Drink Your Water Challenge

I did my 90oz yesterday and am on track to get it in today.

I used my 26oz bottle this week. I fill it three times then add 12 oz (which I have marked on the bottle) to reach my 90. So I went to Olive Garden yesterday. I took my water bottle in so I could keep track of my consumption. When it was empty I filled it to the 12oz marking from my water glass. :look: Too much? :lol:
I'm another one of those that struggled this weekend. I prob only drank half of my gallon sat but today I did a bit better. I will prob get my gallon in.

Another pos I've noticed is I just got my monthly visitor today and had no weight gain from it which is not the norm. I'm still bloated but haven't gained anything.
I'm another one of those that struggled this weekend. I prob only drank half of my gallon sat but today I did a bit better. I will prob get my gallon in.

Another pos I've noticed is I just got my monthly visitor today and had no weight gain from it which is not the norm. I'm still bloated but haven't gained anything.

Hmm... maybe its harder to drink on your monthly friend because I got mine yesterday and that when I joined the struggle party. Interesting...

This vid is 100% my experience with increased water intake. I really do believe before I started drinking a gallon a day my body was deficient of water. I had and now have seen improvements in all the areas she mentioned in particular the weightloss and concentration.

I've also found that if I don't get enough water in I feel really thirsty for it. I guess my body has gotten use to the added water. I don't go to the bathroom as much as I use to either. So don't worry ladies running to the bathroom slows down as your body gets use to the added water intake or at least mine did, but I've been drinking a gallon a day for over a month now so it will take time.

I am less than 32 oz away for my gallon for the day.