*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
Laughing at you saying you're gonna end up with a hair ticket!!:grin: Take a breath, cause fortunately our hair is growing every day (even when we're not thinking about it, or asking it to grow)!! You are doing so well with your hair progress, just remember you can't hurry greatness!!!! You've got to be patient while waiting for the magic to happen...and I can tell you've got a consistent regimen going on that's working for you. Be true to yourself, stay disciplined in giving your hair what it needs daily, and stay encouraged! Ready or not, long hair, here we come!!!!! :drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk: Cocktailed earlier today ladies!!! Why am I hungry now??? Guess I better go get me something to eat!:yep:


Girrrrlll, I STAY hungry after the shake, it seems to rev up my appetite at times...my daughter too so what I do is I take the shake the first thing in the morning before I go to work then I bring a "breakfast" with me to work like some toast or pretty much anything I have on hand, sometimes a tablespoon of peanutbutter...anything to kill the appetite. Anyway, this works out pretty well and I don't get hungry anymore until way into the afternoon after that...so I feel you girl!! Funny thing is, I am still able to keep my weight down like this.

Thank you so much for your encouragement, we are all in this together and it is such a BLESSING. Imagine if we didn't have this community, we would be out there (some of us) thinking that we were stuck with the hair that we have or that we could not do any better. There is so much information now and I for one and so thankful. You are right girl, Rapunzel won't have nothin on us after while!!! Be Blessed Sweetie!!!
Hi ladies,for the past two weeks I have been consistant with this shake.My issue is I'm worried about all the calories and I'm trying to loose weight.Here's my shake
Wheat Germ Oil 1 tbs=40 calories
Raw wheat germ 2 tbs=100 calories
Whole Milk 1 cup=150 calories(I use 3/4 only)
Whey Protein 1 scoop=130 calories
Coconut Oil 2 tbs=240 calories
1 medium banana=86 calories
Peanut Butter 1 tbs=90 calories
1 egg=70 calories
All of that together comes to around 992 calories alone from breakfast.This is why I stopped the shake months ago I dont need to gain weight.Can someone help me with this?I really would like to keep doing this I do notice growth I would not have without it.

Hi There,

I do feel your pain as I struggle with weight issues and sometimes want to throw my hands up. Here are my suggestions for you:

I would use either the wheat germ or the wheat germ oil...one or the other.

I would use 2% milk instead of whole milk. I actually use organic 2% and sometimes organic fat free milk...this seems to be a decent compromise.

Whooaaaa on the whey powder, I would reduce it down to 1/4 cup. It is funny because your recipe is the exact one that I began with..I have evolved into other recipes now but this is what I did in the beginning.

Coconut oil-I would use this for flavor but please use 1 tbs instead of 2.

On the banana, I would use half of the banana and freeze the other half...this is what I use to do. After I would take it out of the freezer, it would lend to the shake a frothy, frozen texture...loved it!

Peanut butter-not sure why you have this but if you can I would take it out.

On the egg, I would substitute it for the egg whites that come in a little carton...it looks something like a small milk carton. I think there are only 30 calories per serving in it...but I am not sure about that.

Basically, you need to revamp your shake and just cut back on your serving sizes and take some things out of it. Good luck to you! By the way, here is how I make my shake present day:
Basic Daily Recipe:

1/2 cup of WATER
1 to 2 cups of frozen organic fruit or just plain frozen fruit
1 tablespoon of frozen orange juice concentrate.
1 tablespoon of wheat germ
1 to 2 tablespoons of egg whites or either one whole egg.

Here are my additives: (these are what I add for health, they are optional)

1 ounce of reservatrol ( it is a derivative of red wine)
1 tablespoon of chlorella
1 tablespoon of spirulina

A few drops of Stevia ( a plant based sweetener) only if needed.
An occassional banana
Occasionally greek yogurt
Occassionally whey powder.

