*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters

I am a HUGE egg fan, and yesterday was the first am I didn't have my shake in a long time (that and the one day I tried to give it up cause I was worried about weight gain :look:). I tell you what, though, I started this shake thinking it would help my hair, but now I am an addict. I LOVE the energy and fullness, and when I wake up in the morning my body screams, "workout and Egg cocktail!!!". With the megatek and other LHCF stuff I started, I probably won't be able to tell if it helped. But screw the hair, my BODY loves this stuff :lachen:

The reason I didn't have my shake yesterday was because I came to visit my hubby (we are long distance) for vacation and he didn't have a blender. So we bought one yesterday, along with some peaches and bananas that I cut up and froze overnight. I also found ground flaxseed on sale!

So with the ground flaxseed, my new recipe is:
1 c. soymilk (100 cals)
1 raw egg (70 cals)
1 tbsp ground flaxseed (50 cals)
1/2 frozen banana and a little berry or peach (<80 cals)
a few grapes for sweetness (since I forgot to buy Agave) (60 cals)
Total calories: 350-400

It's wonderful. It's for life i think :love:

Unless it magically makes me gain weight :whip:

I am not understanding this. I have gained 19 pounds in 2 weeks and I had stopped putting the whey protein in my drink for over a month. Now, I am wondering what has caused me to gain all this weight in a short period of time. I am still eating the same way, which is healthy, and the only thing that I can think of that has caused me to gain weight is the wheat germ oil. I talked to a personal trainer and he told me that protein does not put weight on you. It helps you to loose weight. He is correct! Before I started taking this drink, I have always taking whey protein and I have always lost weight or maintain my weight. Protein helps to recover for your muscles after a workout. Our body has muscle in it. The only way protein can put on weight is if you take in too much protein. That is what the personal trainer told me. So, I don't know what to do. I want to continue the drink, but the wheat germ has caused me to gain so much weight. What should I do?
I am not understanding this. I have gained 19 pounds in 2 weeks and I had stopped putting the whey protein in my drink for over a month. Now, I am wondering what has caused me to gain all this weight in a short period of time. I am still eating the same way, which is healthy, and the only thing that I can think of that has caused me to gain weight is the wheat germ oil. I talked to a personal trainer and he told me that protein does not put weight on you. It helps you to loose weight. He is correct! Before I started taking this drink, I have always taking whey protein and I have always lost weight or maintain my weight. Protein helps to recover for your muscles after a workout. Our body has muscle in it. The only way protein can put on weight is if you take in too much protein. That is what the personal trainer told me. So, I don't know what to do. I want to continue the drink, but the wheat germ has caused me to gain so much weight. What should I do?
Of course mak sure you double check the calories in your shake as well as your daily intake. 19 lbs is too much to be just fat. You may have an allergy to an ingredient, ie the wheat germ oil
I was noticing bloating and water retention with the shake unilateral I ditched the wheat germ for ground flaxseed. I find this a curious subject so I'm wondering what others think about weight gain on this shake :yep:
I have been doing the same shake everyday for years now and never had a problem until I added the wheat germ oil. I took the protein out of my drink to see if that was it and it wasn't. It just seems strange to me how can wheat germ oil put on weight. I am eating the same way that I have always for years and my weight hasn't changed. So, the only thing it could be is the wheat germ oil. I have noticed people on here cannot do the drink because of weight gain also. I don't remember if they stated what could have caused it. They just said they could no longer drink the shake. Can I do replacements that will give me the same benefits as the wheat germ oil? Has anybody experienced weight gain? If they have, what caused the weight gain?
I have been doing the same shake everyday for years now and never had a problem until I added the wheat germ oil. I took the protein out of my drink to see if that was it and it wasn't. It just seems strange to me how can wheat germ oil put on weight. I am eating the same way that I have always for years and my weight hasn't changed. So, the only thing it could be is the wheat germ oil. I have noticed people on here cannot do the drink because of weight gain also. I don't remember if they stated what could have caused it. They just said they could no longer drink the shake. Can I do replacements that will give me the same benefits as the wheat germ oil? Has anybody experienced weight gain? If they have, what caused the weight gain?

Food allergy was the first thing that came to my mind as well. Could you be allergic to wheat of wheat byproducts? Not sure if that's the cause, but thought I should ask.
Of course mak sure you double check the calories in your shake as well as your daily intake. 19 lbs is too much to be just fat. You may have an allergy to an ingredient, ie the wheat germ oil
I was noticing bloating and water retention with the shake unilateral I ditched the wheat germ for ground flaxseed. I find this a curious subject so I'm wondering what others think about weight gain on this shake :yep:

Is it the wheat germ or the wheat germ oil that seems to be the problem or both?

