*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
Quick question. How many grams of protein does your protein shake have? Mine only has 16 and I just bought another one that has 24. I have been taking the shake for about 2 weeks and although I feel great about drinking it, I don't have the energy boost. Or it could be that I am working 11 hours a day:bangdesk:
Natural Love, have you noticed a change in your weight? :look: My cocktail has a minimum of 12 grams of protein. It depends on what type of milk (soy, hemp, almond, rice), but on the average the milk has 6 grams and the egg has 6 grams. For my body and age, less is better. I stopped adding protein powder to my drink when it upped the protein level 3x's more than what my body could handle. Now I only do a protein shake with protein powder on alternate days when I don't have my cocktail.
Natural Love, have you noticed a change in your weight? :look: My cocktail has a minimum of 12 grams of protein. It depends on what type of milk (soy, hemp, almond, rice), but on the average the milk has 6 grams and the egg has 6 grams. For my body and age, less is better. I stopped adding protein powder to my drink when it upped the protein level 3x's more than what my body could handle. Now I only do a protein shake with protein powder on alternate days when I don't have my cocktail.

Hi Stella. In regards to my weight, I have been working out and watching what I eat so I have been losing weight. I use soy milk. How did you know that the protein was too much for your body?
I'm going to hop off this bandwagon for now. I think I'd prefer something that I could take in pill form, because the shakes interfere with my "only eat when hungry" diet. (I'm rarely hungry after taking them. xD)
Thanks for checking in, Lux, we'll be here when you decide to hop back on.

I am also on a wait for hunger signals eating plan and I <3 the cocktail, because it keeps me full and I don't crave things, (so i think i'm consuming less calories, now that i'm being more conscious of what i eat) and when I do get hungry, I get intense hunger pains, which I love, because that is my cue that my body has used up my reserves and it's time for :lick: lunch!

I'm going to hop off this bandwagon for now. I think I'd prefer something that I could take in pill form, because the shakes interfere with my "only eat when hungry" diet. (I'm rarely hungry after taking them. xD)
Weight gain!

Hi ladies. Just checking in.

Still cocktailing it everday! I'm going to miss two days since I'll be out of town. When I decided to go on my trip the first thing I thought was, what about my cocktail? Now I know I'm hooked for life. :grin:

As you all know, I'm still a newbie but I've been drinking the cocktail for about a month now. I tried on my favorite jeans yesterday and I've definitely gained weight! I'm usually very thin and small framed, about a size 2 and between 100 and 107 pounds max. Why on why did I struggle to get my jeans up? They were skin tight. I haven't weighed myself but I did *not* gain weight all over like I would like to. It went straight to my thighs. I have to get used to them touching now. Feels weird.

I'm pretty sure it's the cocktail that explains the weight gain as I've made very drastic changes to my eating habits (former junk food junkie). So when I get back from my trip I'll be popping in my old pilates DVD so I can firm up a tiny bit. I work from home and sit on my behind all day, so I can really use the exercise.

Sorry this was so long.
Natural Love, have you noticed a change in your weight? :look: My cocktail has a minimum of 12 grams of protein. It depends on what type of milk (soy, hemp, almond, rice), but on the average the milk has 6 grams and the egg has 6 grams. For my body and age, less is better. I stopped adding protein powder to my drink when it upped the protein level 3x's more than what my body could handle. Now I only do a protein shake with protein powder on alternate days when I don't have my cocktail.

I've recently stopped adding protein to my cocktail after I read about protein overload. (Dang the internet:spinning:) How do you know how much your body can tolerate?
Day 1:
whole milk
raw egg
bluberries & bananas

I will go to wholefoods today for the raw wheatgerm and wheatgerm oil. The shake was not bad at all!!
Thanks for the warm welcome, ladies :).

I had my smoothie this morning and I enjoyed it more because I added honey for sweetness. I also used frozen banana and strawberries and the chill factor made it more palatable. It was just below room temp when I made it yesterday... never again.

I went to the salon for a flat-iron and trim today and my progress for the last 5 months was trimmed right off :ohwell:. I'll make a separate thread with comparison shots - just be forewarned, you won't see a difference.

Now, I really have to stick to this smoothie each day because I want my 5 months progress back and then some!

Awww - so sorry to hear this. You work so hard and someone cuts it right off. :nono:

My hair is growing, and growing thick. I have a thin area near the top of my hair that is filling in so nicely. But am scared to go to a salon for a length check.
Re: Weight gain!