I have been able to maintain my weight and even lose with this particular recipe. I started out at 207 when I began the shake (3 months ago) and now as of this morning I am 197.4 so it works:spinning::yep::spinning: just be patient. Hope this helps!!!!
lol I did NOT expect it to be that big! And if I don't finish that big 'ole can will be there to remind me I failed:lachen:

BTW: Does anyone add leichitin? (sp). My mom has a big can so I thought I could add some to my shake

I do!!!! I add a teaspoon to my cocktail, because its good for rebuilding cells, and contains vitamin K. When I first started my shake, I added a whopping 2 tablespoons of lecithin, but that was too much for me. I'm good with adding 1 tsp.every time now when I make the cocktail.
I'm still going to be doing the cocktail, but I've decided to leave out the most crucial ingredient--the egg. :ohwell:

My hair is protein sensitive and tends to get really dry from protein products. I've been out of braids for a month now, so I am able to really see and deal with my hair. I've been bunning daily, but my hair sheds like crazy and while it doesn't seem dry to the touch, too many little broken off hairs come out.

I'm thinking maybe it's too much protein internally . . . not sure.

I love my smoothies, so will be continuing with all of the other ingredients and will probably add lecithin.
Day 44

Raw Egg
Skim Milk
Raw Wheat Germ
Ground Flaxseed
Wheat Germ Oil
Olive Oil
1/2 Banana
2 sliced Strawberries
1 Scoop Vanilla Soy Protein
Checking in :wave: Still drinking :lol:
In another sewin....but probably this fall I will take update pics b/f i hop back into another install.

Still luving it....my skin is still majorly benefiting from it :yep:

I agree w/ the other ladies to cut back on a few items.
I'm working on my fitness so I have to keep the drink really simple (low calorie)

Mine is just soy milk and 1 egg....that's it. Works great for my hair and skin and i'm still able to reach my fitness goals :yep:

I was using Silk---but since I am doing the Belly Fat Cure way of eating--I switched to Soy Slender b/c it is lower on calories, carbs, and sugar

I ALSO still get my Protein shake (or rather drink) in later. (GNC Soy) I use 1/2 scoop a few times a day :yep:

Almost 1,000 from breakfast alone will surely hinder ur weight loss goals...keep us posted on what u do with ur drink plz :yep:

Hi ladies,for the past two weeks I have been consistant with this shake.My issue is I'm worried about all the calories and I'm trying to loose weight.Here's my shake
Wheat Germ Oil 1 tbs=40 calories
Raw wheat germ 2 tbs=100 calories
Whole Milk 1 cup=150 calories(I use 3/4 only)
Whey Protein 1 scoop=130 calories
Coconut Oil 2 tbs=240 calories
1 medium banana=86 calories
Peanut Butter 1 tbs=90 calories
1 egg=70 calories
All of that together comes to around 992 calories alone from breakfast.This is why I stopped the shake months ago I dont need to gain weight.Can someone help me with this?I really would like to keep doing this I do notice growth I would not have without it.
Whoa, Amari
I have to agree with the Egglettes, cut back.

They've given you great suggestions and I agree with all of them. Go back to the basic recipe. Eliminate the whole milk, get 2% or soy, rice, almond, etc...Nix the whey protein, peanut butter and coconut oil. Use 1/3 of that banana. If you take it from there, you'll be good to go. Promise. Let us know how it goes.

Hi ladies,for the past two weeks I have been consistant with this shake.My issue is I'm worried about all the calories and I'm trying to loose weight.Here's my shake
Wheat Germ Oil 1 tbs=40 calories
Raw wheat germ 2 tbs=100 calories
Whole Milk 1 cup=150 calories(I use 3/4 only)
Whey Protein 1 scoop=130 calories
Coconut Oil 2 tbs=240 calories
1 medium banana=86 calories
Peanut Butter 1 tbs=90 calories
1 egg=70 calories
All of that together comes to around 992 calories alone from breakfast.This is why I stopped the shake months ago I dont need to gain weight.Can someone help me with this?I really would like to keep doing this I do notice growth I would not have without it.

Just had to laugh at this....big 'ole can staring you in the face....LOL
lol I did NOT expect it to be that big! And if I don't finish that big 'ole can will be there to remind me I failed:lachen:

Yep, I add a heaping tablespoon of liquid lecithin...:perplexedI hate it. I hate the taste and the smell - but i bought 3 big 'ole bottles and i don't want it to stare me in the face, reminding me that I failed! So i use it, i can't wait until it's gone.

