*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
I was wondering: do you think we could add something like a flavored packet of sugar-free gelatin to the mix? Would that cause any problems?

I myself am not sure about that. I'd be afraid that the mix might turn out kind of jello-like. Are you just wanting it to have a good flavor? If that's the case, you should be able to find some packets of natural sweeteners that contain vitamins as well. I know that Wholefoods and other natural stores have things like that. But, are you wanting the gelatin because of vitamins/minerals it contains?
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I was wondering: do you think we could add something like a flavored packet of sugar-free gelatin to the mix? Would that cause any problems?
I really don't know. I haven't thought about it. Are you just wanting flavor or nutrients of gelatin? I'm thinking maybe try other types of flavorings, to be on the safe side. But seriously, I'd have to ponder that....i may even look in the ole' trusty manual for that one.
What are the main ingredients in your shake? Please forgive me, I've been trying to keep up with this thread, but I lost track:grin:

hey girl, my ingredients are:
1 cup vanilla soy milk
1 tbsp flaxseed oil
2 tbsp raw wheat germ
3 eggs
a dash of nutmeg, vanilla and cinnamon

1 banana OR frozen fruit. I also take 1 wheatgerm oil capsule when I take the shake bc I can't find wheatgerm oil.
Day 8 for me and I still can't tell anything about my hair but I have plenty of other benefits to list.
- I can't sleep and Im never tired
- my teeth feel and look like I just had a dentist appointment (anyone else notice whiter teeth?)
- I had to stop wearing eyeshadow a few days ago, my skin looks so darn clear and radiant I actually look older with makeup on (according to coworkers)
- My scars on my arms and hands are fading and my overall body skin tone is getting more even

My favorite benefit is that it has inspired me to be healthy in other ways. I went ahead and added a liter of water so now Im up to 3 each day. Im consistent with my other vitamins (MSM and Fish Oils). I eat much less and fried foods taste disgusting to me now.

All things being considered, I am going to just stick to the original recipe. I don't think its necessary for me to add extra eggs or anything or take anything away. I decreased the brewer's yeast to 1teaspoon and I will keep that in my drink until I run out then I will stick to the 4 original items.

Thanks again for posting this. I can't wait until i notice an effect on my hair but honestly im satisfied with just the skin benefits. I had acne as a teenager and I have always hated my scars. I could've saved so much money on the dermatologist and prescriptions if I would have known about this back then.
I found some NOW wheat germ oil in gelcap form yesterday (1130mg/per gelcap). I was looking for liquid but the local health food store was backordered on it. I didn't want to wait so, here's today's blend:

3/4 c milk
2 eggs (just felt like 2 today)
2TBL unsweetened cocoa powder
2TBL wheat germ
2 wheat germ oil gelcaps
2 flax seed oil gelcaps (I cut this back to 2 since I've got the wgo now)
1-2TBL honey (to sweeten)

It is yumminess!

^^^^Yes I too agree. I have been discouraged to read through a thread when it's as long as this one. I think a new thread should start so that some people can catch up. In the new thread we should recap most of this one just to help the new egglets. I've been thinking of saying this a few days ago but I never got around to it.
Day 6 for me. My drink was dee-lish today bc I mixed the banana with the frozen fruit. So Yummy BTW....i use 3 eggs because that is the amount of eggs I usually eat for breakfast.​
Thanks for the welcome ladies...So, this is my third day with the shake and all I have to say is I'm an egglet for life! :yep: It is soooo good and I couldn't even taste the egg at all. I used the eggs, wheat germ, flax oil, (I still need to find my wheat germ oil) silk soy vanilla, banana, and honey and it is so so tasty! I couldn't believe it. I am so happy to be on my way to waist length with this drink it is almost like cheating your way there cus this is just too easy:lachen:
Has anyone tried adding coconut oil to their shake? I ingest coconut oil raw, but I was wondering how it would affect the taste of the shake, you know, being that it has that coconut taste and all.

ETA: Do you have to take the shake on an empty stomach?
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OT but why am I sitting here reading the posts and my 4 year old daughter saw the cake in your siggy and was like " Mommy, give me some of that cake!" :lachen::lachen::lachen:
That's too funny!!:grin::grin: That cake was delish:lick::lick: I'm making a strawberry cake tonight for SO. The only thing is that I'll have to get some willpower not to eat any of it:rolleyes: Now you better go and make that girl some chocolate cake:grin:
I need a break down of this thread.. I jsyt cant go through it all.. I am trying but its not working... Lol...

