and whole milk. I can see you have major growth - which is awesome, I'm just so sorry for your decision.

You mentioned that you changed your recipe too many times, do you think if you had have stuck to the original recipe instead of differing versions of the cocktail that your outcome would be different? Have you ever had a weight gain like this before, in a short period of time?

Whatever the case may be, if I can help in anyway, let me know.

Us Egglettes are always here for you, Chica.

Blessings to you.
OK, its been downhill for me for about 2 weeks now and today I dranked my last shake! It took all the strenght I had just now to drink my shake. I have changed up too many times and today I had to force it down.

Its been an nice 3.5 month run but its time for me to move on. I will continue to have a egg or 2 daily but it will have to be cooked (fried or boiled). And the weight gain isn't going anywhere!

I got wonderful growth from it and the thickness is just an answered prayer. But I got to move on.
MR, that is a wise, wise decision. Trust me on this.
Please put your health before hair length!:yep:
Thank you so much Br*nzeb!

I change the recipe b/c I tire easily. Changing it up is what kept me this long. And the originally recipe does not work for me b/c of my gluten allergy. I will continue with the egg and flaxseed oil but I can't bare the drink another day.

The drink is really good so to those who are thinking about trying it please don't let me discourage you. I have been at it for 3.5 months and its really good and most importantly it works! I got wonderful growth and thickness. I just need another route.

I will continue to follow the thread as I can't seem to part with it :heart2: but I will try other methods.
This is good information, and I've heard some of it before, but I always err on the side of moderation in everything I do.

I just read further about soy on the female body, and the results were not good. I've been taking this shake for a while, and the soy milk explains why my period was only three days (irregular). I'm gonna finish out this carton of soy milk that I have and stick to the 2% milk going forward.

On the http://stanford.wellsphere.com/comp...g-soy-products-have-on-female-hormones/353096, this is what effects of soy were:

Here are the side-effects of too much soy? >Does the article state what constitutes too much soy? How much do you have to drink to get these side effects? A glass a day or more...? That's about how much I have on a daily basis. I'd really like to know this. Like GSista, this may explain my perky boobs....

•Breast cancer (Soy isoflavones mimic estrogen)
•Calcium deficiencies (soy blocks calcium absorption)
•Cognitive decline (esp. in post menopausal women that have increased levels of estrogen in their blood)
•Endocrine disruption
Hair loss
•Hot flashes
•Irregular periods
•Loss of muscle tone
•Painful periods
•Premature aging
•Thyroid cancer
•Thyroid disease
•Thyroid Stimulating Hormone increase
•Uterine cysts
•Vitamin D deficiencies
•Weight gain despite workouts and dieting

Kind of scary now that I think about it.
This is definitely something to consider.

I do question the companies which fund the testing of these products, like the milk industry not wanting us to drink soy, (it's "slurping" up their profits) so they disseminate this information to scare off individuals.

I think the same thing of the soy industry trying to scare consumers away from milk.

There's soo much propaganda out there that I think much of it is suspect and as long as a person uses moderation in consumption of anything, they should be pretty safe and I do say that cautiously.

I kinda gave up on alot of things I've heard in the media, one day something will kill you on the spot, the next day it's great for your heart.

That's why I pray over everything I do, in all honesty, because the only way I'm truly safe and protected is under the covering of Christ. If I make a mistake, His Grace is Sufficient, and He always makes a way of escape for me. That's really how I have to live in this day and time. Otherwise, I'd be too paranoid to leave my house, breathe air or eat any kind of food.
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Br*nzeb is right! Right now soy is no good according to the media. But soy is very good for all.

Six Ways Soy Benefits Your Health
by Monique N. Gilbert

This article was provided by:
Monique N. Gilbert
E-mail: [email protected]

Note: The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only.
It is not a substitute for the advice of a qualified professional.

Soy, and most soy-based products, are nutritional powerhouses. Soybeans are the only plant food that has all of the essential amino acids our body requires, making it a complete protein. Soy foods do not have any cholesterol, and most are high in fiber. Soy also has many vitamins, minerals, and phytochemical compounds (like isoflavones) that work together to create numerous health benefits. Research shows that a daily intake of at least 25 grams of soy protein and 30-50 milligrams of isoflavones can improve and safeguard your health. This is the equivalent of 1-2 servings of soy foods a day. Here is a list of soy's properties and how they can positively affect you.

1. Soy's protein and isoflavones lower LDL (the bad) cholesterol and decrease blood clotting (thrombosis), which reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

2. Soy's protein and isoflavones provide antioxidants, reduce artery clogging plaque, improve blood pressure and promote healthy blood vessels, which protects the body from free radical damage, boosts the immune system, and lowers the risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), heart disease, and hypertension (high blood pressure).

