Dressing To Attract A Man


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry if this has already been discussed, but I'm curious how others approach dressing sexy. I come from a conservative background- my parents wanted me to be smart and classy, so I'm clueless about how women dress sexy now. It looks like a lot of clothing is very revealing compared to when I was in college which wasn't that long ago.

Anyway, I'd like to look sexy but not feel like a peice of meat- I could do it, but it wouldn't be me.

How can I strike a balance?

What's your idea of dressing sexy while out and on dates?
I'm at work, avoiding work, so what the hey I'll bite lol. I have always liked to look sexy, but now that I am older and married I have become much more conservative. I like to do one sexy thing at a time for instance if I do tight, I don't do short. If I do short, it is either not tight or it would not show cleavage. I may do a super tight midi dress that comes right below the knees with super high pumps (I always wear heels). Or a fitted pencil skirt below the knee with a little cleavage. Maybe a mini skirt with a high cut top. When I was single going out with friends I used to go full thot lol. Honestly, I feel like attracting a good man is more about how confident you feel in what you wear. Confidence is sexy. Wear what you feel good in!
I'm of the firm opinion that you should keep a man guessing. When I was dating, I refused to wear anything short, tight, skimpy or revealing. I would dress up an outfit with heels and a bold lipstick, which they always loved. Even more so if I wore a cute pair of earrings.

If I wore a dress, I would make sure its not one that rode up my thighs when I sat. I also enjoyed wearing skirts.

No man worth your attention would want you revealing too much, anyway.
Definitely agree with emphasizing one aspect of your body at a time. When I was younger, I'd show stomach and legs. I did that a few months ago, about 20 years later, and felt so awkward!lol I still show stomach but now covering legs. My idea of sexy is changing because of what I feel comfortable in but generally involves showing my curves. I love tight dresses but I also love dresses that flair out and that accentuate my small waist.

So to determine what is sexy for you you must feel sexy in it. I'd make sure I know my shape and accentuate what I like about my body. Find pieces that showcases your special areas well. Go online and search for clothes that typically go well with your shape. Play with clothes that you would never buy in he past and see how you feel in them. Try them on around your house and return if your not feeling them. Buy some Blazers or jackets that you can cover with. Play with layers....that's all I got.

I agree with @Fine 4s know what accentuates your body and work with it. I make a point of only showing area at a time if I can help it. I like to wear heels alot...jeans/pencil skirts/dresses/blazers.....

Face made up...not too much...hair and nails well kept
I dress sexy, and my man loves that I do. I dress with form fitting clothes and like how I feel and look with them on. I think a woman should dress how she wants and be with a man who appreciates her sense of dress.

I was raised pretty conservative as well. Your wording though is a bit offensive when you mentioned your parents wanting you to be smart and classy. Are you implying that sexy clothes mean that you are not smart/classy?

I see women with beautiful bodies but they are constantly pulling down their skirts, clomping around like newborn giraffes in heels, or fidgeting in their outfits. Whatever you wear should fit you well, and make you happy. If it is because of a trend or what you think you should wear you won't look polished.

Also, watch your step. I notice some women walk heavy. You should not feel a woman's step as she walks past you. As mentioned above know what works for you. I went to a barbecue tonight and had a sexy dress on, but it was knee-length. I select one thing to highlight.

Good luck!
The best thing you can wear to attract a man is your personality. Being your authentic self & not trying too hard is where it's at. I've said it before: if you have a lick of common sense and your hygiene is on point you've already done your part. Think of those days when you're fly as hell & nobody notices you but the minute you step out in a ponytail and sweats everybody is pressed. Hate to sound so cliche but it's true. At least IME.
Look, your personality is not the *first* thing anyone sees. You've got the right idea.
Yes. Most guys tell me that the first thing that they liked about me was my hair. Now, it's not *MY* hair (well I could say it's mine, I have the receipt) or some other physical characteristic.

