*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
Not sure if I answered this, Lux, but I am expecting to have increased growth. I haven't been green long enough to answer this, though. I know one thing, The Cocktail had my facial hair growing really quickly and now, Chlorella is making me entirely too hairy - too quickly.

I started adding 2 scoops of Chocolate Whey Protein to my shake, and it tastes great!

For those of you who use the shake and Chlorella, is there an increased hair growth rate than with just the shake?
I am officially getting back on the egg train. I had stopped for a while when I was exploring chlorella. I really liked the benfefits I was getting from it. I just got lazy and some other things came up that were occupying my mind and time. It's funny now to go back and read that other's were experiencing the bigger boobie syndrome like I was. I didn't realize it was from the shake. I actually had to go out and by a new bra,lol. My hair was really doing great while I was on it. I still have my basic ingredients so I am starting back up right now!
Not sure if I answered this, Lux, but I am expecting to have increased growth. I haven't been green long enough to answer this, though. I know one thing, The Cocktail had my facial hair growing really quickly and now, Chlorella is making me entirely too hairy - too quickly.

Facial hairs? :look:, what about the hair on yor head? did that really grow too? i have been having mine since sunday, here is my recipe

2 egg yolks
pot of goat yogurt
flaxseed oil 2 table spn
wheat germ oil 1 table spn
raw wheat germ 1 table spn
liquid multivitamin 1 table spn

i'll see how i get on with this. it doesnt taste gross, but its not that yummy either, i dont blend it, i just whisked it together do i need to post starting pics?anyway, i tried to attach a pic, hope you can all see it


  • megatek progress pics.jpg
    megatek progress pics.jpg
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Welcome Back, Kitamay!!

I am officially getting back on the egg train. I had stopped for a while when I was exploring chlorella. I really liked the benfefits I was getting from it. I just got lazy and some other things came up that were occupying my mind and time. It's funny now to go back and read that other's were experiencing the bigger boobie syndrome like I was. I didn't realize it was from the shake. I actually had to go out and by a new bra,lol. My hair was really doing great while I was on it. I still have my basic ingredients so I am starting back up right now!

Facial hairs? :look:, Uh, yeah. Like little hairs growing here and there....what about the hair on yor head? My hair growth has been phenomenal. did that really grow too? i have been having mine since sunday, here is my recipe

2 egg yolks
pot of goat yogurt
flaxseed oil 2 table spn
wheat germ oil 1 table spn
raw wheat germ 1 table spn
liquid multivitamin 1 table spn

i'll see how i get on with this. it doesnt taste gross, but its not that yummy either, i dont blend it, i just whisked it together do i need to post starting pics?anyway, i tried to attach a pic, hope you can all see it
Renibell, Great recipe, by the way...

Facial hairs? :look:, what about the hair on yor head? did that really grow too? i have been having mine since sunday, here is my recipe

2 egg yolks
pot of goat yogurt
flaxseed oil 2 table spn
wheat germ oil 1 table spn
raw wheat germ 1 table spn
liquid multivitamin 1 table spn

i'll see how i get on with this. it doesnt taste gross, but its not that yummy either, i dont blend it, i just whisked it together do i need to post starting pics?anyway, i tried to attach a pic, hope you can all see it
My mother is expressing concern about me taking a raw egg EVERYDAY. While researching the cholesterol content in eggs, I came across some reading stating one of the benefits of ingesting eggs is shiny hair. I hear drinking more water increases shine, but that's another thread. (Let me take a couple swigs from my water bottle before I continue.:lol:)

My hair has never really had a shine to it. Oil sheen made a temporary shine, but eh.... Henna, while I love it, I didn't get the shine it's known for. I did an oil rinse once and that helped. But that was a month ago, so I am sure this egg cocktail is giving my hair the shine I'm seeing today. Nothing blinging, but no dullness either.

I had my hair blown out and flat ironed yesterday. I am attending a grad party tonight. So at the workplace, A gazillion people mauled me at the front door pawing my hair, with concerns of, "You relaxed your hair? You got a perm? You look so pretty today!"

Which leads to my observation. People love straight hair! As many compliments as I get with my poofy, big hair or my co-wash'n'go bun, hands down, my straightened hair stops people dead in their tracks! Has anyone else noticed this?

(I must add, this was not happening 7 months ago. My hair was not looking good. It was all thin and lifeless. There has been some progress - alot of progress).

I had my hair blown out and flat ironed yesterday. I am attending a grad party tonight. So at the workplace, A gazillion people mauled me at the front door pawing my hair, with concerns of, "You relaxed your hair? You got a perm? You look so pretty today!"

Which leads to my observation. People love straight hair! As many compliments as I get with my poofy, big hair or my co-wash'n'go bun, hands down, my straightened hair stops people dead in their tracks! Has anyone else noticed this?

