*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
OK, I changed my recipe. I put my egg, wheat germ, orange juice, and frozen banana.:lick: My moods are better and I have no menstrual cramps at all. I am a mite tired, but that just comes with having the period. :lachen: I am so happy I finally paid attention to this thread!
Thank you to all the ladies that use orange juice in their mix. I really needed something new to my old shake and I know this will help me.

I was in Whole Food tonight and picked up some OJ and then it hit me "carrot juice"! I feel funny about adding carrot juice & OJ but I decided to only add 2 oz which is the necessary amount for thicker, longer hair. I'm so excite! :yahoo:
Its me again! As some of you may know I am wiggin it these day and under the wig I keep my hair braided. This mean I rarely touch my hair. I mean I try to re-braid every 3 days but that basically it.

Well tonight as I'm taking out my braids I notice that my hair feels super tuff! Strong and tuff! I love it! I love it! And can't wait for my next texlax!
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I'm glad to hear about carrot juice again, it has soo many benefits, maybe i'll drink it at night, now where's my juicer??

things went well today, shake is still doing me good! keep up the great work ladies~ Happy Waistlength Hair Growing!
I think I'm imagining things but my cornrows feel a lil loose. But it could just be a regular thing. I'll see at the end of the 2 week experiment. :look:
I think you should be okay. I've taken the supplements and i've added flax oil to my cocktail, with great results, so you'll be good to go...okay, excuse the pun.:rolleyes:

I was a little nervous at first but like most of you said its mind over matter. It didn't even trigger my gag reflex like I thought it might and quite tasty. The only thing I'm missing is the raw wheat germ oil and thats because the store was out but I will be picking up some tomorrow. I felt the effects of the shake like within an hour of drinking. I had energy all day and that's from one shake. I was gonna try 2 a day but I think I would really be bouncing off the walls. I have to say though...this is the best I've felt in a very long time. Thanks Br*nze for putting this out there.

I had an 8am class today and had to do a presentation and it was nonstop the rest of the day. So, I'm late and about to make it now.

But, I kid you not--from the smoothie I had yesterday at around 12noon, I had one meal--risotto around 4 pm, and I didn't eat anything else all day execpt a handful of almonds and a few cornchips. Then this morning, I had a few more almonds and didn't eat anything until noon. I wasn't hungry at all! So, I'm definitely a believer in this raw egg being a complete protein because I wasn't even hungry when I ate. I was basically just eating to eat.

This was me as well. I only ate because I felt like I should but not because I was hungry. My mother was skeptical about this when I told her about it but after I told her how I felt she was like, "What you put in it again?"
When I take my protein powder I feel full and don't get hungry till more than 3 hours later. But I eat because I feel like my body still needs the nutrients especially my hair. I have issues up there.
I was skeptical about this challenge at first, but after reading some of the benefits you ladies have posted, I think I wanna take a dive and try it out! :yep: I wanna glow too!! :lachen: I'm a little confused on the ingredients though, everybody seems to be using different stuff. Would using raw eggs yield the best benefits? Should I use raw wheat germ or wheat germ oil? Does it make any difference? Fruit and milk are the only other ingredients that I remember seeing often, what else would you ladies suggest I add to my mix?
Here the original recipe as posted by Br~nzeb

Hair Cocktail Ingredients:
3/4 glass of whole milk (I used SilkSoy Vanilla)
1 raw egg
1 tblspn raw wheat germ oil
2 tblspns raw wheat germ
for flavor, you may add a piece of fruit in season

I deviated from the original recipe b/c I needed it to fit my budget and I can't stand cow's milk so here what I'm doing now:

Soy Milk
Raw Egg
Orange Juice (thanks ladies) :wink2:
2 oz Carrot Juice
Flaxseed oil
All my vitamins

For me the main ingredient is the milk and raw egg and the wheat germ oil but after a few weeks of the same mix I really needed a change.

When I take my protein powder I feel full and don't get hungry till more than 3 hours later. But I eat because I feel like my body still needs the nutrients especially my hair. I have issues up there.

Me either. I can last a long while after I drink these. I must admit, it wasn't like that at first.

DANG!!!! I checked around and it sure is. I can feel the difference in my body. I'm working out (just started back up again) and I feel very heavy.

Are any ladies using a none-protein powder for their shakes?

Yodie, I am also using protein powder and I am not bulking up. I am using soy milk and if the protein shake calls for 1 big scoop I'll use half, 3 scoops, 1, etc...

I was gaining real quick with using the full protein serving. It stopped after I cut the serving of the protein.

It is probally the consumption of too much protein at one time. Also, many protein formulas are on average a meal replacement in themselves so if you are taking a full serving of protein and a full serving of fruit cocktail you almost double the calories depending on the brand of protein shake you use. Our bodies can only use so much at a time and remember we are getting some protein from the egg. Technically depending upon how you are making the drink on average it is close to 500 calores. Protein adds more and then you still have 5 smaller meals to go. 3 average size meals for most.
Ladies I'm noticing a difference btw the whey and soy protein powders in that I'm not feeling bulky on the soy. This may turn out to be a great thing. YAY!! I think I mentioned this before but whatever. Yay me!
I see you eliminated the raw wheat germ altogether. Is it expensive? Where do you buy it?

