*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
Welcome Egglette Kandyland to our Nest!

I'm glad you found us, too. :yep:
I'm stilling using the OG recipe. You definitely wanna start with the OG recipe and tweak it thereafter to suit your needs. That's what most have done. I've only added it to it, the basics i've kept intact. I was using liquid lecithin at one time, but i've stopped for about a month, now. I may revisit it. I also add about a tsp of cinnamon for flavor along with any frozen fruit i have on hand. I now take Amino Fuel in my cocktail, i used to drink it separately.

We are here for ya, let us know how it goes...also, Viobin WGOil is what I use, i purchase it from www.iherb.com , $15 for 32 oz and Bob's Red Mill Raw Wheat Germ, about $3 from my local grocers'. You can also order it at iherb.

I just did a search for this thread and I'm glad I found it. I received the worst haircut ever this summer. I'm going to my sister's graduation in May 2010, seeing folks I haven't seen in 5 years so my hair and body needs to be bangin. I will be joining you girls.

Is everyone still using the original recipe? I've seen tweeks with the kind of milk etc but is everyone using the main ingredients?

Hair Cocktail Ingredients:
3/4 glass of whole milk (I used SilkSoy Vanilla)
1 raw egg
1 tblspn raw wheat germ oil
2 tblspns raw wheat germ
for flavor, you may add a piece of fruit in season
Ok Bronze I got my wheat germ oil and they had it at the VitaminShoppe, the same kind you suggested. So I was able to save on postage. I was little surprised by the nutty flavor:ohwell: but I think I can get used to it. Thanks again so much for the advice and for sharing this wonderful drink. I truly feel that I am reaping some benefits from it including a glowing skin and overall health. Has to be the eggs right:rolleyes:?
LOL @ nutty flavor! O K, i guess you could call it that. *blah* it definitely is an acquired toleration. After a while, you don't notice it. Don't overdo it, I tend not to measure, just eyeball, so sometimes I really get a nice serving - "ick."

I love sharing with you. I really do. The eggs are definitely potent. But, do not underestimate the power of that yucky wheat germ oil and raw wheat germ. If you do a search, you'll be overwhelmed by the benefits they offer. :yep:. It's amazing.

Also, try using wgoil in your hair - H-E-A-V-E-N ~ your hair will feel sooo supple and moist, (the same effect it has on the skin, really - like Blaque said, you won't get ashy again - i don't). My hubby can't keep his hands off of me. It was really bad before, now I can't get anything done! :blush:

Ok Bronze I got my wheat germ oil and they had it at the VitaminShoppe, the same kind you suggested. So I was able to save on postage. I was little surprised by the nutty flavor:ohwell: but I think I can get used to it. Thanks again so much for the advice and for sharing this wonderful drink. I truly feel that I am reaping some benefits from it including a glowing skin and overall health. Has to be the eggs right:rolleyes:?
I just drank my wonderful eggnogg for the day...

Once my dd leaves for PE, I'm gonna enjoy a day of hair spoilage and getting cute.:yep:

Take care and thanks for the information.
Hi ladies,

Well I've been doing this for nearly two weeks now (except yesterday as I'd run out of fruit) and I do feel a little better but haven't gotten any mind-blowing results yet. I wonder if it's because I'm not using wheatgerm oil. I've found another oil I've been using
It's supposed to be really good so hopefully this will start having some positive effects. I am still looking to obtain the wheatgerm oil but will have to have it shipped from the states.

I'm really worried about possible weight gain though. I've been reading through the thread but still have over 200 pages to go! Anyway, from what I've read the calories in this drink really pack a punch. I've tried to bring them down a bit but still get around 450!! So how are the ladies that are losing weight doing it? I really could use some advice here. I'm trying to put together a calorie intake plan for the week to start following from next Monday and will be building it around this drink. I'm aiming for no more than 1,200 a day if possible as I need to lose around 80 pounds.

Oh and one more thing:

Thanks so much for all your input and help, you're totally awesome.

I just did a search for this thread and I'm glad I found it. I received the worst haircut ever this summer. I'm going to my sister's graduation in May 2010, seeing folks I haven't seen in 5 years so my hair and body needs to be bangin. I will be joining you girls.

Is everyone still using the original recipe? I've seen tweeks with the kind of milk etc but is everyone using the main ingredients?

Hair Cocktail Ingredients:
3/4 glass of whole milk (I used SilkSoy Vanilla)
1 raw egg
1 tblspn raw wheat germ oil
2 tblspns raw wheat germ
for flavor, you may add a piece of fruit in season

Hi Kandyland, and welcome! So glad you're joining us. We're all tweaking a lil' bit, based on personal needs and tastes, but feel free to experiment with the original recipe to learn what works for you. I have discovered that sticking as close to the original recipe as possible, and adding just a little bit of something extra for flavor, makes it go down smoothly!
Looking at your recipe above, you are definitely on the right track!
It seems permanent to me as well. It is the weirdest thing. I could not get an appointment before month-end. If she says anything worth noting, I will update. The eggs I use are organic, so I am not concerned about hormones, maybe eggs add additional estrogen? I don't know. I wish my hair was growing as fast as the ladies. :grin:

Cocktailing today.