(I must add, this was not happening 7 months ago. My hair was not looking good. It was all thin and lifeless. There has been some progress - alot of progress).

Good for you, girl!!!! I know you were all smiles when those gadzillion people were looking and complementing you on your hair!! :drunk: Nothing like progress, and it sounds like you're making plenty of it! Our hair cocktail is working its magic! Has it been just 7 months and you've seen such a turn-a-round in your hair??? That's enough incentive for me. Congrats Bronze!!:grin: Now get that camera out and show us some pics!! We love progress too!!

I had my hair blown out and flat ironed yesterday. I am attending a grad party tonight. So at the workplace, A gazillion people mauled me at the front door pawing my hair, with concerns of, "You relaxed your hair? You got a perm? You look so pretty today!"

Which leads to my observation. People love straight hair! As many compliments as I get with my poofy, big hair or my co-wash'n'go bun, hands down, my straightened hair stops people dead in their tracks! Has anyone else noticed this?

(I must add, this was not happening 7 months ago. My hair was not looking good. It was all thin and lifeless. There has been some progress - alot of progress).

get it Br*nze! can't wait for the pics! I just finished my cocktail. I was up pretty early this morning so I went ahead and got it in.
Day 10

Wheatgerm oil
Olive oil
Raw egg
2 percent milk
2 Scoops of soy protein

Can ya'll tell I'm using this thread as a journal?:giggle: I thinking off adding raw wheat germ and bacopa (for mental clarity and longevity).
Belle, ofcourse you can be a B*mbsh~ll, there's more than enough to go around!

First, do not use oj to make your cocktail. The orange juice is not in the original recipe and the author says it cuts the absorption of the nutrients from the shake. So, go with some form of milk, soy, almond, rice, what have you.

Okay, chances are, unless you cut back on calories, your boobs will get larger. They will. I haven't cut calories and my boobs have perked up. I don't know if this is across the board, but there have been some that experienced this.

I think substituting flax for wheat germ would be okay, but if I were you, I'd try to go with the original recipe to at least see how it works out. You can change ingredients to suit your needs thereafter.

I can't tell ya on average what the growth rate is, but everyone has experienced faster growth and thickening of hair.

They are complimentary and both have had great results on not only hair, but overall health.

Welcome Egglette Belle_Reveuse28 to our Nest!!!

Thanks Bombshell!! I will heed ur advice and go and get some rice milk... Thought I was doin somethin with the OJ (hee-hee).... I will go to Trader Joes today and see what they have or Whole Foods. I'm sure one of them will have the wheat germ as well.... I will start the official recipe tomorrow.... Will keep updating and let you all see how it works... As for the boobs, I'm def gonna have to cut calories causes these janks are suriously too big. I've lost 20 lbs and the more weight I loose, the bigger they look... Lawd hep meh! Is it the calories in this drink that makes the boobs larger, the wheat germ or the egg?
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Missed my cocktail, will get it this evening.

wow bronze !your progress sounds amazing, its encoraging. i heard the body absorbs ntrients better in the evening to mid afternoon, prefer to take my shake in the morning, but i was wondering if it would make a difference had my first thing this morning,
Belle, I wanna say it's the eggs and milk (soy and regular). You may not get as much umph if you're using rice milk, so I think you'll be okay in the boobs department. :grin::grin: If you begin to sprout, let us know, okay?

Thanks Bombshell!! I will heed ur advice and go and get some rice milk... Thought I was doin somethin with the OJ (hee-hee).... I will go to Trader Joes today and see what they have or Whole Foods. I'm sure one of them will have the wheat germ as well.... I will start the official recipe tomorrow.... Will keep updating and let you all see how it works... As for the boobs, I'm def gonna have to cut calories causes these janks are suriously too big. I've lost 20 lbs and the more weight I loose, the bigger they look... Lawd hep meh! Is it the calories in this drink that makes the boobs larger, the wheat germ or the egg?

I want to know this too, only so i can upp the anty :blondboob:blondboob
^^:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:Crackin' Up at your Girls!!!

wow bronze !your progress sounds amazing, its encoraging. i heard the body absorbs ntrients better in the evening to mid afternoon, prefer to take my shake in the morning, but i was wondering if it would make a difference had my first thing this morning,

Thanks, Renibell, I can really honestly say that my hair has changed because this time last year I rcvd no compliments - ever.

I used to get compliments all the time, like on the street, in the store, etc. So when they stopped coming it was noticeable.

I've been on this cocktail since October and my hair is beginning to feel and look like my hair. It's not there yet, but it's getting there. I'm excited that it'll be even better than before.

