*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
I received the book, "What Would Jesus Eat?" as a Christmas gift a few years ago. I'm reviewing it right now for a power point I am putting together for a class.

Anyways, it's talking about wheat germ and wheat bran. These are grains that Jesus would eat raw and were most likely the basis of the breads he would eat. I am SO excited about this information and it just really resonates with me considering all of the many health benefits that we are receiving from our shakes. I really believe that this is annoited food and of course ultra healthy. There is no coincidence that many of us feel that this smoothie is changing our lives as we are eating foods that are ordained by God. I'm just really excited about this and wanted to share.
2 things:

1) Foxeeee, girl, I'm a comin' to your town on Friday. Yippeeeeee. I'm hanging out in Erie, PA right now, just made my auto reservation and trying to decide which hotel - either Cumberland by the Steppin' event or elsewhere based upon pricing??? Hmmmm . . . decisions, decisions;


No!!! Try to stay closer to the city if possible. Cumberland/Cobb County is kind of out of the way. If you need some suggestions or have any other questions about the city, PM me.
2) Seeee, this kinda comment is what keeps me drinking this stuff. I can't wait to clock my own results.

I'm not known for paying attention to detail though and have a feeling I might miss the point so-to-speak. Either way, I'm going to keep it up. I missed my drink yesterday and will today. But, not gonna stress, I'll be back on it when I get home. :yay:

I drink mine every morning around 7:00 AM. I still eat breakfast a couple hours later. It's not that the drink doesn't fill me up, but I am very thin so I don't want to risk losing any weight. :grin:
I really believe that this is annoited food and of course ultra healthy. There is no coincidence that many of us feel that this smoothie is changing our lives as we are eating foods that are ordained by God. I'm just really excited about this and wanted to share.

Okay I know the thanks button is back, but I had to tell you how much your post just warmed my heart. What a perfect way to end my Sunday.
Oh my gosh!!! I can THANK YOU!!!! How special!

You are so right, Tallnomad. I do believe this is an anointed drink, as I prayed for an answer to heal me of alopecia - and I got it. Who knew something so simple, that we have access to everyday, could remedy so many issues? I am so glad you shared this. This confirms that this is indeed very special.

I received the book, "What Would Jesus Eat?" as a Christmas gift a few years ago. I'm reviewing it right now for a power point I am putting together for a class.

Anyways, it's talking about wheat germ and wheat bran. These are grains that Jesus would eat raw and were most likely the basis of the breads he would eat. I am SO excited about this information and it just really resonates with me considering all of the many health benefits that we are receiving from our shakes. I really believe that this is annoited food and of course ultra healthy. There is no coincidence that many of us feel that this smoothie is changing our lives as we are eating foods that are ordained by God. I'm just really excited about this and wanted to share.
Br*nze and Tallnomad....I still have cramps, so I don't know if it's because I haven't been on the drink long enough or what. I did search through this website for a natural remedy and I found a few things, so I went out and got some ginger tea. I had a cup this afternoon and my cramps subsided a short time later.

But foxee, you also mentioned you didn't have any cramps either but you just started the cocktail, right? Or were you a closet egglette just emerging from the darkness??? :lachen:

Inquiring minds want to know...

I think I am going to call it a night shortly, ladies. I only had one cocktail today but I used 3 eggs and 2 bananas. My rationale for that was because the sell by date on the carton was May 22nd and I had it for a few weeks earlier than that and it is going on June 1st now. But that is the last May22nd sell by date carton in my fridge right now.

There's 3 eggs left in there so I will have those last 3 eggs in my breakfast cocktail in the morning. I bought a fresh fresh carton yesterday. Going forward I will only buy maybe one or two cartons at a time and just make frequent trips to get eggs. Maybe I will walk to the store instead of drive so that I can start back incorporating more exercise into my life because I was doing so good last spring and summer, then during the fall and winter I fell off and earlier this spring I was doing good again and then I fell off again.
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This is the first day I didn't have time to shake it up before leaving for work... :cry:

Maybe I'll have a dinner cocktail today... :rolleyes:
Cocktailin' it now, Egglettes.

ShortyC~ it took about 2 months for me to notice cramps had subsided substantially...i'd give it a little more time.
OK - why did i go for my cocktail and my milk was....SPOILED!!!??? dang. i had all of the ingredients in 'cept the egg. All that went to waste bcs I poured the milk in and clumps of cottage cheese came out. Someone left the milk out overnight, i bet....ooooohhhhhh
Saturday May 30

Day 17

Raw Wheatgerm
Ground Flax seed
Wheatgerm oil
Olive oil
Raw egg
Skim milk
1 Scoop of soy protein

Chunks of cut up bananas and mangos. Not too bad.

June 1

Day 18

Raw Wheatgerm
Ground Flax seed
Wheatgerm oil
Olive oil
Raw egg
Skim milk
1 Scoop of soy protein
aw,it may just happen :ohwell: i would've prefered to stay my original complexion, i had someone ask me if i bleached my skin yesterday :nono: :nono: that is just rude, i would never do anything like that.:nono::nono:
my husband says i'm only about 2 shades lighter!!

Really? Wow, that is so rude. People let anything fall out their mouths.:nono:
I was talking to a co-worker and when she found out I was 35 she said I looked like a kid. :lol: My face is clear, clear, clear. :grin::grin::grin::grin:

Even with the great compliment, I may have to slack back on the cocktail. I just spoke with the doctor's office about the results of my blood work and they said my cholesterol is high.:perplexed When I go Saturday for my pap smear they'll talk to me about it in detail. So, we'll see. I plan to stay on it for the remainder of the week and then talk to my doc on Saturday.
I went for a thorough consult with my doc, and my cholesterol, blood pressure and the works were great. So, let us know how this goes. I don't know if it would be the cocktail....

