*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
^^^^ It's on the very first page of this thread hun.

Ok.......................do you all have room for one more? I've been lurking in this thread for months. I wasn't able to start before because I was overseas and I wasn't about to drink a raw egg from there. But now I'm back in the states (All praises to the Lord God for getting me home safely) and I had my first cocktail today. It wasn't as bad as I thought but I need to add some agave nector or something for more of a taste.

I'm really hoping that i can stick with it. I get bored so easily and when I don't see results in 2 days (not quite two days, just want to see results right away), I'm ready to move on to the next thing. I'm definitely going to have to practice patience.Wish me luck ladies.
Welcome southernchocolate!!!! Glad you're thinking about joining us! There's always room for another egglette in the nest!

Can someone give me the cocktail recipe? I would like to drink my way to bra strength length. :yawn: I can't find the recipe in this forum.

It should be on the first page of this thread. It's typed in red, mid-way the page under Hair Cocktail Ingredients! HTH!

Your hair looks gorgeous, and I love the shine in your siggy.

I don't know if the shake is working for my hair, but I am still taking anyway. Like Bronze says, I gotta have faith. :yep: 2 mos and still going.

Finally a free moment to say:

Stella B. girl your hair is "showin' out"!:spinning: Wonderful growth, I just know it's healthy and shines too! Go 'head on, Sis! Keep up the excellent progress!

Come on, Egglettes, keep the pics coming.:yep:
checking in again....about to be ghost again for a while. going to visit family.

welcome southernchocolate.

and stella b.:

get down, girl, go 'head get down!!!!

awesome progress.

p.s. bf is still cocktailing it every day!!!

ETA: Blaque*Angel let me find out you did a BC!!! Congratulations.... I'm sure you look great. Do you have pictures to share?
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Your hair looks gorgeous, and I love the shine in your siggy.

I don't know if the shake is working for my hair, but I am still taking anyway. Like Bronze says, I gotta have faith. :yep: 2 mos and still going.
Honey, just hang in there! Progress is in the making for us all!:grin:


Finally a free moment to say:

Stella B. girl your hair is "showin' out"!:spinning: Wonderful growth, I just know it's healthy and shines too! Go 'head on, Sis! Keep up the excellent progress!

Come on, Egglettes, keep the pics coming.:yep:
Thanks, Essensual-I was hesitant about posting those pics, hoping my 3 1/2 inches of unstretched new growth wouldn't be 'showin out' on its own, and looking too bad!:lachen:I wanna see some more pics too, cause you ladies keep me going!

checking in again....about to be ghost again for a while. going to visit family.

welcome southernchocolate.

and stella b.:

get down, girl, go 'head get down!!!!

awesome progress.

p.s. bf is still cocktailing it every day!!!

ETA: Blaque*Angel let me find out you did a BC!!! Congratulations.... I'm sure you look great. Do you have pictures to share?
shortycocoa, thanks for the compliment, and where are you disappearing to, again?:look: Just don't stay gone too long, we love to have you around! BF might as well join join us on our little challenge since he's drinking the shake too! Tell him we wanna see his progress pics!:lachen:
Hey Egglettes!! Gosh, do I miss you guys!

NappyMD - how r u faring with the cocktail? Now don't go fainting on us, now? Sounds like there could be a bun in the oven, huh, huh? Kidding. Tell us what adjustments you made so if there is someone else with this concern, they'll know what to do. Thanks!

Big Welcome to the Nest to Southern Chocolate - Hmmm, so you think you can just quit the cocktail whenever you please? Uh nope. Your body won't let you stay off the cocktail, so you're a Lifer, mam...uh huh. Once you go Waistlength Cocktail, you never go back....lol!

...>>>and a Great Big Welcome Back to the Nest to Peppers01!! Hey Chica!<<<

StellaB, girl, your hair is IT!! You definitely got it goin' on. Progress seems like such an understatement. Your hair is delish. *yum* {I really need to cocktail it twice a day, I wanna see amazing results like yours.}

Aspire, Faith will do what it's set out to do. You will get your breakthrough, trust. Don't give in, don't give up.

