*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters

Your hair looks so full. I see the length and I also see that it has grown out. Kind of looks like a lush fountain. You gro girl!!
Mona~, i can't wait til you post pics, your hair will probably make me faint, just keel over....:yep:

I know what you mean about posting pics and being a lil' photo-shy. I feel the same way, i have had such thinning that i've cut quite a bit...i'm really all natural except for, i dunno know, 2 inches maybe? I did finally get a digicam for Christmas, and i did take pictures that i posted in another thread...i'll eventually post it in my fotki...can someone help me build one? pretty pleeze?( pm me if you can...)

But you know what, Mona, soon we (meaning all Egglettes) will be vying for a spot as Feature of The Month, promise. :yep: The Moderators just won't know who to choose, it'll probably be like 12-way ties....or a year or two of celebrating each and every one of us. :spinning::drunk:

complexsimplicity I'm not a hair measurer so I'm not sure how much I get monthly. I believe without any suppliments I get 1/4 of an inch. But currently I have about 5 inches of new growth at the crown of my head and about 4" in the back and I would say 3" in the front. Keep in mind that I'm also 31 weeks post so that's not all from the shake.

Keep up with the protein I believe you will like what you see when its all said and don't (I should be saying that to myself :rolleyes:).

Oh and I don't eat any extra protein. The plan was to increase my protein intake but I just ever got around to it. This week that will change. Not sure how much I will consume daily but I will try to get at least 2 servings.

Thanks for the encouragement LadyOfVirtue! :yep:
Sorry PuffyBrown! I went straight to Post Reply without reading and missed your shinning results!

Great progress! I'm really loving the fullness! :up:

Oh and Br*nzeb! How dare you post pics in another thread! We been thru to much for that one! :rolleyes:
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Sorry PuffyBrown! I went straight to Post Reply without reading and missed your shinning results!

Great progress! I'm really loving the fullness! :up:

Oh and Br*nzeb! How dare you post pics in another thread! We been thru to much for that one! :rolleyes:
I knew i would get called out...okay, here goes ......
So, it's really nothing major, just a starting point. I'm shy because at one time I had a gorgeous head of hair, and i'm starting over with great egglettes like you all cheering me on...i did feel like a traitor for not posting a pic earlier, though, i must say, but I joined a thicker hair in 09 challenge and i HAD to post a starting picture....so without further 'ado, {be gentle}

excuse the messy Christmas bathroom and mirror and un-toned bod, I was up super early wrapping gifts...yes on Christmas day, don't judge me. :look: I had just cut 2+ inches off the night before, and 1+ inches the week before so i was well at bsl...oh well, i should get it back by...hm, whatcha think, Feb 25th? That's my goal.

Can i make it? I bet I can!!! I think I can!!! I hope I can!!!:spinning:
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You'll make it Bronze. We'll all make it!!!

Do you ladies have portable blenders to make your shake at work?
You have some pretty hair.
It doesn't look thin to me. Your strands looks
thick as ever.

So, it's really nothing major, just a starting point. I'm shy because at one time I had a gorgeous head of hair, and i'm starting over and i've got great buddies like you all cheering me on...i did feel like a traitor, though, i must say, but it is a thicker hair in 09 challenge and i HAD to post a starting picture....so without further 'ado,

excuse the messy Christmas bathroom and mirror and un-toned bod, I was up super early wrapping gifts...yes on Christmas day, don't judge me. :look: I had just cut almost 4 inches off the night before, so i was well at bsl...oh well, i should get it back by...hm, whatcha think, Feb 25th? That's my goal.

Can i make it? I bet I can!!! I think I can!!! I hope I can!!!:spinning:

Here is a comparison shot of my hair.
I started taking the shakes in October.
Granted I DC twice per week.
I used MT in November but I keep forgetting to do it.
I use my tatoo as my marker.

From the picture, I believe that I increased in thickness mostly. My hair grows out and not down. I got a normal amount of length. I am over all pleased.

*note: I have about 1.5" of new growth in there.

Puffy, you should be pleased. You've got quite a bit of new growth and length going on. Super job! umm, I mean 'eggscellent' my dear, just 'eggscellent !!!:grin:
You'll make it Bronze. We'll all make it!!!Thanks, Chica [winks]....:grin:, Yes, we will!