BTW: Does anyone add leichitin? (sp). My mom has a big can so I thought I could add some to my shake

BlkRushhin, I'm sorry you experienced all that - and for soo long. It's probably the whole milk. Did you try soy, rice, almond milks? Lactose intolerance is no laughing matter. I used to be lactose intolerant years ago and it caused terrible diarrhea, bloating and gas, but my body has changed and i'm okay with it now. I vary between soymilk and 2% - but i did use whole milk for a long time as well. That's my official deviation from the recipe. You gotta do what works for you. I am so sorry you felt this way. Wish you would have posted and we could have worked this out together. Four weeks is a long time to suffer through all that...{{BIG HUG}}.

You and me both. The first week was fine. But then, there came the PAINFUL bloating. I was often laying on the floor in the fetal position :nono:. Scared to eat anything because everything that I ate gave me the gag feeling. I was on it for about 4 weeks. And I had the bloating and gas effect for 2 weeks after; once I stopped. That was 2 weeks ago. Now my hunger pains are still intense and I have to take gasX every now and then.....never had that problem before. I even took a pregnancy test to make sure I was (it came out negative) covering ALL possibilities.

FYI: I was using the original recipe. Only I subbed the wheat germ oil for flaxseed oil. Trying to be cheap...:ohwell:

Tallnomad, say what?

Have you upped the exterior moisture of your hair? Keeping your hair in braids and then taking them down would seem to have some shedding involved, and I would gather that you would need an intense moisture regimen as well. I dunno. I kinda think you need some serious dcs to get you back in check.

But, you know your body and your hair, so do what's right. I have a gut feeling that eliminating the egg alone will not change the protein overload/shedding. I think some really good deep conditioners would. But then, i'm not a hair guru, so take this with a grain of salt. :yep: Whenever my hair was braided down or not manipulated for a while, my hair would shed like a molting puppy....moisturizing deep conditioners always got me in check.
Keep us posted on this, okay?

so off topic *I am completely lovin' your bkt curly curlz*

I'm still going to be doing the cocktail, but I've decided to leave out the most crucial ingredient--the egg. :ohwell:

My hair is protein sensitive and tends to get really dry from protein products. I've been out of braids for a month now, so I am able to really see and deal with my hair. I've been bunning daily, but my hair sheds like crazy and while it doesn't seem dry to the touch, too many little broken off hairs come out.

I'm thinking maybe it's too much protein internally . . . not sure.

I love my smoothies, so will be continuing with all of the other ingredients and will probably add lecithin.
I'm still going to be doing the cocktail, but I've decided to leave out the most crucial ingredient--the egg. :ohwell:

My hair is protein sensitive and tends to get really dry from protein products. I've been out of braids for a month now, so I am able to really see and deal with my hair. I've been bunning daily, but my hair sheds like crazy and while it doesn't seem dry to the touch, too many little broken off hairs come out.

I'm thinking maybe it's too much protein internally . . . not sure.

I love my smoothies, so will be continuing with all of the other ingredients and will probably add lecithin.

Hi tallnomad! Just wanted to say congratulations on your new BKT treatment!!!! I was over there lurking in the keratin support treatment thread, and saw that you and Bronze took the plunge! :grin: I am so excited for you, and hope that you will get the results that you were looking for in a few weeks. You know how it is when you try something new on your hair; you have to work with it for a little while, and change up what you've become familiar with. But I know you'll get it right!!! I just read where you're thinking about giving up the egg in your shake, :ohwell: because your hair is protein sensitive. Have you thought about what you will replace it with?? The egg not only provides protein, but it has all of the amino acids and sulfur producing compounds in it to help build protein. Supposedly, it is a darn near perfect food when it comes to supplying the body with amino acids; a few of which cannot be reproduced by the body, but are essential and need to be replenished daily. My hair is very protein sensitive too, but when it starts shedding and breaking, I just cut back a little on my protein intake, and use less protein products on my hair. I hope you find a good replacement for the egg, to balance out your drink. You might want to check out one of the on-line nutrition sites like www.nutritiondata.com to help. Here's the link:http://www.nutritiondata.com/facts/dairy-and-egg-products/111/2
Hey Bronze. Hope you're well!

lol at your "say what?" I know, crazy, right?!

It's been 2 days without the egg, and my shake consistency is so much different. I feel as if I am missing something! :look:

Maybe you're right about the braids. I was just getting so nervous with all of the shedding and breaking. Then I'm utterly confused about this whole protein-moisture balance thing. At one point, my hair started feeling "crunchy" and I hadn't been adding any protein externally, so I thought it might be the egg. It was my new growth (in the braids) that started to feel crunchy.

Thanks for your suggestion for the moisturizing deep conditioners. Yesterday I bought Aubrey Organics Honey Suckle Moisturizing conditioner. I applied a bit of that to my hair, concentrating on the ends, last night. If you or any of the ladies have any recommendations for specific deep moisture treatments, please let me know.

Thanks for the compliment about the BKT. My hair feels really smooth and moisturized, and I can actually tame it down enough to pull it back into a wet bun--that is unheard of for me! My previous buns were done on pressed hair. My curls are a bit too stringy for my taste, but I'm just happy that my hair is manageable and drying time is seriously cut in half.

So, I'm going to moisturize my hair as if my life depended on it and then add the shake back and reevaluate things. I do miss it. And I'm hungrier! :spinning:

Thanks as always Bronze!

Tallnomad, say what?

Have you upped the exterior moisture of your hair? Keeping your hair in braids and then taking them down would seem to have some shedding involved, and I would gather that you would need an intense moisture regimen as well. I dunno. I kinda think you need some serious dcs to get you back in check.

But, you know your body and your hair, so do what's right. I have a gut feeling that eliminating the egg alone will not change the protein overload/shedding. I think some really good deep conditioners would. But then, i'm not a hair guru, so take this with a grain of salt. :yep: Whenever my hair was braided down or not manipulated for a while, my hair would shed like a molting puppy....moisturizing deep conditioners always got me in check.
Keep us posted on this, okay?

so off topic *I am completely lovin' your bkt curly curlz*
Last edited:
Hey Stella B--thank you SO much on noticing my BKT'd hair! Yes, I hope that my curls will thicken up in the next few weeks, but as I mentioned in my previous post, I'm just happy to be able to pull back my wet hair so effortlessly.

I added some lecithin today. I actually like the taste of it. It seems to give the shake some creaminess. I do miss the egg, and I think I'm just going to just do some intense moisturizing of my hair. And I know you're right about all of the great benefits of the egg.

So you're protein sensitive too? Do you feel that you've had to cut back on meat (assuming you eat meat) and other protein-rich foods since adding the smoothie, or are you just focused more on external protein on your hair.

And thank you for those links!

So, I think between you and Bronze's posts, I have decided to become a full fledged egglet again. :yep: That was easy, huh? :grin:

I'll just up the moisture and keep my hair bunned up.


Hi tallnomad! Just wanted to say congratulations on your new BKT treatment!!!! I was over there lurking in the keratin support treatment thread, and saw that you and Bronze took the plunge! :grin: I am so excited for you, and hope that you will get the results that you were looking for in a few weeks. You know how it is when you try something new on your hair; you have to work with it for a little while, and change up what you've become familiar with. But I know you'll get it right!!! I just read where you're thinking about giving up the egg in your shake, :ohwell: because your hair is protein sensitive. Have you thought about what you will replace it with?? The egg not only provides protein, but it has all of the amino acids and sulfur producing compounds in it to help build protein. Supposedly, it is a darn near perfect food when it comes to supplying the body with amino acids; a few of which cannot be reproduced by the body, but are essential and need to be replenished daily. My hair is very protein sensitive too, but when it starts shedding and breaking, I just cut back a little on my protein intake, and use less protein products on my hair. I hope you find a good replacement for the egg, to balance out your drink. You might want to check out one of the on-line nutrition sites like www.nutritiondata.com to help. Here's the link:http://www.nutritiondata.com/facts/dairy-and-egg-products/111/2
Tallnomad thanks for asking, i'm hanging. The memorial service did not go according to program. The priest is difficult and just did not do things the way we asked. He was rude, too. We had services at the church we grew up in - Catholic - and this priest they've had for the last 7 or 8 years is so so hard to deal with. My brother was very disappointed - we didn't get to make last remarks or read the obit or anything. *sigh* It just added insult to injury. I just spoke with my brother and he sounds so wounded and defeated. Please, will you all lift him up? His name is Anthony. He's Mark's dad. I just feel so powerless. I know the best thing I can do is pray specifically for his strength, so please you guys, join with me, okay?

Okay, Tallnomad, again - have you tried adding honey to your deep moisturizing conditioners? Honey is a humectant and draws moisture to your hair. It is wonderful. I add about 1/2 cup of honey (eyeballing it) to whatever cons i use and the intensity of the moisture and shine is bananas. Try it with aubrey hsrose and see how it goes. I am a big fan of Caramel treatments, but i don't know how it will work with bkt. So, i'll just keep honey in conditioner as a faithful standby.
...the long ago promised pics from May and June 2009 have been added to the siggy pic. You can see the minor setback I had after the April pics, but it does look like I'm on the comeback trail in the June pics. I tweaked my regi to add more moisture and it seems to be working for me. I'm considering using Chavascandy's regi for a few months and hiding my hair with wigs. What do you guys think?
OK Bronze baby, I just had to come back in here to say congrats on your BKT too like tallnomad! You ladies are so brave to pave the way for us future BKTers!! I 'm thinking you are really pleased with your initial results, cause you now have frizz free hair that doesn't wilt in the humidity! I can't even imagine that-but I am thrilled that you decided to try it! I really got excited when I read that since you BKT'ed you have not lost 1 hair yet either! :spinning: I'll be checking out all the ladies and their BKT progress on the BKT treatment support thread. All these positive BKT results are helping me to get my courage up to do a BKT too! I'm looking into Zene Escova Progress, (have to order from Brazil) recommended by pinkskates as a formaldehyde free product. :yep:
I can tell you will be enjoying your BKT treatment for a long time! We might have to get another thread going for egglets with BKT'ed /cocktailed hair!:lachen:
...the long ago promised pics from May and June 2009 have been added to the siggy pic. You can see the minor setback I had after the April pics, but it does look like I'm on the comeback trail in the June pics. I tweaked my regi to add more moisture and it seems to be working for me. I'm considering using Chavascandy's regi for a few months and hiding my hair with wigs. What do you guys think?

Looking good, Essensual! Your progress is visible by how much your hair has grown. That's quite an accomplishment!! :grin: Whatever you've been doing, keep it up, your hair seems to be thriving!!!! Thanks for sharing!!
Yep, StellaB., I'm really pleased, especially at my first attempt on natural hair. I can only imagine it getting gaga gorgeous later. Just take notes and take your time b4 you take the plunge. I prayed the whole time I applied and had my tv on TBN to make sure nothing went wrong, LOL! I needed all the reinforcement I could get!

Essensual, great progress, Mama, that setback didn't hold you back, that's for sure. That wig challenge sounds great. I was gonna wig it this weekend if i hadn't bkt'ed. I ordered Softliss on Monday, got it on Thursday and that was all she wrote...decision made.

About to cocktail, it, Egglettes. Drink up!
Bronze--so sorry about that. people can be really insensitive and that surely wasn't the time. praying for Anthony and your entire family!

thank you for the suggestion for honey! I will most definitely try that! Will pick some up this week.

Tallnomad thanks for asking, i'm hanging. The memorial service did not go according to program. The priest is difficult and just did not do things the way we asked. He was rude, too. We had services at the church we grew up in - Catholic - and this priest they've had for the last 7 or 8 years is so so hard to deal with. My brother was very disappointed - we didn't get to make last remarks or read the obit or anything. *sigh* It just added insult to injury. I just spoke with my brother and he sounds so wounded and defeated. Please, will you all lift him up? His name is Anthony. He's Mark's dad. I just feel so powerless. I know the best thing I can do is pray specifically for his strength, so please you guys, join with me, okay?

Okay, Tallnomad, again - have you tried adding honey to your deep moisturizing conditioners? Honey is a humectant and draws moisture to your hair. It is wonderful. I add about 1/2 cup of honey (eyeballing it) to whatever cons i use and the intensity of the moisture and shine is bananas. Try it with aubrey hsrose and see how it goes. I am a big fan of Caramel treatments, but i don't know how it will work with bkt. So, i'll just keep honey in conditioner as a faithful standby.
whoo! I definitely see some growth!