I love this shake too but I am not interested in gaining weight. I drink it in the mornings after my workouts for the protein(recovery).
Is it the wheat germ or the wheat germ oil that seems to be the problem or both?

I love this shake too but I am not interested in gaining weight. I drink it in the mornings after my workouts for the protein(recovery).

Same here, girl - I bet we are both drinking it after the shred :wink: ever since I added the banana I think about my shake to get me through the rest of the workout! :lachen:

for me, wheat germ oil and the raw wheat germ caused a problem (though I can have it toasted). I have been good since switching to the flaxseed. :yep:
I have been doing the same shake everyday for years now and never had a problem until I added the wheat germ oil. I took the protein out of my drink to see if that was it and it wasn't. It just seems strange to me how can wheat germ oil put on weight. I am eating the same way that I have always for years and my weight hasn't changed. So, the only thing it could be is the wheat germ oil. I have noticed people on here cannot do the drink because of weight gain also. I don't remember if they stated what could have caused it. They just said they could no longer drink the shake. Can I do replacements that will give me the same benefits as the wheat germ oil? Has anybody experienced weight gain? If they have, what caused the weight gain?

Our hair cocktail can be calorie dense, that's why its important to choose your ingredients carefully, noting how many calories are in each ingredient. When I first started the drink in January of this year, I chose to add only one wheat ingredient-the wheat germ (toasted, not raw) because I suspected I might be allergen prone to wheat from my past eating habits. I never added the wheat germ oil in my drink because I was taking EFA's in liquid form (poured over hot cereal) that has the same omega's as wheat germ oil, just not as much vitamin e. Three weeks later I had to stop using the wheat germ because my stomach was not digesting it properly.:ohwell: That forced me to find a replacement for the wheat germ. I decided to nibble on a quarter cup of granola, (fiber, iron and vitamin e) and a handful of almonds (high in vitamin e) before drinking the basic egg shake. I was determined to get all the nutrients that this drink offers, so I became a label reader, noting nutritional value and calories on products used in the drink. The wheat germ oil is about 130 calories a tablespoon, and extremely high in vitamin e, and omega's. So you'll want to replace it with something else that offers similar nutritional value, and maybe not as many calories. Yes, I've gained a few pounds while on this cocktail, but because I drink it on alternate week days, this has helped me to control my weight. I'm a thicka kind of girl anyway, and I'm more than willing to sacrifice a few pounds for more hair!:lachen:
Drinking my cocktail now, while I'm typing...ummm,ummm, good!!!!!!!!!:lick:
Hi all, I've been unavailable, but still holding down the cocktail!!! Thanks for taking up the slack and addressing all concerns.

I will not be able to post very often for about a week, so keep at it and grow some waistlength hair, okay?
Same here, girl - I bet we are both drinking it after the shred :wink: ever since I added the banana I think about my shake to get me through the rest of the workout! :lachen:

for me, wheat germ oil and the raw wheat germ caused a problem (though I can have it toasted). I have been good since switching to the flaxseed. :yep:

Yep I am drinking it after the shred it gives me so much energy which I need during.:wallbash::lachen:I don't have the wheat germ oil but do have the raw wheat germ which I have been adding I also have flaxseed here at home but have not added it to my shake.

So would substituting the flaxseed for the wheat germ give similar hair beneifts without the added weight gain?

What I like is the benefits of the protein after a workout, the energy I have after drinking it and the fullness and no hunger for several hours along with the hair benefits....this will help me get through my mornings at work until lunch time without snacking and nibbling all morning so I need some alternative ingredients that won't give me the extra weight.

Hi everyone.

Please ingest the shake in the morning on an empty stomach if you can.

I am noticing that people are using the cocktail as a recovery drink. That is kind of a no-no. Recovery drinks should have a 4:1 carb to protein ratio. While I think that drinking Mary's original shake recipe is almost, kind of pushing it as a recovery drink, it is an absolute no-no to drink Mary's shake + protein powder as a recovery drink.

Mary's original recipe has about 13 grams of protein. That means that the shake that is made needs 52 grams of carbs to be considered a recovery drink. If yours measures up, awesome!

The best recovery drink: Chocolate Milk. Body builders and athletes use it.
Hi everyone.

Please ingest the shake in the morning on an empty stomach if you can.

I am noticing that people are using the cocktail as a recovery drink. That is kind of a no-no. Recovery drinks should have a 4:1 carb to protein ratio. While I think that drinking Mary's original shake recipe is almost, kind of pushing it as a recovery drink, it is an absolute no-no to drink Mary's shake + protein powder as a recovery drink.

Mary's original recipe has about 13 grams of protein. That means that the shake that is made needs 52 grams of carbs to be considered a recovery drink. If yours measures up, awesome!

The best recovery drink: Chocolate Milk. Body builders and athletes use it.