Do you ladies have portable blenders to make your shake at work?
I have one at home, i will buy one for work, though, i guess that means i'll be at wallyworld tomorrow..i hope they have greenfoods, too. i need a fridge for my classroom, as well, man i could stock some good stuff there...{dreaming}....
I have been consuming a raw egg off and on for several years. I have not tried the wheat germ yet. I plan on buying some tomorrow and adding it to my shake. I'm subscribing to this thread.
I have been consuming a raw egg off and on for several years. I have not tried the wheat germ yet. I plan on buying some tomorrow and adding it to my shake. I'm subscribing to this thread.
So you're joining us, then?

Welcome Sunflower, our newest Egglette~ What has been your results from consuming raw eggs, has it been for hair health or other nutritional benefits?

you'll love the wheat germ it adds a nice texture to the cocktail...don't forget wheat germ oil, too~
So you're joining us, then?

Welcome Sunflower, our newest Egglette~ What has been your results from consuming raw eggs, has it been for hair health or other nutritional benefits?

you'll love the wheat germ it adds a nice texture to the cocktail...don't forget wheat germ oil, too~

I started doing it a couple of years ago for health benefits. That recipe that I posted earlier with the banana and the soy milk is what I have been consuming for several years now. I would stop drinking it when I got pregnant then after our baby was born I would start up again. I noticed that I would build muscle easier and faster. I also had strong hair and nails when I was consuming the shake. I used it as a breakfast, meal replacement.

I'm going to try to find the wheat germ oil as well.
Beautiful hair Br*nzeb! Your strands look strong and well moisturized! Great job :up:

I'm sitting here desperately looking for the Design Essential relaxer online and I just can't find it. I want to texlax with it so that means no salon. However since I can't find it I will have to go to a salon. The good news is I know a hair school that using DS and one of the ladies there is really good. I can't take the nap! So I might have a preview myself really soon. I don't have the lenght as Puffy and Br*nzeb but I hope to have the healthy strands. :pray:
I've gone through some of the thread, but could people post their UPDATED recipes? I know some of them didn't work, didn't taste good but people tweaked them. This thread is so long! I found a few, but this would be helpful.
Here's my current recipe:
  • 8 oz Soy Milk
  • 1 Tbsp Flaxseed Oil
  • 1 Raw Veggie Feed Cage Free Egg
  • 1 Tbsp Molasses (for the iron)
  • Vitamin Cocktail
  • Banana (if available)

My Vitamin Cocktail consist of:
  • B6
  • Multi Vitamin
  • Multi Mineral
  • Zinc
  • Biotin

I plan to get more MSM and Vitimin C really soon.

The wheat germ oil for me was too pricie ($14 for 8 oz) So I got 16 oz of Flaxseed for $17 and it supplies 33 servings. :yep: The raw wheat germ was causing me weight gain so I dropped it like it was hot! :giggle:
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My current recipe:

8oz. soy milk
2tbl spoon flaxseeds
1 scoop soy protein powder

8oz pineapple or orange juice
2tbl spoon flaxseeds
1 scoop soy protein powder
Here's my recipe

8oz vanilla soy
1/2 banana
1 pack of stevia (natural sweetener)
2 raw organic eggs
3/4 tsp MSM powder
2 tbsp raw wheat germ
1 tbsp wheat germ oil
4 tbsp amino acids

on the side I take 2 vitamin c tablets which equate to 2,000mg. I read somewhere that vitamin c helps the MSM absorb better and then I also take some digestive enzymes because I also read that if consuming large amounts of protein, you need the enzymes to help break it down and have it go to the places it needs to go faster
Hi Mona,

With so much growth and improvement with our hair in 3 months, can you imagine, Lord willing, how long our hair will be in one year?

I have started a personal "inch a month" challenge. I will most likely blog the results. I won't start the blog though until January 19th, when I get the first month progress pics.

My "inch a month" challenge regimen includes this smoothie sooooo I will be sure to post the link in this thread.
I currently use 1 egg
1/4 cup orange juice
1/4 cup skim milk
1 small apple
1 banana (i freeze mine. It adds extra flavor):lick:
2 tbsp of lite and fit vanilla yogurt
1 tbsp of wheat germ
It's tasty and it is not too strong for my stomach. The wheat germ oil is just too strong for me. The apple and yogurt makes it really sweet and filling. This drink gives me so much energy and it soothes my problematic winter skin! I don't eat like a pig when I have it and it helps me wake up refreshed, too. It is a win win situation for me. I use my lil magic bullet to make it.
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hey all, been gone for a for about a week, but I was just taking a break, you should have seen the looks that I was getting when I wore my hair down for the holidays. I really need to find my usb cord for my cam, I'm really mad because I cant find it and I have some awesome updated pics, anyway my cocktail is still the same

soy milk
wheat germ oil 2 tbls
flaxseed oil 2 tbls
1 egg1 tbls nesquik
couple of frozen strawberries
Beautiful hair Br*nzeb! Your strands look strong and well moisturized! Great job :up: [smooches] Thanks, Mona, that post was just for you...

