*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
Hi Egglettes! Cocktailed it 3 times today and had plenty of water. Can't say if it was a minimum of one gallon, but it was a pretty good day for water intake for me.

drink up!

See ya tomorrow...
Hi Egglettes! Cocktailed it 3 times today and had plenty of water. Can't say if it was a minimum of one gallon, but it was a pretty good day for water intake for me.

drink up!

See ya tomorrow...

Aw thats great ;) It's 12:30 here now and i've had a 2 egg shake.
my chlorella, spirulina (two hours later)and i'm now drinking water, no hunger pangs AT ALL!!

When I do feel hungry,i will be having my shake for lunch, i will see if i have a third shake at dinner time.

i think this maybe a great way to lose weight whilst toning up, also all the other health benefits we have discussed in this thread! :)

i've got a party to go to next saturday, so i want to be radiantly glowing, lose a lil more weight and feel more toned ;)
Hi Egglettes, i'm here fighting flu-like symptoms, gonna go to dr's ofc tomorrow, haven't cocktailed it today, didn't do it yesterday, either. Stayed in bed most of the day. Feel sorry for my dh, he's not having much of a father's day weekend, thanks to me....oh well, have a good one, Egglettes!
Hi Egglettes, i'm here fighting flu-like symptoms, gonna go to dr's ofc tomorrow, haven't cocktailed it today, didn't do it yesterday, either. Stayed in bed most of the day. Feel sorry for my dh, he's not having much of a father's day weekend, thanks to me....oh well, have a good one, Egglettes!

Oh Br*nze hate to hear that you are a little under the weather. Feel better soon!!!
Hi Egglettes, i'm here fighting flu-like symptoms, gonna go to dr's ofc tomorrow, haven't cocktailed it today, didn't do it yesterday, either. Stayed in bed most of the day. Feel sorry for my dh, he's not having much of a father's day weekend, thanks to me....oh well, have a good one, Egglettes!

awwwww, feel better ((hugs))
Hi All,

I decided to try the shake yesterday, but it made my stomach feel kind of weird all day. I felt "heavy" in my tummy, and later in the day I had to "go" like crazy. I also had a strange "after taste" that lingered in my mouth all day. I'm not sure which ingredient caused it.

Has anyone experienced this when starting the shake?

My shake consisted of:

wheat germ oil (viobin)
raw wheat germ
1 scoop of protein powder (I use this regularly & haven't experienced any issues or after taste.
chia seeds
Welcome Egglette Phoenix 11 to our Nest!!

No, I haven't had those experiences with the cocktail, but i'm thinking it could be your addition of chia seeds and maca. I haven't had those in my cocktail, and they could be the cause. Try it without those two next time, and see how it goes.

I always advocate starting with the original recipe first and then going from there, it just helps with knowing what works and what doesn't. HTH!

Thank you for all the well-wishes! Going to the doctor at 2.
for those of you that are on the egg skake and water challenge...how has your body reacted to this?

last night i made a huge mistake of making a huge cup of cafe con leche. (i had a lot of stuff to do and was tired) my body reacted violently..so maybe it was just the coffee and not the shake
for those of you that are on the egg skake and water challenge...how has your body reacted to this?

last night i made a huge mistake of making a huge cup of cafe con leche. (i had a lot of stuff to do and was tired) my body reacted violently..so maybe it was just the coffee and not the shake

Hello QueenBrittny:

I am on the water challenge as well as the shake. I have not had any adverse side effects of doing both. Sorry that you had this experience, but like you said, it may have been the coffee. Hope that you can continue doing both. Please keep us posted.

Did my hair this weekend and even though there was more than average shedding, it was nothing like the previous weeks. So I guess my hair had an attitude w/ me for not spritzing it regularly.
for those of you that are on the egg skake and water challenge...how has your body reacted to this?

last night i made a huge mistake of making a huge cup of cafe con leche. (i had a lot of stuff to do and was tired) my body reacted violently..so maybe it was just the coffee and not the shake

i'm on both challenges and all is well :)
Ok ya'll I'm back. I have some pics to share now. On a side note, that chlorella is something serious!!!

alright so the first 2 pics are from March, about 1 month before I started the cocktail. And the rest are pics I took last night 06.18.09 (camera is still acting funky so the date was not embedded in the pics). It's on wet hair fresh out the shower. I'll come back and post some more pics later.

