*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
I know Im all late but I finally got the book. I couldnt believe it was only a buck for a nice hardcover. The owner was very nice, 5thbookfree on Amazon.
Ok, well bumping now.:yep:
Hey Ladies~ How'd your day go? I'm still reaping benefits of our cocktail. I got my hair pressed for the first time in years~~~I'm kinda dissapointed that my ends are still thin in back, but I am totally confident that a turnaround is on the way. My newgrowth and the top 4 inches look and feel great! I'm transitioning and this is a process. Thank God the intense alopecia-hair loss is over, so now i can concentrate on thickening and strengthening my strands. I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for your love, support and encouragement. You all are the best posters - ever!
Hey Ladies~ How'd your day go? I'm still reaping benefits of our cocktail. I got my hair pressed for the first time in years~~~I'm kinda dissapointed that my ends are still thin in back, but I am totally confident that a turnaround is on the way. My newgrowth and the top 4 inches look and feel great! I'm transitioning and this is a process. Thank God the intense alopecia-hair loss is over, so now i can concentrate on thickening and strengthening my strands. I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for your love, support and encouragement. You all are the best posters - ever!


now don't make me feel bad, I haven't bought a digicam yet, so no pix.(I missed a really good clearance on cameras at Target, dang) I wouldn't even want to post em', though to tell the truth...i do have a pix if you click on my info, that's my hair in better days, after a 6-inch bob cut that was growing out...
Thanks OP so much for this thread! I did a little research on consuming raw eggs and found that most sources said the chances of getting salmonella are slim to none. I wonder why such a big deal is made about it in the news and such? Anyway, the company that makes the protein I drink suggests mixing a raw egg with the protein powder, milk, and a small piece of fruit. So today I tried 8 oz of unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 1 organic raw egg, 1 scoop unsweetened vanilla protein, 1/2 banana, two packs of stevia, and a splash of organic vanilla extract. After it blended I added shaved ice from my snowcone maker. Oh MAN!!! That stuff was so thick, creamy, and delicious. I could stay off sugar forever drinking this. And the best part about it was that I was full for like 4 hours or so and when I finally did eat, I wasn't ravenous. Also I filled up very quickly at my next meal, and no cravings all day. This is like a magic potion. I'm not sure I'm up for the wheatgerm, though I may try flaxseed. I'm not so much going for the hair and skin benefits as I am for weight loss and appetite control. But I just wanted to thank you because even though I had considered using raw eggs for some time, your post is what finally pushed me over the edge to try and it's definitely a keeper. Blessings!
Thanks OP so much for this thread! I did a little research on consuming raw eggs and found that most sources said the chances of getting salmonella are slim to none. I wonder why such a big deal is made about it in the news and such? Anyway, the company that makes the protein I drink suggests mixing a raw egg with the protein powder, milk, and a small piece of fruit. So today I tried 8 oz of unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 1 organic raw egg, 1 scoop unsweetened vanilla protein, 1/2 banana, two packs of stevia, and a splash of organic vanilla extract. After it blended I added shaved ice from my snowcone maker. Oh MAN!!! That stuff was so thick, creamy, and delicious. I could stay off sugar forever drinking this. And the best part about it was that I was full for like 4 hours or so and when I finally did eat, I wasn't ravenous. Also I filled up very quickly at my next meal, and no cravings all day. This is like a magic potion. I'm not sure I'm up for the wheatgerm, though I may try flaxseed. I'm not so much going for the hair and skin benefits as I am for weight loss and appetite control. But I just wanted to thank you because even though I had considered using raw eggs for some time, your post is what finally pushed me over the edge to try and it's definitely a keeper. Blessings!

Sounds good!
Thanks Lavendar and Iris, I'm up at this time bcs I was thinking about my hair. I am disappointed that I don't have greater results. But I know this too shall pass. I have alot to celebrate and yes, God gets all the Glory.

I love your siggy, Lavendar that shows your progress in 3 years, I'm aiming for results like that, as well. You are quite the inspiration. My hair is growing like weeds, it's already bsl -again-, but it's thin. The front is fine, but when i turn to the back......aww, man..I keep cutting my thin ends expecting for it to catch up and get thick all over and it looks like i'll be cutting -AGAIN.

As I said before, you guys are the best, bcs it's so hard to talk to others about your hair, as long as you have 10 strands on your hair and it's to your back, they are like "what? you've got great hair! It's sooo long"..so thanks for the feedback and I'm still inspired.

~Blessings from Br*nze~
Hello my little Egglets

I've been MIA for a few days. The course that I am taking right now is a bear and most of the time when
I get home I am too pooped to pawty. This class is over in 6 weeks and I cannot wait to move on the the next one.:computer:

Anyhoo, I am sipping on my drinky right now. I past the 10 days and am now drinking it 3 to 4 days a week; depending upon my other meals.

I still am enjoying the benefits that I am getting from the drink and am finding that the results that I am getting from the powder are the same as to what I was getting during the two weeks of the organic egg. I am going to test that theory again when I can get over to whole foods to get some organic eggs.

