*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
I had my first smoothie yesterday. I don't add anything to it, just cinnamon. It taste great but today it made me so sick! I had bubble guts all morning (sorry, TMI)

I think its because I don't eat eggs. I use the powdered eggs but I think I need to start out slower, so I will use 1/2 an egg for a few weeks and slowly increase
Welcome Egglette Cutiebe2 to our Nest!

Awww, I'm so sorry your first cocktail was less than desirable. :nono: That doesn't happen often, as I'm sure you read. Good idea to ease your way into it. Just so I'm clear, you used powdered eggs for the first time, right? Please post and let us know how tomorrow goes.

I had my first smoothie yesterday. I don't add anything to it, just cinnamon. It taste great but today it made me so sick! I had bubble guts all morning (sorry, TMI)

I think its because I don't eat eggs. I use the powdered eggs but I think I need to start out slower, so I will use 1/2 an egg for a few weeks and slowly increase

Have a great night, Egglettes!
Hey, Egglettes, Where y'all at? lol~ Got my drink on today with yummie fruit-embellished Cocktail!

Hey ladies! Been MIA on the boards for a few days but I'm still cocktailing every morning between 7:00 and 8:30 AM. I don't think I could stop even if I wanted to. My body craves this each and every day. I still have some of my alphonso mangoes left so I will be pairing it up with a banana. I like your suggestion of the blueberries, Br*nze, so maybe I'll try a blueberry and banana combo for the remainder of the week.
Thanks for checkin in, Foxee, blueberries and anything is just a reallllllyy good combo to me. LOL

Got my drink on....Happy Humpday to ya'll!!

Hey ladies! Been MIA on the boards for a few days but I'm still cocktailing every morning between 7:00 and 8:30 AM. I don't think I could stop even if I wanted to. My body craves this each and every day. I still have some of my alphonso mangoes left so I will be pairing it up with a banana. I like your suggestion of the blueberries, Br*nze, so maybe I'll try a blueberry and banana combo for the remainder of the week.
...I was just looking at the poll results again. Has anyone noticed that more people voted that they were "open to trying" the shake or WOULD try it as opposed to those who flat out said NO? I thought that was noteworthy...

Anyway, I'm still egg shakin'. Loving my bananas and cinnamon, as well as my mango versions. The other day I actually added a 1/4 c of dry oats and was FULL for quite a while. The little bits of oats and cinnamon on the bottom of the cup tasted like an oatmeal cookie. Yum!
Welcome Egglette Cutiebe2 to our Nest!

Awww, I'm so sorry your first cocktail was less than desirable. :nono: That doesn't happen often, as I'm sure you read. Good idea to ease your way into it. Just so I'm clear, you used powdered eggs for the first time, right? Please post and let us know how tomorrow goes.

Have a great night, Egglettes!

I don't eat eggs period (raw, bolied, scarmbled, etc) so I though powdered eggs would be better in terms of digestion. I woke up today excited for my shake but I went to the bathroom again so I guess it still is not out my system. I will try again tomorrow but like I said I will use a lot less egg.
still cocktailing....went to see Transformers this weekend with my BF. Hair was out in a braidout. Of course everyone was staring at me all evening. Went to the gym afterwards. More stares. At one point in the movie theater I was ducking down because I felt kinda sorry for the people behind me, wondering if they could see or not. And also because I didn't want anybody to put anything like chewing gum or candy in my hair. :lachen:
Hey Ladies,

Still around and the shake is on and poppin every morning between 7:00 and 8:30 as well! I had found out about how delicious the different fruits make the shake a week or two back but right now my favorrrrrite is peaches, mandarin oranges and strawberries (organic strawberries)...I leeeeeeerve it! :lick: Have a wonderful and blessed day today ladies!
congrats Pookiwah!!!! Any wedding hair photos to share with the rest of us egglettes, perhaps?


Hey shortyc - I've finally posted (just a few) wedding hair pics in my fotki - it was nothing to write home about anyway, but come on over!
Hair Hustla, your combo sounds good - I may give that a whirl today. Blessings to you, too!

ShortyC~ Girl, you gave me visuals of that lushous head of hair blocking the view during Transformers. I would love to be in your shoes, minus the gum or paper being lodged in my hair, ofcourse. LOL!!
off topic moment: I was so disappointed in that film. I took my ninos to see it and it was so sexually explicity. I didn't realize it was pg-13, but even so, it was too racy for kids. I mean, come on, it's based on a cartoon, for pete's sake! I loved loved loved transformers when i was a kid. I wanted my kids to love it, too. *sigh*

Essensual, you are so observant and I enjoy your wit. That is something to look at, huh? Those who would definitely try it, who would try it based on results and those who would eat raw poultry for waistlength totally outweigh the naysayers...I've gotta get that results thread up. *making mental note* And i'm kinda sorry I've turned you back into a carnivore. "hee hee hee" Oh, and Oatmeal in the Cocktail?!? You've gone too far, Chica. I have got to try that. I love Oatmeal!! What gave you that idea?

