*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
. . . .

Aspire, Faith will do what it's set out to do. You will get your breakthrough, trust. Don't give in, don't give up.

. . . .
I went to the salon today and got a blowout/f-iron, but I never thought I'd see the day when a Dominican Stylist would be jealous of a Sista's hair!!!

I promise you, this lady ripped out soo much of my hair when she was blow drying, I could have cried. . . . .

Thanks for the encouragement Brnz.

:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: @ bolded. Grrrrrr!!! No words. I am not sure I could have handled that one.

Originally posted by Stella B.

Honey, just hang in there! Progress is in the making for us all!:grin:

Thanks Stella. I refuse to give up. I have only been on the HHJ since March and cocktailing since June. Too early to give up.

Still cocktailing. I have added blueberries to my mix and I love it. I have also found that when I am craving something sweet and rich, my shake makes a great substitute. I just add a few squirts of Hershey's syrup and I am good to go. :lick: No more empty calories.
Part 2

Day 1

Raw Wheatgerm
Ground Flax seed
Wheatgerm oil
Olive oil
Raw egg
2% Milk
1 Scoop of soy protein
1/2 Banana
1 ice cube
Hey Egglettes!

Just stopping through to let you know that August pics have been documented and should be added to the siggy some time this week. I can definitely confirm the comeback. I may not make my Dec 2009 goal of APL, but who knows--There are still four months left in the year. Still shaking things up and loving it...

:bighug: Thanks for all the love and encouragement on this thread!

Hey Egglettes!

Just stopping through to let you know that August pics have been documented and should be added to the siggy some time this week. I can definitely confirm the comeback. I may not make my Dec 2009 goal of APL, but who knows--There are still four months left in the year. Still shaking things up and loving it...

:bighug: Thanks for all the love and encouragement on this thread!


((hugs)) to you too .

have hope you will make your goal :yep:
OK, All last week I had three shakes a day and no meals, although i felt energised, had a radiant glow and not hungry...(TMI?) I began getting a lot of mucus build up in my throat. I was coughing and choking stuff up!!! :barf:

I have now cut back down to two shakes a day and a nutrious meal in the evening. The mucus issues have stopped THANK God!!!!

So three times a day = overkill

Just thought I'd share that with my fellow egglettes...
Part 2

Day 2

Raw Wheatgerm
Ground Flax seed
Wheatgerm oil
Olive oil
Raw egg
2% Milk
1 Scoop of soy protein
1 ice cube
Part 2

Day 3

Raw Wheatgerm
Ground Flax seed
Wheatgerm oil
Olive oil
Raw egg
2% Milk
1 Scoop of soy protein
1/2 Banana
Hey Egglettes!

Just stopping through to let you know that August pics have been documented and should be added to the siggy some time this week. I can definitely confirm the comeback. I may not make my Dec 2009 goal of APL, but who knows--There are still four months left in the year. Still shaking things up and loving it...

:bighug: Thanks for all the love and encouragement on this thread!


Hey E!
Glad you're doing good, and documenting the progress. We'll be waiting patiently for the pics! Keep an open mind for the next 4 months-you never know what can happen! One good growth spurt and you could meet or exceed your goal by December. With each day that passes, you're making progress on achieving healthier hair. With healthier hair, you will be able to meet your goal in no time. Thanks for the love and hugs, and here's a big (((((((((((((((((HUG)))))))))))))))) back to you!
Hello Everyone,

I have been reading and skimming through this thread and it sounds very interesting and I was thinking about trying it because I have naturally fine thin hair. But I kinda wanted to cut to the chase :yep: and ask if anyone posted any before and after pics ?
Still cocktailin' it, ladies! I'm also drinking one protein drink daily (Ensure) to keep my weight up. Maybe I'll get twice the growth that way. :grin:
Hey y'all! Still cocktailing it to high heaven!:grin: Had one yesterday with rice milk and reddiegg (like eggbeaters) from Whole Foods, a little wheat germ oil, some lecithin, and a dash of eggnog, and ummmmmmmm, delicious! I feel so good about drinking this vitamin cocktail! I know its benefiting body and hair big time! Bowing down to you Bronze and team eggletts, thanks for introducing me to the cocktail...for life!!!
Hello Everyone,

I have been reading and skimming through this thread and it sounds very interesting and I was thinking about trying it because I have naturally fine thin hair. But I kinda wanted to cut to the chase :yep: and ask if anyone posted any before and after pics ?