U2Girl, I'm glad you found a recipe that works for you. Welcome again~

Relentless, did you find the recipe? It's on page 1! Let us know when you go for it, okay? I give you a Welcome to The Nest Egglette Relentless - in advance (cause i know you're gonna join).

Blaque~ Did you BC? Oh my heavens, i've been gone far too long, lemme go look find your posts...I already know it's awesome, though. Congrats!

Hot40, thanks for reminding me, hang in there, the spinoff thread is coming...

Taina~ You an Egglette, too?
Welcome to our Nest Egglette Taina!!
I do believe a protein drink will work wonders for your hair. I just believe that the cocktail adds more nutrients designed specifically to regrow balding and thinning hair. I'm sure you'll make the right choice.

Pookiwah, loving that mix of yours, I just wish I had all those exotic ingredients...hang in there, you can do this!

Foxee, so true, so true...I gotta get that progress thread up and running so those who are on the fence can know that this works.

ShortyC~ I feel ya on this, I'm all over the place and just didn't have time to get on the thread or post...come on back, we're here for ya...and tell yo man to holla at us and share his progress, okay? He'll probably grow more hair than all of us combined....lol~

And ladies, I thank you all for reaching out and encouraging everyone in my absence. I miss you all and when things get a little more settled, i'll post more often. I haven't forgotten about you all, I've still been cocktailin' it, but I had to let the board go a bit and handle life as it comes...

I went to the salon today and got a blowout/f-iron, but I never thought I'd see the day when a Dominican Stylist would be jealous of a Sista's hair!!!

I promise you, this lady ripped out soo much of my hair when she was blow drying, I could have cried. There was really no other way to understand why she brushed through my hair the way she did. It didn't feel so bad when she was doing it, but after - I saw the brush. I asked her if it was my hair - in disbelief - and she lied and said no. I know my hair anywhere.

You know what I did? I tipped her double. She looked stunned - almost like I slapped her. She barely said thanks. I felt, hey, I'll handle hate with blessing. (I sow that lost hair and tip as a seed for phenomenal hair growth this year.)

*Okay, you ask, why is she jealous of MY hair? Well, when I started there her hair was really long and thick, ya know, 3b hair or something, I'm not big on hair typing.... Then it became really - really thin and see-through. She cut it off to neck length and began wearing extensions on occassion. When I started there, my hair was really thin and see-through, but it's not anymore. *yaay* I think she is really in shock.

I can just feel that, you know? Anyway, I don't know, I could be wrong about it...*sigh*

I'll try and post pics, not sure how much progress is there. My hair looks longer, feels heavier and my ends look decent and smooth and I haven't trimmed them since July ~ ya'll know I'm a tad scissor-happy, so soon as I get a cam, i'll post.

Much luv to you all, and if I missed ya, I'll get it right.
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Okay so I finally got around to try the shake. I think the Wheat Germ Oil makes the shake taste kind of bitter, not too bad but strange. I'm gonna tweak it some to help with the taste but I'm gonna continue drinking it.
Stella B. and Bronze....I am in Charleston (South Carolina) this time! Don't know how long I will be gone...probably a few weeks at best but I will try to stay connected.

In regards to BF, he is cocktailing sometimes twice a day but he went to the barber to get groomed so he could look extra nice for my parents. So all his hair is gone again (per my request).

Bronze I am sorry to hear about the overzealous stylist. You will recover 10 times over!
Okay so I finally got around to try the shake. I think the Wheat Germ Oil makes the shake taste kind of bitter, not too bad but strange. I'm gonna tweak it some to help with the taste but I'm gonna continue drinking it.
ITA Platinum. The wheat germ oil does detract from the taste of the drink. It makes it taste nutty, and heavy. I only put it in on occassion, but when I do, I only use 1 teaspoon instead of 1 tablespoon. My body seems to be able to digest that, and my skin doesn't look like its been soaked in vitamin E, (overdose coming out thru my pores) like it does when I use 1 tablespoon.:ohwell: Keep tweaking it, until you get it right for you!
I'm just wondering, since I keep hearing about the "off" flavor and smell of the WGO...

...am I the only Egglette that uses
WGO capsules?:look:
Hey Egglettes!! Gosh, do I miss you guys!

