*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
Welcome Egglettes Lillylovely and YankeeCandle to our Nest !!! Woo Hoo!!

Lillylovely, thank you thank you thank you for your post. Glad to hear the cocktail is working for you. I know what it's done for my hair. I started off with a really teeny tiny ponytail and it has now tripled in thickness. My hair was never that way, and it was hard to deal with. But, I'm on my way to recovery. Yep yep. I know my hair is stronger and thicker than it was, I can hardly wait until next year :spinning:.

Hi all

This is the first time I have posted in this thread. Just to let you all know that I have been taking the egg shake every morning before I go to work since the end of August. I have always had fine, weak 3c/4a hair or so I thought - but now (6 weeks later) my hair is looking and feeling so thick it looks like 4b hair for the first time in my life and I am so pleased. I used to take O***** to get thick, long hair but the health benefits and price tag benefits were zero compared to the shake. My shake consists of:

1/2 cup of rice milk or oat milk
1 raw organic egg
3 tbs of raw wheat germ
handful of omega seed mix - includes flaxseed, sunflower seed etc
1 tbs of chlorella (see the thread if you want to know more)
1/2 organic apple/pear/peach etc (don't forget to add the pips)
1/2 organic banana (for taste)
2 tsp of lecithin (to keep weight off)
I am so luvin' your recipe...i was on chlorella, too, but i was getting way too sick...i keep thinking about trying it again, 1 tsp and working my way up...we'll see.
I blend for about 20 seconds max. The only other vitamin I take is spirulina tablets throughout the day. Thanks bronze bombshell for starting this thread, just going back to reading the rest of the thread now...

I'm glad you're still hanging StephElise! Well, your hubby is just trying to look out for you, girlie. What a sweetie. You'll notice the difference in your hair really soon. It will be soo obvious. Take a picture to compare. :rolleyes: okay, so i need to take my own advice...but i'm tech-challenged. lol.

Still shaking here. I also wanted to chime in to say that I too have noticed great changes with my nails. I don't have a problem with growing out my nails but I do have a problem keeping them. After a certain length they seem to want to split on the side near the cuticle from being inadvertently bent. But I have not had this problem hardly at all since doing the shakes. My nails are definitely stronger and steadily growing. In fact I probably need to trim them soon. :wiggle:But I love it. Not really sure of the results with my hair just yet. I'm still transitioning so the growth is obviously there.

My husband asked if I was worried I might get the bird flu from the eggs. :perplexedLOL I'm like no! I'm not worried about getting it from eating chicken either.
Anyway keep up the great work Egglets.
I'm glad to be apart of the TEAM!:woohoo:
I'm glad you're part of the team, too!:woohoo::woohoo:

I have always had fine, weak 3c/4a hair or so I thought - but now (6 weeks later) my hair is looking and feeling so thick it looks like 4b hair for the first time in my life and I am so pleased. QUOTE]

Alright, I was reading this thread thinking "maybe," but you might have pushed me onto the bandwagon.

I really *do* have fine, weak 3c hair and I believe that a lot of the hair I lose detangling is not shed hair. My mother has thinning hair, her mother does, my paternal grandma did, and all the men on both sides of my family do...so I have a genetic recipe for thinning hair disaster.

Mommy swears that I used to have thick hair as a child, but I honestly think that's just idealized memory/perception.

Anyway, I don't care if my hair stays at its current length (just below shoulder since I chopped the ends) forever...but i long for hair that will cover all my darn scalp.

My only question is:

I eat animal protein every day: eggs, turkey, chicken, pork, and dairy-galore! Why would this little extra bit of protein make the big change? Just because the one egg is raw? If I've had thin and thinning hair over my many years of protein-heavy diet (including two years on strict Atkins a while back), why would this shake make the difference?