Bronze - Happy anniversary! I can't wait till I get to a year with HHJ! I am looking forward to the results.

Hey Aspire! :hiya2: I bet there's something to the egg hormone theory. I know for a fact the egg is the most perfect balance of amino acids readily available for the body to use, and soy products definitely up a female's estrogen. :grin: So, this could have something to do with the bigger boobies. Mine were big from the beginning, so I'm not complaining, either! I know your hair is growing too, so don't worry about it. It's harder to notice the growth when you're looking at it everyday. I know when you look at your progress pics, you get a much better idea of how much progress your hair is making. You're doing great, honey, hang in there!
Hey Chicas~ I got my cocktail egg, i'll need to get more milk, for tomorrow and i abhor going grocery shopping on a weekday. :perplexed

Cairo~ Glad you're cocktailing, you and I should buddy up to slim down. I am also planning my meals around the cocktail. I thought of going with half milk/half water to cut cals...I don't know what else could be cut but the fruit...and i'm enjoying it too much. It's usally the only fruit i have for the week, too. The cocktail is definitely a meal replacement.
I dunno. We'll have to brainstorm this. One thing, i don't cocktail on the weekends when I splurge on breakfast, that's for sure. If i don't do bfast, I cocktail.

Thanks for checking-in everyone!
Hi ladies,

Well I've been doing this for nearly two weeks now (except yesterday as I'd run out of fruit) and I do feel a little better but haven't gotten any mind-blowing results yet. I wonder if it's because I'm not using wheatgerm oil. I've found another oil I've been using
It's supposed to be really good so hopefully this will start having some positive effects. I am still looking to obtain the wheatgerm oil but will have to have it shipped from the states.

I'm really worried about possible weight gain though. I've been reading through the thread but still have over 200 pages to go! Anyway, from what I've read the calories in this drink really pack a punch. I've tried to bring them down a bit but still get around 450!! So how are the ladies that are losing weight doing it? I really could use some advice here. I'm trying to put together a calorie intake plan for the week to start following from next Monday and will be building it around this drink. I'm aiming for no more than 1,200 a day if possible as I need to lose around 80 pounds.

Oh and one more thing:

Thanks so much for all your input and help, you're totally awesome.


Hi Cairo, (aw thats my cousins name :))

That oil sounds/looks great. :yep:
buying from iherb is not bad, they sometimes actually ship quicker than some UK companies.

I order on Monday and my goods are here by Thursday :yep:
Shipping is cheap too. :)

I have a discount code in my siggy, if you are interested in Iherb.

I Have lost weight by eliminating sugar, having 2 egg shakes a day and a light meal..and drinking atleast a gallon of water daily.

hey ladies....i didn't cocktail monday or tuesday due to the fact that i ran out of soy milk and just have been too lazy to go BACK to the grocery store (we had just made a trip either saturday or sunday) and when we were there i forgot to get it.

well, yesterday i actually contemplating making one without the soymilk but couldn't bring myself to do it. today i didn't want to miss my cocktail especially since i missed so many last month travelling. so i decided to try it without the soymilk and just put in 2 cups of water instead. it yielded less but tasted the same, so if ya'll are trying to cut calories i'd say that is definitely one way you could go.

after all, it really is about the egg mostly and the fruit disguises the flavor of the egg, so now at least i know if i don't have milk i can still have my cocktail.
Wow, Shorty, thanks so much for that. I've been wondering about cutting cals, and that seems to be a great place... i wonder what nutrients/benefits would i miss by cutting soymilk/skim milk and using water??? I'll check the book when i can and get back with you guys. Thanks again for that.
Did not coacktail Mon or Tues. Was too busy with finals and term papers and running on very little sleep. But I was back on track Wed & have my cocktail ready to go for today!

Oh btw bronze I got the wheat germ and wheat germ oil!
Hey Chicas~ I got my cocktail egg, i'll need to get more milk, for tomorrow and i abhor going grocery shopping on a weekday. :perplexed

Cairo~ Glad you're cocktailing, you and I should buddy up to slim down. I am also planning my meals around the cocktail. I thought of going with half milk/half water to cut cals...I don't know what else could be cut but the fruit...and i'm enjoying it too much. It's usally the only fruit i have for the week, too. The cocktail is definitely a meal replacement.
I dunno. We'll have to brainstorm this. One thing, i don't cocktail on the weekends when I splurge on breakfast, that's for sure. If i don't do bfast, I cocktail.

