*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
This may be a bit late, forgive me please, but...

Welcome Egglette Honey4real to our Nest!!
Hey Honey, our pics are all over the place and I wanted to post a really nice thread and take pics, but I haven't yet. Don't stone me. :sad:. Life gets in the way. I'm Procrastination-Challenged, okay? But we have posted some awesome pics, and there is proof that this works. It really does.

Hello Everyone,

I have been reading and skimming through this thread and it sounds very interesting and I was thinking about trying it because I have naturally fine thin hair. But I kinda wanted to cut to the chase :yep: and ask if anyone posted any before and after pics ?

Welcome Egglette Relentless to our Nest!!
I take it you've found the OG recipe on page 1, right? Come on and drink up with us, you'll find this quite pleasant. Let us know when you take your first sip.


Can someone give me the cocktail recipe? I would like to drink my way to bra strength length. :yawn: I can't find the recipe in this forum.

Welcome Egglette SouthernChocolate to our Nest!!
I thank God you are home safe and sound. Are you still cocktailin'? Don't give up, the results are worth the consistency. Promise. I wish you well. You can do this.

^^^^ It's on the very first page of this thread hun.

Ok.......................do you all have room for one more? I've been lurking in this thread for months. I wasn't able to start before because I was overseas and I wasn't about to drink a raw egg from there. But now I'm back in the states (All praises to the Lord God for getting me home safely) and I had my first cocktail today. It wasn't as bad as I thought but I need to add some agave nector or something for more of a taste.

I'm really hoping that i can stick with it. I get bored so easily and when I don't see results in 2 days (not quite two days, just want to see results right away), I'm ready to move on to the next thing. I'm definitely going to have to practice patience.Wish me luck ladies.

Welcome Egglette Platinum to our Nest!!
Hey Chica! You decided to chug-a-lug with us? Did you find your tweak? Give us updates.

Okay so I finally got around to try the shake. I think the Wheat Germ Oil makes the shake taste kind of bitter, not too bad but strange. I'm gonna tweak it some to help with the taste but I'm gonna continue drinking it.

Welcome Egglette Kutie85 to our Nest!!
Kutie~ You still cocktailin', too? Let us know if you need help.

Has anybody seen this thread before on lipstick alley. http://www.lipstickalley.com/f38/jacked-long-hair-care-forum-171282/ I was searching on google for at home hair treatments to write about for blog and came across this. Not sure if this person is a member or not.

And lastly, I wanna thank you Egglettes for keeping the thread active in my absence. It takes a village, y'all to grow some hair. LOL.

No, sincerely, I appreciate you all reaching in and helping those who have questions and welcoming everyone with open arms. I am so blessed to have your support. If I named each and everyone of you, I'd be afraid I left someone out, because it's so many of you! You all know who you are, and Br*nze luvs ya, babes.

Now, go grow some waistlength hair, allllll righttttt?!? Cheers!
Thank you for the warm welcome Br*nzeb! My hair still thanks you for starting this thread. I can't begin to tell you what poor shape my hair was in before I started this challenge. Now its very thick from root to tip and soooo big! I love big hair.

The Egg Cocktail change the very texture of my hair. Its always been soft but never in my years of relaxing has it been this strong.

I'm hoping to reach APL by April 2010 (I'm currenty NL and have been for a looooong time). I'm also taking a total of 800 I.U. of vitamin E every nite (started this this past Saturday).
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I've been cocktailing everyday so far. I add a banana to it sometimes but I'm used to the taste now. I'm hoping that the egg shake can help me gain some weight as well as help with hair growth. :look:
Hello fellow egglettes! I have more supplies to get (hope to get them over the weekend) and then I will be joining the challenge again!
Hey guys! Happy Humpday to ya!

I got my drink on, woo hoo!

Mona~ You are more than welcome, your neck won't be able to hold all that hair you're about to sprout, so get happy!!

Thank you for the warm welcome Br*nzeb! My hair still thanks you for starting this thread. I can't begin to tell you what poor shape my hair was in before I started this challenge. Now its very thick from root to tip and soooo big! I love big hair.

The Egg Cocktail change the very texture of my hair. Its always been soft but never in my years of relaxing has it been this strong.

I'm hoping to reach APL by April 2010 (I'm currenty NL and have been for a looooong time). I'm also taking a total of 800 I.U. of vitamin E every nite (started this this past Saturday).

Great, Platinum, if you wanna gain weight, add some protein powder to that bad boy and double up on the banana, wheat germ and wheat germ oil...those pounds will come with a quickness...

I've been cocktailing everyday so far. I add a banana to it sometimes but I'm used to the taste now. I'm hoping that the egg shake can help me gain some weight as well as help with hair growth. :look:

Welcome back Divinefavor~ let us know when you restart.

Hello fellow egglettes! I have more supplies to get (hope to get them over the weekend) and then I will be joining the challenge again!

Have a great one!
Hey DivineFavor!

Today I added 1 raw egg to my Ultra Equate Weightloss Shake along with 1 tbsp of flaxseed oil.

I know this is not the original formula but in an effort not to gain the weight back I think its perfect. I also took 800 I.U of vitamin E with it.
Intriguing. Let us know how that works.

Hey DivineFavor!

Today I added 1 raw egg to my Ultra Equate Weightloss Shake along with 1 tbsp of flaxseed oil.

I know this is not the original formula but in an effort not to gain the weight back I think its perfect. I also took 800 I.U of vitamin E with it.

