*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
I've been doing this since October. I'm not certain exactly how much has grown, but I've had at least 4 inches cut since October. I don't measure my hair, but you can take a look at my photos to compare the growth. I should have measured, but I kept my hair in a bun and didn't straighten very often - only in spurts. And when I did, I'd trim my hair.

I have a question Br*nzeb*mbsh~ll
Youve been doing this for almost a year right? Can you tell us how many inches you have grown since you started it (including the hair that got trimmed and cut)? thanks!!!!
LL, don't diss your cocktail, Chica. Not when you are just getting started. There are portable mini blenders and just hook yourself up. And you are already looking for results, girl, you can't slack. You gotta figure this one out. I may be stuck with this, too, making vacation plans. Gotta take my own advice. :spinning: Oy vey!!

Oh no, my Hair Sis, me no dissin' da stuff. Shoot, I just walked home for lunch and doin' mine as we type!!!!! MM mm yummy (with the banana). :yep: :lick: I'll think of something for vaca if I have to do the egg to face thing like someone described, LOL.
Thanks, HairHustla! I'm glad you are still chugging away! Your hair is looking beaut, by the way. So thick and full! Be Blessed, Chica!

Hello All you Egglettes out there!

I am so tired right now because I went home to the states for 3 weeks and just got back but I wanted you all to know that I introduced the shake to my mom and sister and now they are "in the mix". I had the shake just about everyday while I was at home and even experimented with different concoctions using Bolthouse juice and Odwalla since I can't get those particular juices over here. Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and that I am still hanging in there with you all. You all be blessed and have a great day! :yep:

Thanks Pretty~

Great results Bronze.:yep:

Thanks Stella B. I know you are right, I'll keep the photo up. A picture is worth a thousand words. I'm kinda shy *:look:* But stubborn, too. I really didn't like all the negativity about us not getting results and I will not be pressured into producing pics. With that being said, I will start another thread with results. But, I don't want any Egglettes to feel under the gun to share. I'm a laissez-faire kinda gal. :spinning:

As I stated before you guys have totally been my cheerleaders and I appreciate you all. My hair is transforming and I'm appreciating the process.

If I stated that my hair had grown an inch per month, I don't think that would be an exaggeration. If anything, consider how much i've cut, I think it must have grown more than an inch per month.

Hey Bronze! Thanks for taking the time to share some pics of your progress with us! Your hair looks good, and I can see the definite growth (inches) in the comparison pics. :drunk: Please keep the pic posted! A picture is worth a thousand words! I know the cocktail is working...we're all reaping benefits!! Thanks for bringing this recipe to us. I wish more people could see your results. We might need to start a separate Bronze's Drink your way to waistlength hair results thread, showing egglets check-in comparison pics with notes so folks could easily see and follow our results and progress! You know inquiring minds want to know EVERYTHING (with pics included!) :yep: Seeing group results showing 3/ 6 months progress, or 1 year progress within one thread would be so motivating, and eliminate a lot of questions that have already been asked and answered numerous times in the original thread!! It would also keep inspiring everyone to go for the goal when we see each other's ongoing results!!! Ladies could go to the original post to find out info about the waist length challenge, and then go to the results thread to check out what we've been doing! I'm so pumped after looking at your pics, I'm off to have my cocktail now!!
I'll be sharing my 6 mos. results in June! Drink-up y'all for healthy, (soon-to-be) loooonnnnnngggggg, gawjus hair!!:guiness:
I forgot to say - the wheat germ/wheat germ oil/flax in this shake is having an awesome effect on my skin - I realised about 2 days ago that I have not needed to scrub dead skin off the back of my heels at all in the past 2 weeks or so since I started my shake - usually I NEEEED to, like my skin is cracking and everything, but not now, I'm amazed and so in love with this cocktail!
Angelicus, are you not able to carry your blender to your boyfriend's house when you are visiting? :blush:

you could make him a cocktail too! I noticed that guys are also concerned about losing their hair. I've told some friends about this and my bf and he was like 'well maybe i could start drinking it, too.' and my other male friend who said he was trying to hold on to the 'little bit of hair he had left' said he would let me make him one first to see how it tasted. I gave him the recipe though.
Angelicus, are you not able to carry your blender to your boyfriend's house when you are visiting? :blush:
Thank you for the suggestion. I'm trying not to buy anything until I move to MD. That's why I haven't bought another blender. I did mix it up with a fork once and let him try it. He did like it, but he is not going to buy a blender. I rather use a blender though. I am, however, drinking the shake at least 4-5 times a week.

If it were up to my SO, he'd want to go totally bald. He shaves his head every other day and applies tea tree oil when he's done.
Hi ladies!
This week my daily shakes contain:
Soy milk (vanilla flavor)
1 organic egg
one banana
4 slices of frozen peaches

My local Whole Foods was out of wheat germ oil today so I guess I dodged a (bad tasting) bullet! :lachen:
Taz, you are making some nice progress yourself! Good work!