^^^^Yes I too agree. I have been discouraged to read through a thread when it's as long as this one. I think a new thread should start so that some people can catch up. In the new thread we should recap most of this one just to help the new egglets. I've been thinking of saying this a few days ago but I never got around to it.

^^ This is the breakdown of our thread in a nutshell, pretty much..
*The book that i got the recipe from and the cocktail ingredients are posted on the first page. If you chose to change it, the choice is yours, the additional pages include;
*everyone's thoughts about the cocktail,
*revelation on how tasty the cocktail is,
*their current mixes (many of which have gone back to the original, simple formula ~ there's really no need to change it),
*the ordering of the book, How I Stopped Going Bald and Started Re-Growing Hair by Dale Alexander, the originator of the cocktail (which also has diet plans for re-growing hair...)
*comments regarding the effect the cocktail has on hair AND health

and that's about it. The rest are questions and comments and the like...but it's not a whole lot of information that you guys are missing...just come on in, and enjoy...we've done the legwork for ya~ :grin:
Has anyone tried adding coconut oil to their shake? I ingest coconut oil raw, but I was wondering how it would affect the taste of the shake, you know, being that it has that coconut taste and all.

ETA: Do you have to take the shake on an empty stomach?

I did just day before yesterday.... big, big mistake. You know how coconut oil melts at something like 76 degrees? Well as soon as it hit the milk it solidifed again... I was swallowing chunks of coconut oil and wheat germ. :nono: I haven't been able to find a coconut oil that is "liquid"...
Has anyone tried adding coconut oil to their shake? I ingest coconut oil raw, but I was wondering how it would affect the taste of the shake, you know, being that it has that coconut taste and all.

ETA: Do you have to take the shake on an empty stomach?
The coconut oil became solid again as I blended my shake, not the effect I was after :perplexed.

Yes, the shake should be taken on an empty stomach so that nutrients are absorbed better into your system for maximum effect.
I did just day before yesterday.... big, big mistake. You know how coconut oil melts at something like 76 degrees? Well as soon as it hit the milk it solidifed again... I was swallowing chunks of coconut oil and wheat germ. :nono: I haven't been able to find a coconut oil that is "liquid"...
Yikes!! I could just imagine the look on your face:grin:

The coconut oil became solid again as I blended my shake, not the effect I was after :perplexed.

Yes, the shake should be taken on an empty stomach so that nutrients are absorbed better into your system for maximum effect.
Thanks bronze, I'll keep that in mind. I tried to get my wheatgerm oil, but couldn't find it. A lady at a health food store said she doesn't sell, but she would order it for me and told me to check back in 2 weeks. But I got everything else, so I'm soooooo excited, I can't wait to get started!!!
Has anyone tried adding coconut oil to their shake? I ingest coconut oil raw, but I was wondering how it would affect the taste of the shake, you know, being that it has that coconut taste and all.

ETA: Do you have to take the shake on an empty stomach?

Last year, I was "addicted" to this coconut cream stuff (edited to say: that it is totally raw also) I got at my natural health food store. It was like coconut fat which had the oils, but also the fat or flesh of the coconut. That stuff was amazing. I would stick a spoon in it and eat it like that. I also added it to my smoothies and it gave it a very creamy smooth consistency. I can't think of the name, but on the jar, it talked about all of the health benefits and how it was better than just plain oil because it had the fat with it. It was naturally sweet and delish. Just a bit pricey--about $14/jar. And for me, I would eat it all up in a matter of days. Also, I noticed that I started breaking out because I think the oil was so concentrated . . . and plus, I was just so greedy I would add big helpings to my smoothies anyways.

Oh, actually, I just found the name and link:

Okay ladies, I took the plunge!!! So here's my review.........I'm officially an Egglet!!!:grin: Not bad, not bad at all. Here's what I crafted up:

1 cup of whole milk
2 tbsp of wheat germ
1 egg yolk (not the whites)
15 drops of Cell Food Silica
1 tbsp molasses
1/2 tbsp of honey
dash of cinnamon
dash of nutmeg
1/2 banana

And it wasn't bad at all!!! I was quite surprised at how it tasted, and I can see myself rockin' this concoction daily. You ladies got my vote. Tomorrow though, I'll leave out the cinnamon and nutmeg to see how it tastes. I just can't wait to get that wheatgerm oil to see how it tastes. Happy to be on board with the Egglets!!
Last year, I was "addicted" to this coconut cream stuff (edited to say: that it is totally raw also) I got at my natural health food store. It was like coconut fat which had the oils, but also the fat or flesh of the coconut. That stuff was amazing. I would stick a spoon in it and eat it like that. I also added it to my smoothies and it gave it a very creamy smooth consistency. I can't think of the name, but on the jar, it talked about all of the health benefits and how it was better than just plain oil because it had the fat with it. It was naturally sweet and delish. Just a bit pricey--about $14/jar. And for me, I would eat it all up in a matter of days. Also, I noticed that I started breaking out because I think the oil was so concentrated . . . and plus, I was just so greedy I would add big helpings to my smoothies anyways.

