*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
Puffy, have I told you I love you today? Well, I <3 U, Puffy~ I really do....:yep:

I love you too honey. We are sisters. We grow hair together and we will make our goals. God Bless~

hey all, been gone for a for about a week, but I was just taking a break, you should have seen the looks that I was getting when I wore my hair down for the holidays. I really need to find my usb cord for my cam, I'm really mad because I cant find it and I have some awesome updated pics, anyway my cocktail is still the same

soy milk
wheat germ oil 2 tbls
flaxseed oil 2 tbls
1 egg1 tbls nesquik
couple of frozen strawberries

Do tell;
What happened?

Hey Y'all, I have been reading about this and I'm joining in. Or rather, I have been drinking the shake for 6 days now.

Welcome Kimbosheart
Thanks for the recipes ladies! I think I'll give some of these a go....next week.

Anyone else, please post your updated recipes! Thanks
Hey Y'all, Hey, You, I hear that Texas drawl~ I have been reading about this and I'm joining in. Or rather, I have been drinking the shake for 6 days now.

My recipe:
1 raw egg, 1 cup skim milk, 1 heaping TBS brewer's yeast, 1 heaping TBS raw wheat germ, 2 TBS wheat germ oil and 1 packet of carnation breakfast shake.

A few things I've noticed:
- my skin looks amazingly radiant
- if you pour the milk into the blender and then add the wheat germ and brewer's yeast, mix it a little and let it dissolve, the graininess and taste really subside. I usually do crunches or squats while Im letting it dissolve. Okay, so you're a show-off, I can work out while my cocktail dissolves, too....*Br*nze digs out walk away the pounds* LOL!
- The carnation mix in chocolate adds 130 calories, and 7g of protein. It also makes the shake extremely palatable.
- The only time I "taste" the raw egg is when I think about it while, Im drinking it

Well, I will keep the board posted with results and pics at some regular interval. Thanks so much for the information, when I first read it I knew it would work. I really feel that our bodies are designed to take nutrients from real, whole food sources. I don't think a vitamin or supplement could ever work as efficiently in our bodies as something like this could.
Thanks for sharing. In 6 days, your skin is gleaming, radiating, even. Awesome.
You need the fat! If calories are an issue try Almond milk. The plan one has 60 calories per 8 oz! :yep:
I second Mona, you need the fat. I made that mistake. Don't do skim or reduced fat milk...go for the gusto or try soy or almond or.... goat?:lick:

Thanks for the recipes ladies! I think I'll give some of these a go....next week.Welcome, girlie~ Keep us posted when you do.

Anyone else, please post your updated recipes! Thanks
A great big welcome to our newest Egglettes, Kimbosheart and CheLaLa13! Happy Hair Growing!
I have missed the presence of a couple dozen of Egglettes that haven't posted in a hot minute. You all shall remain nameless at this time.

This is a kosher way of calling y'all out and saying, "Show us some luv, come by and let the sistas know how things are goin'!" I shall wait patiently for you all to pop back in.

No pressure. LOL!

Really, We miss you guys, we hope all is going well and that you do not/have not give(n) up on the waistlength cocktail. I mean that for "the silent soldiers" as well. I feel the love from the lurkers, too. [smooches xoxox]

<3 ~*Br*nze
LOL Bronze, at digging out the Leslie Sansone, I put that there to show how I let it dissolve for just a few minutes.
I can't wait to have a few months under my belt like the rest of y'all.
LOL Bronze, at digging out the Leslie Sansone, I put that there to show how I let it dissolve for just a few minutes.
I can't wait to have a few months under my belt like the rest of y'all.
Girl, that Leslie Sansone "go hard!" as my students would say....:lachen: KHeart, those months went by like fiya. I still can't believe it myself. That's why it's not good to procrastinate (makes note to self). It seemed like i posted this only yesterday. *amazed*
I've been doing the drink for a little more than a month now, and I am confident that I am getting results: softer new growth, complexion clearing up, lower blood pressure, increased energy...:grin: this drink is so good for you because its so healthy!! Here's my recipe:
1 cup of rice milk
1 scoop of soy protein powder with spirulina (my new love)!
1 Tblsp. lecithin
1/4 cup egg beaters (equals 1 whole egg)
1 Tbsp wheat germ or 1/4 cup granola

I take Essential Fatty Acids separately; no need for wheat germ oil.