Foxee--you described me perfectly--although not a size 2. :)

I'm very tall and very thin and people say I'm "too thin" sometimes, but I've always looked pretty athletic. Since doing the shake, my thighs have definitely gotten bulkier. When I walk, they slap each other! :blush: I broke out all of my exercise DVDs too. My jeans have been skin tight. I think it's really just muscle, so I'm trying to work it and sculpt it more so it just won't be like this raw muscle with no definition.

Hi ladies. Just checking in.

Still cocktailing it everday! I'm going to miss two days since I'll be out of town. When I decided to go on my trip the first thing I thought was, what about my cocktail? Now I know I'm hooked for life. :grin:

As you all know, I'm still a newbie but I've been drinking the cocktail for about a month now. I tried on my favorite jeans yesterday and I've definitely gained weight! I'm usually very thin and small framed, about a size 2 and between 100 and 107 pounds max. Why on why did I struggle to get my jeans up? They were skin tight. I haven't weighed myself but I did *not* gain weight all over like I would like to. It went straight to my thighs. I have to get used to them touching now. Feels weird.

I'm pretty sure it's the cocktail that explains the weight gain as I've made very drastic changes to my eating habits (former junk food junkie). So when I get back from my trip I'll be popping in my old pilates DVD so I can firm up a tiny bit. I work from home and sit on my behind all day, so I can really use the exercise.

Sorry this was so long.
Bronze, I picked up some L-Cysteine last night. When do you usually take yours--in the morning on an empty stomach, with food, etc? And how many pills do you take?

Mine are 500 mg.

Thank you!
Re: Weight gain!

Foxee--you described me perfectly--although not a size 2. :)

I'm very tall and very thin and people say I'm "too thin" sometimes, but I've always looked pretty athletic. Since doing the shake, my thighs have definitely gotten bulkier. When I walk, they slap each other! :blush: I broke out all of my exercise DVDs too. My jeans have been skin tight. I think it's really just muscle, so I'm trying to work it and sculpt it more so it just won't be like this raw muscle with no definition.

I nicknamed myself Thunder Thighs! :lachen: Good to hear I'm not the only one encountering this problem. I'm very blessed in that I don't work out and stay thin (I guess it's good genes) but it's a good time for me to incorporate exercise. Right now I'm the thinnest-out-of-shape person I know.
Alright Tallnomad & Foxee "ThunderThighs" ~ y'all know big thighs and a small waist is a good look these days, y'all are right on point, Chicas! Just don't hurt nobody, that's all I ask....

Tallnomad, i take 2000mg, 4 caps in the am, however, if i forget, i'll take them at night. it doesn't have to be on an empty stomach, either.

Pretty Brown Eyes, i am so glad to hear of your progress. Take your time in checking your growth, if you are not ready, don't do it. It'll just be longer and thicker when you do. I am especially pleased to hear that your thin spot is thickening. That is just what this cocktail is aimed for, thinning hair. So it is definitely doing its job. Awesome.

I looked at my own hair today as it was pulled back in a very hard to manage bun, and i mean, my hair is filling in so well. it was kinda sparse around the edges and i can see that it is getting super thick all the way around. my nape, which had gotten so damaged, is growing out evenly and nicely it's actually growing past my shoulders!! My nape was awful, it was jagged and uneven and i couldn't even wear a ponytail without hair sticking out. Yikes! I never had hair like that. At one time it had become really coarse and now it's the same texture as the rest of my hair and i don't need gel to keep it in place. YESSS!
Ok Today was horrible.

I started taking the cocktail a week ago but this morning was the first time I added wheat germ oil because I couldn't find it. I couldn't even drink the shake this morning! It tasted so awful!! I added an extra banana and tons of cinamon even more milk to see if I could cover the taste of the oil. It was no go....As much as I didn't want to waste the shake I couldn't drink it. I ate two bananas for breakfast and THEN stopped to McDonalds out of sheer frustration and on top of that I was late to work. urgh.

How to do mask the taste of wheat germ!?!? I let it sit with the blended banana for at least 15 mins before I added the milk and egg. What else do I do?
DAY 2 was the same, except I added kiwi to the mix.
I can't stomach the milk though, I think I'm going to use odwallas super protein drink to replace the milk...
After taking a couple sips of the shake, I had very intense sharp pains in my stomach. :(
Ok Today was horrible.