Now I'm not claiming hair that looks like Feature Hair of the Month, or anything, but I know it's getting better. And for that, I'm thankful.
Belle, I wanna say it's the eggs and milk (soy and regular). You may not get as much umph if you're using rice milk, so I think you'll be okay in the boobs department. :grin::grin: If you begin to sprout, let us know, okay?

I just want to say, I am a 34DD who has gone up to a 34DDD from this drink and I've been using mostly almond milk and sometimes hemp. So, it's probably the eggs and perhaps the entire combination giving me some "ummph."

But, Amour, I think you'll be like this :blondboob very soon!

I'm not excited about going up a cup size, but at least they're perky. :ohwell:
Day 11

Wheatgerm oil
Olive oil
Raw egg
2 percent milk
1 1 /2 Scoops of soy protein
1 multi vitamin

2 scoops protein was a bit much. I was VERY irritable yesterday and couldn't sit still at work. Lowering it to 1 1/2 today.
I just want to say, I am a 34DD who has gone up to a 34DDD from this drink and I've been using mostly almond milk and sometimes hemp. So, it's probably the eggs and perhaps the entire combination giving me some "ummph."

But, Amour, I think you'll be like this :blondboob very soon!

I'm not excited about going up a cup size, but at least they're perky. :ohwell:

Wooohoo LOL

How long did it take? :look:

Oh and whats the maximun amount of eggs you guys would take per day. I already do two in the morning, but I start craving it in the evening but worried I'll overdo the egg.
I rarely do two eggs per day. Others are taking two. I dunno if i'd exceed two per day. I tried chl - again. I became ill - again. I'm laying off of this for a couple of weeks. I have a high toleration factor, and the smell AND taste of this bothers me. I ruined a perfectly good cocktail with this. Be careful with this Egglettes, and start really low. I really don't want anyone getting as sick as i've gotten the last couple of days.

Note: I did not have this problem when i took the tablets.
Okay, so, Br*nzeb, trying to learn w/o having to experience I think I'll separate the two - NOT combine my hair shake w/my CHL taking. I'll do one before work; the other after. That should do just fine from what I'm reading.

I started out with tablets, but also from what I'm reading, I believe the powder to be the way to go (just go easy and see where my body is with it all before diving into 3gms).
Oh and whats the maximun amount of eggs you guys would take per day.

1 (per the recipe).

Er um, I'm curious about this "craving" this stuff?? How exactly are you taking this, hon? I mean it ain't nasty, but I would hardly describe as "craving" for it. Maybe you have a bomb way of mixing it; I'd like to know. This is my first time trying this soy milk; it's aiiiight. Always looking for something more palatable (don't wanna do whole milk though I know I would love it; it's just that I've been off milk for years and don't wanna return).
Hey girls! How goes it? LOL @ "upping the ante"....too too funny!

Amour, I have 4 eggs a day (2 per cocktail). There were a few days when I drank nothing but cocktails all day.

I am out of bananas so I have been using peaches. I will be getting some bananas soon. Lately I have just been having one cocktail a day. It just depends on what I am in the mood for. But most days I drink 2 cocktails, one in the morning and one at night.
You should be good to go on this.

Okay, so, Br*nzeb, trying to learn w/o having to experience I think I'll separate the two - NOT combine my hair shake w/my CHL taking. I'll do one before work; the other after. That should do just fine from what I'm reading.

I started out with tablets, but also from what I'm reading, I believe the powder to be the way to go (just go easy and see where my body is with it all before diving into 3gms).

My craving is more like, my body craving this drink. Not so much the taste, bcs I rarely add fruit and other exotic ingredients like all you Egglettes. When i miss it, i well, miss it. It makes me feel so much better, so energized, so focused.

When I don't drink it, i feel the difference. Honestly, this drink kept me flu and cold free this winter. I have never been healthier, to be honest. When I missed a week, I was a wreck. I think my immune system got really low and thus all the crap I've been through this week. Chl didn't help matters. :perplexed I actually resumed my milk drinking bcs of the cocktail. And, surprisingly, I haven't suffered for it. I have been off milk for at least 9 years. Soy was the only way we rolled...

1 (per the recipe).

Er um, I'm curious about this "craving" this stuff?? How exactly are you taking this, hon? I mean it ain't nasty, but I would hardly describe as "craving" for it. Maybe you have a bomb way of mixing it; I'd like to know. This is my first time trying this soy milk; it's aiiiight. Always looking for something more palatable (don't wanna do whole milk though I know I would love it; it's just that I've been off milk for years and don't wanna return).
ShortyC~ you were missed. Glad you posted.
Hey Egglettes, I don't wanna call you all by name, but... drop us a line! Haven't heard from you in a while and you are definitely missed. Let us know how goes it! I pray you all are better than fine.