I'm sitting here desperately looking for the Design Essential relaxer online and I just can't find it. I want to texlax with it so that means no salon. However since I can't find it I will have to go to a salon. The good news is I know a hair school that using DS and one of the ladies there is really good. I've heard those hair schools are really good, my cuz in Louisiana will only get her hair done at one in particular, she swears by them I can't take the nap! So I might have a preview myself really soon. I don't have the lenght as Puffy and Br*nzeb but I hope to have the healthy strands. :pray:
Great, Mona, you know we all have to start somewhere, and i'm like you, i just pray for the healthiness to come back...the length will get there, it may take a little patience, but it'll happen.

I cut so much hair off I didn't know if i'd be able to do my co-wash-n-go bun, but i pulled it off, Thank God! Wooh, I would have been stuck for styles, because I'm not taking that much time to style my hair, I can't with my schedule, but i'm spoiled, because I never did, I've always had 5 minute hair, if it takes longer than that, i won't have it.

Hi Br*nze and Puffy,

If this is your starting point, you will reach your goal in no time.

Great length, and thickness!
Thanks for the support, Ladyofvirtue, you'll be right in there with us. I'm routing for all of us to get to our goals in record time.

hey all, been gone for a for about a week, but I was just taking a break, you should have seen the looks that I was getting when I wore my hair down for the holidays. Oooh, weee, enquiring minds wanna know, were they is it live or memorex stares? Or gosh i wish my hair looked like that stares? I really need to find my usb cord for my cam, I'm really mad because I cant find it and I have some awesome updated pics, anyway my cocktail is still the same hurry up and find that usb cord and post those pics, Sho_iz_pretty, i wanna see what they saw...congrats....girl, let 'em know about the cocktail, i bet they'd drink raw eggs to get what you've got. :grin:

soy milk
wheat germ oil 2 tbls
flaxseed oil 2 tbls
1 egg1 tbls nesquik
couple of frozen strawberries
My cocktail recipe is the same as the original, no changes I started using flax oil and eventually ran out, i haven't started again. I may use flaxseed, instead, though...
I added 2 tbsp of flax to my shake too. So, now its:

Almond milk
Handful of spinach
Frozen banana
2 tbsp wheat germ
2 tbsp flaxseed
1 tbsp lecithin
1 egg
Liquid vits

I take flax oil separately
I added 2 tbsp of flax to my shake too. So, now its:

Almond milk
Handful of spinach
Frozen banana
2 tbsp wheat germ
2 tbsp flaxseed
1 tbsp lecithin
1 egg
Liquid vits

I take flax oil separately
Yodie, let me know how you feel with the flax seed in your cocktail...i hope to get it this week.
Welcome Sunflower.

My recipe is the same.

Soy Milk
1/2 scoop soy protein powder
2 TBSP Raw Wheat Germ
1 TBSP Wheat Germ Oil
1 TBSB Flaxseed Oil
2 Eggs. I use powder eggs so that is 4 TBSP.

I am going to add some sugar free strawberry, or banana powder for an additional kick. I am ordering it on Friday.
Hey Y'all, I have been reading about this and I'm joining in. Or rather, I have been drinking the shake for 6 days now.

My recipe:
1 raw egg, 1 cup skim milk, 1 heaping TBS brewer's yeast, 1 heaping TBS raw wheat germ, 2 TBS wheat germ oil and 1 packet of carnation breakfast shake.

A few things I've noticed:
- my skin looks amazingly radiant
- if you pour the milk into the blender and then add the wheat germ and brewer's yeast, mix it a little and let it dissolve, the graininess and taste really subside. I usually do crunches or squats while Im letting it dissolve.
- The carnation mix in chocolate adds 130 calories, and 7g of protein. It also makes the shake extremely palatable.
- The only time I "taste" the raw egg is when I think about it while, Im drinking it

Well, I will keep the board posted with results and pics at some regular interval. Thanks so much for the information, when I first read it I knew it would work. I really feel that our bodies are designed to take nutrients from real, whole food sources. I don't think a vitamin or supplement could ever work as efficiently in our bodies as something like this could.