I've also noticed that I get WAYYY more attention when I wear make up. People are nicer to me also. So I don't think the best thing you can wear is your personality. Of course looks aren't the end all be all but it's a starting point and we all should try to put our best foot forward.

ESPECIALLY when you looking for a man because we all know how fickle they can be (but I'm not bitter or anything :cry3:)
Yes. Most guys tell me that the first thing that they liked about me was my hair. Now, it's not *MY* hair (well I could say it's mine, I have the receipt) or some other physical characteristic.

I've also noticed that I get WAYYY more attention when I wear make up. People are nicer to me also. So I don't think the best thing you can wear is your personality. Of course looks aren't the end all be all but it's a starting point and we all should try to put our best foot forward.

ESPECIALLY when you looking for a man because we all know how fickle they can be (but I'm not bitter or anything :cry3:)
Actually personality is everything. IMO the aura and strength confidence gives off is something that will attract men a mile away. I get hit on anytime I walk outside, makeup/no makeup/no matter what I'm wearing. For a couple reasons
1. I know I'm premier quality woman lol I know I got my education, got no babies, my resume is tight and I make good money. That automatically makes me feel confident
2. I keep my head raised, I am not shy when it comes to eye contact, and I almost always give a sweet "Good morning/evening" when I pass by someone.
3. I'm damn sexy. And I've never heard otherwise unless it was by some hatin ass person who I either wouldn't give my pompom too or their man is breaking his neck staring at me.
4. I can enjoy life with just me. I love going out with my ladies because I value their time. I see groups of girls in clubs that all go with the hope of leaving with a man. Desperate. At the end of the night they have given up and resorted to extreme thirsty-ness. Pathetic.
All in all, I know I'm the best. I appreciate and surround myself with women who also know they are the best. I've gotten hit on on my way to the mailbox, hair in a bun, half asleep. It doesn't matter lol have confidence (because it shows without speaking) and be sweet.
You've won half the game already
I dress sexy, and my man loves that I do. I dress with form fitting clothes and like how I feel and look with them on. I think a woman should dress how she wants and be with a man who appreciates her sense of dress.

I was raised pretty conservative as well. Your wording though is a bit offensive when you mentioned your parents wanting you to be smart and classy. Are you implying that sexy clothes mean that you are not smart/classy?

I see women with beautiful bodies but they are constantly pulling down their skirts, clomping around like newborn giraffes in heels, or fidgeting in their outfits. Whatever you wear should fit you well, and make you happy. If it is because of a trend or what you think you should wear you won't look polished.

Also, watch your step. I notice some women walk heavy. You should not feel a woman's step as she walks past you. As mentioned above know what works for you. I went to a barbecue tonight and had a sexy dress on, but it was knee-length. I select one thing to highlight.

Good luck!

Sorry to offend. I guess I should have said that coming from a pretty religious upbringing, sexy was associated with a lack of morals and values. So I grew to shun it.

I think your advice to be with a man who appreciates your individual style of dress is good advice. Thank you!!!
Wrong thread, but before I go...

Y'all keep bare facing and wearing XXXL muu muus, bonnets and house shoes. While youre at it, stop working out and eat twinkies everyday for every meal. Go ahead, get that PhD too. It negates everything else, attractive men will be falling at your feet because your styleless, 350lb arse has a PhD.

*purple font*
I know it is sunday but damn! Lool
Wrong thread, but before I go...

Y'all keep bare facing and wearing XXXL muu muus, bonnets and house shoes. While youre at it, stop working out and eat twinkies everyday for every meal. Go ahead, get that PhD too. It negates everything else, attractive men will be falling at your feet because your styleless, 350lb arse has a PhD.