G'Nite, Egglettes!
*Conveniently bypasses the fact that she fell off again* :look:

Morning ladies! I'm having a modified shake today - didn't have time to prep at home so I just grabbed an egg and filled a tiny container with some raw WG, and added it to a freshly made strawberry/banana smoothie from my work canteen. It's quite delish!
Hey Egglettes,

Been nuts lately - missed my cocktail. Can you believe I have not had eggs in my house for almost a week? Anyway, getting back to it for dinner tonight. This might explain why once again, I have like no energy.

God Bless
Ok so I have been trying to weed my way through this extensive thread!! Oh my goodness it is sooo long. LOL But I have found what I see you all doing highly interesting. Ok so I'm in! I have a great hook up on some free range eggs from my coworker, so I'm good to go there. I have some wheat germ on hand thanks to DH. But I still need to get some wgo. Um what else do I need? Some vanilla soy I guess. At any rate, I drink a smoothie consisting mostly of fruits every day, so I was wondering if tossing an egg in there would work? I'm sure it couldn't hurt. Just throw it in my magic bullet with the rest of the berries. I think I'll try it today just to see how I like it. But I still want to try the original recipe as well. Can you also link the progress pics so I don't have to drag myself through the thread to find them.:) Thanks
Hi ladies. I haven't popped into this thread in awhile.

I haven't taken the egg shake in a long time. Not sure exactly why I stopped (other than weight gain). I had alot of issues with my hair, so I had to weed everything out. My hair is doing much better. Maybe I'll start again. Not sure, but I wanted to stop in to say hello to you all.
Welcome Egglette StephElise to our Nest!! Yaaay!

I would definitely pop that egg into your smoothie add the wheat germ since you have it, and see how that goes until you get the wgo.

I add a handful of frozen blueberries and 1/3 of a frozen banana into my cocktail daily - frothy, frozen goodness!

Give us the details once you've tasted it.

Ok so I have been trying to weed my way through this extensive thread!! Oh my goodness it is sooo long. LOL But I have found what I see you all doing highly interesting. Ok so I'm in! I have a great hook up on some free range eggs from my coworker, so I'm good to go there. I have some wheat germ on hand thanks to DH. But I still need to get some wgo. Um what else do I need? Some vanilla soy I guess. At any rate, I drink a smoothie consisting mostly of fruits every day, so I was wondering if tossing an egg in there would work? I'm sure it couldn't hurt. Just throw it in my magic bullet with the rest of the berries. I think I'll try it today just to see how I like it. But I still want to try the original recipe as well. Can you also link the progress pics so I don't have to drag myself through the thread to find them.:) Thanks

What's up, Yodie? Thanks for dropping by. I am so glad your hair is doing better. Did you figure out what caused your challenges? If you decide to start cocktailing again, you know we are here for you.
{{{BIG HUG}}}

Hi ladies. I haven't popped into this thread in awhile.

I haven't taken the egg shake in a long time. Not sure exactly why I stopped (other than weight gain). I had alot of issues with my hair, so I had to weed everything out. My hair is doing much better. Maybe I'll start again. Not sure, but I wanted to stop in to say hello to you all.
This week has been kinda busy and I ran out of ingredients. I feel so sluggish! I'll make a trip to the grocery store on Saturday so I'll be cocktailing it again real soon.
So far so good! My appetite is under control but I have notice that I started eating late at night again for the past 2 nights. I will nip this in the bud ASAP! But other than that I'm not starving and eating all the time like before.

Today instead of flaxseed oil I used coconut oil. Ima stick wuth coconut oil, it gives it an island flavor! :lick:
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Good. Mona, how do you keep the coconut oil from getting hard? I tried it and hated that texture.

Not cocktailin' today, Egglettes, I'm getting my breakfast on! LOL~
I didn't. I was like crushed ice cubes and I just enjoyed it. I spooned most of it out and just dranked the rest.
^ Oh okay. I drink my cocktail with a straw and those coconut pellets disturb me. LOL.

Last night I rollerset and today I just completed flat ironing my hair and....it's getting there, you guys. I'll see if DH will take a pic and i'll post later today. I'm gonna throw in a few rollers and go back to bed. I <3 fact that my hair feels so heavy. Hasn't felt that way in a very very very long time.
Hi girls!
I have a question. I'm eating like 3 or 4 eggs very day, as i told in a previous post i'm on a high protein diet, but i don't know if you already discuss that, but i want to know if the proteins in the eggs are better when you consume it raw or when cooked?

Hey Taina,

Earlier in the thread, I posted, (someone posted - lol) information on how eating eggs raw helped the nutrients absorp into your bloodstream quicker, and more effectively. I do know eating them cooked is also advantageous.

This cocktail recipe has all the most important ingredients the originator (who struggled with male pattern baldness) felt would cause balding/thinning hair to grow back thicker and more vibrant - quickly (as a result of this cocktail, his - and others- balding hair grew back thick and full, and he no longer had thinning hair).

I say all that to say - you are on the right track with your high protein diet. If you want/need to kick things up a few notches, you may want to try this cocktail - raw eggs and all. There are definitely other things that are effective, but, as an Alopecia Conqueror, I know this - along with prayer - is leading me back from thinning, balding hair to the hair of my glory years. And I know it'll be even better than before.


Hi girls!
I have a question. I'm eating like 3 or 4 eggs very day, as i told in a previous post i'm on a high protein diet, but i don't know if you already discuss that, but i want to know if the proteins in the eggs are better when you consume it raw or when cooked?

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I want to give it a try, i'm not very confortable with the raw egg tho, but i love when the yolk is liquid, so maybe is not tha bad right? =).

I get the ingredients and try, if i can stand the flavor i'll stickto this.
I had my cocktail this morning! I am out of wheat germ oil and am waiting for it to be delivered so I am having my shakes without the oil for now. I hope it comes soon.