3. Soy's soluble fiber protects the body from many digestive related cancers, such as colon and rectal cancer. While its isoflavones may protect the body from many hormone-related cancers, like breast, endometrial (uterine) and prostate cancer.

4. Soy's protein enhances the body's ability to retain and better absorb calcium in the bones. While its isoflavones slow bone loss and inhibit bone breakdown, which helps prevent osteoporosis.

5. Soy's isoflavones help the body regulate estrogen when this hormone is declining or fluctuating, which helps alleviate many menopausal and PMS symptoms.

6. Soy's protein and soluble fiber help regulate glucose levels and kidney filtration, which helps control diabetic conditions and kidney disease.

To learn more about soy, visit the Virtues of Soy website at www.virtuesofsoy.com.
I'm so sorry, MonaRae, I feel awful about your weight gain. This was an unexpected effect. I only wanted to help you reach your hair goals. I'd be mortified about 15 lbs! I can't afford to gain that much, that's for sure.

Much luv to ya~~Miss ya already.

Thank you so much Br*nzeb!

I change the recipe b/c I tire easily. Changing it up is what kept me this long. And the originally recipe does not work for me b/c of my gluten allergy. I will continue with the egg and flaxseed oil but I can't bare the drink another day.

The drink is really good so to those who are thinking about trying it please don't let me discourage you. I have been at it for 3.5 months and its really good and most importantly it works! I got wonderful growth and thickness. I just need another route.

I will continue to follow the thread as I can't seem to part with it :heart2: but I will try other methods.
15 pounds is scary and the energy boost left me really quick so that means working out was a no-go.

I'll be round! But with cooked eggs! So that make me an honorary egglet!
Br*nzeb is right! Right now soy is no good according to the media. But soy is very good for all.

I am sorry but I have to disagree emphatically. Soy may have all of those positive attributes but the negetive outweigh the positive. Doesn't tell you anything that the asian culture who eats way more soy than americans do eat it mostly in it's fermented form? That is because they know that in it's raw form it can cause alot of problems. There are other foods that you can eat that exhibit the positive attributes of soy that don't have the negative possibly life threatening ones.

We all know how bad processed foods are for us and soy is a very processed food. I mean really think about it. Soy bugers, soy dogs - do you realize how much processing goes into making these foods? It is just crazy!!!

Broccoli is a very nutritious food with a list of very positive attributes. However, raw broccoli can be very hard to digest and like soy in it's raw form broccoli and all of the other nutritious cruciferous foods are goitergens (thyroid inhibitors). Steaming for a couple of minutes improves the digestibility of these foods and disables the anti-thyroid properties of these foods. Soy needs to be fermented in order to remove the anti-thyroid and estorgenic properties. We as amerians eat way too much soy in it's raw form and soy is in everything - even mayonnaise!!!!

The incidence of estrogen dominance has a direct relationship with the rise of the consumption of soy based foods in the amerian diet. :ohwell:
15 pounds is scary and the energy boost left me really quick so that means working out was a no-go.

I'll be round! But with cooked eggs! So that make me an honorary egglet!

15 pounds weight gain is very scary! I'm going to be monitoring my weight while drinking this shake...I got on the scale this morning and was not pleased.

I am curious though, what could have caused the weight gain?
Good Morning Egglettes!!!!
I'm curious does anyone have any progress pictures yet. I've been Drinking My Way for almost a month now and I'm anxious to see some pics.I'm currently wearing a sew-in and I need a growth fix badly and I was hoping to live vicariously. Ladies, stay BLESSED and as always HAPPY HAIR GROWING!!!!
I am drinking the shake as well. Today I used:

1 scoop of Jay Robb vanilla protein powder
6 oz unsweetened almond milk
1 egg
2 teaspoons of raw wheat germ
1 teaspoon of wheat germ oil
lots of ice

blended with my magic bullet and it taste pretty good. Sort of has a nutty flavor but I can live with that. This is my third day making the shake. I want to keep the sugar low so I didnt add any raw fruits or sweetener. I will monitor my progress and report back to you ladies.
Good Morning Egglette J-Moe, Be Blessed and Happy Hair Growing to you, too.

I'm having a great one, too. Had my shake this morning and it revived me, as usual.

I have a picture I posted on 12/25, i believe, and my hair had thickened quite a bit, now I cut a few inches off (3?) because I wanted to wear it out, and I couldn't take the thin little spot in the middle. I had my hair straightened and my hair is fuller, bouncier, big...just the way I like it.

My ponytail has gone from almost a nickle in width to 3 times that -it's pretty full, now. My pony looked so sick, I hated to wear it, my hair had gotten just that thin...I would hate to look at it and feel it....Now, it looks good, it's not as long as usual, but it's full and I have to contribute that to my cocktail....

