*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
I had noticed the weight gain with my clothes and then I decided to go on the scale because I knew something was not right. That is when I found out I gained 19 pounds about to hit 20 pounds. The nurse consultant told me you are overweight because of my height. I felt the gain mainly in my clothes. My clothes were tight around my waist and I kept trying to figure out where is this weight gain coming from. I knew I didn't change my eating habits. I have been eating the same way for years and all I ever do is loose weight or stay the same. The only way I would gain a little weight is if I consistently eat fast food and I would only gain 5 pounds and that's it and loose that immediately. 19 pounds is ridiculous!! Well, the weight is going down. My clothes are starting to feel a little better. Thanks for the info!

Yeah, 19 lbs probably would have me running to my doc as well. I used to be able to shed pounds so easily, now the suckers move in and order more food. :nono: I am only 5ft 2.5in, so I definitely understand. I am glad you are seeing a difference though (wish I were).


Still cocktailing. Crashing is not so much an issue though as I have upped the produce in my overall diet and eliminated more cooked food (I was slipping in my raw routine). I think I may move to 2 eggs again though, I like the taste better. It seemed creamier . . . .?
Hey Egglettes :wave:

I've been cocktailing twice a day since Monday and having a healthy meal at night.

It has given me the motivation to cook every day, lol as i want my meal to be worthwhile.

I am doing great.

OK, I had a secret BC:giggle:
This is the first time in my life i have had short hair, but I am loving it!! :yep: It is so easy to manage and I agree with the ladies that say you feel "free" All i do is co wash, twice a day,moisture and seal. I am looking forward to seeing what my new head of hair will look like.

Since drinking the shake and taking chlorella i noticed my new growth was extra thick and i would prefer all of my hair to be that way.

Egglettes! How Goes It? Well wishes to all of you. Don't have time to catch-up, but i'm still cocktailin' it. Please reach out to those with questions if you have answers. Gotta go and keep posting!!
Hi Egglettes!

The last two weeks I've been using the cocktail as a meal replacement but I lost too much weight! So now I'm cocktailing it when I wake up and then eat breakfast an hour later. I'm also drinking a chocolate Boost drink before bedtime to help pack on the pounds.
I have been horrible! I have been very sporadic with my shakes for the last week and a half. :nono: I need to get back on track ASAP. I will be back to the cocktail in the morning. :lick:
I have been horrible! I have been very sporadic with my shakes for the last week and a half. :nono: I need to get back on track ASAP. I will be back to the cocktail in the morning. :lick:
Get back on your cocktail honey, cause long hair waits for no one!:grin: Glad to know that you haven't given it up completely, and you're getting back on track. Drink up y'all---here's to hair, and lots of it! :guiness:
Having an egg shake with oatmeal in it now. I fell off the last 3 days. Even though the flaxseed/rest of the shake suppresses my appetite, I felt really weak the other day due to low calorie intake while working out so I tried a carb heavy breakfast for a while. So we'll see how it goes :look:
Hi Egglettes!

The last two weeks I've been using the cocktail as a meal replacement but I lost too much weight! So now I'm cocktailing it when I wake up and then eat breakfast an hour later. I'm also drinking a chocolate Boost drink before bedtime to help pack on the pounds.

Ooh, this is just what i wanted to read! :yep:

How much weight did you lose?

Did you eat any meals a day?or just drank the shake three times a day?

I began drinking two shakes a day as meal replacements, I finally don't feel hungry today :yay:

I wandered far away from home (almost 2 months), now I'm comin' home! :grin:

I've been eating cooked eggs often and putting wheatgerm over my cereal for the past few days, but I bought my organic eggs yesterday, and TOMORROW morning I will get... back... on... this... shake, I WILL!
OK, I had a secret BC:giggle:
This is the first time in my life i have had short hair, but I am loving it!! :yep: It is so easy to manage and I agree with the ladies that say you feel "free" All i do is co wash, twice a day,moisture and seal. I am looking forward to seeing what my new head of hair will look like.

Since drinking the shake and taking chlorella i noticed my new growth was extra thick and i would prefer all of my hair to be that way.


B*A does secret BC??!!!

I have obviously been gone too long, LOL! I missed you guys...
Having an egg shake with oatmeal in it now. I fell off the last 3 days. Even though the flaxseed/rest of the shake suppresses my appetite, I felt really weak the other day due to low calorie intake while working out so I tried a carb heavy breakfast for a while. So we'll see how it goes :look:

Yes, I know what you mean NappyMD! Even though the cocktail is a good balance of vitamins and nutrients, we still have to think about getting enough carbs and protein to keep our energy level up. I like the way you're trying different ways to maintain a balanced diet that's good for you. I'm like you in that my body craves carbs, and my tastebuds do too! :blush:
Having an egg shake with oatmeal in it now. I fell off the last 3 days. Even though the flaxseed/rest of the shake suppresses my appetite, I felt really weak the other day due to low calorie intake while working out so I tried a carb heavy breakfast for a while. So we'll see how it goes :look:

I add a scoop of protein powder to mine and that helps.
Shook it up this morning ladies: 1 egg, rice milk, pineapple/guava/banana juice, WG and WGO. Simple and yummy reintroduction. Have a great day all!
Okay, about a week or so ago, I tried the shake :nono:.