Thank you for this thread!:lick:
YankeeCandle, what i can say is, this drink is made for those dealing with hair loss/thinning hair. There is definitely something to the recipe. You have to try it to see what the commotion is all about. I was diagnosed with alopecia and my hair is doing so well. before i started this drink, my hair was shedding in droves. and it wasn't typical shed hair. This was frightening. and i don't scare easily. I no longer have that issue, so i know it works. Give it a month and see if the shedding stops and new hairs appear.

Also try 2000mg of l-cysteine and mn/sulfur 8 combination on your scalp. search both of those and i know if you begin this reggie, you'll notice changes in your hair. my hair had gotten to the point where you could see my scalp - that's when i decided to transition.

Guess what?
You can't see my scalp anymore :grin:

No cocktail today Egglettes. I got my breakfast on!

Thank you for takin the time to respond to each and every one of us, Br*nze!

I believe I will go ahead and give it a try. I don't have a blender, so I'm hoping I can whisk everything together.

I'll let you know after a few weeks if there's any change! :)
Question. Can you make this the night before and keep it in the fridge til morning? Or would that be a breeding ground for germies?

I think I'm inconsistent b/c I'm always running late in the morning.
Talk about GermCity! I wouldn't. Matter of fact, I won't drink the cocktail if it's been sitting over 30 minutes...i really try and make it and drink it. I'm brave, but i'm cautious. The first few months I woke up extra early to get my cocktail in, so i know how you feel...actually, the thought of having it woke me up and got me outta bed. It was calling my name, i tell ya. :grin:.

Hmmmm, nowwww, maybe if you blended everything but the egg...and saved it until morning, that may work. Whatcha think? That way, you can just pop in that egg and be off and on your way. (I just may do this)

I would NOT let the egg sit up, though.

Let us know how it goes, LadyS~

Question. Can you make this the night before and keep it in the fridge til morning? Or would that be a breeding ground for germies?

I think I'm inconsistent b/c I'm always running late in the morning.
Because you all had me so hyped, I started off just drinking down eggs. So, now I still drink my eggs alone and either wash it down with the rest of the shake or take the shake to drink when I get a chance (if I'm in a hurry or post exercise). I agree with Bronze. But, I wouldn't drink a shake-with-egg if it stood out there for 5 minutes (but 30 mins is recommended time).

>>>still loving my nails which are twisting waaaay less as they grow, as they are too strong to bend

>>>hair still shining.

>>>loving being able to sleep more than 4 hours (I work overnight)!!!

scale creeping up :sad:, but clothes aren't tighter...well except the tig ole biddes are just carrying on...from the looks of things they could be responsible for the scale inching up all by themselves. This weekend my sister asked me if my back hurts :lachen:

Anyway, I love the results (and all the ones I read about :yep:) so I'm going to ignore them and the scale and keep on using my increased strength on the treadmill.

skipping off to read her books...they finally came!
Alright, I was reading this thread thinking "maybe," but you might have pushed me onto the bandwagon.

I really *do* have fine, weak 3c hair and I believe that a lot of the hair I lose detangling is not shed hair. My mother has thinning hair, her mother does, my paternal grandma did, and all the men on both sides of my family do...so I have a genetic recipe for thinning hair disaster.

Mommy swears that I used to have thick hair as a child, but I honestly think that's just idealized memory/perception.

Anyway, I don't care if my hair stays at its current length (just below shoulder since I chopped the ends) forever...but i long for hair that will cover all my darn scalp.

My only question is:

I eat animal protein every day: eggs, turkey, chicken, pork, and dairy-galore! Why would this little extra bit of protein make the big change? Just because the one egg is raw? If I've had thin and thinning hair over my many years of protein-heavy diet (including two years on strict Atkins a while back), why would this shake make the difference?

Thank you for this thread!:lick:[/QUOTE]

Hey I really feel for you - as like me you must feel on a daily basis that you have the worst hair in the world :sad:. I am now in my forties and all through my life I have had thin, weak hair. However, I have changed my diet and I do not eat meat - just fish and lots of green leafy organic veg, complex carbohydrates - no white pasta, rice etc and do not eat dairy. I also avoid sugar like the plague. Plus the chlorella and spirulina make a big difference.