Good Morning Egglettes!!!!
I'm curious does anyone have any progress pictures yet. I've been Drinking My Way for almost a month now and I'm anxious to see some pics.I'm currently wearing a sew-in and I need a growth fix badly and I was hoping to live vicariously. Ladies, stay BLESSED and as always HAPPY HAIR GROWING!!!!
I am sorry but I have to disagree emphatically. Soy may have all of those positive attributes but the negetive outweigh the positive. Doesn't tell you anything that the asian culture who eats way more soy than americans do eat it mostly in it's fermented form? That is because they know that in it's raw form it can cause alot of problems. There are other foods that you can eat that exhibit the positive attributes of soy that don't have the negative possibly life threatening ones.

We all know how bad processed foods are for us and soy is a very processed food. I mean really think about it. Soy bugers, soy dogs - do you realize how much processing goes into making these foods? It is just crazy!!!

All processed food is bad in one form or another. But I'm talking about the soy bean itself. The food industry has taking soy to levels only a man can do. Now of course not everyone is going to eat soy beans all day long but still soy itself is not bad. Its what is done to soy that is bad.

When it comes to soy stick with organic and minute processing.
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All processed food is bad in one form or another. But I'm talking about the soy bean itself. The food industry has taking soy to levels only a man can do. Now of course not everyone is going to eat soy beans all day long but still soy itself is not bad. Its what is done to soy that is bad.

When it comes to soy stick with organic and minute processing.

I have to agree and disagree. Soy by itself can be bad unless it is prepared properly. Raw soy in the form of soy milk and unfermented tofu can be very harmful.
I've been drinking my egg for 5 days now. Usually I drink it after I do my P90X workout. I figure I will give this 30 days to see if I get results. I drink the entact egg in one shot with orange juice. The orange juice hides the egg yoke. I haven’t had any tummy aches, nausea or anything.
EbonyHairedPrincess, <Luv That. Welcome Egglette EbonyHaired Princess! Great to hear you're getting that raw egg in. I think the original recipe says that orange juice destroys some of the value of the egg, I'll double check that. Glad to hear you're not nauseous or ill. We've had great results.
I've been drinking my egg for 5 days now. Usually I drink it after I do my P90X workout. I figure I will give this 30 days to see if I get results. I drink the entact egg in one shot with orange juice. The orange juice hides the egg yoke. I haven’t had any tummy aches, nausea or anything.
I have to agree and disagree. Soy by itself can be bad unless it is prepared properly. Raw soy in the form of soy milk and unfermented tofu can be very harmful.
I think it's safe to say, that there's good and bad in everything, and we'll table it as "we agree to disagree."

Whatcha think, ladies?

The original recipe doesn't call for soy, this is my option and the choice of others. It all boils down to "choice."
I think it's safe to say, that there's good and bad in everything, and we'll table it as "we agree to disagree."

Whatcha think, ladies?

The original recipe doesn't call for soy, this is my option and the choice of others. It all boils down to "choice."

Wonderful answer Bronze, I agree choice is available to all with information galore.
EbonyHairedPrincess, <Luv That. Welcome Egglette EbonyHaired Princess! Great to hear you're getting that raw egg in. I think the original recipe says that orange juice destroys some of the value of the egg, I'll double check that. Glad to hear you're not nauseous or ill. We've had great results.

Oh no! Please let me know.
This is good information, and I've heard some of it before, but I always err on the side of moderation in everything I do.

This is definitely something to consider.

I do question the companies which fund the testing of these products, like the milk industry not wanting us to drink soy, (it's "slurping" up their profits) so they disseminate this information to scare off individuals.

I think the same thing of the soy industry trying to scare consumers away from milk.

There's soo much propaganda out there that I think much of it is suspect and as long as a person uses moderation in consumption of anything, they should be pretty safe and I do say that cautiously.

I kinda gave up on alot of things I've heard in the media, one day something will kill you on the spot, the next day it's great for your heart.

That's why I pray over everything I do, in all honesty, because the only way I'm truly safe and protected is under the covering of Christ. If I make a mistake, His Grace is Sufficient, and He always makes a way of escape for me. That's really how I have to live in this day and time. Otherwise, I'd be too paranoid to leave my house, breathe air or eat any kind of food.

I'm actually listening to my body. Remember when I came on talking about "YAY my period was only three days!"? Well, what other product cause shorter, lighter periods? birth control pills. And what do they contain? estrogen. So I don't doubt that there are good effects from eating soy-based foods, but based on my experience there are couple of bad effects.

I, like Monarae, have experienced some weight-gain. I've cut down eating beyond the shake, and I'm still putting on weight. Just this morning, I was looking closely at what I was putting my shake that contained soy. It end up being the hair thickening shake, the multi-vitamin powder, and the soy milk. That may be too much soy.

But Bronze I'm not giving up! I'm just gonna drop all soy-based products from my shake and try to find powdered egg whites. It's just not fun getting fat, and I'm already a DD, and the boobies have gotten a little bigger, and that's a big no no.