Shorty..girrrrl yo hair is gorgeous, sorry I am late but I am just now checking in and had to go peek at the hair! Keep up the good work and yes, the chlorella is so serious! It's like the chlorella is dinner and the shake is dessert and they complement eachother very well! I will be posting soon to show you all my progress.
Hey Ladies,

From what I understand glancing through the last few posts, you all are adding more water in up to a gallon? Also you are increasing the shakes to two a day am I correct? If so, count me in, I just found out my hubby is coming home a month early so I need to get that weight off fast! Do you all think this will help? I have been missing my egglette sisters!
Day 33

Raw Egg
2% Milk
1/2 sliced banana
Raw Wheat Germ
Ground Flaxseed
Wheat Germ Oil
Olive Oil
1 Scoop Vanilla Soy Protein
Hey Ladies,

From what I understand glancing through the last few posts, you all are adding more water in up to a gallon? Also you are increasing the shakes to two a day am I correct? If so, count me in, I just found out my hubby is coming home a month early so I need to get that weight off fast! Do you all think this will help? I have been missing my egglette sisters!

It's just something I Came up with, (water challenge and extra shakes!)Not sure if everyone is following it!!
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Welcome Egglette Phoenix 11 to our Nest!!

No, I haven't had those experiences with the cocktail, but i'm thinking it could be your addition of chia seeds and maca. I haven't had those in my cocktail, and they could be the cause. Try it without those two next time, and see how it goes.

I always advocate starting with the original recipe first and then going from there, it just helps with knowing what works and what doesn't. HTH!

Thank you for all the well-wishes! Going to the doctor at 2.

ITA with starting the cocktail with the basic ingredients first. It just makes it so much easier to weed out the culprits, and figure out what works for you! A big welcome also to our new egglette Phoenix 11!
Bronze, did you make it to the doctors yesterday? Hope you're feeling better! Let us know how it went.
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Hey Ladies,

From what I understand glancing through the last few posts, you all are adding more water in up to a gallon? Also you are increasing the shakes to two a day am I correct? If so, count me in, I just found out my hubby is coming home a month early so I need to get that weight off fast! Do you all think this will help? I have been missing my egglette sisters!

Hey HairHustla! Been missing you! I am definitely trying to increase my water intake because I know I don't drink enough each day, especially now since summer is here. We'll see how long I can keep this goin???....I'm with you on the weight situation-I need to stop focusing on the hair, and start working on this body!!!:lachen: I just can't seem to do them both at the same time!!! Oh well, at least I'm happy with the hair right now!!! Can't wait to see your progress!!
Hey HairHustla! Been missing you! I am definitely trying to increase my water intake because I know I don't drink enough each day, especially now since summer is here. We'll see how long I can keep this goin???....I'm with you on the weight situation-I need to stop focusing on the hair, and start working on this body!!!:lachen: I just can't seem to do them both at the same time!!! Oh well, at least I'm happy with the hair right now!!! Can't wait to see your progress!!

Stella I know what you mean girl, no one will let me off of this roller coaster ride! I lose then I gain then lose then gain, especially around that time of the month, right now I feel like I am swollen up like a hot air balloon! I know some of it is pre menstrual and water weight but just when I get on a roll then here comes the bloats and the sugar cravings and awwwwwwah! Sorry to vent. Anyway, ladies I will never give up, I have approximately 3 to 4 weeks to make something happen and right now I am reaching for that water and another shake! Feet don't fail me now! Oh and as for the hair, I hope all of this good nutrition will allow my hair to come along for the ride cause I can't do both either! :perplexed
Good morning, Egglettes! Missed you guys. Glad to see so many posts. We missed you too, HairHustla~

I did go to the doc's Stella, and I have fluid in my ear, an infected throat that is bright red, and what looks to be your average flu symptoms. And I took a flu vaccine this year.:spinning: I am on antibiotics, nasal spray...I think the flu shot and prayer, of course, helped me to bounce back pretty quickly on the symptom side. I'm feeling much better, but low on energy. I haven't been sleeping the last 4 nights, so I'm gonna take it easy and build my system back up. I haven't been cocktailin it either. Which is ofcourse, a bummer. I'll be back on track, though.