I'm drinking the hair cocktail every other day. On alternate days I'm drinking a glass of green smoothie( Naked Green Machine) to get my amino acids in me. I've learned that aminos need to be replaced every day, and there are 18 of them in all; 9 of them are considered essential. The body needs our help in producing some aminos on a regular basis. The eggs in our cocktail are also full of aminos. Whey is another power source for aminos. The smart ladies that were adding kelp, and spinach were so on track! The spirulina (kelp) in my current protein powder is chock full of aminos, and has the added benefit of serving up a full portion of all the vitamins, (vitamins A,C,D,E,K, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin B12, Pantheonic acid, choline, betaine,) minerals, and has 14g. of protein per serving. This protein powder has a triple whammy-vitamins, proteins, and minerals all packed into one source. Here's a pic of my new love:
Purchased from Whole Foods
Spirulina Rules!!!!:drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk:
Oh this looks good. I like Spirulina as well. Does taste really good or do you Dr. it up?

I've been doing the drink for a little more than a month now, and I am confident that I am getting results: softer new growth, complexion clearing up, lower blood pressure, increased energy...:grin: this drink is so good for you because its so healthy!! Here's my recipe:
1 cup of rice milk
1 scoop of soy protein powder with spirulina (my new love)!
1 Tblsp. lecithin
1/4 cup egg beaters (equals 1 whole egg)
1 Tbsp wheat germ or 1/4 cup granola

I take Essential Fatty Acids separately; no need for wheat germ oil.

I'm drinking the hair cocktail every other day. On alternate days I'm drinking a glass of green smoothie( Naked Green Machine) to get my amino acids in me. I've learned that aminos need to be replaced every day, and there are 18 of them in all; 9 of them are considered essential. The body needs our help in producing some aminos on a regular basis. The eggs in our cocktail are also full of aminos. Whey is another power source for aminos. The smart ladies that were adding kelp, and spinach were so on track! The spirulina (kelp) in my current protein powder is chock full of aminos, and has the added benefit of serving up a full portion of all the vitamins, (vitamins A,C,D,E,K, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin B12, Pantheonic acid, choline, betaine,) minerals, and has 14g. of protein per serving. This protein powder has a triple whammy-vitamins, proteins, and minerals all packed into one source. Here's a pic of my new love:
Purchased from Whole Foods
Spirulina Rules!!!!:drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk:
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Oh this looks good. I like Spirulina as well. Does taste really good or do you Dr. it up?

Honey, I have to Dr. this stuff up, physically and psychologically in order to get it down!!!! Physically, I add a little fruit juice, or a piece of fruit; and psychologically I drink it with a straw so it'll go down fast, and I'l be fooled into thinking I'm sipping a creamy MickeyD's milkshake!!!! :lachen:Just kidding. It's really not so bad, it has more of the bland light protein powder taste, unlike a rich thick milkshake. :ohwell:
That Spirulina can make anything have a strong taste. I have a powdered vitamin that I use that has many wonderful ingredients in it. I can only tolerate it in pineapple juice. I have to drink it right after mixing else the it will consume the flavor of the pineapple juice.Sometimes I mix it with Crystal Light which makes it good. Again don't let it sit, else you'll be sorry. It is the Puritan Prides Life's Greens. I love the results but it tastes like crap.
Thanks for sharing.

Honey, I have to Dr. this stuff up, physically and psychologically in order to get it down!!!! Physically, I add a little fruit juice, or a piece of fruit; and psychologically I drink it with a straw so it'll go down fast, and I'l be fooled into thinking I'm sipping a creamy MickeyD's milkshake!!!! :lachen:Just kidding. It's really not so bad, it has more of the bland light protein powder taste, unlike a rich thick milkshake. :ohwell:
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That Spirulina can make anything have a strong taste. I have a powdered vitamin that I use that has many wonderful ingredients in it. I can only tolerate it in pineapple juice. I have to drink it right after mixing else the it will consume the flavor of the pineapple juice. It is the Puritan Prides Life's Greens. I love the results but it tastes like crap.
Thanks for sharing.

