*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
Hello Egglettes,

Work is crazy, but hubby has been making my shake and bringing to me after shower, so I have kept on track. NG is a jungle. LOL but hair is growing.

Bronze . . . sorry to read you were not going well. The flu can be such a downer, but aren't we so grateful to be still alive when it is over? :yep: It really makes you feel like you are on your way to the next life. Glad to see it was not so bad for you.
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ok Egglettes....

Had my second cocktail around 11:00 tonight. I am trying to get down this last quart of water to complete my 1 gallon for today but it is proving to be a challenge.

HairHustla, I might suck it up and get the powder then. I had put some in my ecart at vitacost.com around the time I was going to start the cocktail, then I abandoned vitacost altogether when I saw a local store that had all the ingredients in house. (didn't want to waste anytime waiting on my order to arrive.) So the chlorella has spirulina in it also? I remember when I worked at Tanger Outlet 3 years ago I would get a humongous green smoothie from one of the food court vendors. I would ask them to put spirulina and wheatgrass in it. That smoothie kept me full all day and well into the evening.

I did cardio and strength training today. I am trying to keep it up this time! I have gotten too comfortable over this past year and a half and I am just trying to get back on track to how I was before, which was working out every day and being active most of the day. So that is my main motivation right now.

@QueenBrittny....I THOUGHT SO! I just had to make sure because I remembered when you had first came into the nest. I was thinking of getting a jug of water and doing it that way also. When I worked at the outlet some days I would bring a gallon of distilled water with me to drink. It was good and kept me disciplined, but I'll be damned if i wasn't going to the bathroom a lot!!! But that's a good thing.
I might ease into going back to drinking distilled water.

Hey Shorty,

Just wanted to let you know that chlorella and spirulina are two different things, you could check out the "How About Taking Chlorella" thread if you need more info on it. Now I have a question, you said that you were drinking distilled water right, what is the difference in drinking distilled versus say natural spring water? Should I try to go and get the distilled water?
Day 34

Raw Egg
2% Milk
1/2 sliced banana
Raw Wheat Germ
Ground Flaxseed
Wheat Germ Oil
Olive Oil
1 Scoop Vanilla Soy Protein
Aspire, I'm LOL!! Because you are so right, this flu makes you feel like you are one foot away from the grave...I am bouncing back pretty quickly, though.

HairHustla, I noticed that my cocktail kept me cold n' flu-free last year, i think bcs i missed a few days and this heat and yes, the challenges with my nephew have worn me out. I think I had too much coming to me at once and i tried to do it all. Additionally, i haven't been sleeping well and i know that makes your immune system susceptible.

QueenB and ShortyC~ y'all gotta forgive a sista, i have been out of my wits the last few days. I really thought I sent QueenB a welcome, but to make certain, I just did it again, lol!!! But I was like, hmmm, this feels familiar....

Carry on, Egglettes, kudos to you all!
I've been doing pretty well drinking a gallon of water/day. I carry the water around with me til I finish it. The heavy bottle just inspires me to drink more so I won't have to carry it. I do research at a hospital and today when I walked in with the gallon of water, all the doctors asked me if I was about to take a urine test lol

awww, your doing great. i'm proud of you :yep:

i've still be cocktailing it twice a day and having an evening meal, its working out great so far ;)

BUT...I'm having my house fully renovated from garden to roof, things have been really hectic.

CYLINDER BURSTING, New boiler fitted, WATER DAMAGE, Staying in a hotel etc etc....
so things have been crazy right now!!!

i would usually be stressed like crazy, but i have been taking it in my stride and looking forward to the completed project!!!:drunk::drunk:
Mornin' Egglettes! :wave:

Br*nze, hope you're feeling better today.

Cocktailed it at 7:00 AM. This week I'm using bananas and the Alphanso mangos in my shake. Speaking of mangoes, I went back to the Indian store I mentioned a couple pages back and they were completely sold out of the Alphanso mangos! Leave some for the rest of us, dangit! :lachen: Luckily I hadn't touched my second bag which I'll be using all this week.

