*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
Maybe our hair will grow like Chia Pets...LOL!:lachen: That would be good, right? Their hair grew overnight...Who said there is no such thing as growing hair overnight is about to be proven wrong...i found this article...

Within the last decade, research done on Salba seeds has uncovered incredible nutritional information that could make this miracle grain the staple of the future. Claiming to hold more nutritional content than whole meals put together, Salba seeds are fast gaining popularity as a functional food that the ancient Aztec people valued above all else. More nutritious than flax seeds and packing more protein than soy, it’s a wonder Salba seeds were once used and marketed as Chia Pets, the lame ceramic animals that grew sprouts like hair. With increasing research and growing media attention however, Salba seeds are about to be the next nutritious grain to become incredibly mainstream.
Miracle Nutrition

Recent studies done on Salba seeds have shown them to be nutritionally superior to many of the current health foods people rely on today. Dr. Vladimir Vuksan, professor of endocrinology and nutritional sciences of the faculty of medicine at the University of Toronto has been conducting research on Salba, and encourages people to include the seeds in their diet. In addition to being beneficial for diabetics, Salba seeds contain the highest fibre content of any grain currently on the market. They also help to lower blood pressure due to the seed’s natural blood thinning effect.

Salba seeds are also superior in protein quality to rice, corn, oats, amaranth, soy, barley and wheat. They boast high mineral contents of potassium, niacin, magnesium, calcium and copper, not to mention being very high in omega-3, 6 and 9 fatty acids. Salba seeds are highly water soluble and can hold up to 14 times their weight in water, helping to effectively slow food digestion and positively affecting satiety levels as well. The fibre content is so high that just 12 grams of Salba can provide more than 5 grams of dietary fibre and also contain enough antioxidants to trump many different kinds of berries.

Salba seeds are so nutritious, in fact, that Dr. Vuksan claims that just three ounces of Salba contains as much omega-3 as eating 28 ounces of salmon, as much calcium as drinking three glasses of milk, as much fibre as eating a cup of All-Bran, as much iron as 5 cups of raw spinach, as much vegetable protein as a cup of kidney beans, as much potassium as a banana and as much vitamin C as eating 7 oranges!

I am going to buy this book asap. I have been suffering from alopecia for over a year now and I have had no success with my dermatologist, mega-tek, BT, or MTG in this spot.
Thank you Bronze for posting this information!
So salba seeds are otherwise known as chia seeds?
Yes. Like the Chia pet...:grin: Those are the actual seeds that grow it's hair....
I am going to buy this book asap. I have been suffering from alopecia for over a year now and I have had no success with my dermatologist, mega-tek, BT, or MTG in this spot.
Thank you Bronze for posting this information!

You are so welcome, tess1913. We will answer any questions/concerns you may have, but you will find soo many benefits from this cocktail...Glad to have ya'.
I'm getting all hype about the book and may try order it again this week! Thanks for all your info and time Br*nzeb
Girl, I think you may be cutting off your progress for nothing. A lot of times when our hair grows, the thickness grows from crown to ends. Therefore, you have to hang in there with your hair until the thickness starts to move down towards the ends. I find this to especially be the case for really fine-haired ladies like myself. What you must do is protect those ends and keep them well moisturized. As my hair grows, I go through the thick-thin stages quite often. I learned this from Chicoro and found it to be absolutely true. This was priceless info for me, because like you, I would have been tempted to cut and start over. Think about it....you keep cutting the thin ends and your hair is growing nicely, but the thin ends keep reappearing, and it probably seems like they keep reappearing at around the same length I bet. You're not giving your hair a chance to show you what it's about to do!:grin: Now I'm not advocating walking around with a bunch of splits or jagged ends, but that's not what you seem be saying. As long as your ends are healthy, pamper them and let your hair do it's thang!:yep:

ETA: I want to show you an example of what I mean. Take a look at the picture in the feature of the month section (the one where I'm wearing the blue shirt). Now look at the pic in my siggie. I had quite a bit of growth between to two pics. The feature one was taken on 9/18 and the siggie one on 10/30. My ends are thinner right now because I had a growth spurt during the last two months for whatever reason. I think it was due to using aloe vera. That's the only new thing I added within the past two months. But this is an example of how my hair does that thin-thick thing. I just make sure my ends are healthy, moisturized, and bunned.