You're right, and I couldn't agree with you more about all the wonderful health benefits in Spirulina. I haven't tried the Puritan Pride, but I will. The results are definitely worth it.
Hi everybody!! I am new to the forum and I really want to try this. I have the organic eggs, the wheat germ and the silk soy vanilla but I don't have the wheat germ oil and I don't know where to get it so my question is, is it ok to just use my spectrum flax oil instead? Also, my wheat germ is the toasted kind I think. I got it from the grocery store in the cereal aisle so will the shake still be as effective with my ingredients? Thanks in advance ladies! I am so anxious to get started! :yep:
I haven't posted in here in a while. Just checking in! I skipped my shake today due to time constraints but I'll be back on it tomorrow! :yep: It's coming up on a month since I started drinking it so I'm excited! I hope everyone is doing well.

...so I've gotta locate some wheat germ oil later today, but I've got wheat germ. I'll be adding 4 (2400MG per serving) Rexall Naturals Flax seed oil gelcaps to the mix from Wal-Mart. Milk and eggs are never in short supply in our home. And being a (lacto-ovo) vegetarian, fruit and veggies are usually readily available. It's currently backordered, but I will later be putting Muscle Milk's Brownie Batter (I see you drooling) protein powder in as well (GNC).

That having been said...

I'm in Egglets!LOL!

The fruit for today was peaches. They weren't too sweet so I did add a Tbl of honey to sweeten. IMHO...not too shabby at all!
Ladies, this is day 4 for me so i'm officially jumping on the egglett bandwagon. I have been following you ladies for a while and watching your results and dammit, I dont want to be thinking later on.....if only i joined early out where would i be now:grin:. I'm not only jumping in for the hair benefits but for the overall health benefits. My shake:
3 eggs, flaxseed oil, raw wheat germ, soy milk, nutmeg, vanilla, cinnamon. I couldn't find wheat germ oil but I did find it in the capsules so i also take 1 with the drink. l

btw.....this thread is a good read!!!!!!!
Welcome 4everbeautifull1, Essensual, and determine3
We are glad to have you apart of this challenge!!!

4everbeautiful, wheat germ oil can be found at your
nearest whole foods store or online.
Yes,its ok to use flax oil, alot of ladies including myself are using it
And toasted wheat germ is ok, it just doesnt provide all the benefits
as raw wg....

HelloBr*nze and Egglets, (since i was being called out,lol)Im on my 10th week
My hair is growing like crazy...will post pics after my 6mos stretch which ends
mid Feb
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OK ladies, I'm getting ready to have my shake after I finish this post! Drinking this hair cocktail is such an amazing way of doing beautiful things for your body and hair. I found a powerhouse website that tells what nutrients your body is getting from the different foods we consume. I decided to do a breakdown of the hair cocktail to see why author Mary Ann Crenshaw's mighty 4 ingredients work in such great combination with each other. (BTW,the Super Beauty book is a great read)!! We all know what's in the drink, but what does each ingredient in the drink offer the user in terms of vitamins, minerals, etc? What quantity and what vitamins are we getting in each serving? This is a website that can help us figure things out:

A lot of ladies are substituting one ingredient for another, based on likes, dislikes, intolerances, medical conditions, whatever, and this site can help you plan nutritionally for the best alternatives to suit your tastes. The first time I went on this site, I spent hours just exploring the in-depth witamin and mineral charts, and amino acid graphs. I was awed at the amount of info here, and I hope you'll find it helpful as well.

Here's the good news: The milk, eggs wheat germ, and wheat germ oil all work together to provide the body with the maximum amount in grams, and milligrams of the full spectrum of the following:

Vitamin A
Vitamine C
Vitamine D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12
Pantheoic Acid


Amino acids
Aspartic acid
Glutanic acid

And of course protein.

Whew!!! I think that's every vitamin known to man! Believe it or not, ladies, the mighty 4 basic ingredients (milk, egg, wheat germ, wheat germ oil,) provide us with all of the above!!!!!! and then some. The trick is to make sure that all of the above is derived from the ingredients in your drink, based on the required daily amount. For example, I discovered from this website that my drink was lacking in vitamin C (added orange juice) and vitamin K (added lecithin). You can find many other food substitutions by using the nutritional analysis and food comparison buttons on the site.

