*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
Is it normal to feel kind of nauseous the first time you have this drink? I felt great at first, then I started to get hungry and felt dizzy, ate dinner (probably a bit too much food), and now I feel nauseous. I don't think I'm actually going to throw up, but it's pretty uncomfortable. Anybody else have this reaction? :perplexed:
I don't remember feeling nauseous, do you think you waited too long to eat? Did you take vitamins? Many times certain supplements will make me ill, oils and vitamins do not mix!!! :blush::spinning: I learned that the hard way - The next time you try it you will probably not have this reaction...I hope! This could be your body reacting to the super healthy mix and trying to sort it all out....I bet it gets better.
Thanks for all your advice ladies. I woke up with a massive headache this morning. Nausea is gone, but I'm taking a break from my shake today. Tomorrow when I make it I am going to use about half of the ingredients I used yesterday so I don't end up with two tall glasses of the stuff. I'm determined to get this right and stick with it! :yep:
Thanks for all your advice ladies. I woke up with a massive headache this morning. Nausea is gone, but I'm taking a break from my shake today. Tomorrow when I make it I am going to use about half of the ingredients I used yesterday so I don't end up with two tall glasses of the stuff. I'm determined to get this right and stick with it! :yep:

Glad to hear it, PPrincess, it may take a little tweaking, but i know you'll find a mix that's right for you.
Is everyone having a great weekend? I am. Getting ready for Monday is always a challenge, so i'll sign off. Have a blessed week-- And grow some waistlength hair, already!


Besides the Egg Cocktail what else are you all doing to your hair? My doing the following
  • 1 year relaxer stretch (currently 27 week post)
  • MT
  • Bentonite Clay washing
  • Wearing cornrows under my half wig (re-braid every 3rd day. I've been doing this routine for 4 week now)
  • On non-wash days I spray my hair with a mixture of water, peppermint, sage and rosemary oils.
  • Rub scalp and braids down with castor oil after water mix.

Thought it would be good to list these things out just incase we look back on this in years to come.
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Is everyone having a great weekend? I am. Getting ready for Monday is always a challenge, so i'll sign off. Have a blessed week-- And grow some waistlength hair, already!


Girl, I am so busy! This statistics class is getting on my last nerve. One week yall..one week! Finished that class and go on winter break a week after that!

Besides the Egg Cocktail what else are you all doing to your hair? My doing the following
  • 1 year relaxer stretch (currently 27 week post)
  • MT
  • Bentonite Clay washing
  • Wearing cornrows under my half wig (re-braid every 3rd day. I've been doing this routine for 4 week now)
  • On non-wash days I spray my hair with a mixture of water, peppermint, sage and rosemary oils.
  • Rub scalp and braids down with castor oil after water mix.
Thought it would be good to list these things out just incase we look back on this in years to come.

I am considering transistion but not sure. Maybe I will texlax. Not wanting to keep hair relaxed but I dont want it to be un-manageable.
I am doing ayurveda treatments once per week.
DC 2x per week.
Considering adding a weekly coffee rinse.
Wash on Saturday
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The Fruit Medley cups were on sale this weekend so I got a few. As I made my smoothie this morning I through two cups of the Apple/Orange fruit medley cups in it....Quite delish. :lick: It was a good mix of fresh fruit and the natural fruit juices.
My reggie:
Coffee spritz
Sulfur Oil
Hawaiian Silky Moisturizing Spray

Coffee/ayurvedic rinse
Cayenne Pepper Scrub (starts this week)

Caramel Treatment/Baking Soda Treatment
Good idea Monarae.

In addition to the cocktail, I'm eating a lot of lean protein (chicken breast, salmon, tuna), addtl. protein smoothies, taking MSM, brewers yeast, kelp, a multi, and eating more veggies/fruit, exercising 4Xweek.

As for externally, just wash/DC once a week, cowash midweek, braidout or bun. I'm using Humectress, Cantu as main moisturizers, coconut and castor as my oils.
When I remember (or feel like it) I use MT.

I'm focusing on internal methods more now.
Good idea Monarae.

In addition to the cocktail, I'm eating a lot of lean protein (chicken breast, salmon, tuna), addtl. protein smoothies, taking MSM, brewers yeast, kelp, a multi, and eating more veggies/fruit, exercising 4Xweek.

As for externally, just wash/DC once a week, cowash midweek, braidout or bun. I'm using Humectress, Cantu as main moisturizers, coconut and castor as my oils.
When I remember (or feel like it) I use MT.

I'm focusing on internal methods more now.