Interesting, I see that most of the recommended protein powders have about 1/2 the amount of carbs to protein. IE, Muscle Milk has 34 g protein and 17 g carbs per serving and EAS has 42 g protein and 24 g carbs per serving and these are highly recommended powders.
Interesting, I see that most of the recommended protein powders have about 1/2 the amount of carbs to protein. IE, Muscle Milk has 34 g protein and 17 g carbs per serving and EAS has 42 g protein and 24 g carbs per serving and these are highly recommended powders.
Off topic of the protein shake: They are packed with protein, however, not recommended for recovery. They are protein shakes to strengthen muscles. However, your body needs more carbs after a workout (hence, the reason why athletes drink chocolate milk after working out). Carbs are your fuel. Accelerade brand is recommended for recovery-- I would check into that brand.

We can discuss the purpose for recovery via PM. There is a wealth of information on recovery drinks I would like to share with you.

BTW: Yes, I did have my shake. :lick: I'm on P90x still so I am not eating the nutrient rich, biotin infused yolk, or the wheat germ oil.
Off topic of the protein shake: They are packed with protein, however, not recommended for recovery. They are protein shakes to strengthen muscles. However, your body needs more carbs after a workout (hence, the reason why athletes drink chocolate milk after working out). Carbs are your fuel. Accelerade brand is recommended for recovery-- I would check into that brand.

We can discuss the purpose for recovery via PM. There is a wealth of information on recovery drinks I would like to share with you.

BTW: Yes, I did have my shake. :lick: I'm on P90x still so I am not eating the nutrient rich, biotin infused yolk, or the wheat germ oil.

Thanks for the info.....my purpose for drinking the shake after a workout is to strenthen my muscles I guess recovery was the wrong word to use. I had been drinking a protein shake after my workouts before coming to this thread without the extras.

Anywho...I just love this shake. I didn't have one this morning because my dh is home from work and wanted me to make him some oyster stew and I just had to have some. :grin: I really missed my drink this morning. :sad:
Off topic of the protein shake: They are packed with protein, however, not recommended for recovery. They are protein shakes to strengthen muscles. However, your body needs more carbs after a workout (hence, the reason why athletes drink chocolate milk after working out). Carbs are your fuel. Accelerade brand is recommended for recovery-- I would check into that brand.

We can discuss the purpose for recovery via PM. There is a wealth of information on recovery drinks I would like to share with you.

BTW: Yes, I did have my shake. :lick: I'm on P90x still so I am not eating the nutrient rich, biotin infused yolk, or the wheat germ oil.

Hmm, my shake is my breakfast, not necessarily recovery but it feels great after working out. If you are a morning exerciser, your breakfast will always be your recovery, so I don't see how to avoid it. Carbs are good fuel but protein is good for muscles and is eventually converted into glucose, causing a slow release of nutrients. My body only likes protein, fruit/veggies, and uber complex carbs so chocolate milk would be bad for me :ohwell: I do always add fruit so that contributes some carbs. I can't see how taking away protein to get a certain ratio is beneficial :perplexed:

DH has been drinking the shake with me the last few mornings. I put toasted wheat germ instead of flaxseed in his and also make him a sandwich cause he's an athlete. I hope it doesn't grow his hair cause he shaves his head and I love it :look:

MzRhonda, flaxseed has similar amounts of vitamin E and omegas, especially if you use the oil. I don't know if it works as well for hair but it suppresses my appetite and tastes great :lick:
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Hmm, my shake is my breakfast, not necessarily recovery but it feels great after working out. If you are a morning exerciser, your breakfast will always be your recovery, so I don't see how to avoid it. Carbs are good fuel but protein is good for muscles and is eventually converted into glucose, causing a slow release of nutrients. My body only likes protein, fruit/veggies, and uber complex carbs so chocolate milk would be bad for me :ohwell: I do always add fruit so that contributes some carbs. I can't see how taking away protein to get a certain ratio is beneficial :perplexed:

DH has been drinking the shake with me the last few mornings. I put toasted wheat germ instead of flaxseed in his and also make him a sandwich cause he's an athlete. I hope it doesn't grow his hair cause he shaves his head and I love it :look:

MzRhonda, flaxseed has similar amounts of vitamin E and omegas, especially if you use the oil. I don't know if it works as well for hair but it suppresses my appetite and tastes great :lick:

Thanks NappyMD I'll check it out.
Still cocktailing, but lately I have been crashing after. Not good . . . will need to take the time to see what I am doing differently.
I am not understanding this. I have gained 19 pounds in 2 weeks and I had stopped putting the whey protein in my drink for over a month. Now, I am wondering what has caused me to gain all this weight in a short period of time. I am still eating the same way, which is healthy, and the only thing that I can think of that has caused me to gain weight is the wheat germ oil. I talked to a personal trainer and he told me that protein does not put weight on you. It helps you to loose weight. He is correct! Before I started taking this drink, I have always taking whey protein and I have always lost weight or maintain my weight. Protein helps to recover for your muscles after a workout. Our body has muscle in it. The only way protein can put on weight is if you take in too much protein. That is what the personal trainer told me. So, I don't know what to do. I want to continue the drink, but the wheat germ has caused me to gain so much weight. What should I do?

