*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters

I pray you can feel this cyber hug :bighug: all the way from down South. Indeed 2009 has been a challenging one in the area of "transitions". But I stand in agreement with Bronze--no more, no more, no more. Amen. Be engouraged, Sis. We cover you and yours in the prayers of the righteous.
I was just wondering since i had stopped my drink, and still saw growth was it still in my system? Is that the reason I had such good growth in June?
Day 45 (July 14)

Raw Egg
Skim Milk
Raw Wheat Germ
Ground Flaxseed
Wheat Germ Oil
Olive Oil
1/2 Banana
1 Scoop Vanilla Soy Protein


Day 46 (July 15)

Raw Egg
Skim Milk
Raw Wheat Germ
Ground Flaxseed
Wheat Germ Oil
Olive Oil
1 sliced Banana
1 Scoop Vanilla Soy Protein
Hot, I definitely believes it stays in your system, i have no doubt about that. So, come on and get going so you keep up your progress. Did you get your drink on, today? Hmm? *raises eyebrow*

I was just wondering since i had stopped my drink, and still saw growth was it still in my system? Is that the reason I had such good growth in June?

About to chug-a-lug, Egglettes.

BlaqueA, are you okay? I love you! {BIG HUG}
About to get my drink-on! i had a super frosty frozen cocktail courtesy of my frozen bananas and strawberries! Talk about delish! It was so thick I had to eat it with a spoon, LOL! Dairy Queen and Sonic ain't got nothin' on The Waistlength Cocktail!!!

Hey girls I need advice

This is my second full week on the drink. The problem is that I drink it before work and two hours later I am starving! The drink is a lot of calories so I don't want to eat again. What do you do to keep the drink low in calories but still keep you feeling full.
This is my recipe right now:

egg powder (equivalent to 1 egg)
1 tablespoon raw wheat germ
1 tablespoon wheat germ oil
4 oz rice milk
4 oz botlhouse mango smoothie (for taste)
1/4 teaspoon raw green algae

Maybe I should replace the fruit smoothie with actually fruit? I dunno!!!
About to get my drink-on! i had a super frosty frozen cocktail courtesy of my frozen bananas and strawberries! Talk about delish! It was so thick I had to eat it with a spoon, LOL! Dairy Queen and Sonic ain't got nothin' on The Waistlength Cocktail!!!


Sounds yummy! :lick: Wanna share? I love frosty fruit style drinks!!!! I'll be getting my drink on later today!
Sounds yummy! :lick: Wanna share? I love frosty fruit style drinks!!!! I'll be getting my drink on later today!

Yeah, please share BB, I need a yummy way to get back on this hair n beauty bandwagon - I've had 1 shake in the last 2/3 weeks...:ohwell:
It is great, I almost feel guilty for having it :grin:. Actually, I did nothing special, I just froze my fruits and popped 'em into my drink. I bought so much stuff and they were beginning to go bad, so i cut them up and put them in a ziploc freezer bag. When it was time for my cocktail, i just added a few pieces of each, and they were so icey, my entire drink froze.

It was great! I'm about to have one, now. It was a little rough on my smoothie mixer, but it made it through. Such a different effect from room temperature or refrigerated fruit. :spinning:. I've got blueberries, too! My little one ate all of my nectarines :ohwell:. I'll go to the grocers later and pick up more. Let me know how you all like it!

Sounds yummy! :lick: Wanna share? I love frosty fruit style drinks!!!! I'll be getting my drink on later today!

Pook, make like this is a spanking siggy *{}* and that is your spankin' for not having your cocktail consistently. I know you are still Honeymoonin' but come on down to reality with the rest of us, LOL! Hey, I am not mad at you. I could use a second honeymoon, vacation, some-thing.....that frozen cocktail will give you the boost you need, promise.
Yeah, please share BB, I need a yummy way to get back on this hair n beauty bandwagon - I've had 1 shake in the last 2/3 weeks...:ohwell:

Cutiebe2, usually, i'm ravenously hungry by 11:30am, and i have my cocktail at about 7ish, i don't always add fruit, but i think i used to add a little more wheat germ (2 tblspns) and that held me over. Instead of the mango smoothie, try 1/2 a banana. I bet you feel the fullness.

Lemme know whatcha think.

Hey girls I need advice

This is my second full week on the drink. The problem is that I drink it before work and two hours later I am starving! The drink is a lot of calories so I don't want to eat again. What do you do to keep the drink low in calories but still keep you feeling full.
This is my recipe right now:

egg powder (equivalent to 1 egg)
1 tablespoon raw wheat germ
1 tablespoon wheat germ oil
4 oz rice milk
4 oz botlhouse mango smoothie (for taste)
1/4 teaspoon raw green algae

Maybe I should replace the fruit smoothie with actually fruit? I dunno!!!
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Hey girls I need advice

This is my second full week on the drink. The problem is that I drink it before work and two hours later I am starving! The drink is a lot of calories so I don't want to eat again. What do you do to keep the drink low in calories but still keep you feeling full.
This is my recipe right now:

egg powder (equivalent to 1 egg)
1 tablespoon raw wheat germ
1 tablespoon wheat germ oil
4 oz rice milk
4 oz botlhouse mango smoothie (for taste)
1/4 teaspoon raw green algae

Maybe I should replace the fruit smoothie with actually fruit? I dunno!!!
Honey, being hungry 2 hrs. after the drink is not unusual! (at least for me it isn't)!! I live in hungryland!:lachen:Your cocktail ingredients sound deelish and balanced! Because the cocktail is a full vitamin/mineral enriched liquid meal, I think it gets into the bloodstream quickly, and leaves the stomach feeling empty because there's not a lot of bulk or fiber in it. I have to plan snacks (lo-cal) like a handful of nuts, berries, or fuit with a few crackers to hold me over until the next meal, when I get hungry after the drink. I agree with adding some fresh fruit to bulk up your coctail. Give it a try to see if it helps to curb your hunger a little while longer. And don't forget to drink lots of water in between meals, and with your snacks, as this will help you feel fuller without adding any calories to your intake!
It is great, I almost feel guilty for having it :grin:. Actually, I did nothing special, I just froze my fruits and popped 'em into my drink. I bought so much stuff and they were beginning to go bad, so i cut them up and put them in a ziploc freezer bag. When it was time for my cocktail, i just added a few pieces of each, and they were so icey, my entire drink froze.

It was great! I'm about to have one, now. It was a little rough on my smoothie mixer, but it made it through. Such a different effect from room temperature or refrigerated fruit. :spinning:. I've got blueberries, too! My little one ate all of my nectarines :ohwell:. I'll go to the grocers later and pick up more. Let me know how you all like it!

Pook, make like this is a spanking siggy *{}* and that is your spankin' for not having your cocktail consistently. I know you are still Honeymoonin' but come on down to reality with the rest of us, LOL! Hey, I am not mad at you. I could use a second honeymoon, vacation, some-thing.....that frozen cocktail will give you the boost you need, promise.


^^Considered me well spanked!
Can't blame it on honeymooning BB... I'm just gittin lazy and haven't been getting up early enough to make my shakes anymore, lol! Thanks for the recipe, I'ma tryta do betta...
Hi ladies, I've slipped on my cocktail. My dad had a stroke last week and my life has turned upside down and inside out. He's not really conscious but out of ICU, so please send some good thoughts his way.
Lord Jehovah Rophe, Father God, I ask you in Jesus' Name to heal Pretty's father and allow his progress to be swift. That me may testify of Your Goodness in the land of the living. I pray that you give Pretty and her family strenth to endure until change comes. I pray that you give her father favor with doctors, nurses and everyone that will use their power, ability and influence to bring healing to her father speedily. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen

We're here for you. {{{{BIG BIG BIG HUG}}}}

Hi ladies, I've slipped on my cocktail. My dad had a stroke last week and my life has turned upside down and inside out. He's not really conscious but out of ICU, so please send some good thoughts his way.
Lord Jehovah Rophe, Father God, I ask you in Jesus' Name to heal Pretty's father and allow his progress to be swift. That me may testify of Your Goodness in the land of the living. I pray that you give Pretty and her family strenth to endure until change comes. I pray that you give her father favor with doctors, nurses and everyone that will use their power, ability and influence to bring healing to her father speedily. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen

We're here for you. {{{{BIG BIG BIG HUG}}}}

Hear our prayer Father as we agree and ask for your healing power to be manifested, Amen.
Praying for your father, family and you, Pretty Brown Eyes. God, please touch her father and bring about healing.

In your name, Lord Jesus. Amen and Amen.

Hi ladies, I've slipped on my cocktail. My dad had a stroke last week and my life has turned upside down and inside out. He's not really conscious but out of ICU, so please send some good thoughts his way.
Pretty brown Eyes,

I send forth the word of Our Sovereign Lord to heal your father from the crown on his head to the soles of his feet. I pray and believe for complete recovery and renewed strength in Jesus' name.Amen.

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Hi ladies, I've slipped on my cocktail. My dad had a stroke last week and my life has turned upside down and inside out. He's not really conscious but out of ICU, so please send some good thoughts his way.

Sending thoughts and prayers your way! So sorry to hear about your dad. When life threatening events happen to a loved one, it just throws you for a loop. Hope everything turns out ok for you and your family!
Pretty Brown Eyes I'm sorry to read about your fathers stroke.
I wish you and your family all the best.
Please keep strong at this difficult time.

Hi Egglettes:wave:

I hope all is well, I just cocktailed it at 3AM as I missed my shake in the day!!!:drunk:

An update in regards to Louis:

His doctor diagnosed him as having swine flu over the phone!!!
His mother described his symptoms, The Dr says she was "almost certain" That Louis had S/F.

The Dr prescribed him with TamiFlu--Louis' mother had to pick up the medication for him, She looked after him and treated him at home for three days, AND FAILED TO MENTION TO MY UNCLE
(Who no longer lives with her!) That louis was sick.

Infact Louis DID NOT have Swine Flu!!

According to his Autopsy he had recenty developed serious diabetes.
It was undiagnosed and gave him swine flu like symptoms :(

A simple finger prick would have saved his life!!:wallbash:

My uncle is withering away ladies, he wont eat, sleep and is barely existing.he is usually so fun loving so it is so hard to see him like this :( He breaks down crying every few minutes. :(

He is so angry that Louis' mother failed to tell him Louis was sick!! He would have gone for a 2nd, 3rd or even fourth opinion before giving him TamiFlu.

After louis took the TamifLu Tabs, he was violently sick several times. It was a black sticky fluid, So the Dr's say he had an allergic reaction to Tamifu :(

Louis blood sugar level was 45 :eek: It should have been 4..

This is when his mother decided to finally call my uncle :(

My uncle was too late, When he reached Louis' bed side at the hospital he had passed away three minutes earlier :(

I am not faulting the mother, But I am at a loss of words, I do not even know what to say to her.

It must be the worst thing in the world to lose a child.

This has got me more than paranoid now, I can hardly sleep by checking on my babies all the time!!

The funeral is next week, And I really do not know how our family is going to cope with this. We have never had a child die in our extremely large family before.

Please keep us in your prayers.

Oh my God, Blaque* I, too am at a loss for words. I just pray you feel my love and care coming through. That is how we felt, as well, our family is huge and the recent deaths, coming from my immediate family, has been a real blow to us, too.