I have been receiving tons of compliments on my skin lately, which makes me feel wonderful. I notice my edges are also filling in more. I can't say for certain how much my hair is grown, but it is definitely thickened up and looks incredibly healthy!
Hey my eggy sisters!
Had my shake a couple of times after I got married, and DH (it feels so good to type that!!) was grossed out but did say that at one point when he was bulking up he got through upwards of 64 eggs a week!!!!

I got the NOW brand WGO and lots of ground flaxseed whilst I was in the States (I'm back home now) so I just need to restock on the rest of my shake ingredients and make it part of my morning routine again.
Congrats to the Newlywed Pookiwah!!!

Hey my eggy sisters!
Had my shake a couple of times after I got married, and DH (it feels so good to type that!!) was grossed out but did say that at one point when he was bulking up he got through upwards of 64 eggs a week!!!!

I got the NOW brand WGO and lots of ground flaxseed whilst I was in the States (I'm back home now) so I just need to restock on the rest of my shake ingredients and make it part of my morning routine again.
Aspire, your hubby rocks! That is so considerate of him. With support like that, your hair will be waistlength in no time!

Hello Egglettes,

Work is crazy, but hubby has been making my shake and bringing to me after shower, so I have kept on track. NG is a jungle. LOL but hair is growing.

Bronze . . . sorry to read you were not going well. The flu can be such a downer, but aren't we so grateful to be still alive when it is over? :yep: It really makes you feel like you are on your way to the next life. Glad to see it was not so bad for you.

Ladies of the Order of the Egglette Society:

After nearly 6 years of being a lacto ovo vegetarian, Essensual is OFFICIALLY carnivorous once again.:blush:

I know...you're in shock. I nearly fell over myself after I finished licking my fingers and picking chicken from my teeth..but it's true. I am a BONE-AFIDE, I mean, BONAFIDE meat eater.

I can't blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol...since there was none involved. The truth is...my own cooking just looked so good to me, that I had to have some! (I gave up meat, but still cooked for the rest of the family.)

...since that fateful day last week, it has been a smorgasbord of chicken wings, spaghetti and meat sauce, and yes, pork ribs. :look: Suffice it to say, this is not a phase...

I guess...the egg shake made me reminisce.LOL!:lachen::lachen: (Hyperbole)

But, alas, fair maidens, it is true. YOUR BURGERS ARE NO LONGER SAFE WITH E-:nono::nono::nono:

Aspire, your hubby rocks! That is so considerate of him. With support like that, your hair will be waistlength in no time!

Bronze, i would happy for my hair to stay on my head and stop relocating to my brush, comb, and bathroom floor. :lachen: It is doing well though, and he has been so cool with the encouragement. We have been together for 17 years, but once I had my son, I cut my hair. So DH has not seen it past neck length in 13 years and it is still usually off my face. To tell you the truth, he is more into this than I am at this point. LOL

. . . I nearly fell over myself after I finished licking my fingers and picking chicken from my teeth..but it's true. I am a BONE-AFIDE, I mean, BONAFIDE meat eater. . .

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:I would be 100% RAW (though never vegan) if not for the meat. I REFUSE to give up meat. So I am only 85-90% RAW. A salad ain't a meal if there isn't 4 oz of dead, cooked, animal mixed in.
Day 35

Raw Egg
2% Milk
1/2 sliced banana
Raw Wheat Germ
Ground Flaxseed
Wheat Germ Oil
Olive Oil
1 Scoop Vanilla Soy Protein
Good afternoon, Egglettes! I missed checking this thread yesterday. STill getting my 2 cocktails and 1 gallon in and my workout...holla!


Thanks...I knew chlorella and spirulina were different things, but the way your previous post was written made me think the powder you were using had a blend of both chlorella and spirulina in it. So I had to ask to clarify because some of those powdered supplements have other ingredients in them or are blends of 2 or more things.

Case in point, I bought this Very Green Powder from Trader Joe's a few months ago and I used it in both of my cocktails yesterday because I was trying to use it all up. It had a lot of stuff in it, including chlorella and spirulina if i remember correctly. But going forward I will quit putting it off and spend some time tackling that whole chlorella thread the same way I tackled this one!!!

