*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
Does anyone have irregular periods? I'm experiencing this now.
OK everything is regulated now. I think I was just stressing out. Kids were sick with bronchitis,vomiting,doctor visit. Then I had an unpleasant parent teacher conference.:sad: Didnt realize until im writing this down now actually. Still doing my precious cocktails, and I really think my hair is benefiting. hhg everyone and thanks for support:yep:
^Glad you're okay. We are definitely here for support. I've been rippin' n runnin' for the last two weeks...i'm just beginning to settle down. Things have been a blur.

Got my cocktail on! Happy Friday to Ya!
hi ladies :)

what is it that makes your breast more firm?
do you think its the eggs?
or anything else in the drink?
wow! nice :)
so it wouldnt matter if it was egg or another high protein thing?
cause i would rather not do the egg..
or does the egg have specifik benefits?

about the breast :p is it a significant lift? :D
Well...i've never thought of using the shake as a boob booster, but, let me see...I've used high protein shakes before and i've never noticed my boobs getting bigger - i lost weight when taking those (atkins), so I would really hate to steer you the wrong way and you lose what you've got. :perplexed Perhaps it's something in the egg - I'd hate to think hormones, but maybe :ohwell:. If you research this, let us know.

Are you wanting strictly breast effects or the whole tamale(hair, skin, vitality,boobs, etc)? If you want the whole tamale, drink the cocktail...if not, try eating boiled eggs...

you could also do a search on the individual ingredients and see what effect they have on um, cleavage....on a side note, you may wanna try maka root - i know they say it works for the butt, it may help the boobs.

Oh yeah, and evening primrose oil and black cohosh root - the black cohosh root had my boobs bustin' out all over the place - i had to stop at a screeching halt on those things. That was scary. No need for breast augmentation with that stuff. :nono:

am i helping any?

wow! nice :)
so it wouldnt matter if it was egg or another high protein thing?
cause i would rather not do the egg..
or does the egg have specifik benefits?

about the breast :p is it a significant lift? :D Baby, yeah.
hi :)

well i found egg white powder or is it important to get the whole egg?
i would prefer pasturized egg but i dont know if its the same?
then at least i would be sure about the salmonella thing :)

well i wont the whole yards i guess
hair,body,skin,breast and bum :D
i will look up the maca
have you gained weight?

i do have big breast i dont want them smaller i wouldnt mind them getting a liiiittle bigger
tho.. and they are going south so it would be nice having a natural lift
^ LOL ~ I hear you. I've got big 'uns, too...and I don't wanna part with 'em. Welllll, i could part with some of em...believe me, i have enough to spare, *holla*

well, lotsa gals used the egg powder with good results. I've taken the cocktail for a year - straight - with no salmonella poisoning, so...and if you've read the thread at all, you know all the ins and outs about that.

i have gained weight, not sure if it's the cocktail, but my eating has been poor - i just don't take time to plan/prep my meals. i really kinda eat on the go, if you will.
i recently dropped about 10 lbs, and i seem to be holding steady.
a year? wow! :)

can i hear about all the benefits youve personally had?
and did you experience a breast lift? :D

Yeah exactly.. lol.. i dont want to part with mine either if they were firm i would love it ..

Do you know if pasturized eggs have the same benefits? that way salmonella isnt an option at all
they have been warning about salmonella here in denmark recently..
Oh Chica, i'ma give it to ya short and sweet, bcs it's all over this thread and i dont wanna be redundant...

my skin glows, i look 'younger' - better rested - my complexion has evened out - rarely do i get breakouts.
nails are hard as a rock.
new growth is more manageable, shinier, more supple. hair is growing really fast. i'm growing thicker hair.
i have more energy in the morning and better focus...
my digestion was better - but not anymore :perplexed, it's back to normal (which isn't great).
i have a bit more va-va in my va-va-voom:grin:.
boobs have gotten fuller/perkier, butt has gotten rounder (without exercise - at all :nono: shameful, i know)
i gained some weight, but i've dropped some, so...i'm back at starting point, but not where i need to be.