Also did you know that if your diet is protein heavy and lacking in carbohydrates your body cleverly turns some of that protein into carbohydrates - so you may not be getting as much protein as you think. ( Check it out from the book).

I'm not sure what really makes this shake different but it does work - maybe its something to do with the chemistry of the combination of ingredients - who knows. But try it and even if nothing changes because of your genetics its one of the healthiest breakfasts you can eat.

Good luck. BTW your hair looks gorgeous in your avatar
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thanks for the replies. I was thinking the same thing, blending everything and then adding the egg. I might just need to get up. :)

I'm working on it the shake, still trying to get the taste down. I think the wheat germ or the oil makes it taste horrible that I'm working to overcome. I'll look through the thread for inspiration I really want to get it down.

Today I subbed the milk for juice. I'm wondering if I can do some yogurt and some juice so its similar to how I used to make smoothies
Good Mornting everybody! Im still cocktailing since the first day consistently. My nails are strong and and so are my hair's roots. My skin is great, and my ta ta's are huge. I didnt need anymore so I dont know what Ill do, but everything seems to be balancing out since I began. I can wait to see what happens this time next month. HHG and have a wonderful day...
You didn't fail, LadyS~ You just haven't found your right mix, it's trial and error until you get it right, that's all. I wouldn't do soy if I itched, either. Try it with regular milk, you must be allergic to soy to have that reaction, so don't push it, try something else. No pressure. You have to go with what works for you. I'm sure when you find it, it will work just as well.

I take the supplements mentioned on page 1. I haven't adjusted my supplements - i think they complement the cocktail *shrugs*. I posted about Biotin earlier, I let that go bcs of the breakouts...if it weren't for that, i'd still take it. I was a big biotin fan, and now, my skin can't handle it, so i had to adjust.

Thanks for the comments/questions ladies, keep 'em coming!

Lady Saraii, what brand of soy milk are you using? Is it soy milk in general that you have this reaction to or is it a particular brand? Try a different brand to see if that may be the culprit. Also, you could try shelf-stable milk products/powdered milk products that you just mix with water.
Or...almond milk or rice milk might be a good substitute.

Otherwise, like Br*nze suggested you could go with the regular whole cow's milk.

got my drink on today....I put a big handful of fresh spinach in with the original ingredients and a frozen banana. I tried to hang with just the water but I was missing the soymilk, so Br*nze, you're not alone!

welcome to all the newest egglettes since my last post...and happy drinking!

ShortyC~ you look so pretty! Your hair is drool-worthy...missed my cocktail this am, will get it tonight, though...about to do it, as we speak.
Shorty - how did spinach taste? I've been thinking about adding it, so let me know - did it blend really well?

OK chicas, gotta go...nursing a health-challenged dd (virus). Peace!
I posted this in another thread...just thought I'd share it here...

These are 10 things you must do to attain long hair

1) Ask God in Jesus' Name for a head full of long healthy hair.

2) Believe God has answered your prayer for long healthy hair.

3) Confess the Word of God through scripture over your long healthy hair.

4) Receive the long healthy hair God has given you BEFORE it manifests.

5) Visualize yourself (through The Spirit) with long healthy hair.

6) Do not speak against your long healthy hair (don't be moved by what you see/hear/feel).

7) Ask God for Wisdom to attain your long healthy hair and Grace to handle the challenges until your long healthy hair comes.

8) Thank God daily for your long healthy hair.

9) ENJOY the manifestation of your long healthy head hair!!!!!!!

10) Protect your long healthy hair - pray for others so that they will receive long healthy hair - and share your testimony with them that they may have long healthy hair as well.
ShortyC~ you look so pretty! Your hair is drool-worthy...missed my cocktail this am, will get it tonight, though...about to do it, as we speak.
Shorty - how did spinach taste? I've been thinking about adding it, so let me know - did it blend really well?