I started taking the cocktail a week ago but this morning was the first time I added wheat germ oil because I couldn't find it. I couldn't even drink the shake this morning! It tasted so awful!! I added an extra banana and tons of cinamon even more milk to see if I could cover the taste of the oil. It was no go....As much as I didn't want to waste the shake I couldn't drink it. I ate two bananas for breakfast and THEN stopped to McDonalds out of sheer frustration and on top of that I was late to work. urgh.

How to do mask the taste of wheat germ!?!? I let it sit with the blended banana for at least 15 mins before I added the milk and egg. What else do I do?

I use the Wheat Germ oil made by NOW and it's virtually tasteless.
Hi Stella. In regards to my weight, I have been working out and watching what I eat so I have been losing weight. I use soy milk. How did you know that the protein was too much for your body?
Natural Love, I knew that I was on protein overload when my hair started to shed from the root (white bulbs attached) more than usual. I also noticed tiny broken off pieces from the ends when I would just run my fingers through. The real tip-off for me was when I noticed the hairs that were shedding were no longer straight, but had a weird zig zag pattern going on, almost as if the hair itself had been chemically shocked or fried, and turning back on its self. Kinda hard to explain, but I always examine my shed hair for changes in elasticity, texture, condition of the cuticle,... Doing this regularly clues me in on what issues my hair might be having.
Tallnomad aka Thunderthighs 1 checking in.

Thanks for the info on how much L-Cy. you take. Will try that as well. Off to have my cocktail too.

Alright Tallnomad & Foxee "ThunderThighs" ~ y'all know big thighs and a small waist is a good look these days, y'all are right on point, Chicas! Just don't hurt nobody, that's all I ask....

Tallnomad, i take 2000mg, 4 caps in the am, however, if i forget, i'll take them at night. it doesn't have to be on an empty stomach, either.
I didn't drink my cocktail this morning and when I got to work I went straight to Dunkin Donuts for a breakfast sandwich and some coffee.:lol::nono: I'll have to drink it tonight.
I am FINALLY home.


I was able to have the chef at the hotel make my shake. I had to provide the eggs (due to liability) and coerce a little, but it worked. I don't know what he used though, cause he did not have a blender. Imagine that - 4 star hotel kitchen - no blender :lachen:. So he said he would use a mixer.

Let me tell you, those were the best shakes I had so far. I told him to not blend for more than 30 secs, and I don't think he did because he would bring them out so fast. But the consistency was like cream and tasted amazing. I asked if he had added anything and he said no. He told me a mixer is "kinder" to your mixes. I might try that at home.
Ok Today was horrible.

I started taking the cocktail a week ago but this morning was the first time I added wheat germ oil because I couldn't find it. I couldn't even drink the shake this morning! It tasted so awful!! I added an extra banana and tons of cinamon even more milk to see if I could cover the taste of the oil. It was no go....As much as I didn't want to waste the shake I couldn't drink it. I ate two bananas for breakfast and THEN stopped to McDonalds out of sheer frustration and on top of that I was late to work. urgh.

How to do mask the taste of wheat germ!?!? I let it sit with the blended banana for at least 15 mins before I added the milk and egg. What else do I do?

Maybe you can look for another brand. Since it's listed in the basic ingredients I wouldn't want to completely leave it out. Are you using Viobin? I read earlier in the thread that Viobin wgo is nasty, so when I saw it I went to another store to buy my wgo.
DAY 2 was the same, except I added kiwi to the mix.
I can't stomach the milk though, I think I'm going to use odwallas super protein drink to replace the milk...
After taking a couple sips of the shake, I had very intense sharp pains in my stomach. :(

I can't tolerate milk either, it's murder on my stomach. I use vanilla soy milk in my mix.

I figure it's better anyway since I can buy a few cartons and store them in the cabinet until I need them. I only have to refrigerate once I've opened the carton.
Hello all my fellow beautiful egglettes!!! My how I have missed you and our thread so. I am out of town as I mentioned a few weeks ago. I just finished catching up, and it looks like I missed a lot.

foxee at one point I had tried using flaxseed oil in mine for all of its health benefits. I also eat whole flaxseeds a lot as a semi-raw fooder.
I quit with the oil in the shake only because I ran out. When I went to the store to re-up, I got a bottle and the next day proceeded to make my cocktail.
only problem with that was it was hard opening the bottle, and on top of that it was all crusty around the top. so I immediately checked the expiration date and saw
that it had expired since march and it was may at the time. I promptly returned it for a refund and haven't bought another bottle since. I try to stick to the original
ingredient list as much as possible, but ever since one of the egglettes mentioned using cinnamon and nutmeg I have tried it a few times for variation.