i started this, as mentioned on page 1, bcs i was diagnosed with alopecia. this recipe is designed for people with thinning and balding hair - it is designed to regrow hair...it has done that for me. i'm still not at my goal, which is thick, heavy waistlength hair. heck, i'm not even where i used to be. :nono: - but i'm getting there, thank You, Lord!:yep: i'm currently bsl, but not heavy and thick as i'd like - yet.

my hair has made vast improvements.

this thing works.
i wouldn't recommend it if it didn't.
i'd quit and advise everyone else too, as well.
~ just being honest.

oh yeah, i didn't use fancy, free-range eggs or anything. i used the plain 'ole cheap eggs in the grocery store, 18-egg carton.

if you are having warnings in denmark, then heed the warnings. try the powdered eggs.

a year? wow! :)

can i hear about all the benefits youve personally had?
and did you experience a breast lift? :D

Yeah exactly.. lol.. i dont want to part with mine either if they were firm i would love it ..

Do you know if pasturized eggs have the same benefits? that way salmonella isnt an option at all
they have been warning about salmonella here in denmark recently..
a year? wow! :)

can i hear about all the benefits youve personally had?
and did you experience a breast lift? :D

Yeah exactly.. lol.. i dont want to part with mine either if they were firm i would love it ..

Do you know if pasturized eggs have the same benefits? that way salmonella isnt an option at all
they have been warning about salmonella here in denmark recently..

Hi, Langt! Welcome to our little egglette nest! I have been cocktailing for 10 months now (since January), and I have used the carton eggs from Whole Foods with good results. I choose the egg mix because I needed to know it was pastuerized, and I'm borderline with my cholesterol. The Nulaid ReddiEgg real egg product is fat free, cholesterol free, lactose free, and pasteurized. Just 1/4 cup has the vitamin equivalency of a whole egg. Once you find an egg product that your body can handle, you're good to go! We've had good reports from ladies drinking/eating eggs in powdered and liquid form, fried on the side,...as long as you get the egg product with all its wonderful perfectly balanced protein and amino acids in you, the body will know how to use it to benefit you from head to toe. (boobs included as a side benefit):lick: Happy cocktailing!
Hi you guys. I've been looking at this thread for a little while and I think I'm ready to join the challenge. I want the hair benefits and weight as well.

I'll get the ingredients tomorrow. I'm recommitting to healthy eating in an effort to lose weight (My goal is 10 lbs a month as well) and I think this is a perfect time to start.
Welcome Egglette Ladysaraii to our Nest!!

Welcome Egglette Langt to our Nest!!

You guys will love it here. Let us know when you take your first cocktail. any questions - we're here for ya!
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Hi, you all. Been an Egglet for nearly a month now (Oct 23rd is my month-eggday). Love all the great testimonies.

Bombshell, this is really something you've added to my regimen. I feel like the egg has activated everything else I've been doing for a while now (MSM, green smoothies, chlorella & spirulina, chia seeds, multivit, fish/cod liver oil, aloe vera).

Sometimes I make the original shake (like for the last 2 weeks), but mostly I've just been cracking two eggs in a wine glass and gulping it down. So far:

1. EXTRA strong white nails (first week). My right-hand middle finger NEVER grows. Nail too soft. Alta Silica helped my other fingernails but just couldn't help that one. I just accepted it as fact that that middle finger was a dud. You should see it now: tapping on/hitting stuff and not even a chip. Everyday I look at that nail in amazement. Just finished looking at it.

2. Shiny hair (natural). I was contemplating coloring my hair, but it's so shiny that I really don't think I'll be doing it. That's about all I've noticed about hair because now that it's colder I keep my hair in two french braids for the week.

3. I DO NOT need more breasts (38DDD) but they're noticeably fuller and bra tighter like it's that time of the month. However, I think they're a little perkier. They're truly looking like porn stars.

4. Definitely feeling stronger on the treadmill.

Great for so early in the game. Can't wait to see what's up the pike.

ETA: 5. Sleeping longer and deeper.