Well, I tried it again this morning and this time, I used Agave Nectar and it made all the difference in the world. Not that I have to have sweet, but it did improve the taste. Also before, I put strawberries in it and that pulp was - Blech! Anyways, long and the short is Much, Much Better and I will be able to drink the shake from now on.

I will be drinking the shake 3-4 times per week. This shake makes a great breakfast.
I'm just checking in. I've been drinking my shake everyday (once a day). I've been drinking it for breakfast or after I finish working out if I didn't have time that morning or if I ate breakfast. I have already noticed that glowing skin all over! My energy and mood are so good. I've decided to drink my shake once a day b/c I was thinking even though I've been working out everyday, taking in that many calories plus eating full meals is definitely gonna make me gain weight. As long as I'm feeling and seeing the results that I want no need to overdo the shake.

Where is Bronze? I wanted my official welcome back from the OP.

Also, have any of the long-term drinkers noticed any additional results. I really want to know, b/c I refuse to read back that far or is there another thread with results? anyone?

Happy growing eggletts!
Hey eggletts! Just checking in finally with my six month progress pics from the hair shake. Wasn't sure where to post them...:look: looking around for the results survey, but didn't see one. :look: I posted a blog if you're interested in viewing here: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/blog.php?b=10706

Here's a comparison pic to show my results. I can honestly say I gained 5 to 5 1/2 inches in length over a six month period from January-June. My relaxed ends are still not as thick as I would like them to be, but my hair is growing. I have not used any heat (hair dryer only) since Dec. 2007.

The pic in the upper left corner was taken in January. (then)
The big pic is the baby kook at me (now)!
Here's to hair, and lots of it! Drink up y'all!!!!!:bouncy:
Hey eggletts! Just checking in finally with my six month progress pics from the hair shake. Wasn't sure where to post them...:look: looking around for the results survey, but didn't see one. :look: I posted a blog if you're interested in viewing here: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/blog.php?b=10706

Here's a comparison pic to show my results. I can honestly say I gained 5 to 5 1/2 inches in length over a six month period from January-June. My relaxed ends are still not as thick as I would like them to be, but my hair is growing. I have not used any heat (hair dryer only) since Dec. 2007.

The pic in the upper left corner was taken in January. (then)
The big pic is the baby kook at me (now)!
Here's to hair, and lots of it! Drink up y'all!!!!!:bouncy:

Great progress, looking good.
Still cocktailing . . . still too darn busy. Man I wish there were a shake for de-stressing (and if it could do laundry and handle my 13 yr old, I would be one happy camper).
Hey eggletts! Just checking in finally with my six month progress pics from the hair shake. Wasn't sure where to post them...:look: looking around for the results survey, but didn't see one. :look: I posted a blog if you're interested in viewing here: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/blog.php?b=10706

Here's a comparison pic to show my results. I can honestly say I gained 5 to 5 1/2 inches in length over a six month period from January-June. My relaxed ends are still not as thick as I would like them to be, but my hair is growing. I have not used any heat (hair dryer only) since Dec. 2007.

The pic in the upper left corner was taken in January. (then)
The big pic is the baby kook at me (now)!
Here's to hair, and lots of it! Drink up y'all!!!!!

If anyone was ever in doubt about the power of the cocktail, all they need to do is look at your progress pics! Gorgeous!
Congrats Stella on your progress that's amazing. Just checking in on my way to my 3rd week. I am still going strong everyday, I switched to the viobin brand of wgo and it has a very strong aftertaste. ( I think I was using spectrum before). I relaxed this weekend and I have about 2 1/2 inches til bsl. I am hoping to reach it using this drink and some exercise :ohwell:. by the middle of Nov.
Congrats Stella on your progress that's amazing. Just checking in on my way to my 3rd week. I am still going strong everyday, I switched to the viobin brand of wgo and it has a very strong aftertaste. ( I think I was using spectrum before). I relaxed this weekend and I have about 2 1/2 inches til bsl. I am hoping to reach it using this drink and some exercise :ohwell:. by the middle of Nov.

Sounds like you're doing good. Just give yourself a little time, stay disciplined, and you will see results!
Congratulations Stella, Very good progress.
I'm going to start a protein diet to lose weight. Do you think it could workthe same as the shake? I also drinking a proteing shake as well (comercial)
Is there a way to start a spin off thread that shows the out come of the Drink.
I have looked through the thread but can not locate photos.
Congratulations Stella, Very good progress.
I'm going to start a protein diet to lose weight. Do you think it could workthe same as the shake? I also drinking a proteing shake as well (comercial)
Yes! Adding protein to the diet is beneficial to the hair. I was adding a soy protein powder with spirulina to my drink each time I made it, but now only add protein about twice a week. My body had a very difficult time digesting the protein powder when I was adding it daily. I read an article awhile back that stated the average person needs around 50 grams of protein a day to support the body's systems. That number can vary greatly, based on age, activity level, gender, and weight. Just remember to also eat foods that are full of vitamins and amino acids. :yep: Good luck!

Can someone give me the cocktail recipe? I would like to drink my way to bra strength length. :yawn: I can't find the recipe in this forum.