Oh, actually, I just found the name and link:

Ooooohhh!! That sounds delish:lick::lick: I checked out the website and I may look into ordering that sometime soon. Thanks for the info!!!
We have new Egglettes, AnjelLuvsUBabe and Miss Cherokee, Welcome, Welcome, Welcome~

I hope you guys reap the benefits of all our investigative work...we have some great recipes, but i stick to the OG and add liquid lecithin (not sure what effect it's having :ohwell:) and cinnamon, and that's it...don't feel that you're missing out, pleeze...we are all "mixologists" and like to dibble and dabble and make our own versions of everything...LOL!

So, experiment if you like, research and share...that's what makes this thread great!

We welcome your thoughts and encourage your posts, let us know how it's going, what's working, what's not....but most of all, let's grow some waistlength hair, dang gone it!

Ok so this post has over 1000 posts so this stuff must be the business.. I was hearing that it makes you gain weight:look:.... If so count me in. Im 5'4 135lbs and I have sticks for legs and I seriously wanna gain about 10lbs so Ms. Bronzebombshell I think you can count me in..

And I know you guys have tweeked the recipe a bit so what is the best way to make it?
hi ladies! i just joined the forum and i must say........ YOU LADIES R THE ISH! lol im def going shopping tomorrow to get ingredients to do this tomorrow. i want to try:
wheat germ
wheat germ oil
van soy milk
straw. syrup or nesquik
2 eggs

hopefully itll turn out well. thankyou ladies!!!!

by the way, after going through the pages i think someone was lookking for coconut water. if you go to a grocery store or somewhere like target, they have goya products and goya has coconut water! happy hair growing!!
Welcome CC Chic! I LOVE this site. The ladies are fab. And I learn so much.

MsStarr--you might want to stick to the original recipe (in red on the first page). But, I know for me, I added frozen berries and switched out regular milk for almond milk. But be creative. As long as you have the egg and the other main ingredients, I think you're fine. Oh, and in regards to gaining weight, I think some of the ladies said whey protein does that.

Maybe do a search within this thread about whey and see what comes up.
hi ladies! i just joined the forum and i must say........ YOU LADIES R THE ISH! lol im def going shopping tomorrow to get ingredients to do this tomorrow. i want to try:
wheat germ
wheat germ oil
van soy milk
straw. syrup or nesquik
2 eggs

hopefully itll turn out well. thankyou ladies!!!!

by the way, after going through the pages i think someone was lookking for coconut water. if you go to a grocery store or somewhere like target, they have goya products and goya has coconut water! happy hair growing!!
:hiya: and welcome to the board hun!!!
Welcome CC Chic! I LOVE this site. The ladies are fab. And I learn so much.

MsStarr--you might want to stick to the original recipe (in red on the first page). But, I know for me, I added frozen berries and switched out regular milk for almond milk. But be creative. As long as you have the egg and the other main ingredients, I think you're fine. Oh, and in regards to gaining weight, I think some of the ladies said whey protein does that.

Maybe do a search within this thread about whey and see what comes up.

Thanks.. Im gonn pick up everything tomorrow
Msstarr718 and c*c*chic*~~~
Welcome to our "Nest!" We are so happy to have y'all.

I must say, and I think others will agree, that this is one of the best threads on the forum. You'll love your results and see 'em quickly. I don't know anything that works this fast. You'll want to pass this on to your children, especially your daughters. :grin: . I will.

Take a starting picture really soon, because you'll want to note your progress. It's that serious. You won't believe how quickly your hair is growing, you'll think you're :spinning::drunk: . Truly. :yep:. I regret not doing this, but my camera was broken.

I'm having tech difficulties at home, so I'll see ya'll in the morning, if I don't post again, "Cheers!"
For me, it made my weight go down. I eat less and feel more energized even without exercise. My wii said my BMI went down, but my weight is the same. If I exercised more, I'd be a bad mama jamma!:lachen: