*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters

I am so sorry to hear of the various bereavements. You all will be in my thoughts and prayers. Life is so short and precious. My family also suffered a very sudden loss. Within the last few weeks, my world was totally jolted and changed. But GOD is always good am I'm starting to get back into my regular swing of things.

I was starting to get an upset tummy with the shake, but that is probably due to stress and possible food allergies. I am down to lactose free milk and cage-free vegetarian fed hen eggs with a bit of cinammon and/or nutmeg. It's still quite tasty.

Be safe all and have blessed night.

Here are results: http://public.fotki.com/Angelicus/2009-my-hairs-new-b/resultsofeggshake.html

I started on my P90x Exercise/Nutrition regimen after recovering from surgery (gained a lot of weight during recovery). Since January, I had been drinking the egg shake. I am taking a break from the shake for a week to see if my body weight goes down without it.

In the meantime, I am eating boiled egg whites, wheat germ, and protein shakes as usual.

Thank you Bronz.

WOW, and double WOW! Angelicious, your hair is amazing! That's some great progress!! Sorry to hear about your surgery, but happy to know that you still managed to get a shake in every now and then. I wish you a speedy recovery, and honey that's some awesome progress! We're so proud of you, and thanks for sharing!
Here are results: http://public.fotki.com/Angelicus/2009-my-hairs-new-b/resultsofeggshake.html

I started on my P90x Exercise/Nutrition regimen after recovering from surgery (gained a lot of weight during recovery). Since January, I had been drinking the egg shake. I am taking a break from the shake for a week to see if my body weight goes down without it.

In the meantime, I am eating boiled egg whites, wheat germ, and protein shakes as usual.

Thank you Bronz.

That is some serious growth for basically April - July. Congrats!!

I had my shake yesterday morn, and got a burst of energy. Having another this morning. I think I am going to do two shakes/day for awhile (breakfast and w/dinner or before bed). I am feeling so off kilter and can not figure out what it is, but for about 2 hours yesterday, I felt better than I have felt for weeks. Hair be darned, it seems my body is really missing this.

On an off note, after posting yesterday, I started reading the back posts from other egglettes. I am so amazed at the support and love that flows through this thread. So often as women, we need to have the support and love of other women with no holds barred and no strings attached. I applaud the support on this thread for sisters who are having a hard time and/or dealing with tragedies in their personal lives.

You are so right, Aspire, this thread is like no other and I look forward to coming here daily. I get so refreshed because of the wonderful Sisters in the Spirit who post here and build up and not tear down. I appreciate you all so much for helping me weather the storms of my life. It is truly like having an online counseling and therapy session every time i log on!

It's just that great.

This is so much bigger than hair...


about to cocktail it, Egglettes

That is some serious growth for basically April - July. Congrats!!

I had my shake yesterday morn, and got a burst of energy. Having another this morning. I think I am going to do two shakes/day for awhile (breakfast and w/dinner or before bed). I am feeling so off kilter and can not figure out what it is, but for about 2 hours yesterday, I felt better than I have felt for weeks. Hair be darned, it seems my body is really missing this.

On an off note, after posting yesterday, I started reading the back posts from other egglettes. I am so amazed at the support and love that flows through this thread. So often as women, we need to have the support and love of other women with no holds barred and no strings attached. I applaud the support on this thread for sisters who are having a hard time and/or dealing with tragedies in their personal lives.

Okay, since you all have been so patiently waiting...here's my Progress Reprot...these will only be available for a short time, so enjoy!

My hubby is just in from work, so he didn't have alotta patience :ohwell:.
But, anyhoo, they are kinda dark, excuse the cleav' (he got a lil' bit happy, the rest of the pics are not family friendly :grin:), but you get the picture.

They are really a disservice, bcs my BKT'd hair is super smooth, extremely shiny and soft and SWANGIN', baby.

The last picture was taken in May, so you can see my progress....

Drink up, Egglettes, Drink up!!


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Heck yea! That's what I'm talking about Br*nzeb*mbsh~ll! Your hair is fuller.

I am eating 5 servings of protein a day, 2 servings of dairy a day, at least 3 tbs of wheat germ a day... I will get back on my egg shake this week but I'm on P90x so I can't do the yolk. Hope that it will still get longer and thicker.
Thanks Angelicus, and it's actually longer, too. My hair is curled under, so the length isn't as obvious. And, keep in mind, I am an avid trimmer. I have to hide my scissors from myself. :look:

Your hair will get longer and stronger, just stick to your regimen (which sounds really good) and you'll have no setbacks.

Heck yea! That's what I'm talking about Br*nzeb*mbsh~ll! Your hair is fuller.

I am eating 5 servings of protein a day, 2 servings of dairy a day, at least 3 tbs of wheat germ a day... I will get back on my egg shake this week but I'm on P90x so I can't do the yolk. Hope that it will still get longer and thicker.