Thanks for checking-in everyone!

Hey Br*nze,
Glad to know I'm not in this alone. I think maybe we should try the half milk/half water and see what happens. I'm planning on spending the rest of this month sorting out my food issues and get all my plans and calories worked out and then next month I'll begin exercising. My aim is to lose 10lbs a month (which is only 2.5lbs a week, very achieveable) for the next 8 months. I've been doing the shake at the weekends too, and still waiting my 2 hours before eating anything. My sister's on board with this now too so we're doing it together :grin:, just need to get my brother on board now.

I'm definitely up for brainstorming so we can get maximum benefit with the drink and everything else we have/do. I found a website which looks like it helps with figuring out how many calories to consume for weight loss.
I'm saving up to get a bodybugg - those things look awesome.

The hard part will be measuring how many calories are in everything so I want to make sure I'm having the same measurements in the drink each day for ease. And yep, I can't imagine having the drink without fruit either. I just have to switch to tinned strawberries as they're lower in cals and carbs.

Have a great day everyone.

Hi Cairo, (aw thats my cousins name :))

That oil sounds/looks great. :yep:
buying from iherb is not bad, they sometimes actually ship quicker than some UK companies.

I order on Monday and my goods are here by Thursday :yep:
Shipping is cheap too. :)

I have a discount code in my siggy, if you are interested in Iherb.

I Have lost weight by eliminating sugar, having 2 egg shakes a day and a light meal..and drinking atleast a gallon of water daily.


Thanks so much Blaque * Angel, I'll check out Iherb and see if they can ship to UK in case I decide to get the wheatgerm oil, but you're right, the cool oil does sound really good so I'm hoping it'll help as it's very easy to come by. I'm trying to stick to drinking 2 litres or more of water a day (sorry, don't know the conversion of that to gallons). I do need to eliminate as much sugar as possible so I guess that's next on my list of things to fix. Thanks for the suggestions :)

Thanks so much Blaque * Angel, I'll check out Iherb and see if they can ship to UK in case I decide to get the wheatgerm oil, but you're right, the cool oil does sound really good so I'm hoping it'll help as it's very easy to come by. I'm trying to stick to drinking 2 litres or more of water a day (sorry, don't know the conversion of that to gallons). I do need to eliminate as much sugar as possible so I guess that's next on my list of things to fix. Thanks for the suggestions :)


Hi Dear,

I'm from the UK :yep:
They do ship to the UK and mighty fast (iherb)
4.5 litres= A gallon.

I have a litre volvic water bottle that I refil with filtered water 5 times a day :)

your welcome dear, happy cocktailing :)
cocktailed it twice today :lick:

i nearly lost my skirt when i went out shopping today :lachen:

when i put it on, it felt bigger than it usually feels.
i was walking and could feel something brushing on my leg..i was like "whats this?!" when i checked it out :eek: my skirt was falling down!! :lachen:
luckily i was wearing a long coat that was covering my butt. :lol:

so, looks like i am loosing inches. i'm going to get weighed at my doctors next week, so i will see how much i have lost in two weeks. :)

yesterday i was wearing a figure hugging dress and my sister and husband were like "you've lost weight!"

i'm going to ginuwine/joe's concert on 17th and want to fit into a sexy dress that i purposely bought a size too small..at this rate i will be able to.
i notice my stomach looks smaller and my face a little slimmer. :yay:
I'm still cocktailing everyday. I went ahead and split the servings in half a bit before I gain weight. So my recipe is:

1 cup whole milk
1/2 teaspoon wgo
1 heaping tbsp wheatgerm
1 egg
frozen friut
few drops honey
1 stevia packet

Do you guys think I'll still reap the benefits? This is my first day with the new serving sizes and I still havent received my book in the mail...
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I went to the derm today and he told me there are no signs of alopecia other than the very front and sides (hairline).
He said everything looks normal (even though I know I've still got a way to go)!!!! I am totally stoked about that. Yaay Meee!! PTL!!!

Thanks for checking in, Steph~
Just checking in to report I had my cocktail this morning!!

Girl, I wanted to take Shorty's suggestion and drink my cocktail with water since I ran out of soymilk...but - but- i just couldn't do it!!!:nono: I believe that it tastes the same, but my mind just can't get a grip on it. I think I'll start off with 1/2 water + 1/2 milk and go from there...gotta take baby steps, y'all.

You'd think by now I could just crack an egg and drop it in my mouth and chug it down...but no. I'm not there yet. lol.

I'd love to have your support. Share your plans, will you?. PM me.