So old growth will thicken up too? If so that's good news because ever since I've been taking vit and co-washing and whatnot, the newgrowth is much thicker and better than the old growth--even though I've been natural the whole time. You just saved me from an unnecessary BC!
So old growth will thicken up too? If so that's good news because ever since I've been taking vit and co-washing and whatnot, the newgrowth is much thicker and better than the old growth--even though I've been natural the whole time. You just saved me from an unnecessary BC!

that's great to know, huh? :yep:
Okay first book done.... I was reading 3 books at one time so it took a little longer.....:bookworm2::bookworm::bookworm2:.
It was a really good book. Some of the skin topics were off base for me but that should be expected as my skin type is not the same as hers. The rest of the book was really good. It confirms the things that we think are right but just not quite sure.

One example is our supplements. We choose to take supplements today because they are good for you. She comments on how the medical industry and the FDA is increasingly reducing the "need" for supplements. However she points out, that it was doctors who started the vitamin cures in the first place and now they wont even acknowledge that vitamins actually work.

Back to talk more...currently at work:sekret:

PX. I ordered teh book by Alexander..Br*nzeb*mbsh~ll keep us posted when you can.....

Lova Ya!:heart3:
Good morning, ladies,

I tried my cocktail with liquid lecithin again, and it wasn't soo bad. I used less lecithin, 1 tblspn instead of 2, i can hang...still not as good as before, but the aftertaste is minimal...so that's a very good thing.

Hi Br*nzeb, but if I'm not mistaken the book indicates that the raw lecithin is better to take opposed to the liquid. I did in fact purchase the liquid and when I got home I re-read that section in the book that mentions the best way to take the lecithin and it was the raw version. As a matter of fact I was angry with myself for not looking at that reference before I purchased the liquid. So you know what that meant? Yeah! I had to go back to the health food store and exchange the liquid for the raw lecithin.LOL:yawn:
1)i'm not sure if powdered eggs work exactly the same as regular, but it seems like a good choice

2)results are being seen

3)lecithin is not part of the original recipe, wheat germ is a requirement.

okay, on that note,
i tried liquid lecithin in my cocktail a minute ago...my stomach is bubblin' - that lecithin has an after-taste, the consistency is sooo gooey and sticky - very surprised. I bought 2 -32oz bottles :perplexed. Have mercy.

Girl re-read that section about the lecithin!!!!!! Take the liquid back and get the raw version......I bet it would taste better anyway!! The raw version has not been depeted as the liquid form.:wallbash:
Have you ever heard this old expression....A hard head makes a soft ***
Br*nzeb are you using the wheat germ oil by Viobin? If so try your shake without it. When I used it mines had a funny after taste and when I remove it it was gone. I now use the one found in the freezer section of the Health Food Store. I cost twice as much but I'm worth it.
Ok, so I have been taking this drink straight, just the raw organic egg mixed in some carnation milk and it goes down smooth and quick with no problems and I have no stomach problems afterwards. So I finally wanted to try it the right way I guess so I ordered ground wheat germ, ground flax seed and ground brewers yeast. I mixed in a blender, a tablespoon of each into my blender with one raw organic egg and some carnation milk and poured it almost full into an 8 oz glass . I started drinking it but the wheat germ and the brewers yeast taste so nasty and made the mix kinda of grainy so I didn't like the texture nor the taste. :nono:Took me about 8 gulps to drink that mix down and with each swallow I felt like I wanted to vomit. Then immediately after drinking it, my stomach begins to ache and grumble really bad and it's been like that all day.
I know I am not going to do this mix again. I think I'll just stick to the simple route of just swallowing the raw egg alone or either the raw egg mixed with milk, gulp it down in one swallow and go.
That ground brewers yeast and wheat germ is nasty but the ground flax seed is okay.

Girl you had me laughing to tears!!!!!!:lachen:
Ok so I tried this. I bought a dozen organic brown eggs and that's it. I was in a hurry and didn't have time to pick up anything else.

Let me just say, the actual thought of doing this when I first read the post was vomit inducing. But after reading up on the health benefits I figured what the hay. I'm into the all natural thing anyway.