I tell you one thing about this drink. It gives me so much energy. I love it. I actually enjoyed a long walk. For me, exercise is like pulling teeth and it takes a lot of me to work on my endurance. It is really hard to work, and go to school. I can't seem to get that exercise time in there. I am asking God to light my path.

I guess now I am at that one month mark...so we will keep on going..

Ladies, I have been following along this thread because I have to keep up as you guys are posting really fast:giggle:
Thanks, PuffyBrown~ You'll do great on your coursework...I'm about to enter grad school, so whew~ you're doing good. Yeah, just track us and pop in every now and then and let us know how you're doing, okay?
Hey bronze! I'm going to have to follow your lead and add a squirt of strawberry syrup and see how that works! :fat:Waiting for that hair growth salad recipe!:eat:
My goods came in the mail yesterday. The UPS guy was outside my building when I left to go out, and I darn near jumped him all like "Is that package for Duchesse?" lol.

I added the lecithin, raw wheat germ, and wheat germ oil to my smoothie. The taste wasn't horrific, just not as tasty as I've been accostumed to. But I'm going to keep it up, as it did give me a burst of energy, and I had it at 7am, it's almost noon and I'm just now getting hungry.

I might add my hair is looking luscious and it's def grown according to the sudden spurt of grays in my hair that need to be hennad asap.
Ladies, I'm traveling this week and will be unable to have my cocktail for two days. I'm bummed about it and hoping that I won't put a damper on my progress. ...sigh
I use the basic which are egg, wheat germ oil, and raw wheat germ but I vary with the milk I use Almond or Soy bc I can't stand cow's milk. I also add molasses for the added iron. And for kicks I throw in 1g of vit. C, 50 mg of B6 and 50 mg of b-complex. All that and I still add lecithin. You know how we do! We will change up a recipe in a minute!
would someone mind pm'ing me the recipe please? I'm supposed to be starting a 10-day MC tomorrow and would like to be able to have everything together for the shakes when I come off it...pretty please? This thread is soooo long....
Thanks Lavendar and Iris, I'm up at this time bcs I was thinking about my hair. I am disappointed that I don't have greater results. But I know this too shall pass. I have alot to celebrate and yes, God gets all the Glory.

I love your siggy, Lavendar that shows your progress in 3 years, I'm aiming for results like that, as well. You are quite the inspiration. My hair is growing like weeds, it's already bsl -again-, but it's thin. The front is fine, but when i turn to the back......aww, man..I keep cutting my thin ends expecting for it to catch up and get thick all over and it looks like i'll be cutting -AGAIN.

As I said before, you guys are the best, bcs it's so hard to talk to others about your hair, as long as you have 10 strands on your hair and it's to your back, they are like "what? you've got great hair! It's sooo long"..so thanks for the feedback and I'm still inspired.

~Blessings from Br*nze~

Girl, I think you may be cutting off your progress for nothing. A lot of times when our hair grows, the thickness grows from crown to ends. Therefore, you have to hang in there with your hair until the thickness starts to move down towards the ends. I find this to especially be the case for really fine-haired ladies like myself. What you must do is protect those ends and keep them well moisturized. As my hair grows, I go through the thick-thin stages quite often. I learned this from Chicoro and found it to be absolutely true. This was priceless info for me, because like you, I would have been tempted to cut and start over. Think about it....you keep cutting the thin ends and your hair is growing nicely, but the thin ends keep reappearing, and it probably seems like they keep reappearing at around the same length I bet. You're not giving your hair a chance to show you what it's about to do!:grin: Now I'm not advocating walking around with a bunch of splits or jagged ends, but that's not what you seem be saying. As long as your ends are healthy, pamper them and let your hair do it's thang!:yep:

ETA: I want to show you an example of what I mean. Take a look at the picture in the feature of the month section (the one where I'm wearing the blue shirt). Now look at the pic in my siggie. I had quite a bit of growth between to two pics. The feature one was taken on 9/18 and the siggie one on 10/30. My ends are thinner right now because I had a growth spurt during the last two months for whatever reason. I think it was due to using aloe vera. That's the only new thing I added within the past two months. But this is an example of how my hair does that thin-thick thing. I just make sure my ends are healthy, moisturized, and bunned.
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Great info Lavender! No wonder you made Feature of the Month! :yep:

Kimberely I just sent you a PM with the recipe which I copied from post #1. Br*nzeb also gave a lot of details within that post so you may want to go and read post #1.
Great info Lavender! No wonder you made Feature of the Month! :yep:

Kimberely I just sent you a PM with the recipe which I copied from post #1. Br*nzeb also gave a lot of details within that post so you may want to go and read post #1.

Thanks! You're the best! I'll go and read and reread post one several times :yep:
You're welcome Kimberly. I'll bump the post within this thread. This will help other that are overwhelmed by the number of pages. I have mines set up to show 40 post per page and it help out a lot. Right now I see 12 pages.
I found this book, "The Natural Way to Super Beauty," at a fleamarket, and was hooked. I had to get it, it sums me up in sooo many ways. It was all of 50 cents. As some of you may know, I am healed of alopecia and on the path to regain 7 times what the devil stole from me. Literally. Anyway, this book was written in the 70s and was way ahead of its time. The author gives information regarding natural remedies for skin, hair, weight, etc, - the benefits of sulfur, protein, ph balancing, you name it. She refers to a recipe for regrowing thick, lush hair. I have enclosed it below.