I am also increasing my water intake. And I think using the cocktail as a meal substitute will definitely cause you to slim down, HairHustla. I'm routing for you. You'll be fine and foxy when your hubby comes home. :yep:.

Have a good one, you guys!
Good morning, Egglettes! Missed you guys. Glad to see so many posts. We missed you too, HairHustla~

I did go to the doc's Stella, and I have fluid in my ear, an infected throat that is bright red, and what looks to be your average flu symptoms. And I took a flu vaccine this year.:spinning: I am on antibiotics, nasal spray...I think the flu shot and prayer, of course, helped me to bounce back pretty quickly on the symptom side. I'm feeling much better, but low on energy. I haven't been sleeping the last 4 nights, so I'm gonna take it easy and build my system back up. I haven't been cocktailin it either. Which is ofcourse, a bummer. I'll be back on track, though.

I am also increasing my water intake. And I think using the cocktail as a meal substitute will definitely cause you to slim down, HairHustla. I'm routing for you. You'll be fine and foxy when your hubby comes home. :yep:.

Have a good one, you guys!

Ooh, I am glad you are feeling better Bronze, the flu is no fun honey. That's the funny thing about chlorella though, I work in an elementary school and I used to get sick about every 2 weeks but ever since I have been on the chlorella, no sickness at all and this has been since March. I know you tried it and I am not sure why you stopped but I put it in my hair shake everyday and no sickness,plus a seemingly strong immune system. Just a thought. Hope you rebound really really quick because you are our fearless leader of the egglette society est. 2008! Love you girl...and love you ladies..I mean egglettes!!
I have been all over the place the last few days. I only had one cocktail sunday. I was tired and just sad...one of those days.

Anyways, I had 2 cocktails yesterday and the water I am still working on it. I add 1 cup of water to my cocktail ever since I started it though...I am working on a quart of water right now. One down, three to go!

Yesterday I also did a work out DVD for the first time in like 2 months. I keep falling off too so HairHustla, you are not alone. Thanks for the compliments on my hair.

Welcome QueenBrittny and Phoenix11. QueenBrittny I thought you were already initiated into the egglette society (LMAO @ that btw, HairHustla!)

I got chlorella tablets...but is a powder better? Maybe I'll try that next time. I just don't like for my drink to have all those "extras" that don't really need to be there so I keep it as close to the Original recipe as I can.
The only thing extra I am using is the egg powder (which blends like a dream) and the agave.

I had my first cocktail today around 1:00 and with the water I am still satisfied.

I think I will do some cleaning and then either do a workout dvd or go to the gym and then wash my hair.

happy cocktailing ladies!

Br*nze, glad you are taking it easy and have been to see about feeling under the weather.

maybe the cocktail will help give your immune system a boost. Maybe you got sick b/c of the stress of your nephew and coming and going from the hospital? I hope he is still doing ok.
Hi Shorty,

Well since we are the order of the egglette society, we can expect great things! :lachen: As for the chlorella powder, there is no difference, they say that the powder is cheaper and as for myself, it does stretch for atleast 3to 4 months but it is personal choice.

I know that there is something to the chlorella though..case in point, we had a father's day picnic at our church Sunday and everyone has come down with flu like symptoms except me and my daughter. We could not even have bible study tonight because everyone went home sick. Now tell me that is not peculiar. Anyway, I mainly use the powder in my shake because that way I can be sure to get the chlorella and spirulina in each day, I am not too hot on pills and you have to take so many of them. I already take l-cysteine (thank you Bronze!) and fish oil as well as cla so that is enough pills for me. The shake does double duty for me so that I can get my hair requirements and bodily regimen.