OK chicas, gotta go...nursing a health-challenged dd (virus). Peace!

Thanks Br*nze! This month marked 6 months on the cocktail for me. I have not posted any October pics yet to my fotki, although I did take a few. I don't know when I will be updating because my account is unavailable right now because I am financially challenged at the moment...so when I get it, they will get it. :lachen::lachen::lachen:

I should have renewed my account when they had that $20.00 summer special going on. I thought I had time. Maybe they'll do a late fall special or something.

The fresh spinach was DELICIOUS!!! It blended up really well too...I was concerned that it wouldn't blend well but it did. I had a nice green drink with little tiny specks of spinach present. It went down smoothly and it was just a refreshing change from just the fruit. I think I will do that more often going forward, especially since I haven't had a chance to re-up on my chlorella. You ladies should definitely try it.

Please don't bombard me with questions about frozen spinach. I haven't tried that and I don't know if I plan to. So if you only have frozen or can't do fresh, etc. etc. experiment at your own risk!!!

Br*nze I hope your daughter gets better soon!
I think I found a good cocktail mix for me today

1 container of Activia Strawberry yogurt
1/4 cup OJ
WG oil
WG raw (although I only used 1 tbsp, tomorrow I'll do 2 as needed)
frozen fruit (blueberries, raspberries, little strawberry and pineapple)

Still tasted the wheat germ but it was much better. i actually enjoyed it. So hopefully yogurt will make a good sub for the milk, i dont think it was agreeing with me. I'll look through for other suggestions. I'll have to try the spinach!
Lady Saraii, what brand of soy milk are you using? Is it soy milk in general that you have this reaction to or is it a particular brand? Try a different brand to see if that may be the culprit. Also, you could try shelf-stable milk products/powdered milk products that you just mix with water.
Or...almond milk or rice milk might be a good substitute.

Otherwise, like Br*nze suggested you could go with the regular whole cow's milk.

got my drink on today....I put a big handful of fresh spinach in with the original ingredients and a frozen banana. I tried to hang with just the water but I was missing the soymilk, so Br*nze, you're not alone!

welcome to all the newest egglettes since my last post...and happy drinking!


I think its soymilk i general that does this to me. I'll have to look into almond or rice milk. Thanks for the suggestion
Whole Foods was out of West Soy a couple of weeks ago, so I've been using Silk the past couple of weeks. Never again. :nono:

I didn't think that switching the brand of soy milk would be noticeable, but I was sooo wrong. The shake didn't taste nearly as good with Silk as it did with West Soy. I'll never have fewer than three containers of West Soy in my home from this day forward.
I have been drinking this for almost a week now, and no matter what fruit I put in it, it tastes gross, but I down it anyway for the health benefits. :look: I think it's the wheat germ oil. It just kinds of stings and tastes like wheat germ.

How do I get it to taste yummy?
I have been drinking my way to waistlength hair for the last 3weeks and I gained 6lbs:sad: . Did anybody else gain any weight?

Yes, but then again, I'm trying to gain weight. I'm too thin!

I have been drinking this for almost a week now, and no matter what fruit I put in it, it tastes gross, but I down it anyway for the health benefits. :look: I think it's the wheat germ oil. It just kinds of stings and tastes like wheat germ.

How do I get it to taste yummy?

What kind of fruit do you use? Adding honey might help. Also, if you have an Indian store in your area, pick up some frozen Alphonso mangoes. These aren't your ordinary mangoes you'd find at the grocery store. They're quite flavorful and sweet. If that doesn't cover the wheat germ taste, I don't know what will.
foxee thank you!

out of desperation, I added some honey and that shake was MUCH better. I have a high tolerance for drinking less than palatable stuff when there's a goal, but I was just in the mood for something tasty yet wanted to have my shake. the honey was a big improvement.