Hey Br*nze,
Glad to know I'm not in this alone. I think maybe we should try the half milk/half water and see what happens. I'm planning on spending the rest of this month sorting out my food issues and get all my plans and calories worked out and then next month I'll begin exercising. My aim is to lose 10lbs a month (which is only 2.5lbs a week, very achieveable) for the next 8 months. I've been doing the shake at the weekends too, and still waiting my 2 hours before eating anything. My sister's on board with this now too so we're doing it together :grin:, just need to get my brother on board now.

I'm definitely up for brainstorming so we can get maximum benefit with the drink and everything else we have/do. I found a website which looks like it helps with figuring out how many calories to consume for weight loss.
I'm saving up to get a bodybugg - those things look awesome.

The hard part will be measuring how many calories are in everything so I want to make sure I'm having the same measurements in the drink each day for ease. And yep, I can't imagine having the drink without fruit either. I just have to switch to tinned strawberries as they're lower in cals and carbs.

Have a great day everyone.


Blaque, OMGosh!!! That's wonderful, incredible! I've had that experience and it feels sooo goooood. My slacks kept twisting on me and my belt couldn't hold them up bcs it was too big...those were the good ole' days.
Keep up the great work. PM me and share what you are doing - exactly, Chica.

cocktailed it twice today :lick:

i nearly lost my skirt when i went out shopping today :lachen:

when i put it on, it felt bigger than it usually feels.
i was walking and could feel something brushing on my leg..i was like "whats this?!" when i checked it out :eek: my skirt was falling down!! :lachen:
luckily i was wearing a long coat that was covering my butt. :lol:

so, looks like i am loosing inches. i'm going to get weighed at my doctors next week, so i will see how much i have lost in two weeks. :)

yesterday i was wearing a figure hugging dress and my sister and husband were like "you've lost weight!"

i'm going to ginuwine/joe's concert on 17th and want to fit into a sexy dress that i purposely bought a size too small..at this rate i will be able to.
i notice my stomach looks smaller and my face a little slimmer. :yay:
Gooo Girl!

Leleepop, you haven't cut much out, so i think you will still see good results. If i were you, i'd cut some of my milk as well. Try the half and half method that we're gonna do.

I'm still cocktailing everyday. I went ahead and split the servings in half a bit before I gain weight. So my recipe is:

1 cup whole milk
1/2 teaspoon wgo
1 heaping tbsp wheatgerm
1 egg
frozen friut
few drops honey
1 stevia packet

Do you guys think I'll still reap the benefits? This is my first day with the new serving sizes and I still havent received my book in the mail...
Br*nze, you can do it! I put 3 cups of water today and it actually fills the glass like I am used to. still tastes fine without the soy milk. somewhere in this thread (a few hundred pages back or so) I had revealed that i was adding water to my cocktail (1 cup soymilk and 1 cup water). I did it just for preference (in order to jumpstart my water intake for the day) and also because i had started using frozen bananas and it helped keep the cocktail from being TOO thick. After that, it became something I kept doing, even when i used fresh bananas.

Has anyone used the (raw) sunflower seeds instead as the original recipe suggests as a substitution? I would like to try it someday just for variation. I'm sure that is also a powerhouse of protein and other nutrients.

Br*nze I am just speculating here, but I think that we may not be missing much from leaving the milk out. Especially since I was just looking at the soymilk as an extra dose of protein (even though it does have other nutrients but that's how I always looked at it) I figured it was something that I could leave out if push came to shove since the egg by far has WAY more protein.

I know at one point an egglette asked about omitting the whole cow's milk before and it was advised to leave it in due to the fat in the milk being necessary for something, but I think everyone here probably eats an adequate amount of healthy fats (plus I would imagine the wheat germ oil probably has the good fats in it that our bodies need...i'll go check my bottle and report back) so I still don't think it would be an issue if you all are looking to cut calories. And here I was leaving it out because I was just too lazy to go back to the store for soy milk. Go figure!

But, you can always take it slow as you suggested! All things in moderation, right?

ETA: ok I just came back from checking the label on my bottle of wheat germ oil (i use Now brand) and it has 13.5 grams of fat. I typed wheat germ into a search engine and it is also very high in protein.
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Thanks, ShortyC~ You are so right - baby steps. You are right. WGO is a good fat it also helps get rid of bad fat. I think this idea may really be a breakthrough for those watching their cal intake. I will start at 1/2 and 1/2 work my way up.

I'm hardcore, y'all.
OMG my dh works out of town, and when he came home he said I have a glow,also today a lady told me I had the MOST beautiful skin. My skin is so moist. I hope I have this much shine after the decrease of wgo.lol I also wanted to ask how much milk did everyone use in the beginning, so I can try to work with half?
LeLee- I used a cup. I alternated between regular, skim and soy milk.

Isn't the 'glow' awesome! It'll remain as long as you're on the cocktail...it remains in your system for a while.
I'm new(stopped lurking and paid my dues) and I have been drinking the shake for about a week...Thank You Bronze and all the ladies for so much info..i really appreciate it