NappyMD - how r u faring with the cocktail? Now don't go fainting on us, now? Sounds like there could be a bun in the oven, huh, huh? Kidding. Tell us what adjustments you made so if there is someone else with this concern, they'll know what to do. Thanks!

Big Welcome to the Nest to Southern Chocolate - Hmmm, so you think you can just quit the cocktail whenever you please? Uh nope. Your body won't let you stay off the cocktail, so you're a Lifer, mam...uh huh. Once you go Waistlength Cocktail, you never go back....lol!

...>>>and a Great Big Welcome Back to the Nest to Peppers01!! Hey Chica!<<<

StellaB, girl, your hair is IT!! You definitely got it goin' on. Progress seems like such an understatement. Your hair is delish. *yum* {I really need to cocktail it twice a day, I wanna see amazing results like yours.}

Aspire, Faith will do what it's set out to do. You will get your breakthrough, trust. Don't give in, don't give up.

U2Girl, I'm glad you found a recipe that works for you. Welcome again~

Relentless, did you find the recipe? It's on page 1! Let us know when you go for it, okay? I give you a Welcome to The Nest Egglette Relentless - in advance (cause i know you're gonna join).

Blaque~ Did you BC? Oh my heavens, i've been gone far too long, lemme go look find your posts...I already know it's awesome, though. Congrats!

Hot40, thanks for reminding me, hang in there, the spinoff thread is coming...

Taina~ You an Egglette, too?
Welcome to our Nest Egglette Taina!!
I do believe a protein drink will work wonders for your hair. I just believe that the cocktail adds more nutrients designed specifically to regrow balding and thinning hair. I'm sure you'll make the right choice.

Pookiwah, loving that mix of yours, I just wish I had all those exotic ingredients...hang in there, you can do this!

Foxee, so true, so true...I gotta get that progress thread up and running so those who are on the fence can know that this works.

ShortyC~ I feel ya on this, I'm all over the place and just didn't have time to get on the thread or post...come on back, we're here for ya...and tell yo man to holla at us and share his progress, okay? He'll probably grow more hair than all of us combined....lol~

And ladies, I thank you all for reaching out and encouraging everyone in my absence. I miss you all and when things get a little more settled, i'll post more often. I haven't forgotten about you all, I've still been cocktailin' it, but I had to let the board go a bit and handle life as it comes...

I went to the salon today and got a blowout/f-iron, but I never thought I'd see the day when a Dominican Stylist would be jealous of a Sista's hair!!!

I promise you, this lady ripped out soo much of my hair when she was blow drying, I could have cried. There was really no other way to understand why she brushed through my hair the way she did. It didn't feel so bad when she was doing it, but after - I saw the brush. I asked her if it was my hair - in disbelief - and she lied and said no. I know my hair anywhere.

You know what I did? I tipped her double. She looked stunned - almost like I slapped her. She barely said thanks. I felt, hey, I'll handle hate with blessing. (I sow that lost hair and tip as a seed for phenomenal hair growth this year.)

*Okay, you ask, why is she jealous of MY hair? Well, when I started there her hair was really long and thick, ya know, 3b hair or something, I'm not big on hair typing.... Then it became really - really thin and see-through. She cut it off to neck length and began wearing extensions on occassion. When I started there, my hair was really thin and see-through, but it's not anymore. *yaay* I think she is really in shock.

I can just feel that, you know? Anyway, I don't know, I could be wrong about it...*sigh*

I'll try and post pics, not sure how much progress is there. My hair looks longer, feels heavier and my ends look decent and smooth and I haven't trimmed them since July ~ ya'll know I'm a tad scissor-happy, so soon as I get a cam, i'll post.

Much luv to you all, and if I missed ya, I'll get it right.