Welcome!!! Glad you're thinking about joining us! When you catch up on your reading for information while going thru this long thread, you will see result pics that have been posted by various members at different times since this thread started. I can't tell you exactly where they are, but they are in there, and they are inspiring! (I sound like the Prego spaghetti sauce comercial...it's in there...)Gotta do a little reading (researching) to uncover them, but yes you will like what you see. Most of the egglets post results after being on the cocktail for a few months, and tweaking the recipe for individual needs and tastes. With that being said, most of the pics would start around the middle of the thread, and extend to the current end of the thread. We like to help each other in working through the kinks, so its definitely worth your time to read it through. Hope you join us, and happy cocktailing!
Hey y'all! Still cocktailing it to high heaven!:grin: Had one yesterday with rice milk and reddiegg (like eggbeaters) from Whole Foods, a little wheat germ oil, some lecithin, and a dash of eggnog, and ummmmmmmm, delicious! I feel so good about drinking this vitamin cocktail! I know its benefiting body and hair big time! Bowing down to you Bronze and team eggletts, thanks for introducing me to the cocktail...for life!!!

Oooh gurl . . . where'd you get eggnogg this time of year? I am waiting for the fall batch so I can start making my shakes with it (although I will have to cut out the extra calories from somewhere since my favorite is made with cream).

Anyway, still cocktailing, but have to get some more raw wheat germ. My whole foods store is all out and has been for two weeks, so I have not had it in my shake for almost a week now.
Oooh gurl . . . where'd you get eggnogg this time of year? I am waiting for the fall batch so I can start making my shakes with it (although I will have to cut out the extra calories from somewhere since my favorite is made with cream).

Anyway, still cocktailing, but have to get some more raw wheat germ. My whole foods store is all out and has been for two weeks, so I have not had it in my shake for almost a week now.
Aspire, I don't have to wait until the holidays to get my eggnog. My local grocer for some reason carries this stuff year round! I didn't even realize it until I started drinking it on the regular, adding it to my drink. I know I lucked out to find a grocer that does this and each time I run out, I anxiously hope that its still available and on the store shelves. So far so good!:yep: Yea, I know, loaded with calories-but I only add about 1/8 of a cup just enough to give me some flavor!!!!
Happy Monday, Egglettes! Hope you had a great one ~ I was running late and could not get my cocktail on, I'll hit it up, tonight!

My hair is still doing well, I have been shedding - but my hair is much thicker. I've been bunning and it's getting more difficult everyday. Yaay!
Hi, ladies!

I just read through everyone's posts - trying to get caught up.

I've been so bad. :nono: I haven't had my egg shake in about three weeks. :blush:

I was stressing and my interest in eating went waaay down. Then I was away from home for a week visiting family and now... I have a cold.

I'm feeling a bit better and I'm going to resume making my egg shake in the a.m. It seems I have to force myself to eat whether the desire is there or not.

I hung a calendar on my wall and I'm putting myself on a 90 day challenge to drink the shake daily. (It's really a double challenge because I also want to work on my abs daily).

Wish me luck!
Still drinking mine.

Let's make sure we stay consistent, ladies. It'll be winter before we know it. We want to be prepared, so let's make sure we're storing up all these nutrients in our bodies so they'll bring us some nice winter surprises--some good growth spurts!

Happy to still be on this journey with you all . . . even though I've been a bit quite lately, I'm still going strong and reaping the benefits.

The industrial strength toe nails have to be cut more often and my finger nails have taken off! My hair is in twists that I bun daily. I know that I'm growing and retaining, but not measuring as of yet, but it's doing well.

Thanks for the update, Tallnomad, been missing you lately.

I had to take a break from the forum to get some things in order.
This place has a way of eating up your time! So much to read - so much to note!
It's great, but I needed some balance.
Anyhoo, I'm still believing for all of you to reap the benefits and to hang in there until you get your breakthrough.

I am happy to note that my hairline is filling in nicely. My nape is growing strong and thick - it's about 5 inches now! When I started, it wasn't even an inch ;-(. And that's with multiple trims to even-out the broken patches.
With my nape in check, i know i'm on my way! PTL!!
Hey Ladies! :wave:

I have been playing with the idea of starting this up again. I haven't had a shake in almost a year and my hair is still healthy and strong. In fact my hair is so thick that when I pinned it up today I immediately felt cooler around my neck :lol:

Well I'm ready to reap the benefits again and pray that I don't gain the weight back. I was so persistant last time I did this challenge that I didn't care that I was gaining weight :blush: After 27 pounds it was time to call it quits.

This time around I plan to be careful and if things get out of hand I will stop ASAP!

I'm back in the game starting tomorrow but I will not be using the full recipe.
I had my cocktail today but i have not been very consistent. I am hoping to get back on track and STAY on track. I am hoping for great things at the end of the year.Good Luck Ladies!
Welcome Back. {{BIG HUG}}
I know it was hard to keep cocktailing with the weight gain, but I pray you find a recipe that works for you while reaping the hair growth and thickness you desire.

You were a great help in getting this thread thriving and so many of us reaped from your posts. Let us know what combination you come up with, so others may benefit, 'kay?

You just reminded me, October is my one year anniversary! And I realize that today I have a whole new head of hair!!!!! My hair was in such poor shape before, I shuddered to take pics, let alone post them. I wish I would have taken better documentation -

Here goes to another year of cocktailing...for life.