...skips off to Ocean Ave to get the Alphonso Mangoes.
Yes, but then again, I'm trying to gain weight. I'm too thin!

What kind of fruit do you use? Adding honey might help. Also, if you have an Indian store in your area, pick up some frozen Alphonso mangoes. These aren't your ordinary mangoes you'd find at the grocery store. They're quite flavorful and sweet. If that doesn't cover the wheat germ taste, I don't know what will.

I've used bananas, strawberries, and regular frozen mangoes. I'll have to pick up someAlphonso mangoes or try the honey. I was also reading that it could be the brand of wheat germ oil I'm using (Viobin). Maybe I'll try to switch that up too.

I've used bananas, strawberries, and regular frozen mangoes. I'll have to pick up someAlphonso mangoes or try the honey. I was also reading that it could be the brand of wheat germ oil I'm using (Viobin). Maybe I'll try to switch that up too.


Instead of wheat germ oil, I use 2 tablespoons of toasted wheat germ and 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil. My cocktail can taste a little oily if I don't use a stronger tasting fruit. If you try the flaxseed oil be warned - some ladies have reported increased breast size!

Welcome Egglettes Ycammyy and Fletches to our Nest!!

I am so sorry Ycammyy, have you added any extra ingredients to your cocktail? that's a lot of weight in 3 weeks! I gained when i added protein powder to my mix. Had to drop that real quick. Please share your ingredients.

I have been drinking my way to waistlength hair for the last 3weeks and I gained 6lbs:sad: . Did anybody else gain any weight?

Fletches, i'm certain it's the wgoil, it kinda has to grow on you...sorry. :perplexed

Like many have already stated, you could try subbing wgoil for flax or using less wgoil. I would try honey or mangoes as mentioned.

I just took it to the head, but with bananas and strawberries, i really don't taste much, but then again, i've been drinking it sans fruit for so long, nothing could truly offend me :spinning:...well, except a cocktail with water instead of soymilk. *shudders*

I have been drinking this for almost a week now, and no matter what fruit I put in it, it tastes gross, but I down it anyway for the health benefits. :look: I think it's the wheat germ oil. It just kinds of stings and tastes like wheat germ.

How do I get it to taste yummy?
i think i'm going to join the bandwagon... i just got a relaxer & trim and was disappointed at the length- i'm full apl (actually a little past apl in the back) but I want to make it to bsl asap... i'm gonna figure out what i want to put in my shake
Welcome Egglette JAS123 to our Nest!!!
Share your recipe when you get it.
i'm thinking the following because i have the ingredients already:
raw egg
raw almond/walnut milk (homemade)
coconut oil (about 2 tsp)
wheat germ oil
and maybe for flavoring cinnamon/vanilla
stevia or raw agave
Wow, ShortyC, your hair, your hair..!!! :grin: Looking so gosh darn healthy and long!

thanks Stella B! Some days I feel like it is in the same spot but I know it's not...the pictures prove that!

I've used bananas, strawberries, and regular frozen mangoes. I'll have to pick up someAlphonso mangoes or try the honey. I was also reading that it could be the brand of wheat germ oil I'm using (Viobin). Maybe I'll try to switch that up too.


The Now brand is pretty good. I could take it alone and not blend it in my drink but somehow I imagine it is better to take it mixed with the other ingredients. I've never tried Viobin.

but then again, i've been drinking it sans fruit for so long, nothing could truly offend me :spinning:...well, except a cocktail with water instead of soymilk. *shudders*

Well, Br*nze...it's not for everybody...it ain't even for me and I suggested it! I stuck with it for a while but I missed the soymilk myself. Still adding in 1 cup of water with the soy milk though to jumpstart my water intake in the mornings.

welcome again to all new egglettes.

I did not cocktail yesterday. :sad: Maybe I'll double up today. I find that if I skip it in the morning and eat a meal, I am less likely to cocktail at all that day because I forget sometimes that I didn't have one for breakfast. But sometimes I just want something different for breakfast instead.