No. I found it at one of my locale Health Food Stores for less then $2 but I believe the raw wheat germ is the cause of my increase in weight. Without it I feel less heavy and I already dropped 1 pound in less then 2 days off of it.

The wheat germ is pricy IMO. I found an 8 oz bottle for $14!
Okay ladies, I bought all original ingredients today and I am so excited about this shake that I may have one for dinner instead of waiting for morning.

But I have a few questions. When adding the different juices (carrot, pineapple, etc.) how much of it are you adding? I am sitting here imagining mixing juice and milk and I gag! ... lol...But I know am sure its good.

I will be heading to the grocery store after work to purchase some flavors to add so let me know what to do pleeeeeeez.
Wheres a cabbage patch dance smilie when you need it? My egg white powder, MSM, and Omega 3-6-9 just arrived..woohoo! I can't wait to make a smoothie now~minus Msm of course.

I know this is of topic but MSM is no joke. I take the vitamins and they made such a different in the appearance of my skin. I hardly where my press powder when usually you couldn't catch me without it.
Okay ladies, I bought all original ingredients today and I am so excited about this shake that I may have one for dinner instead of waiting for morning.

But I have a few questions. When adding the different juices (carrot, pineapple, etc.) how much of it are you adding? I am sitting here imagining mixing juice and milk and I gag! ... lol...But I know am sure its good.

I will be heading to the grocery store after work to purchase some flavors to add so let me know what to do pleeeeeeez.
If you prefer, it's okay to start off with the original recipe, most of have, i only add a bit of powder protein. That's it. The OG recipe doesn't include juices of any kind, only wheat germ and wheat germ oil, so if you have those ingredients, start there b4 you get creative, that way you'll know if the cocktail is working for you...
Mona--when you say all your vitamins, are you dumping in the acutal pills and then letting them grind up in your blender?

Thank you.

Here the original recipe as posted by Br~nzeb

I deviated from the original recipe b/c I needed it to fit my budget and I can't stand cow's milk so here what I'm doing now:

Soy Milk
Raw Egg
Orange Juice (thanks ladies) :wink2:
2 oz Carrot Juice
Flaxseed oil
All my vitamins

For me the main ingredient is the milk and raw egg and the wheat germ oil but after a few weeks of the same mix I really needed a change.

I bought raw wheat germ at whole foods today for less than $2 for 10 oz :grin:! I just hope it doesn't make me feel too bulky as some of you ladies have said. The Vitamin Shoppe in my area opens tomorrow so I'll be headed out there to get some wheat germ oil and omega 3-6-9 oil (too expensive at whole foods). I'm so excited! My initial recipe will be:
2% organic milk
1 egg
1 banana (maybe half)
Raw wheat germ
Wheat germ oil
Omega 3-6-9 oil

I guess if the wheat germ does make me feel gross I can just count it as a loss. What's $4 anyway? lol
Mona--when you say all your vitamins, are you dumping in the acutal pills and then letting them grind up in your blender?

Thank you.

:yep:! I toss them all in my blender with my shake and drink!

I bought raw wheat germ at whole foods today for less than $2 for 10 oz :grin:! I just hope it doesn't make me feel too bulky as some of you ladies have said. The Vitamin Shoppe in my area opens tomorrow so I'll be headed out there to get some wheat germ oil and omega 3-6-9 oil (too expensive at whole foods). I'm so excited! My initial recipe will be:
2% organic milk
1 egg
1 banana (maybe half)
Raw wheat germ
Wheat germ oil
Omega 3-6-9 oil

I guess if the wheat germ does make me feel gross I can just count it as a loss. What's $4 anyway? lol

If you can stand it you will be better off with whole milk. You really need the fat for the full effect.
Thanks Mona. Hmm, I'll have to try this. I remember my friend told me she would open up her MSM capsules and dump the powder in the blender. I think I tried the MSM once like that and couldn't stand the taste. That stuff tastes like acid poison. But, dumping the vitamins all in at once would definitely make things a lot easier!
We're so happy for you, Starr1! Many others, like myself, are on our journey. And we're enjoying the ride... see ya there!
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:yep:! I toss them all in my blender with my shake and drink!

If you can stand it you will be better off with whole milk. You really need the fat for the full effect.

What does the fat do? I love whole milk, I just don't want to start putting on weight from this drink. But if it really helps I'll definitely start using it once I get through this half gallon of 2%. I'm gonna start workin out regularly this coming week so I'm not too worried about it. Thanks for all your help Mona :)
I am going to try the pineapple too!
Sounds so delish.

Anybody able to comment on some growth spurts.
I noticed fuller lustier(sp) hair. Not really paying much attention
to growth as I am wiggin it.
I keep forgetting to put on my MT. Shoot, I might be slowing myself down.