Look here to view and see the benefits:
Milk: Nutrition Facts and Analysis for Milk, whole, 3.25% milkfat
Egg: Nutrition Facts and Analysis for Egg, whole, raw, fresh
Raw wheat germ/oil: Nutrition Facts and Analysis for Oil, wheat germ
No wonder this drink does so much for the hair and body!!
The site is easy to use, and has a seemingly unlimited amount of info that can help us egglets prepare the perfect hair cocktail tailored to all our individual needs, and tastes. Just enter the food or ingredient you want to learn about, then click on nutrition facts. Set the quantity (tsp., cup) , and the computer will do the rest. Spend the rest of the time looking thru the vitamin charts, drop down menus for amino acids, etc. The magic number on the aminos chart should be as close to 100 as possible. The higher the number, the healthier the drink. Check out the protein quantity, calories,... there's so much info here!! You can even analyze your own recipes, if you join the site. It's free!! We will feel better knowing that we've kept the original nutritional values of our cocktail intact.
Enough from me for today. I didn't mean to tire you all out. This site was so eye-opening, that I just had to pass this on. Drink up ladies!:guiness:Its gonna be a great new year filled with happiness and healthy hair!
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Hi everybody!! I am new to the forum and I really want to try this. I have the organic eggs, the wheat germ and the silk soy vanilla but I don't have the wheat germ oil and I don't know where to get it so my question is, is it ok to just use my spectrum flax oil instead? Also, my wheat germ is the toasted kind I think. I got it from the grocery store in the cereal aisle so will the shake still be as effective with my ingredients? Thanks in advance ladies! I am so anxious to get started! :yep:

I got my wheat germ oil at The Vitamin Shoppe. ... Also, just an fyi and I could be wrong on this but I believe the raw wheat germ has more nutrients than the toasted. However, it's my understanding that the toasted wheat germ stays fresh longer than the raw.... it supposedly turns rancid pretty quickly. I use the raw and I've been keeping it in an airtight container in the fridge and it seems fine to me.
Thanks for the welcome ladies:grin:woohoo. Quick question.....how many shakes do you drink per day? I know you use it as a meal replacement but I was wondering if anyone is drinking more than 1 per day and what kind of results did you get?
Thanks for the welcome ladies:grin:woohoo. Quick question.....how many shakes do you drink per day? I know you use it as a meal replacement but I was wondering if anyone is drinking more than 1 per day and what kind of results did you get?

Some ladies are adding more dairy to the drink, some are lessening the protein; I think it depends on what the individual is trying to accomplish. I only drink it once a day, since it can be pretty calorie dense, and my body does not need 'eggstra' calories right now, just the 'eggstra' benefits!!! :lick:
^^Stella B., that was an amazing compilation of facts. Just what we need to stay on track. I appreciate you for that and the link to the site. Chica, your work for today is done! I will spend oodles of time there, i can already tell.
Hi everybody!! I am new to the forum and I really want to try this. I have the organic eggs, the wheat germ and the silk soy vanilla but I don't have the wheat germ oil and I don't know where to get it so my question is, is it ok to just use my spectrum flax oil instead? Also, my wheat germ is the toasted kind I think. I got it from the grocery store in the cereal aisle so will the shake still be as effective with my ingredients? Thanks in advance ladies! I am so anxious to get started! :yep:
Hey Beautifull, welcome to the best thread on the forum~ You are an official Egglette. We are happy to have ya.

First of all, i used toasted wg the first two months bcs it was all i could find. i then found Bob's Mill Raw Wheat Germ at Iherb and purchased 3 bags for $8, total. Toasted has less nutrients than raw, like CMPerez stated, but it'll work. I would use it up and go for raw once you're done. I had great progress with it.

I haven't posted in here in a while. Just checking in! I skipped my shake today due to time constraints but I'll be back on it tomorrow! :yep: It's coming up on a month since I started drinking it so I'm excited! I hope everyone is doing well.
I'm glad you're back, Prose Princess. Thanks for hoppin' in. Yeah, we are doing well, I'm so glad to be in a New Year...'08 was hard on me :sad:. I am very optimistic about our fresh new start.


