*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
Well my experience with the egg in my fruit smoothie was a little....slippery.:drool: So I tired it with just egg, fruit (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, pineapple and 1/2 banana), wheat germ, some plain yogurt, and some vanilla soy milk. And I must say, this combination was :lick: mmm mmm good. So I figure that the milk must somehow camouflage the slip from the egg. All I needed was a little bit of sweetener and it would have been all good! Just thought I would update ya'll.
Toodles eggletts!
Be merciful Egglettes...

I know the August update has yet to be posted and we are coming toward the end of September.:look: Right after I took Aug pics, I started havings issues with the 'puter--then the schedule went haywire!:spinning:

I decided to add both pics to the siggy pic at the end of September. BTW: I colored my hair since August, so I'm wondering if you'll be able to tell. At any rate, I love the color and I'm really enjoying the change.

Keep shakin' things up!

Hello Egglettes! I have missed everyone...and it looks like I missed
a lot here also. Welcome to all the new egglettes.

Platinum, I agree with Br*nze...I will gladly give you some pounds. :lachen:

I've been back in town (couldn't take being away from my sweetie much
longer and plus the whole trip made me irritated) for a minute but
haven't had much time to be on the internet, so here I am. :drunk::yep:

I've been cocktailing this week and some of last week but when I was
out of town I started out cocktailing and then the refrigerator went
out and I was hesitant to eat those eggs so to be on the safe side I
didn't cocktail it for the rest of my trip. :wallbash:

such is life. :rolleyes:

drink up ladies!!! :lick:
Hey egglettes, :wavey:

I made my first shake today and it wasn't too bad - different but not unbearable.

I tried to stick to the original recipe as much as possible but couldn't find wheatgerm oil. My sis happened to walk by Whole foods yesterday and asked them, and she found this http://www.solgar.com/SolgarProducts/Liquid-Vitamin-E.htm which I used instead. I'm hoping it'll give the same results.

My shake was made up of:
Fresh strawberries
Tinned pineapple chunks
1 large free range egg
150ml Alpro vanilla soy milk
1 tsp Crusha milkshake syrup
3 tsp lecithin
2 tbsp wheatgerm
1 tbsp Solgar liquid vitamin e with wheatgerm

I think the wheatgerm may have been a bit too much for me, my tummy doesn't do very well with wheat, or starches like bread, pasta, potatoes, rice so I try to avoid all of these.

Will it make a big difference if I knock the wheatgerm down to 1tbsp instead of 2, or cut it out all together? And can I continue with the oil I have, maybe add some flaxseed or flaxseed oil instead and take wheatgerm oil as caspules during the day?

I know you ladies are all very knowledgeable and will be able to help me tailor the drink for me so I reap the benefits, lose weight and don't get bloated :grin:. I'm going to do this every morning from today to 26th March (day before my birthday) giving me 6 months to hopefully see the results such as younger looks, weight loss, etc that everyone else seems to have.

Join me in Welcoming Egglette Cairopipe to our Nest ~ Another UK-er as well!

Your ingredients sound great. Vitamin E and Wheat Germ Oil should do well. You let us know how it goes. I think that's a first for the "Nest." Also, many have subbed flaxseed oil for the wgo, so you should be good there.

We will definitely support you in your journey. I have been eyeballing my wheat germ when i add it to my cocktail, but I think I may even drop it down to 1 tblspn and see how it goes. I don't want any bulking up when i'm trying to slim down, ya know? I need to streamline as many calories as possible.

When I tell people my age, they gasp. - And shake their heads in disbelief.
No - I am not old, but I look much younger than my age. Much. I still get carded on ocassion when buying alcohol and such...You will definitely see the results you listed. And then some. I won't even start about my libido...:look:

Hey egglettes, :wavey:

I made my first shake today and it wasn't too bad - different but not unbearable.

I tried to stick to the original recipe as much as possible but couldn't find wheatgerm oil. My sis happened to walk by Whole foods yesterday and asked them, and she found this http://www.solgar.com/SolgarProducts/Liquid-Vitamin-E.htm which I used instead. I'm hoping it'll give the same results.

My shake was made up of:
Fresh strawberries
Tinned pineapple chunks
1 large free range egg
150ml Alpro vanilla soy milk
1 tsp Crusha milkshake syrup
3 tsp lecithin
2 tbsp wheatgerm
1 tbsp Solgar liquid vitamin e with wheatgerm

I think the wheatgerm may have been a bit too much for me, my tummy doesn't do very well with wheat, or starches like bread, pasta, potatoes, rice so I try to avoid all of these.

Will it make a big difference if I knock the wheatgerm down to 1tbsp instead of 2, or cut it out all together? And can I continue with the oil I have, maybe add some flaxseed or flaxseed oil instead and take wheatgerm oil as caspules during the day?

I know you ladies are all very knowledgeable and will be able to help me tailor the drink for me so I reap the benefits, lose weight and don't get bloated :grin:. I'm going to do this every morning from today to 26th March (day before my birthday) giving me 6 months to hopefully see the results such as younger looks, weight loss, etc that everyone else seems to have.

Hi ladies,

Well it's morning number 4 of the smoothie and I'm doing ok. I've changed the soy milk for almond milk, knocked the wheatgerm down to 1tbsp and it's now easier to drink.

I've been mixing it up just before leaving for work then putting it in a thermos flask (which I cool down beforehand with ice and cold water) and drinking while I'm at work. I find it better this way as I just am not one of those people that can gulp anything down. I get the goodness while taking my time and this way I'm not sick from wolfing it down. Sometimes it takes me about 15-20 mins to drink but I still make sure I wait at least two hours before eating anything, the only thing I consume during that time is water.

I plan to do this for at least a month and right now I think I can definitely manage to do this every morning. Can't wait to start seeing some of the benefits.

I still haven't finished reading all the way through this thread yet so I know there's still a wealth of information waiting for me to read, so I'm off to do that now...
Have a great day ladies :-)

Hey Ladies! :wave:

I have been playing with the idea of starting this up again. I haven't had a shake in almost a year and my hair is still healthy and strong. In fact my hair is so thick that when I pinned it up today I immediately felt cooler around my neck :lol:

Well I'm ready to reap the benefits again and pray that I don't gain the weight back. I was so persistant last time I did this challenge that I didn't care that I was gaining weight :blush: After 27 pounds it was time to call it quits.

This time around I plan to be careful and if things get out of hand I will stop ASAP!

I'm back in the game starting tomorrow but I will not be using the full recipe.

hi dear,

wow :eek: 27 pounds?
what do you feel caused that?
were you using the shake as a meal replacement?

please fill us in.
I believe it was the egg. It really increased my appetite. Now I take my egg in a Weight Loss shake and I'm not having that problem this go round.
Still cocktailing. Had an incredible one yesterday with frozen blueberries and strawberries plus 2 eggs. It was divine. Plan to do it again today, but will add an over ripe peach.
I plan on drinking the egg shake with meals in hopes that it will help me gain weight. I've been under a lot of stressed so I lost some of the weight that I tried so hard to gain. I love what the egg shake does for my skin. I'm not sure if it has done any for my hair because I'm still in braids.
Did my cocktail yesterday. On the days when I don't have my cocktail, I'll do a protein drink with spirullina, hemp powder, or a green smoothie. Yum...I'll be cocktailing again tomorrow!!!!! Have a good evening, ladies!