6. Fuller eyelashes. My sister asked me if all those were mine. Thought I had on falsies.

AND, thought my hair was not growing until I looked at my siggy pic. Gotta get around to updating that.
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thanks :)
im sooooooooooo movitaved and excited
im gonna order all this from iherb , have you guys seen that website?
it seems really cool.. very cheap and it has it all!

i dont want to overdrug.
i dont have enough vitamine D so i was thinking of the cod liver oil too
i believe it is high in vitamin d aswell? and plus its good for the immune system

ahhhhhhhh cant wait :p
Welcome Egglette Trinigul to our Nest!! Girl, when you get on it, you get on it!:grin:. I'm still not there yet...heck, i'm tripping about substituting water for milk...i really think i need to do that bcs i'm thinking of limiting cals and that's the only place i feel that i can - the milk, that is.

Thank you for your detailed testimonial. It's amazing how we are all sharing the same results. We're even Bosom Buddies! LOL!

Hi, you all. Been an Egglet for nearly a month now (Oct 23rd is my month-eggday). Love all the great testimonies.

Bombshell, this is really something you've added to my regimen. I feel like the egg has activated everything else I've been doing for a while now (MSM, green smoothies, chlorella & spirulina, chia seeds, multivit, fish/cod liver oil, aloe vera).

Sometimes I make the original shake (like for the last 2 weeks), but mostly I've just been cracking two eggs in a wine glass and gulping it down. So far:

1. EXTRA strong white nails (first week). My right-hand middle finger NEVER grows. Nail too soft. Alta Silica helped my other fingernails but just couldn't help that one. I just accepted it as fact that that middle finger was a dud. You should see it now: tapping on/hitting stuff and not even a chip. Everyday I look at that nail in amazement. Just finished looking at it.

2. Shiny hair (natural). I was contemplating coloring my hair, but it's so shiny that I really don't think I'll be doing it. That's about all I've noticed about hair because now that it's colder I keep my hair in two french braids for the week.

3. I DO NOT need more breasts (38DDD) but they're noticeably fuller and bra tighter like it's that time of the month. However, I think they're a little perkier. They're truly looking like porn stars.

4. Definitely feeling stronger on the treadmill.

Great for so early in the game. Can't wait to see what's up the pike.

ETA: 5. Sleeping longer and deeper.

6. Fuller eyelashes. My sister asked me if all those were mine. Thought I had on falsies.

AND, thought my hair was not growing until I looked at my siggy pic. Gotta get around to updating that.

Langt, you'll <3 iherb. I do. It's a one-stop shop. I think you're on the right path. Cod liver oil won't harm you. Post when you take your first drink.

thanks :)
im sooooooooooo movitaved and excited
im gonna order all this from iherb , have you guys seen that website?
it seems really cool.. very cheap and it has it all!

i dont want to overdrug.
i dont have enough vitamine D so i was thinking of the cod liver oil too
i believe it is high in vitamin d aswell? and plus its good for the immune system

ahhhhhhhh cant wait :p

My hair growth has been great - i no longer have clumps of hair falling out and huge parts in my hair, Praise God.
I'm eager to make more progress, so i've been looking into other means to thicken my hair as well.
I've bumped up....carrot juice, ultra thick hair shake, nu hair vitamins, pantothenic acid...okay, that's all i have for now. Just to show you where i'm at on this, i considered adding carrot juice to my cocktail - we'll see how that goes.

I've been on my mission since yesterday when i noticed my ponytail was not as thick as it used to be. It's twice as thick as it was, mind you, a year ago - (it was crazy see-through, y'all - i was sooo self-conscious and embarassed), but i still want that 'oomph' back.

I'm gonna get it, too. When i find out, i'll share with whomever wants to know.

Hitting that Hip - in '10, ya heard? Taking no prisoners.
I bought all the ingredients today! I had to go to 3 stores before I found raw wheat germ and I got the last bag too, praise heaven.

I have plans tomorrow afternoon so I am hesitant to take it in the morning in case of issues, but I think I will since I'll just have the same problem on Monday. If this is a good filling meal replacement, I'll be so excited and it will def make it easier to continue.

Question, it said not to eat or drink anything for 2 hours after.. does that include water? (Apologies if that's a dumb question)
Great LadyS~

about your question - i do drink water. after having the cocktail i become incredibly thristy...i think it's the wheat germ. anyhoo, i don't think water hinders anything. the book never stated this, but i'm just going off of experience.

remember, you want to have the cocktail on an empty stomach as well...

let us know how you like it!