...the long ago promised pics from May and June 2009 have been added to the siggy pic. You can see the minor setback I had after the April pics, but it does look like I'm on the comeback trail in the June pics. I tweaked my regi to add more moisture and it seems to be working for me. I'm considering using Chavascandy's regi for a few months and hiding my hair with wigs. What do you guys think?
:peek:Ok ladies, I am Hot40 and I fell of the wagon.

I have not had my drink in about 2 months:poke:

I noticed for a good 4 weeks after I stopped stil had good growth without any aids at all. Is it possable the drink was still in my system all that time?

I am starting again tomorrow, my face is even braking out.

I am Hot 40 and I fell of the wagon:peek:
:peek:Ok ladies, I am Hot40 and I fell of the wagon.

I have not had my drink in about 2 months:poke:

I noticed for a good 4 weeks after I stopped stil had good growth without any aids at all. Is it possable the drink was still in my system all that time?

I am starting again tomorrow, my face is even braking out.

I am Hot 40 and I fell of the wagon:peek:


Welcome Home!
Can anyone tell what what the role of the wheat germ is? Right now it is the top suspect for my persistent bloating on this shake (and the bloating being the reason I'm not drinking it anymore)
hey ladies :wave:

i'm still lurking and cocktailing it.

i've had some real sad news, my baby cousin passed away :nono:

it's like 2009 is the year for deaths, i pray for no more... i've had two aunties and now one baby cousin die in two months?!!! :(

he stopped breathing :( he was only seven :(

the doctors have no idea what happened, so it is just a waiting game at the moment.

my uncle (his dad) is so so distraught, so we are supporting him the best way we can.

louis was his last born son, they had a very strong bond....

please pray for us.:rosebud:

bronze, sorry to read about the pastor.
Oh Blaque*Angel, my heart aches for you and your family. I pray for your family's heartache to be soothed and that Jesus comforts you all in the way you need in most. 7 years old. Lord, have mercy. I pray and command that the hand of death ceases to take hold of our loved ones. It stops now. No more. No more. No more. I know that Louis is in God's arms, now. I especially pray for his dad to know that without any doubt.

hey ladies :wave:

i'm still lurking and cocktailing it.

i've had some real sad news, my baby cousin passed away :nono:

it's like 2009 is the year for deaths, i pray for no more... i've had two aunties and now one baby cousin die in two months?!!! :(

he stopped breathing :( he was only seven :(

the doctors have no idea what happened, so it is just a waiting game at the moment.

my uncle (his dad) is so so distraught, so we are supporting him the best way we can.

louis was his last born son, they had a very strong bond....

please pray for us.:rosebud:

bronze, sorry to read about the pastor.
Hot40, come on back, like Essensual said, Welcome Home, our arms are wide open. Glad you found your way back, Chica.

:peek:Ok ladies, I am Hot40 and I fell of the wagon.

I have not had my drink in about 2 months:poke:

I noticed for a good 4 weeks after I stopped stil had good growth without any aids at all. Is it possable the drink was still in my system all that time?

I am starting again tomorrow, my face is even braking out.

I am Hot 40 and I fell of the wagon:peek:

NappyMD, the wheat germ is what causes hair follicles to rebuild, to 'germinate' and grow healthy lush hair. It's a key ingredient - with so many power packed nutrients that I would not be without. The cocktail isn't the same without it. Have you ruled out your milk ingredient - that is what is most suspect to me. Let us know what you find.
Can anyone tell what what the role of the wheat germ is? Right now it is the top suspect for my persistent bloating on this shake (and the bloating being the reason I'm not drinking it anymore)
:peek:Ok ladies, I am Hot40 and I fell of the wagon.

I have not had my drink in about 2 months:poke:

I noticed for a good 4 weeks after I stopped stil had good growth without any aids at all. Is it possable the drink was still in my system all that time?

I am starting again tomorrow, my face is even braking out.

I am Hot 40 and I fell of the wagon:peek:
It's OK. You're not too old to get back on the bandwagon, Hot 40! We nurture all the egglets in our nest-even those who fly the coop too soon and want to come back! :yep: Welcome home!