Poo~ Thanks for linking your fotki, I can't wait to gush all over your Blessed Affair! I love Weddings! I'm pulling out my box of tissues, now.

Cutiebe2~ How's your tummy today? Any improvements? I said a prayer for ya. Feel better soon.

Angelicus~ Girl, I know you're holding it down! Yes, m'am. :-)

Oh, yeah, weren't y'all supposed to remind me to remind Tallnomad to work on our shirts? Shame shame on you guys! *spanks the Egglettes on their fannies*

"Tallnomad, let's get started on our shirts, Chic!"

BlaqueA~ How's your home renovation going? I've got the home decoration bug...somebody stop me!

Foxee, great skin is a real ego-booster, huh? I just resonate with confidence when i'm zit-free and glowing....relish it, honey, it only gets better...isn't that nice to know that the older you become, with the cocktail, your skin will only improve? Totally contrary to what is expected in the norm...and yes, my body does crave the cocktail. You definitely know when you've missed it.

Pretty Brown Eyes, every time you post, I think, slow and steady wins the race...you are just consistently on point, getting that cocktail in. I love that. Go girl.

And Ladies, don't forget to post your cocktail blends in the mixologist thread, you've got some hawt ideas for this shake, so make sure and share so that others, such as myself, who aren't quite as creative, can really really enjoy our cocktails!

Happy Thick Hair Thursday to Ya!!!
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Oooo Kkkkk, so why did i make a strawberry banana cocktail with no egg? *looks around*

Went back and added it, of-course!

I think I was so ready to drink it, I forgot all about my beloved little friend, sitting there on the counter, cold and all alone.....
Br*nze, I am so sorry to hear that. You and your family are in my thoughts. I hope you can find comfort in each other during this difficult time.


Much love and kisses and hugs and prayers to you and your family. I am so very sorry to hear that girl. May God the comforter manifest himself upon you all. My prayers and thoughts are with you for real. Hang in there and be strong, no more sorrow, no more pain baby girl.
Bronze--may you and your family be blessed infinitely. I am so sorry to hear about your nephew. We are all here for you. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs to you.
My condolences to you and your family during this difficult time. Know that God is there with you all and will give you the comfort and strength to get through this. My prayers are with you.
Thank you so much for your prayers, love and support. He hung in there so bravely and with such determination. It still seems unreal. I just can't imagine not hearing his gravely voice, his distinctive laugh and his corny jokes. He was the life of the party - no he was the party. He is 32 leaves behind two beautiful daughters. My brother's son. We were more brother and sister than nephew and aunt. I'm missing him sooo much.

No cocktail today. I'll try and get it in tomorrow.

Keep praying for us bcs we've been through alot.

Blessings as always,

Br*nze, I am so sorry to hear that. You and your family are in my thoughts. I hope you can find comfort in each other during this difficult time.


Sorry to hear that bronze {HUGS!}. i will keep you and yours in my prayers.


Much love and kisses and hugs and prayers to you and your family. I am so very sorry to hear that girl. May God the comforter manifest himself upon you all. My prayers and thoughts are with you for real. Hang in there and be strong, no more sorrow, no more pain baby girl.

Bronze--may you and your family be blessed infinitely. I am so sorry to hear about your nephew. We are all here for you. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs to you.

My condolences to you and your family during this difficult time. Know that God is there with you all and will give you the comfort and strength to get through this. My prayers are with you.
Thank you Essensual. We need your prayers.


My heart just dropped. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

RIP Mark.

Thank you so much for your prayers, love and support. He hung in there so bravely and with such determination. It still seems unreal. I just can't imagine not hearing his gravely voice, his distinctive laugh and his corny jokes. He was the life of the party - no he was the party. He is 32 leaves behind two beautiful daughters. My brother's son. We were more brother and sister than nephew and aunt. I'm missing him sooo much.

No cocktail today. I'll try and get it in tomorrow.

Keep praying for us bcs we've been through alot.

Blessings as always,
My deepest condolences to you and your family BB... Just remember God is in control, He sees and knows all, and He will give you all the strength you surely need to make it through. X X X

You have been in my thoughts so much lately, I pray that you are ok. Anyway, I am a little happy right now, MY HAIR IS GROWING!! Make it so bad it is growing in a V shape, isn't that neat? I don't know if you all remember the last siggy pic I had taken from April but it has grown about an inch and a half I am thinking! YAY!
Day 40
Raw Egg
Skim Milk
Raw Wheat Germ
Ground Flaxseed
Wheat Germ Oil
1/2 Banana
1 Scoop Vanilla Soy Protein

I am so sorry. To loose someone so young is heartbreaking. My prayers go out to his wife and children, as well as your entire family.