Drink Your Water Challenge

I've missed my goal every day since I've been on vacation :wallbash: SMH! It's so much easier when I'm working. I don't get up until 11 or 11:30 am since I've been off work. I guess the only thing I can do is just drink as much as I can after drinking my protein shake in the mornings. I'll will make a better effort tomorrow to reach my water goal :yep:. At least I've been exercising during my time off but now I just need to do better with my water.
I want to join!

I love ice water, but I have a hard time keeping track of how much I drink. I think I'm going to get a 64 oz thermos so I can keep my water ice cold all day. My goal will be to finish the 64 oz everyday. I won't count the water I drink while working out or the tea I drink every morning.

The thing I hate is having to go to the bathroom all the time, but I'm really hoping to get the glowing skin everyone talks about.

I'll start on the first.
I found this online,have any of you found this to be true?

Amazingly, your bladder works the same way. It’s designed to be saturated. It’s designed to hold water only when it’s wet. Using that line of thinking, we have to get you saturated, to get you hydrated. Therefore, over time, the more you drink, the less you’ll have to go to the bathroom; drink more, pee less. I'm dreading having to pee all the time.
I found this online,have any of you found this to be true?

Amazingly, your bladder works the same way. It’s designed to be saturated. It’s designed to hold water only when it’s wet. Using that line of thinking, we have to get you saturated, to get you hydrated. Therefore, over time, the more you drink, the less you’ll have to go to the bathroom; drink more, pee less. I'm dreading having to pee all the time.
I am still trying to find a hydration protocol, but, for me, I have to gradually increase water intake and space it out. Too much too soon will have me rushing to the bathroom hourly.
I found this online,have any of you found this to be true?

Amazingly, your bladder works the same way. It’s designed to be saturated. It’s designed to hold water only when it’s wet. Using that line of thinking, we have to get you saturated, to get you hydrated. Therefore, over time, the more you drink, the less you’ll have to go to the bathroom; drink more, pee less. I'm dreading having to pee all the time.

@GettingKinky, the above is true your body will eventually adjust. I have been drinking a gallon of water a day for the last 6 months and the constant urge to have to go to the bathroom stopped after a few weeks.