This recipe comes from the book, "How I Stopped Growing Bald and Started Growing Hair," I tried this drink for about two months 4 years ago. I happened upon an old photo and I thought, "Man my hair looked gorgeous! So long, lushfully thick, full and shiny! What was I doing then?" Then I remembered it was the time when I was drinking this shake daily. You know how sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees? Well, I think that sums up how I could not see how gorgeous my own hair was for always looking at someone else's. I'd get compliments daily and just roll my eyes, like, do you see these split endz? Lesson learned ~ to appreciate what God blessed you with...

Anyway, I thought I'd share it, because it is also helpful in those dealing with hairloss. That's what led me to find LHCF, so I give this back to you with love.

I pray that you guys find much benefit from it and it rejuvenates, replenishes and restores your follicles and blesses you from the top of your head to the very soles of your feet!

Hair Cocktail Ingredients:
3/4 glass of whole milk (I used SilkSoy Vanilla)
1 raw egg
1 tblspn raw wheat germ oil
2 tblspns raw wheat germ
for flavor, you may add a piece of fruit in season

blend at low speed for thirty to sixty seconds. drink this blended mixture promptly. this drink should serve as your complete breakfast. do not eat or drink anything else for two hours after drinking this mixture. keep all ingredients refrigerated until use. once you notice the changes in your hair you may cut down on the daily intake of the hair cocktail and take it only twice a week. ofcourse, since it is a healthful drink, you may prefer to continue taking it indefinitely.

Believe it or not, the drink was not so bad. Even the raw egg bit :sad:. It really just tasted like a protein shake. I felt energized after taking it and I think I buffed up and slimmed down. So there you have it. I will start this new regimen on Monday, October 5th.

Be Blessed, I am!

Bumping the details!
Great job, MonaRae- you're keeping this thread going extremely well. you are so helpful, chica. Thank you.

Lavendar- Thanks for the encouragement. My husband said the same thing to me today. The ends are not split, they are even and healthy, and yes, I keep cutting the same length off over and over...i'd be mbl by now...I know I've cut about 8 inches in the last 6 months, no lie...I'll hang on, I'll hang on...

Okay, I'll try and post the salad ingredients tonight. I haven't read that part, yet, so i'll skip and try to come back...busy day, busy day...Awesome Word at Church today, How to Get What's Yours From God! ~ Girls, it was off the chain~ I'm sooo pumped. Sooo pumped. Ya'll are awesome...
until lata,
Much Luv B*~
Great job, MonaRae- you're keeping this thread going extremely well. you are so helpful, chica. Thank you.

Lavendar- Thanks for the encouragement. My husband said the same thing to me today. The ends are not split, they are even and healthy, and yes, I keep cutting the same length off over and over...i'd be mbl by now...I know I've cut about 8 inches in the last 6 months, no lie...I'll hang on, I'll hang on...

Okay, I'll try and post the salad ingredients tonight. I haven't read that part, yet, so i'll skip and try to come back...busy day, busy day...Awesome Word at Church today, How to Get What's Yours From God! ~ Girls, it was off the chain~ I'm sooo pumped. Sooo pumped. Ya'll are awesome...
until lata,
Much Luv B*~

That's what it's all about!! All of this information is coming together for a reason. Glory to God!
I read this thread constantly & soooo want to try this but right now the wheat germ & wheat germ oil are not in my budget just yet.

Keep gettin' great results ladies.
Yodie I believe the wheat germ & wheat germ oil are for added benefits of the b vitamins and vitamin E. The egg is the most important. Try the raw egg with milk and a fruit sweetener. I believe you will still get very good growth from that combo along. And if you have any protein powder laying around throw that in too.

When I started out I would have soy milk, raw egg, 1 scoop of protein powder and molasses and I got good growth from that. Just make lemonaid out of your situation.
Chicas, this man's reggie is no joke...the salad has 15 or so ingredients and he wants you to layer and toss, layer and toss...the entire direction/ingredient list is like 3 pages...i wanted to scan it and attach it, which i may do, bcs i'm not trying to type that much stuff!

He also mentioned, and this is really big, that if some could not tolerate egg, take wheat germ oil and wheat germ with milk and that would help as well. He mentioned soymilk as a good option, but not fat free or skim...which is what i was on this month:perplexed.

He also mentioned drinking germinating seeds and milk to get follicles boosted....germinating seeds are like pumpkin, chia, sunflower, etc...I'm scanning/reading this book and trying to pick up on things here and there bcs i haven't had time to sit and read. I just know I'm gonna end up scanning those pages and posting them right here...it seems to be the best way. I'll try tomorrow...

If you have time, research germinating seeds and hair follicles, will y'all?

Be Back Lata~ in the real am (i'm going back to sleep :yawn:)