I am so glad that you are getting up on your exercise regimen, I am getting ready to start taking my exercise dvd's to work with me, there is no one there during the summer at the school so I can get away with it...it is just that deep, I have got to get fine in like Japanese time! How are you keeping yourself motivated???

Oh and Stella, we are gonna do it this time aren't we girl!!!!:yep::yep:
My dearest Bronze,

I wanted you to know that I did finally let my hair stylist go. It was scary, for real cause now I am on my own with my hair but I had to take that step so that I can keep some money in my pocket and so that I can take responsibility for the hair on my head. Also, I have been on the l-cysteine for one week now and my nails are hard and strong now, they are still chipping and peeling but there is a different consistency to them, it seems as if maybe they are rebulding themselves. I have noticed that right off the bat. As for my hair, I guess it is too early to attribute anything to it right now but I can say that the shake has made it so much thicker!

I was able to get in a mineral softener before I let my stylist go and I just love how soft yet thick my hair is!! That is the truth! It is like feeling the soft fleece on a sheep! The length is coming too, I promise I will get pictures up soon, I am waiting for my sister to mail me my battery for my camera, I left it there when I went home but when I get it, I am going to have to let you all see what I am talking about, I am so proud of the progress because I am a slow grower. Thank You, Thank You Thank You so much for this! :grin:
I have been all over the place the last few days. I only had one cocktail sunday. I was tired and just sad...one of those days.

Anyways, I had 2 cocktails yesterday and the water I am still working on it. I add 1 cup of water to my cocktail ever since I started it though...I am working on a quart of water right now. One down, three to go!

Yesterday I also did a work out DVD for the first time in like 2 months. I keep falling off too so HairHustla, you are not alone. Thanks for the compliments on my hair.

Welcome QueenBrittny and Phoenix11. QueenBrittny I thought you were already initiated into the egglette society (LMAO @ that btw, HairHustla!)

I got chlorella tablets...but is a powder better? Maybe I'll try that next time. I just don't like for my drink to have all those "extras" that don't really need to be there so I keep it as close to the Original recipe as I can.
The only thing extra I am using is the egg powder (which blends like a dream) and the agave.

I had my first cocktail today around 1:00 and with the water I am still satisfied.

I think I will do some cleaning and then either do a workout dvd or go to the gym and then wash my hair.

happy cocktailing ladies!

Br*nze, glad you are taking it easy and have been to see about feeling under the weather.

maybe the cocktail will help give your immune system a boost. Maybe you got sick b/c of the stress of your nephew and coming and going from the hospital? I hope he is still doing ok.

I was...I meant that I joined the shake and water only one-week challenge
I've been doing pretty well drinking a gallon of water/day. I carry the water around with me til I finish it. The heavy bottle just inspires me to drink more so I won't have to carry it. I do research at a hospital and today when I walked in with the gallon of water, all the doctors asked me if I was about to take a urine test lol
ok Egglettes....

Had my second cocktail around 11:00 tonight. I am trying to get down this last quart of water to complete my 1 gallon for today but it is proving to be a challenge.

HairHustla, I might suck it up and get the powder then. I had put some in my ecart at vitacost.com around the time I was going to start the cocktail, then I abandoned vitacost altogether when I saw a local store that had all the ingredients in house. (didn't want to waste anytime waiting on my order to arrive.) So the chlorella has spirulina in it also? I remember when I worked at Tanger Outlet 3 years ago I would get a humongous green smoothie from one of the food court vendors. I would ask them to put spirulina and wheatgrass in it. That smoothie kept me full all day and well into the evening.

I did cardio and strength training today. I am trying to keep it up this time! I have gotten too comfortable over this past year and a half and I am just trying to get back on track to how I was before, which was working out every day and being active most of the day. So that is my main motivation right now.

@QueenBrittny....I THOUGHT SO! I just had to make sure because I remembered when you had first came into the nest. I was thinking of getting a jug of water and doing it that way also. When I worked at the outlet some days I would bring a gallon of distilled water with me to drink. It was good and kept me disciplined, but I'll be damned if i wasn't going to the bathroom a lot!!! But that's a good thing.
I might ease into going back to drinking distilled water.