Your hair is gorgeous!!!! I wish my hair was that thick. Hopefully I am on my way to something. I did 2 shakes today (or should I say yesterday?) I don't think I am going to do anymore right before bed though. I am still up and not even close to sleepy. :perplexed. Hubby was rocked beside me, but the typing is making him stir. Guess I will sleep through tomorrow.:ohwell:
Aspire, in all honesty, I can tell you to keep up the cocktailin'.

My hair had gotten so thin due to alopecia and stress-related shedding, it was UN-real. I mean, I wouldn't even wear my hair down, it was so thin. My ponytail was sooooooo anorexic, I was embarassed. I would just pin it under and even then, you could see how thin it was. :blush:
This was June of last year, mind you - b4 - I started back with my cocktail.

Your hair will thicken.
It will grow.
Just don't get discouraged and quit.

When you are on the verge of quitting, that's when your biggest growth and thickening spurt is on its way, I've learned that from experience.

My hair is still not the thickness it was, but I thank God, it's not where it used to be. We will meet our goals, each and every one of us. That's why pictures are so important, bcs we can easily misinterpret our progress, or forget where we came from. Even if you don't post pics, take them for yourself so you can honestly see your progress. I'm not saying this to you, per say, but mainly for me, because i was too embarassed to take pics of my sad-looking hair with ALL these beautiful heads of hair floating around here. And I was really sad, bcs I knew I used to be one of them. It's okay, though, because that's what we're here for.

And I don't think anyone knows how big a deal it is for me to post pics. Even to blog the way I do, bcs, I'm quite conservative in these matters.

Anyhoo, about to cocktail it, and I'm soooooo excited to do so! I may start drinking this twice a day, for real!

I'll try two eggs and see what happens.:spinning:
Hi ladies!

Miss you guys! I took a break from the shake for about a month or so only because I ran out of wheat germ oil. Once I buy the wheat germ oil again, I'll be back on drinking the shake.
Welcome back, Dfavor, you were definitely missed! Stock up on the wheat germ oil this time, okay? (Like I can give advice, I only order 2 at a time :grin:).

Hi ladies!

Miss you guys! I took a break from the shake for about a month or so only because I ran out of wheat germ oil. Once I buy the wheat germ oil again, I'll be back on drinking the shake.
Aspire, in all honesty, I can tell you to keep up the cocktailin'.

My hair had gotten so thin due to alopecia and stress-related shedding, it was UN-real. I mean, I wouldn't even wear my hair down, it was so thin. My ponytail was sooooooo anorexic, I was embarassed. I would just pin it under and even then, you could see how thin it was. :blush:
This was June of last year, mind you - b4 - I started back with my cocktail.

Your hair will thicken.
It will grow.
Just don't get discouraged and quit.

When you are on the verge of quitting, that's when your biggest growth and thickening spurt is on its way, I've learned that from experience.

My hair is still not the thickness it was, but I thank God, it's not where it used to be. We will meet our goals, each and every one of us. That's why pictures are so important, bcs we can easily misinterpret our progress, or forget where we came from. Even if you don't post pics, take them for yourself so you can honestly see your progress. I'm not saying this to you, per say, but mainly for me, because i was too embarassed to take pics of my sad-looking hair with ALL these beautiful heads of hair floating around here. And I was really sad, bcs I knew I used to be one of them. It's okay, though, because that's what we're here for.

And I don't think anyone knows how big a deal it is for me to post pics. Even to blog the way I do, bcs, I'm quite conservative in these matters.

Anyhoo, about to cocktail it, and I'm soooooo excited to do so! I may start drinking this twice a day, for real!

I'll try two eggs and see what happens.:spinning:

You hit the nail right on the head. I deleted so many pictures at the beginning of my hair journey because I just hated the way my hair looked. Now I wish I had kept them. This is an incredibly slow process, but I do see some progress and the pictures would have documented that. It is my DH that keeps me going though, because he sees a difference. My hair has not really been healthy since I had my boys (and the oldest is 13). Even though he NEVER said a word or complained before, he constantly compliments me on the change and encourages me to keep it up. And he is the one who makes my shakes more mornings than I do (mostly because he wants me to eat something). I have only been at the HHJ since March, and an Egglette for several weeks, but I really want to see how far I can go.

Thanks for the love

I had my shake this morning - not sure what was in it, cause DH made it - but it was really good.
ok I am back, determined to go 30 days straight without a break.
Can anyone tell me what page of this thread shows progress photos for you ladies?
Man, I have been having cravings for the shake. It's weird, lol. Probably because I still have that chocolate protein mix in my cupboard.
Welcome Egglette Growinglong777 to our nest!!!
I know your drink was delish! Did you use fruit?

