Drink Your Water Challenge

90 oz today, possibly more but I lost track of the quantity I drank during my outings.
I taste buds are more sensitive when I increase water intake and eliminate soda, salty snacks now taste revoltingly salty and inedible as do snacks coated with sugar. I used to enjoy salted cashew and can't stand them now, just after two weeks.
Now I used to drink so little water it was ridiculous, 2L of soda and 200-500ml of water per day, everyday for years...ashamed to state how many years! this is my third attempt to permanently take only water and no other drinks, both times I lasted about a month the relapsed during stressful periods, I feel it easier to drink my calories- and a lot of it when I have an increased workload.
90 oz today, possibly more but I lost track of the quantity I drank during my outings.
I taste buds are more sensitive when I increase water intake and eliminate soda, salty snacks now taste revoltingly salty and inedible as do snacks coated with sugar. I used to enjoy salted cashew and can't stand them now, just after two weeks.
Now I used to drink so little water it was ridiculous, 2L of soda and 200-500ml of water per day, everyday for years...ashamed to state how many years! this is my third attempt to permanently take only water and no other drinks, both times I lasted about a month the relapsed during stressful periods, I feel it easier to drink my calories- and a lot of it when I have an increased workload.

Oh my goodness! 2 liters of soda for years! You betta stay up in here. And I like your profile picture.
I've had massage and facial clients a lot in the last few days and refused to drink too much water. I can't excuse myself to use the rest room once I begin a service. So lately my water intake has been quite minimal - maybe 4-5 cups a day only.