What does the kelp do? I need to start working out regularly too, I'm starting as soon as finals are over. :bouncegre:trampolin :drunk: I remember my hair used to grow a lot faster and shine more when I was working out on a regular basis, the internal is important! :yep:
Well, I am starting to see some NG. Surely its not from the cocktail as I've only been on it for 2 weeks now :ohwell: and I am 3 weeks post. My face is getting soooo clear and the :look: gas is going away. This drink is definitely a keeper :yep:.

In addition to the cocktail, I am doing the following:
eating lots and lots of lean protein meats
1 protein shake/day
taking a multi and B-complex vitamin
eating almonds
Ive been meaning to get in on the kelp supplements. I keep forgetting. I hear it is really good.

Good idea Monarae.

In addition to the cocktail, I'm eating a lot of lean protein (chicken breast, salmon, tuna), addtl. protein smoothies, taking MSM, brewers yeast, kelp, a multi, and eating more veggies/fruit, exercising 4Xweek.

As for externally, just wash/DC once a week, cowash midweek, braidout or bun. I'm using Humectress, Cantu as main moisturizers, coconut and castor as my oils.
When I remember (or feel like it) I use MT.

I'm focusing on internal methods more now.
Hmmm I have kelp somewhere around but don't use it anymore. I never used it for more than 3 or 3 days cuz that's when I would notice a big painful ginormous pimple or two.

I'm not breaking wind anymore:spinning:.

I decided to change things up today and mix my ensure, 2 scoops of soy powder, and 8 oz soy milk together and it tasted :lick:. I was able to split it up into two servings for morning and night. I drank some for bfast and poured the rest back into the ensure bottle and took it to school.

Bronze was right. We're saving a ton of money making these shakes ourselves. I don't even wanna know how much a protein shake a Jamba Juice costs.
Hmmm... Kelp! I was taking it a couple of weeks ago for weight loss but when I kept gaining weight I got discouraged. I will start it back up tomorrow.

I am also ashamed to list all the vitamins I am taking right now but I guess I better.

  • Multi Vitamin
  • B-Complex
  • Vitamin B6 (50 mg)
  • Biotin (1 mg)
  • Propolis (1/2 tsp - started 4 days ago)
  • Zinc (50 mg b/c I got low iron)
  • N-Acetly-L_Cysteine (600 mg caught VJ -vitamin junkie from dsylla regimen earlier this year so I'm taking it till it runs out - hate to waste)
  • Vitamin D (2000 I.U. till it runs out)
  • MSM (2g)
  • Vitamin C (2g)
  • Super Seed (1/2 scoop - contains Chia seeds)

And believe it or not I throw all of them into my shake! I tell myself that I don't need to eat with all the vitamins I take daily! :giggle:
What you talking about Willis?

Gaining weight? I cannot afford that. I just started losing.

Hmmm... Kelp! I was taking it a couple of weeks ago for weight loss but when I kept gaining weight I got discouraged. I will start it back up tomorrow.

I am also ashamed to list all the vitamins I am taking right now but I guess I better.

  • Multi Vitamin
  • B-Complex
  • Vitamin B6 (50 mg)
  • Biotin (1 mg)
  • Propolis (1/2 tsp - started 4 days ago)
  • Zinc (50 mg b/c I got low iron)
  • N-Acetly-L_Cysteine (600 mg caught VJ -vitamin junkie from dsylla regimen earlier this year so I'm taking it till it runs out - hate to waste)
  • Vitamin D (2000 I.U. till it runs out)
  • MSM (2g)
  • Vitamin C (2g)
  • Super Seed (1/2 scoop - contains Chia seeds)
And believe it or not I throw all of them into my shake! I tell myself that I don't need to eat with all the vitamins I take daily! :giggle:
I know you're glad. Just keep drinking that water! Lots of it!


I'm not breaking wind anymore:spinning:.

I decided to change things up today and mix my ensure, 2 scoops of soy powder, and 8 oz soy milk together and it tasted :lick:. I was able to split it up into two servings for morning and night. I drank some for bfast and poured the rest back into the ensure bottle and took it to school.

Bronze was right. We're saving a ton of money making these shakes ourselves. I don't even wanna know how much a protein shake a Jamba Juice costs.
I am going to try to go to March before getting a retouch. My current relaxer is 3 weeks old. I just texlaxed it and it is holding up very well. We will see how it goes.
Believe it or not I forgot on - Garlic (for shredding)

And the weight gain is unbearable. I gained about 10 pounds since starting this drink and I'm finally realizing that I can't eat like I use to before the shake. So this morning I tried to cut as many calories from my shake. Here's my udpate recipe:

4 oz Soy Milk - 50 calories
2 oz Carrot Juice - 30 calories
4 oz Orange Juice - 60 calories
1/2 scoop Super Seed - 40 calories
1 Tbsp Flaxseed Oil - 120 calories
1 Organic Veggie Feed Egg - 70 calories
1/2 tsp Propolis - 30 calories
And of course my vitamins!