I am absolutely loving my frozen fruit cocktails. Today I had blueberries and strawberries...um um good!

Curious. What pushed you over to the Egglette side?

This is just too much,, I am in. started yesterday. :grin: My drink was delicious!
I used organic strawberries, a whole banana, one organic raw egg, and soy milk. I didn't have the wheat germ, will add this today. It was sooo good!
What pushed me was Angelicus updated pics and reading this entire thread for the last two months.:grin:
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I'm going to begin taking my shakes again today! I am going to have one tonight: sans yolk or wheat germ oil. Also, I am getting a relaxer this week so I will be posting pictures of that soon.
Hey Egglettes!

I haven't forgotten about you all... or the cocktail. I've been consumed with my job search. But persistence has paid off and I'm starting another gig. Yay me!

I love the cocktail now more than ever! This week I'm blending vanilla soymilk, wheat germ, banana, strawberry and egg. I ran out of flaxseed oil, so I'll have to make another trip to the market this week.

Hope you all are doing well. I've missed you guys!
Congrats, Foxee! Woo Hoo! Make that Moulah!

I'm glad things are working out. We are doing good, missing you, too.


Hey Egglettes!

I haven't forgotten about you all... or the cocktail. I've been consumed with my job search. But persistence has paid off and I'm starting another gig. Yay me!

I love the cocktail now more than ever! This week I'm blending vanilla soymilk, wheat germ, banana, strawberry and egg. I ran out of flaxseed oil, so I'll have to make another trip to the market this week.

Hope you all are doing well. I've missed you guys!
I want to try this for my DD I have read through this thread and have noticed various combinations from the original recipe posted on the 1st page.

I do not have the wheat germ or wheat germ oil yet.....What recipe are you guys using? I plan on purchasing what I need today and starting her on it tomorrow. It appears it is o.k. to also use a scoop of Protein powder?

I'm trying to get her hair growth back for the beginning of the school year.

Hi MzRhonda. We welcome both you and your DD to our Nest!

Please start with the original recipe on page 1 of this thread. Do not add protein powder as it will add unnecessary calories and could cause your DD to bulk-up and gain weight. I would only do this if she is XXtremely active and can burn all that off. Otherwise, you don't need it to get maximum results.

I would simply add fresh fruit - 1/2 a banana, strawberries, blueberries, etc...for taste - if she doesn't need it, I'd omit it. More than half of the time, I do not use any fruit. I would definitely get all ingredients, to get the maximum benefit.

Take a picture of her hair before so you can accurately assess her progress after.

Enjoy your journey. You'll be amazed at the progress.

I want to try this for my DD I have read through this thread and have noticed various combinations from the original recipe posted on the 1st page.

I do not have the wheat germ or wheat germ oil yet.....What recipe are you guys using? I plan on purchasing what I need today and starting her on it tomorrow. It appears it is o.k. to also use a scoop of Protein powder?

I'm trying to get her hair growth back for the beginning of the school year.


I'm with Br*nze. Skip the protein powder for DD. Most kids don't need the extra protein and calories. Definitely try the fresh fruit option for variety, sweetness and flavor. I sometimes add a bit of honey or agave nectar to taste as well. HHG and to the nest!
Hi MzRhonda. We welcome both you and your DD to our Nest!

Please start with the original recipe on page 1 of this thread. Do not add protein powder as it will add unnecessary calories and could cause your DD to bulk-up and gain weight. I would only do this if she is XXtremely active and can burn all that off. Otherwise, you don't need it to get maximum results.

I would simply add fresh fruit - 1/2 a banana, strawberries, blueberries, etc...for taste - if she doesn't need it, I'd omit it. More than half of the time, I do not use any fruit. I would definitely get all ingredients, to get the maximum benefit.

Take a picture of her hair before so you can accurately assess her progress after.

Enjoy your journey. You'll be amazed at the progress.

Thanks for that...she is excited. We did drink one this morning already without the wheat germ and with protein powder.....I used 1% milk and some water, protein powder, raw egg and some frozen strawberries......she loved it and was not aware that egg was in it.

I'll get the wheat germ today and more fruit and follow the original recipe starting tomorrow.

My youngest has natural long thick hair that I flat ironed last night and now my oldest is jealous...hers is above shoulder length and relaxed...and we have been trying to get it back to it's healthy state over the summer...hers used to be very long and thick, even when first relaxed. Although I have been taking care of her relaxed hair, when I am not around, or while she is at school her style changes(the protective style turns into hair hanging down) and or she uses the flat iron :nono: before she goes to school(my husband and myself are already at work at htis time) so her ends are damaged. She likes to have her hair hanging(like her yt girlfriends)and does not understand our hair is different thus we care for it differently and need to protect the ends.

I'm hoping this cocktail will help.