...so I've gotta locate some wheat germ oil later today, but I've got wheat germ. I'll be adding 4 (2400MG per serving) Rexall Naturals Flax seed oil gelcaps to the mix from Wal-Mart. Milk and eggs are never in short supply in our home. And being a (lacto-ovo) vegetarian, fruit and veggies are usually readily available. It's currently backordered, but I will later be putting Muscle Milk's Brownie Batter (I see you drooling) *wipes up slobber*, yeah, that's me. I saw this the other day and I knew it would be awesome...protein powder in as well (GNC).

That having been said...

I'm in Egglets!LOL! Yaay, another Egglette!

The fruit for today was peaches. They weren't too sweet so I did add a Tbl of honey to sweeten. IMHO...not too shabby at all! Not at all.
Another satisfied Egglette. Welcome to our "Nest'" Essensual :grin: You'll find a happy home, here.

Ladies, this is day 4 for me so i'm officially jumping on the egglett bandwagon. Ya-Hoo! I have been following you ladies for a while and watching your results and dammit, I dont want to be thinking later on.....if only i joined early out where would i be now I know, I know, I hate feeling like I missed-out on something. :grin:. I'm not only jumping in for the hair benefits but for the overall health benefits. My shake:
3 eggs, flaxseed oil, raw wheat germ, soy milk, nutmeg, vanilla, cinnamon. I couldn't find wheat germ oil but I did find it in the capsules so i also take 1 with the drink. l Dang, Determine3, you are determined to get some benefits here, you'll make-up for any lost time...okay, did that taste like EggNog? It had to. I miss my eggnog, I may take time to do this tomorrow.

btw.....this thread is a good read!!!!!!!
Thanks, we've got a great group of posters...

Welcome 4everbeautifull1, Essensual, and determine3
We are glad to have you apart of this challenge!!!

4everbeautiful, wheat germ oil can be found at your
nearest whole foods store or online.
Yes,its ok to use flax oil, alot of ladies including myself are using it
And toasted wheat germ is ok, it just doesnt provide all the benefits
as raw wg....

HelloBr*nze and Egglets, (since i was being called out,lol) Yes, ma'am, you were being called out...uh huh. Im on my 10th week
My hair is growing like crazyglad to hear it...will post pics after my 6mos stretch which ends
mid Feb
can't wait.

I got my wheat germ oil at The Vitamin Shoppe. ... Also, just an fyi and I could be wrong on this but I believe the raw wheat germ has more nutrients than the toasted. However, it's my understanding that the toasted wheat germ stays fresh longer than the raw.... it supposedly turns rancid pretty quickly. I use the raw and I've been keeping it in an airtight container in the fridge and it seems fine to me.
Good job, I totally agree with CMPerez on this...
^^Stella B., that was an amazing compilation of facts. Just what we need to stay on track. I appreciate you for that and the link to the site. Chica, your work for today is done! I will spend oodles of time there, i can already tell.

Thanks Bronze- I had been planning on sharing for a while now, so glad I finally got a chance to post today. I think those progress pics you and Puffy posted have got me all excited!!! Just keep the good work and news flowing...so we all can be inspired!
Gosh, our thread is flourishing, just like our hair...Welcome Newbie Egglettes, come on in', everybody that may have been hesitant to join, you'll love your results~
So I chickened out on taking the smoothie on my vacation. I felt awkward explaining why I needed to buy milk/eggs because I didn't want to use all of theirs up. "Oh and uh... could you toss in some blueberries?" :laugh: So I'm going to restart tomorrow.
I've been falling off. I haven't had a shake since my stomach flu. I feel so bad. I'm gonna go make one in a few minutes. Since that stomach flu I haven't had a craving for much. I need to jump back into my routine.
Thanks Stella for the info. I found out that i should not use a whole packet of the chocolate instant breakfast and about 1/2 the amount of brewer's yeast. The brewer's yeast in particular can increase appetite but is wonderful for your skin. That's one heck of a catch 22.