Total calories = 400! and that's with a 175 calorie cut! Now I got to get my protions under control. Most times I'm just eating b/c its there and that's got to stop!

I cut out the raw wheat germ last week and the heavy feeling is gone which I really do like but I may add it back in another week or so but only 1 Tbsp. I am determin to have my shake and lose this weight! I refuse to give it up!
Ladies my boobies went from 33 inches to 36 inches. Idk of it's the shake or not cuz I haven't measured in a lil over 2 months. But since taking the soy shake my body doesn't feel heavy like I'm packing on pounds(I haven't weighed since forever) but my boobs feel especially different. They look nice and plump but most of my bras don't fit anymore. Could it be the estrogen in the soy powder? I take 50g of the stuff everyday that's 220 calories right there. But it's only been a week so I think it's too early to tell. False alarm? Other factors?
Not sure sweetie. Mine actually went down. I think it depends upon your body. Protein nutrition corrects muscle mass in areas that you were previously deficient. It will be different for everybody.

Ladies my boobies went from 33 inches to 36 inches. Idk of it's the shake or not cuz I haven't measured in a lil over 2 months. But since taking the soy shake my body doesn't feel heavy like I'm packing on pounds(I haven't weighed since forever) but my boobs feel especially different. They look nice and plump but most of my bras don't fit anymore. Could it be the estrogen in the soy powder? I take 50g of the stuff everyday that's 220 calories right there. But it's only been a week so I think it's too early to tell. False alarm? Other factors?
I know. It is definately a meal replacement for me. I jump on the treadmill to burn a few of those calories too. The rest goes to muscle. Should even out with proper exercise.

Believe it or not I forgot on - Garlic (for shredding)

And the weight gain is unbearable. I gained about 10 pounds since starting this drink and I'm finally realizing that I can't eat like I use to before the shake. So this morning I tried to cut as many calories from my shake. Here's my udpate recipe:

4 oz Soy Milk - 50 calories
2 oz Carrot Juice - 30 calories
4 oz Orange Juice - 60 calories
1/2 scoop Super Seed - 40 calories
1 Tbsp Flaxseed Oil - 120 calories
1 Organic Veggie Feed Egg - 70 calories
1/2 tsp Propolis - 30 calories
And of course my vitamins!

Total calories = 400! and that's with a 175 calorie cut! Now I got to get my protions under control. Most times I'm just eating b/c its there and that's got to stop!

I cut out the raw wheat germ last week and the heavy feeling is gone which I really do like but I may add it back in another week or so but only 1 Tbsp. I am determin to have my shake and lose this weight! I refuse to give it up!
Believe it or not I forgot on - Garlic (for shredding)

And the weight gain is unbearable. I gained about 10 pounds since starting this drink and I'm finally realizing that I can't eat like I use to before the shake. So this morning I tried to cut as many calories from my shake. Here's my udpate recipe:

4 oz Soy Milk - 50 calories
2 oz Carrot Juice - 30 calories
4 oz Orange Juice - 60 calories
1/2 scoop Super Seed - 40 calories
1 Tbsp Flaxseed Oil - 120 calories
1 Organic Veggie Feed Egg - 70 calories
1/2 tsp Propolis - 30 calories
And of course my vitamins!

Total calories = 400! and that's with a 175 calorie cut! Now I got to get my protions under control. Most times I'm just eating b/c its there and that's got to stop!

