Drink Your Water Challenge

I'm in.

This is right up my alley. For the past maybe week I've been consistantly getting in a gallon or more of water a day and want to continue with that amount for the next yr if not lifetime.

The first few days were the roughest because my body was cleaning out all the stored up waste. I was bloated and (tmi) had the runs for the first 4 days. Now I've lost the bloat weight and the runs are gone. I feel so much lighter and happier with the added water intake.

My moods are very elevated and my thinking is clearer. My sleep is more sound and restful and I find this was the added push I needed to make other lifestyle changes like quitting alcohol, weed, and cutting back on my cigs.

I've also been eating healthy nutritious food and getting in all my vitamins and suppliments.

My skin is glowing soft and acne free as well. On top of all that I have a ton more energy and am steady losing weight.

All I have to say is hang in there girls because it does get easier. I find I crave water now.
I'm in. My short term goal is to work my way up to a gallon by the end of the month since that will be my daily goal for 2017. I hate drinking water so I'm going to start with 64oz and work my way up from there. I need to order a new water bottle.
I fell off the wagon a little over the past two days, but still getting in way more water than I used to! I got 48 oz last night which doesn't sound like much, but it's better than before. My daily water intake was an apple, coffee, and maybe a little bit of water accidentally went down my throat when I was brushing my teeth.........
I'm in.

This is right up my alley. For the past maybe week I've been consistantly getting in a gallon or more of water a day and want to continue with that amount for the next yr if not lifetime.

The first few days were the roughest because my body was cleaning out all the stored up waste. I was bloated and (tmi) had the runs for the first 4 days. Now I've lost the bloat weight and the runs are gone. I feel so much lighter and happier with the added water intake.

My moods are very elevated and my thinking is clearer. My sleep is more sound and restful and I find this was the added push I needed to make other lifestyle changes like quitting alcohol, weed, and cutting back on my cigs.

I've also been eating healthy nutritious food and getting in all my vitamins and suppliments.

My skin is glowing soft and acne free as well. On top of all that I have a ton more energy and am steady losing weight.

All I have to say is hang in there girls because it does get easier. I find I crave water now.

I'm so proud of you! Make sure you stay off those drugs and keep eating well. You're taking care of your temple and its showing. The LORD helps those who help them self. I'm glad to see you're doing that and being blessed in the process. Let's keep going and make sure you keep visiting to stay motivated.
I fell off and fell off hard. But today I got back on and I'm here for it. My goal is going to be 90oz (I'm rounding UP to the nearest 10lbs and dividing by two) until I surpass the next ten-pound-even point. I also do better on weekdays and everything else seems to go better (eating, exercise, work) when I'm reaching my goal.

I'm so proud of you! Make sure you stay off those drugs and keep eating well. You're taking care of your temple and its showing. The LORD helps those who help them self. I'm glad to see you're doing that and being blessed in the process. Let's keep going and make sure you keep visiting to stay motivated.
Thanks...I totally intend to keep up what I'm doing. The difference in my quality of life by not drinking and smoking weed is exponentially better. I know there will be times when I want to do those bad things but I've made it a point in my mind that I just can't cave in to those cravings any longer.

I think the fact that I've replaced those negative habits with positive really helps too.

I'm totally going to keep a close eye on this thread and continue to update on my progress.
I'm joining. I had a 32 ounces water bottle but it kept leaking. I will buy a fancy water bottle once Christmas arrives.

I had a cup of tea this morning, and one fill glass of water so that's 20 ounces so far.

My daily goal is 60 ounces and healthy glowy skin
I'm already done with my 64 oz for today. I drank a large cup with each of the two cups of dry cereal I was munching on for breakfast and just drank my last 1.5 cups. This is surprisingly super easy. I think I'm going to try another to get another liter down to challenge myself on days when I finish early like this. However, no more than that cause I've heard drinking too much can thin your blood.
Hope you feel better and have a speedy recovery @KinksAndInk

Yesterday was SO bday, and that meant less water for me cause we got busy :alcoholics:. I can't drink much liquids so my water intake will be better the next day.
I only drank about 50 oz of water today. I really didn't feel like drinking somuch water today. I did drink 2 cups of Beautifully Bamboo tea as well so I believe that makes up the requirement for today.