I was talking to a co-worker and when she found out I was 35 she said I looked like a kid. :lol: My face is clear, clear, clear. :grin::grin::grin::grin:

Even with the great compliment, I may have to slack back on the cocktail. I just spoke with the doctor's office about the results of my blood work and they said my cholesterol is high.:perplexed When I go Saturday for my pap smear they'll talk to me about it in detail. So, we'll see. I plan to stay on it for the remainder of the week and then talk to my doc on Saturday.
I went for a thorough consult with my doc, and my cholesterol, blood pressure and the works were great. So, let us know how this goes. I don't know if it would be the cocktail....

I hope it's not the cocktail, but that's the only change I've made recently and I've never had high cholesterol before. I'm going to research high cholesterol this week.
But foxee, you also mentioned you didn't have any cramps either but you just started the cocktail, right? Or were you a closet egglette just emerging from the darkness??? :lachen:

Guilty as charged! :grin: I was lurking this board 3 weeks before I joined, so I've actually been at this for about a month. And this thread actually inspired me to join and get serious about my hair and overall health in general.
Tallnomad, I've just gotta post that article, Thanks!
see below....

(NaturalNews) Raw fats from organic vegetables and healthy animals are an ideal way for many to build up health and vitality. Raw, unheated, uncooked organic eggs from a clean source are an excellent health tonic. Regularly consuming raw eggs will benefit your health as the raw egg yolk and white helps your body eliminate stored toxins. Body builder's have long known that a great way to build healthy muscle without the extra fat is to eat raw eggs regularly.

When you cook animal proteins, eggs, milk, meat, and so on, it changes the structure of the proteins. This is not to say that all cooked animal proteins are unhealthy, but that when we do not cook the animal proteins, they many times are even healthier. Consuming eggs raw means that vital enzymes and nutrients are left intact.

Eating too many egg whites can cause a biotin deficiency. Eating the yolks only, or the biotin rich yolks with the whites will prevent this problem.

I have been craving egg nog since it was a special holiday treat for me growing up. Yet all of the store-bought egg nog's, even the organic ones, are made with disease causing pasteurized milk, and also use evaporated cane juice, which is an overly heated and processed sugar.

Raw Eggs and Cholesterol

The scare about healthy cholesterol from whole foods like eggs is unfair. The amount of consumed cholesterol has nothing to do with the amount of cholesterol in the body.

Eggs contain valuable fat which helps cleanse and lubricate our internal structures. Fat and cholesterol from damaged fats, like margarine, or cheap vegetable oils, are the types of fats that lead to adverse health consequences. It is important to differentiate good fats from unhealthy fats.

Bad press about eggs is mostly sponsored by industries that want people to consume overly processed and unhealthy foods. Do not be afraid to consume high quality eggs, a product direct from nature, just because some backwards science leads you to believe that delicious and satisfying foods like eggs might cause heart disease or some other health problem.

The idea that too much animal fat and high cholesterol are dangerous to your heart and blood vessels is nothing but a myth. You can learn more about this myth at (www.ravnskov.nu/cholesterol.htm) .

A word of caution, if you are not used to drinking lots of cream or eating lots of raw eggs, be aware that lots of raw eggs and/or cream has a healing effect on the body, and sometimes they initially can cause some types of physical responses like stomach discomfort, nausea or headaches. This is not usually food poisoning, but a cleansing action within your body.

Br*nze thanks for posting that within the thread because i was feeling so so lazy and did not feel like clicking on that link. I had told myself i would come back in here and read it later on.

thanks for the insight about the cycle and the cramps and when they should subside. This month will mark 2 months on the cocktail for me so i guess i have to give it a few more months to see if it will work in my favor in that department.
Hello! I just wanted to say "Hi" to everyone. I just officially joined LHCF in May but have been a long term lurker. I started the Egg shake back in October and I LOVE IT!!! I have also noticed thicker tresses. I've been on the road for work since March so I have fallen off and I really miss it. I eat eggs when I can, but there's nothing like the shake.

Take care ladies and thanks for this thread! It is so motivational, inspirational, and full of good energy!
(sorry for the long post)

Br*nze thanks for posting that within the thread because i was feeling so so lazy and did not feel like clicking on that link. I had told myself i would come back in here and read it later on.

You and me both shortycocoa, LOL!

Just had my yummy cocktail, mmmmm!
Hello! I'm still taking the shake! I ran out of some of my ingredients, so I haven't had a shake since last Thursday or Friday. My hair is definitely starting to feel a little thicker, I've always had fine hair, so I don't think it will ever be thick. I think I may start taking this every other day now. If I remember correctly I started this shake in January.
Welcome Egglette CarolinaGal to our Nest!!

CarolinaGal, you started in October right along with me, wow! Great! Don't worry about your long post, we luv those, LOL!!! Post often and let us know of your progress.

Hello! I just wanted to say "Hi" to everyone. I just officially joined LHCF in May but have been a long term lurker. I started the Egg shake back in October and I LOVE IT!!! I have also noticed thicker tresses. I've been on the road for work since March so I have fallen off and I really miss it. I eat eggs when I can, but there's nothing like the shake.

Take care ladies and thanks for this thread! It is so motivational, inspirational, and full of good energy!
(sorry for the long post)