I cut out the raw wheat germ last week and the heavy feeling is gone which I really do like but I may add it back in another week or so but only 1 Tbsp. I am determin to have my shake and lose this weight! I refuse to give it up!
I actually think taking protein with this Cocktail causes weight gain. I'm actually omitting the protein powder, when i took this cocktail previously, i NEVER gained weight...in fact, my weight went down quite a bit....in pounds and inches...i've been adding a scoop of whey protein and I gained 6 pounds, i've dropped most of them, but I really believe that's the difference. The OG recipe doesn't ask for protein powder, so when we start altering the recipe, sometimes we get altered results....
Ladies my boobies went from 33 inches to 36 inches. Idk of it's the shake or not cuz I haven't measured in a lil over 2 months. But since taking the soy shake my body doesn't feel heavy like I'm packing on pounds(I haven't weighed since forever) but my boobs feel especially different. They look nice and plump but most of my bras don't fit anymore. Could it be the estrogen in the soy powder? I take 50g of the stuff everyday that's 220 calories right there. But it's only been a week so I think it's too early to tell. False alarm? Other factors?
I felt the difference all over, that's alot of extra calories without changing your eating reggie, so this could be the culprit. I drank my shake today without a scoop of whey, and it was still good, i actually could drink it quicker bcs it wasn't as thick...so this I'm going back to the original...If I drink a protein drink, it'll be as a sub for lunch or dinner, not mixed with The Cocktail....
Ladies my boobies went from 33 inches to 36 inches. Idk of it's the shake or not cuz I haven't measured in a lil over 2 months. But since taking the soy shake my body doesn't feel heavy like I'm packing on pounds(I haven't weighed since forever) but my boobs feel especially different. They look nice and plump but most of my bras don't fit anymore. Could it be the estrogen in the soy powder? I take 50g of the stuff everyday that's 220 calories right there. But it's only been a week so I think it's too early to tell. False alarm? Other factors?

wow, it's funny you should say that. I wasn't going to say anything because I didn't know if it was all in my head or wishful thinking, but I've been taking the shake for two weeks now and I noticed the same thing with my breasts. I have not measured them but if anyone knows "the girls" it's me. They are more plump and they are sitting up better. I'm rather heavy chested (34HH) but usually they are sagging. I noticed towards the end of last week that they were looking more plump. I didn't think anything of it, I thought it was the shirt i was wearing. Then sunday I wore a shirt and skirt I couldn't fit like a month ago. I got on the scale. I didn't lose weight. I actually gained 3lbs. But my waist looked curvier. I thought it was just me so I asked my husband and he agreed. I look like I'm getting my hour glass figure back. Again, there is no weight loss based on the scale but i think I have definitely lost inches. My nails had a growth spirt and my skin looks refreshed in the morning.

FYI - I drink about 150 oz of water a day
wow, it's funny you should say that. I wasn't going to say anything because I didn't know if it was all in my head or wishful thinking, but I've been taking the shake for two weeks now and I noticed the same thing with my breasts. I have not measured them but if anyone knows "the girls" it's me. They are more plump and they are sitting up better. I'm rather heavy chested (34HH)Girl, we could be Bosom Buddies! LOL! I'm right there with ya' but usually they are sagging. I noticed towards the end of last week that they were looking more plump. Yep, mine are more "plump" I didn't think anything of it, I thought it was the shirt i was wearing. Then sunday I wore a shirt and skirt I couldn't fit like a month ago. I got on the scale. I didn't lose weight. I actually gained 3lbs. But my waist looked curvier. Maybe bcs I pcked up a few, I definitely have an even curvier body, I am also Quintessential (sp) Hourglass, big boobs, small waist, big hips/butt and it was getting even moreso....I thought it was just me so I asked my husband and he agreed. my hubby is going a little more nuts over me than usual, i dropped a few, but the curves are still there. I look like I'm getting my hour glass figure back. Again, there is no weight loss based on the scale but i think I have definitely lost inches. My nails had a growth spirt and my skin looks refreshed in the morning.

FYI - I drink about 150 oz of water a day
I definitely need to up my water.....
Ladies my boobies went from 33 inches to 36 inches.I'm thinking of the added bonus for those who are looking for natural breast augmentation, here ya go! Who would have thunk it? Idk of it's the shake or not cuz I haven't measured in a lil over 2 months. But since taking the soy shake my body doesn't feel heavy like I'm packing on pounds(I haven't weighed since forever) but my boobs feel especially different. They look nice and plump but most of my bras don't fit anymore. Could it be the estrogen in the soy powder? I take 50g of the stuff everyday that's 220 calories right there. But it's only been a week so I think it's too early to tell. False alarm? Other factors?

The Waistlength Hair Cocktail ROCKS!!!
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OK ladies......I've joined you. This is day two of my smoothie.

My smoothie:
3/4 cup Vanilla Almond Milk
1 scoop Whey protein
2 Tlbs. Wheat Germ
1 raw egg
1/2 banana
1 packet Stevia Plus

The first day...my stomach was a lil queasy. Today it's just fine. I don't think I'm going to add the wheat germ oil.
So far, so good.......I'm going to stick with it for as long as possible.
Hmmm... Kelp! I was taking it a couple of weeks ago for weight loss but when I kept gaining weight I got discouraged. I will start it back up tomorrow.

I am also ashamed to list all the vitamins I am taking right now but I guess I better.


Don't be ashamed! Please my friends and fam know I'm a supplement junky. I call myself a healthy drug addict!