I was reading up on distilled water a few years ago when I first tried raw foods and that's what made me attempt to drink it exclusively. I don't know if it is necessarily the holy grail of waters, because there's a lot of conflicting information out there on EVERYTHING so these days it is going to boil down to preference.
Spring water is ok...I am getting back to that phase where I am cringing at the thought of drinking tap water but right now that's where it's at until I can do better!
At one point I considered buying one of those water distilling machines and (off-tpoic) one of those machines to make my own soy-milk.

I did a quick search and here's a little info:


foxee, girl you know you have to be cautious when putting out alerts on items or make sure you buy plenty for yourself to hold you for a while.
I remember that craze with the MN...and somebody saying how they found it at the dollar store. One day I went there to get some stuff and they had a whole shelf of MN. A few days later that same shelf was bare! (kinda like Dec. 31, 1999 when all the grocery store shelves were empty) I was thinking to myself, 'what is going on?' and then it hit me. :lachen::lachen::lachen:

congrats Pookiwah!!!! Any wedding hair photos to share with the rest of us egglettes, perhaps?

Essensual you are crazy!!!! I went through something like that last year (after being a mixture of lacto-ovo vegetarian, then raw for 2 years) and it is hard to get back on track. I think I am ok now though. Right now I am sticking with a mixture of cooked lacto-ovo, raw, and seafood when I feel like it.

I just have to learn how to get this exercise thing on track and keep it on track forever and not fall off every now and then.

I will have my first cocktail in a little while.
Hey everyone. I am still egging it. :lick: I recently found out that there is a "results of egg shake" thread on the board. The next time I wash my hair, I will take a picture of my wet hair and post it on there. I like the way that my skin is looking. Recently, I became a vegetarian again (over 3 years veggie, then 1 year meatatarian :rofl: ) I am more conscious about what I put in my body.

I see that some of you are still drinking these gargantuan-sized drinks :lol:
I forgot to mention earlier that my cycle is early AGAIN!!! Five days early just like it was five days early last month.

I still have cramps so I will have to give it a while. I don't really feel like having a second cocktail. I ate a light snack after I came home this evening (me and BF went to Sam's) which was a little after 8:30. I forgot all about my cocktail and could have had it then but right now I feel like crap so I think it's best for me not to force it.

I only got in 2 quarts of water today. I guess a half gallon is better than none.

Tomorrow I will do better.
I am so deeply saddened by the loss of a great human being, our dear beloved Michael Joseph Jackson. He was misunderstood and underappreciated for his true impact on the world as we know it.

In honor of His Memory, I will not be posting tomorrow.

Please join me in praying for his family.

I will always love you, Michael.
Hey, Ladies!

I haven't checked in for a while, but I've been drinking my egg shake in the mornings. Still yummy... I haven't changed from my original ingredients yet.

I have noticed that my skin looks better... it looks a bit smoother/more refined and my pores are noticeably smaller :yep:. I have huge pores that can be seen even if you aren't very close to me and now they can barely be seen :drunk:.

I'm sure they'll shrink into oblivion and my skin will look airbrushed soon (don't dispute this, let me have my fantasy :look:).

That's all I have to report so far.

Bronze, hope you feel better soon.
Good Morning, Egglettes. Off to cocktail...
Khalia27, your skin will look airbrushed, no doubt. It's amazing how i look as though i'm wearing foundation and i'm not. Cheers!
Made 1 month since I have been drinking the shakes. I am surprised. I love mixing it up and trying different flavors. Love the way it's making my skin look and the endurance I have when I drink it before my workout.
Hello Egglettes,

Work is crazy, but hubby has been making my shake and bringing to me after shower, so I have kept on track. NG is a jungle. LOL but hair is growing.

Bronze . . . sorry to read you were not going well. The flu can be such a downer, but aren't we so grateful to be still alive when it is over? :yep: It really makes you feel like you are on your way to the next life. Glad to see it was not so bad for you.

Awww, how sweet is that?:yep:
I had my 'getting back in the habit' shake a few days ago - didn't taste that good cause I didn't have all my best mix ingredients so I kinda fell off the past few days, but included cooked eggs. I WILL get back on this though!