You will make it through. You won't realize how you did it, but you will. It will take much time to heal, and many times, you'll feel you are regressing rather than progressing, but God is faithful and He's with you every step of the way. We are still on the journey, so consider this coming from one who is going through....much love, Sis.

Pretty Brown Eyes I'm sorry to read about your fathers stroke.
I wish you and your family all the best.
Please keep strong at this difficult time.

Hi Egglettes:wave:

I hope all is well, I just cocktailed it at 3AM as I missed my shake in the day!!!:drunk:

An update in regards to Louis:

His doctor diagnosed him as having swine flu over the phone!!!
His mother described his symptoms, The Dr says she was "almost certain" That Louis had S/F.

The Dr prescribed him with TamiFlu--Louis' mother had to pick up the medication for him, She looked after him and treated him at home for three days, AND FAILED TO MENTION TO MY UNCLE
(Who no longer lives with her!) That louis was sick.

Infact Louis DID NOT have Swine Flu!!

According to his Autopsy he had recenty developed serious diabetes.
It was undiagnosed and gave him swine flu like symptoms :(

A simple finger prick would have saved his life!!:wallbash:

My uncle is withering away ladies, he wont eat, sleep and is barely existing.he is usually so fun loving so it is so hard to see him like this :( He breaks down crying every few minutes. :(

He is so angry that Louis' mother failed to tell him Louis was sick!! He would have gone for a 2nd, 3rd or even fourth opinion before giving him TamiFlu.

After louis took the TamifLu Tabs, he was violently sick several times. It was a black sticky fluid, So the Dr's say he had an allergic reaction to Tamifu :(

Louis blood sugar level was 45 :eek: It should have been 4..

This is when his mother decided to finally call my uncle :(

My uncle was too late, When he reached Louis' bed side at the hospital he had passed away three minutes earlier :(

I am not faulting the mother, But I am at a loss of words, I do not even know what to say to her.

It must be the worst thing in the world to lose a child.

This has got me more than paranoid now, I can hardly sleep by checking on my babies all the time!!

The funeral is next week, And I really do not know how our family is going to cope with this. We have never had a child die in our extremely large family before.

Please keep us in your prayers.

FLASHBULB!! Oooh wow! I went on vacation to the islands for 10 days. Been back for a week and STILL suffering from complete jet lag and exhaustion. Plus I was stressed and crazy before vacation trying to make sure my 3 guys had everything they needed for vacation and just so tired during vacation. Just getting back in the groove and realized, this may be the reason I have been so nutty. I have not had a shake since like the beginning of July. I am going to have one this morning and see if I can get my legs back under me.
^Aspire, I totally agree. The first part of the month, I was sporadic with my cocktail and my body was angry with me and just wouldn't cooperate.

I missed yesterday, went to San Antonio overnight, but will cocktail it this morning, mos def.
Here are results: http://public.fotki.com/Angelicus/2009-my-hairs-new-b/resultsofeggshake.html

I started on my P90x Exercise/Nutrition regimen after recovering from surgery (gained a lot of weight during recovery). Since January, I had been drinking the egg shake. I am taking a break from the shake for a week to see if my body weight goes down without it.

In the meantime, I am eating boiled egg whites, wheat germ, and protein shakes as usual.

Thank you Bronz.
Thanks for taking time to note your progress, Angelicus.

Which reminds me that I was supposed to start that Progress Thread....oh, well, my life has been a little off kilter, so you guys please forgive me.

Please everyone take a look at Angelicus' progress from April until July, one word - Eggcellent!!!

Here are results: http://public.fotki.com/Angelicus/2009-my-hairs-new-b/resultsofeggshake.html

I started on my P90x Exercise/Nutrition regimen after recovering from surgery (gained a lot of weight during recovery). Since January, I had been drinking the egg shake. I am taking a break from the shake for a week to see if my body weight goes down without it.

In the meantime, I am eating boiled egg whites, wheat germ, and protein shakes as usual.

Thank you Bronz.