Bronze, I cringed when I read about the stylist doing that to your hair! :blush:Did you have any idea that she was pulling your hair so hard? Why did she feel that raking and pulling thru your hair like that was OK? I know you gave her a few choice words before you left there, and I hope you will be moving on to another dominican salon for your next blow-out. You're right about the jealousy thing. Years ago, I had a stylist leave a relaxer on my hair for 50 minutes, I think she was secretely hoping my hair would fall out. It didn't, but I said a bunch of prayers, and never went back to that place again. A good stylist is hard to find...so maybe this is a sign, you'll have to learn how to DIY the blow-drying, and the flat ironing on your own. At least you won't be mad at yourself for messing up. :spinning:
Good to know you're back, we missed you too!
Hey Ladies--hope you're all well! I miss you. I'm trying to catch up on my reading in this thread. I'm still doing the shake daily. My BKT'd hair is doing well. Been wearing double strand twists on my own hair. I believe it's growing and I'm retaining well.

I don't really have any progress pics. The next time I press, I will post a pic.
NappyMD - how r u faring with the cocktail? Now don't go fainting on us, now? Sounds like there could be a bun in the oven, huh, huh? Kidding. Tell us what adjustments you made so if there is someone else with this concern, they'll know what to do. Thanks!

hey Bronze:

yeah I think I wasn't taking in enough calories. I have had to remind myself to eat and recently have been running around at work in addition to working out. I have been fine since I started eating a bit more :yep:
Here's a photo I took today. Now I've always had the ability to grow my nails long but the cocktail has made them virtually unbreakable! Keep in mind, this pic was taken after I trimmed these suckers down . . . they were longer but kept getting caught in my keyboard. :grin:

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Congratulations Stella, Very good progress.
I'm going to start a protein diet to lose weight. Do you think it could workthe same as the shake? I also drinking a proteing shake as well (comercial)

I used to follow a high protein diet and still drink my shake, I lost a dress size. HTH
Just started yesterday! Cocktail is delicious. I put bananas, soy milk, 2 raw eggs (brown), vanilla, wheat germ, and 1 teaspoon of flax seed oil. It is so good when it's nice and chilled.
The only thing is I was too excited and started last night and couldn't sleep and I am paying for it now. So I will follow directions and take it in the mornings.

Question how has the shake helped with hairlines filling in for you all? Thanks
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Hello ladies, tomorrow I will be starting my egg cocktail again My life has calmed down (a bit). I have missed my shake this past month and a half. Next time there is a crisis I need to remember to keep at my shake and not fall off. I miss the energy I had.

ETA: In case you're wondering my dad is on his way to recovery. We had some very close calls. He is paralyzed on the left side, but is starting to feeling tingling sensations in his foot. We are hoping this is the beginning to him getting the use of his left side back. Thank you all again for your kind words and prayers.
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Hey Y'all!!
Starting tomorrow, I'm going back on the shake and my high protein diet and I'm staying there for the rest of the year. I can't wait I miss all the benefits and the yumminess.
Still cocktailing it. About a week ago I was running out of soymilk so I used a little carrot juice with the 3/4th cup of soymilk I had and it was great :lick:. So I've been doing that since. Also those baby bananas are organic and sweet at whole foods. Instead of a half banana I just peel those and pop them in the freezer. 2 days ago I started throwing a tsp of chia in as well. :yep:
Nothing new to add, but cocktailin' it daily as usual! NappyMd, I like the sound of your recipe. I may have to add a little carrot juice myself!
Still cocktailing it. About a week ago I was running out of soymilk so I used a little carrot juice with the 3/4th cup of soymilk I had and it was great :lick:. So I've been doing that since. Also those baby bananas are organic and sweet at whole foods. Instead of a half banana I just peel those and pop them in the freezer. 2 days ago I started throwing a tsp of chia in as well. :yep:

Sounds like a great combo of ingredients! I drink V8 carrot juice daily (from the jug). I need to be more industrious like DH-he pulls the juicer out every morning, and makes himself a carrot, beet and apple juice drink! I think I might try it your way NappyMD, cause it does sound delish!
Didn't know you could buy them like this. Are they hard to find??

I purchased mine from Vitamin World at the local Mall, but here's the link to their site:
http://www.vitaminworld.com/pages/f...4D8A2C3F13F&searchterm=wheat germ oil&rdcnt=1 (No flavor, or smell at all).

I found several offerings on Amazon:

and Vitamin Shoppe: http://www.vitaminshoppe.com/search...source2=main&tab_selection=vitamins&x=20&y=14