Yes, I noticed this as well. I think it came from a couple of factors. . .
1 - I did not usually eat breakfast before starting the cocktail. So for me,this was just additional added calories. I resolved by eating less calories the rest of the day
2 - My favorite fruit to add was a banana - 120-170 calories each. I normally added 1 - 1.5. I now rarely use bananas, and if I do I only add one half.
3- I was gaining muscle, which we all know weighs more than fat. So I was getting denser as well as fatter. :ohwell: Not good. I am coming to terms with that by watching the way my clothing fits versus the scale. I am now the same size as prior to cocktailing, but I weigh more. :ohwell: Not to sure if that is a resolution or not. I think I am still very weight conscience.

hello ladies:wave:

i fell off, but i am back on track today!! i cocktailed twice today :yay:

i felt full all morning, but now i'm very hungry!! lol

i will have a meal, although i wanted to have three cocktails!!

i hope everyone is doing ok. :rosebud:
Thanks! I did not know the wheat germ alone is 130 calories and that was all I was taking was the germ oil and not the wheat germ. That is a lot of calories for one item. I am going to have to find something else to replace it. I love the drink. I love what it has done to my hair. I am working the extra 19 pounds off. It's coming off! THANK GOD!!! I am just shocked about the wheat germ oil. Here is what I was taking:

1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil
1 cup of organic milk
1 organic egg
1 scoop of whey protein
2 frozen strawberries

Ever since I took out the wheat germ oill, I haven't gained any more weight. So, I will substitute the wheat germ oil.

Thanks again!
Yes, I noticed this as well. I think it came from a couple of factors. . .
1 - I did not usually eat breakfast before starting the cocktail. So for me,this was just additional added calories. I resolved by eating less calories the rest of the day
2 - My favorite fruit to add was a banana - 120-170 calories each. I normally added 1 - 1.5. I now rarely use bananas, and if I do I only add one half.
3- I was gaining muscle, which we all know weighs more than fat. So I was getting denser as well as fatter. :ohwell: Not good. I am coming to terms with that by watching the way my clothing fits versus the scale. I am now the same size as prior to cocktailing, but I weigh more. :ohwell: Not to sure if that is a resolution or not. I think I am still very weight conscience.


I had noticed the weight gain with my clothes and then I decided to go on the scale because I knew something was not right. That is when I found out I gained 19 pounds about to hit 20 pounds. The nurse consultant told me you are overweight because of my height. I felt the gain mainly in my clothes. My clothes were tight around my waist and I kept trying to figure out where is this weight gain coming from. I knew I didn't change my eating habits. I have been eating the same way for years and all I ever do is loose weight or stay the same. The only way I would gain a little weight is if I consistently eat fast food and I would only gain 5 pounds and that's it and loose that immediately. 19 pounds is ridiculous!! Well, the weight is going down. My clothes are starting to feel a little better. Thanks for the info!
i have gained weight, but that is because i fell off and started eating take aways a couple of times a week! :nono:

since i'm using this shake as a meal replacement, i hope i lose weight and do not gain anymore!!

today i woke up at 6 am with energy like never before :yep: that alone has inspired me to not slack off ever again,.:yep:
Hi egglets! Just checking in to see if things are going ok. I will be cocktailing in a few, and I will be thinking of you all!
Here's to hair, and lots of it!:lick::guiness:
Hey Bronze and fellow egglets! Yes I said egglets! I've been on hiatus for several months after gaining some unwanted weight gain while drinking my shake. Well, I've decided to try it again, minus the wheat germ oil, since it was thought to be the culprit behind weight gain. My skin was so beautiful and glowing while taking the shake. That alone is enough motivation for me to give it another go. Today is my first day back on it.

I've also been off of LHCF for a while. Not because I was bored with the site, but because I learned some many great thing from my Niko's cuzins. I was able to get my hair where I wanted; keeping it simple. As of now, my hair is about 1/2 inch past the bottom part of my bra!

Sorry so long, but here's my recipe

2 eggs
1/2 cup of skim milk
1 tsp lecithin
2tbspn flaxseed oil
3 strawberries
2 tbspn wheat germ
1 tspn MSM

Bronze or anyone else, since I've been gone so long, are there any updates regarding any of my ingredients? I'm also interested in knowing what the result people have noticed since taking the shake.