and girl get your drink on if tig ol' bitties is what you want!
CarolinaGal you are gettin' it! look at that thick ponytail...now that's what i'm talkin' bout!
So you've been at it for 6 months, is that correct? that is some great progress.
I don't know if it has been discussed already, but are you natural, relaxed, or some variation of relaxed?
Bronze I hope your husband gets his job!
SweetDymemond, welcome aboard! Glad you like the cocktail! it is definitely the truth!
hairhustla...LoL @ "As the Egglettes Drink!"
Br*nze I hope your nephew continues to show signs of rapid improvement.
Blaque*Angel, I know I am late but my thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time. I hope you can find peace, comfort and support within each other to get you through.
khalia_27 welcome to our nest! like tallnomad, i also sweeten mine with agave nectar if the bananas are not sweet enough to my liking.
Pookiwah I didn't know you were getting married. congratulations girlie!
I'm sure your ceremony will be beautiful, but maybe not as beautiful as the bride.
foxee, you also mentioned that you work from home. what is it that you do? i am looking for something i can do from home.
welome aboard, jaded faerie!
count me in on the L-cysteine, Br*nze!

Aspire, that is a good idea on the mixer. I will try mine when I get home. I even thought about making it in the food processor because I am tired of my blender leaking every other day. I need a new one like crazy. Maybe I will treat myself for one for a late birthday gift until I can get up the money for a vitamix. I have been cocktailing it while out of town but monday when I thought I had my cocktail (i forgot the eggs) I ended up having to make another one.
This is day four and typically I can't stomach anything in the morning, but I look forward to the egg shake. It's so good I almost feel like a kid eating icecream for breakfast, lol. :lick:

I haven't experienced any upset stomach or other undesirable side effects that were mentioned early on in the thread.

Maybe the side-effects will kick in later, or maybe I'm so used to chlorella and other supplements that my stomach is beyond being irritated now. I also eat eggs all the time, with the yolk still a bit runny, so that could have something to do with it.

And, I've noticed a good side-effect already :grin:. I'm starting to get my appetite back.

I've been so stressed out from job hunting and feeling uncertain that I haven't had an appetite. Two days will go by and I will have a handful of chips or one piece of fruit :ohwell:. I ordered a pizza the other day and I ate one slice - it tasted like cardboard and I threw the rest out (I know it's stress because I looove pizza).

Well, these past two days I've actually eaten a real meal each day. I felt hungry and ate the whole plate each day! It's been weeks since I actually felt like eating or enjoyed what I ate. Hopefully, my appetite will be back to normal soon.
Maybe you can look for another brand. Since it's listed in the basic ingredients I wouldn't want to completely leave it out. Are you using Viobin? I read earlier in the thread that Viobin wgo is nasty, so when I saw it I went to another store to buy my wgo.

Yeah I'm using Viobin. I read earlier on the thread that someone just takes the tablespoon of wheat germ oil (like you do with medicine) then immediately drinks the shake afterwards. It sounds more enjoyable that way. My shake was the bomb before I added the oil. Plus I'm on a budget so I need to finish this bottle before I switch to a different brand. Thanks tho.
Cocktailed it for sure, don't have time to thoroughly review, but i'll be back with suggestions, comments, etc.

Aspire, great going with your cocktail! I knew it would work for ya. I used to mix mine, as well. But I prefer my smoothie blender, it comes up frothier to me and it's less messy.

ShortyC~ girl, you were missed. And i'm in admiration how you attacked the thread, i believe you hit all points!! Talk about efficiency!

Queen~ I drink Viobin bcs it's cheaper and I get sooo much more. I may just take a spoonful. When i don't have fruit i can definitely taste it. But i just take it to the head. NOW is soo much better, but I go through it sooo fast!! I have a whole nother bottle of Viobin WGO - waiting for me. ;-(.

Khalia~ i'm glad this is suiting your stomach. And I pray you find the right job and have favor with those who will use their power and influence to hire you.

Jaded~ I think you are having milk related symptoms. Try soymilk. It is easier on the stomach. Regular milk used to affect me this way, but I got used to it.

that's all for now....