Thanks Bronze :grin:!

Ok, now I have my stash and I am ready. I am willing to post progress pics in the future if you like.

I hope that this drink will help me to make BSL by October '09. I believe that I will be an egglette for life!
Left CHL outta my shake this morning and it still tastes :perplexed
I reckon its the Viobin Wheat Germ Oil I got from iherb. I was adding cinnamon for a few days and it didn't taste any better. I had been eyeballing the WGO, just pouring it straight in, so today I used a tablespoon to make sure I wasn't overdoing it, and still :nono:

I want my shake to be :lick: again!! :wallbash:

Has anyone tried any other brand of WGO and found it less offensive to the tastebuds / managed to successfully mask the taste of the Viobin brand? Pls share how much cinnamon/nutmeg you are adding to your shake to even out the taste of the WGO. TIA ladies
Actually I think I need to add a small banana back in - that was helping. Still want your ideas though ladies!
Amour this sounds good! I will have to try this mix. How much of each ingredient do you use (e.g. cinnamon, nutmeg, etc.) or do you just eyeball it? I used to love condensed milk in my hot tea back in the day...or was that evaporated milk? either way it's gooooood!


I just eye ball it LOL

Try it, I love it :yep:
Hi, I had my shake today.

I'm observing that some of you are adding a TON of stuff in those shakes. What is the amount yielded in the shakes that some of you are making. How in the world are you drinking all of this? Please respond via Private Message or Visitor Message (profile).

My amount yielded is less than 20oz, and that's from using only 4-6 ounces of soy milk, 1/2 banana, 2 strawberries, and a large egg.
Day 14

Raw Wheatgerm
Ground Flax seed
Wheatgerm oil
Olive oil
Raw egg
Skim milk
1 1 /2 Scoops of soy protein
1 multi vitamin
Now Wheat Germ Oil is virtually tasteless. It costs more for less. But the taste is doable. Banana works wonders.

Missed my cocktail. Got a late start. Will get on it this evening.
I reckon its the Viobin Wheat Germ Oil I got from iherb. :nono:

I just checked. I have Viobin also. On a scale from 1 to 10 with ten being mmm yummy; I'd say the wgo is about a 4 or 5. A couple of days ago I started adding banana to my drink (I'm using the basic recipe, btw) and that too the taste straight to an 8! :lick:
I may have to add some fruit. I didn't mind the taste when I was using 2% milk and not adding raw wheat germ. But now I'm using skim and adding raw wheat germ so it's thin and has a bit of an after taste.
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Now Wheat Germ Oil is virtually tasteless. It costs more for less. But the taste is doable. Banana works wonders.

I just checked. I have Viobin also. On a scale from 1 to 10 with ten being mmm yummy; I'd say the wgo is about a 4 or 5. A couple of days ago I started adding banana to my drink (I'm using the basic recipe, btw) and that too the taste straight to an 8! :lick:

Thank you both - I will reinstate the banana, and possibly try NOW brand WGO in the future.
Angelicus I was doubling up on a lot of the original ingredients at first and then experimenting with extra additions, including water sometimes to thin it out some, but that's only because I was using frozen bananas and I didn't want it to be TOO thick.  When I was doing that I was ending up with anywhere between 32-56 ounces.  I would just nurse it little by little until it was gone, but that wasn't hard because it really is a good, nutritious drink.   Now I have gone back to the basic formula which yields one glass (between 12 and 16 ounces) just because I am trying to be more practical and stretch my resources.  Plus, some days a mega shake was too much and I don't like feeling extremely full.

To all the other ladies discussing fruit options, I've also found bananas work best in this drink. I also liked the banana & cantaloupe and banana & mango combinations I tried early on.

I also use Now brand wheat germ oil and it is good! I love the way it tastes just by itself.
Day 15

Raw Wheatgerm
Ground Flax seed
Wheatgerm oil
Olive oil
Raw egg
Skim milk
1 Scoopsof soy protein
3 heaping teaspoons of Yoplait Cherry yogurt
Um, what happened to the "thanks" reply button?

there are many threads on it!!

who has noticed lighter skin?

since i've been drinking the egg shake my face has gone lighter/brighter my MK BRONZE 2 powder is now way too dark:(
I love this powder too, the bronze is not my color, so i have to search for a new powder!!
my whole body has gotten lighter...anyone else?
Yep, that happened to me earlier on, but now with the sunshine beaming 94 degrees, i'm tanned again.


there are many threads on it!!

who has noticed lighter skin?

since i've been drinking the egg shake my face has gone lighter/brighter my MK BRONZE 2 powder is now way too dark:(
I love this powder too, the bronze is not my color, so i have to search for a new powder!!
my whole body has gotten lighter...anyone else?