So, since I was being lazy I decided to chug the dern egg plain...no yummy additives. I held the cup for a few mins., smelled it and, then took the plunge. :barf: So the first try was the practice egg and it went straight down the sink in .0003 seconds. :lachen:The second try was much better and I didn't taste a dern thing!!! It was all in my head. I did this two days in a row, fell off the wagon, and now I think I lost the wagon for good.

Maybe I will try the shake next time but I wanted to tell you girls that I am pulling for you! HHG

I must say you are bolder than most! If you can chug a raw egg twice in 2 days, then the shake should not be a problem for you. I am rooting for ya!
Hey Br*nze,

I started the 2 eggs in my drink this a.m. The only difference is that it made the consistancy (sp?) less thick.

I know I can't eat for 2 hours after my drink, but can I drink water? I'm trynin to get me 64 oz per day in: 32 oz. in the a.m. and 32 oz. in the p.m.

Sorry for this little tid bit, but it states in the book don't eat or drink anythng for 2 hours. I don't know if she meant water!:lick:
Are the benefits from the egg alone or is it a combination of the egg and wheat germ/wheat germ oil?
Well, I thought about your post, vcj, but i will keep the liquid lecithin, it's not so bad. I ordered online and it's a hassle to return. I'll just double up on it. The book stated that powdered lecithin is better than liquid, but i'll just go with it...the bottle listed the nutrient info, so it's okay...

Viobin WG - i haven't tasted it yet in a while, but i tolerated it before, so i'll probably be okay...i hope my memory serves me right...
I'm ready to join. Yay!!!
Arming myself with my vits and this shake.

How much are you ladies spending on Wheat germ oil and raw wheat germ? Deciding whether to order off line or go to the store. Found 1 lb of wheat germ online for $2, but the shipping cost $8.
Br*nzeb are you using the wheat germ oil by Viobin? If so try your shake without it. When I used it mines had a funny after taste and when I remove it it was gone. I now use the one found in the freezer section of the Health Food Store. I cost twice as much but I'm worth it.

How much was the other wg oil you found in the frozen section vs. the Viobin? Does the shake taste that much better?

Have the rest of you ladies noticed a funny after taste with Viobin wheat germ oil?
Viobin is $7 and the freezer brand (can't remember the name right now) is $14

Any other ladies have feedback on the Viobin wg oil?

Picked up the raw wheat germ from whole foods, but they were out of wheat germ oil. I noticed the price was $17, ouch!
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I'm ready to join. Yay!!!
Arming myself with my vits and this shake.

How much are you ladies spending on Wheat germ oil and raw wheat germ? Deciding whether to order off line or go to the store. Found 1 lb of wheat germ online for $2, but the shipping cost $8.
i ordered wheatgerm from iherb, it was 2 bucks, shipping was 3 bucks

How much was the other wg oil you found in the frozen section vs. the Viobin? Does the shake taste that much better?

Have the rest of you ladies noticed a funny after taste with Viobin wheat germ oil?
i do remember an after taste, but think it can be dealt with - especially if you add fruit to your cocktail

Any other ladies have feedback on the Viobin wg oil? it's so much cheaper taking viobin than spectrum...Now Foods also has WG oil and it's a great price, too. I bought it at Vitaminshoppe...look through the thread for a code of $5...

Picked up the raw wheat germ from whole foods, but they were out of wheat germ oil. I noticed the price was $17, ouch!
Ouch is right. that's why i went with viobin and now foods for WG oil...i'm planning on doing this for the long haul, and i want to do something i can keep up with...so if you don't mind the 17 dollar price tag, the taste will be better, it's just your preference. But I got 32oz of Viobin for $14 or $15...
How's everyone today? Did we all get out and Ba-Rack our Vote? I refuse to watch the exit polls...i'll just check in the morning for our history-making events...
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I have been watching the polls and can't stop! So excited,,,anyway, doing good,got my vitamins today and notice since i've been doing the shake that my nails are growing.Yes,That viobin WG oil is killing me, But i know it's healthy so i'll keep it up....Hope everyone is doing well! WE ARE MAKING HISTORY!!!
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