*purple font*
It took me some time to come to terms with the fact that men really are visual. Yes personality is everything because looks can't account for everything but your looks are your first impression. I think the keys to dressing to attract men are simple, form fitting, flattering clothes. Don't wear anything you're uncomfortable in though. I like wearing clothes that make me feel fearless and make me feel good. I grew up in a conservative family too though so it was a process for me :lol:
I grew up in a very conservative, catholic family. So you were supposed to keep everything covered up and loose fitting. I got tired of that and started wearing what I liked and felt good in (I.e. Form fitting clothes that don't make me look like a Mennonite). Imagine my surprise when people started referring to me as "the one who dresses sexy"! :lachen: I was like: "Thank you! You should try it sometime." :look:
I think you should be the best version of yourself. Why start a relationship pretending to be someone who you are not? The fact is that 350lbs woman with the PhD probably has a relationship? Who are we to judge. There are men who are into that (I can attest that from my own cousin :look:). There are men who are into women who dress very conservatively. There are men who are into women who dress very sexy and there are ones who are into women who are in between.

Now if you're walking around looking unkempt, ungroomed or you have an explosive personality etc. then yes I agree with adjusting those things about yourself.
I dress sexy, and my man loves that I do. I dress with form fitting clothes and like how I feel and look with them on. I think a woman should dress how she wants and be with a man who appreciates her sense of dress.

I was raised pretty conservative as well. Your wording though is a bit offensive when you mentioned your parents wanting you to be smart and classy. Are you implying that sexy clothes mean that you are not smart/classy?

I see women with beautiful bodies but they are constantly pulling down their skirts, clomping around like newborn giraffes in heels, or fidgeting in their outfits. Whatever you wear should fit you well, and make you happy. If it is because of a trend or what you think you should wear you won't look polished.

Also, watch your step. I notice some women walk heavy. You should not feel a woman's step as she walks past you. As mentioned above know what works for you. I went to a barbecue tonight and had a sexy dress on, but it was knee-length. I select one thing to highlight.

Good luck!

:lachen::lachen:I see this everyday!!!
I dress sexy, and my man loves that I do. I dress with form fitting clothes and like how I feel and look with them on. I think a woman should dress how she wants and be with a man who appreciates her sense of dress.

I was raised pretty conservative as well. Your wording though is a bit offensive when you mentioned your parents wanting you to be smart and classy. Are you implying that sexy clothes mean that you are not smart/classy?

I see women with beautiful bodies but they are constantly pulling down their skirts, clomping around like newborn giraffes in heels, or fidgeting in their outfits. Whatever you wear should fit you well, and make you happy. If it is because of a trend or what you think you should wear you won't look polished.

Also, watch your step. I notice some women walk heavy. You should not feel a woman's step as she walks past you. As mentioned above know what works for you. I went to a barbecue tonight and had a sexy dress on, but it was knee-length. I select one thing to highlight.

Good luck!

Thank God for your post

I was starting to suffocate
Tbh interpretation or perception of a woman's clothing depends on her figure, body shape and weight.

The answer to the OP question isn't the same for every woman. It depends on what you're working with to start.

^^^This! I have an hourglass shape with a fatty...it really doesn't matter what I wear, I attract male attention. A lot of it. Even with weight gain I'm still a sexy thickums because my shape is maintained. I have to be careful in some situations because the most plain, boring outfit will look bootylicious.
Most women dress to impress women. I think it also depends where you are at when trying to attract. Honestly, I wouldn't go too sexy. I would wear form fitting. I like body suits and fitted skirts. But honestly, men like to know you can look good casual. My husband likes the idea of stereotypically sexy clothes, but he doesn't actually like to see me dress too sexy. I bought a sexy dress once for an evening event, and next thing I know we are back at the store buying something more classy.

So to sum it up, dres show you feel comfortable. If you aren't comfortable and its not natural it will show. Slowly incorpirate the way you think you want to dress in your wardrobe so you can see how it feels.
Tbh interpretation or perception of a woman's clothing depends on her figure, body shape and weight.

The answer to the OP question isn't the same for every woman. It depends on what you're working with to start.

Very, very true.

Confidence is definitely number 1.
For me, I'm all legs and boobs. This is what guys fancy about me. So that's short dresses/shorts/skirts or low cut tops.
Mostly form fitting stuff, especially on dates.

For work, I seem to get alot of attention in my button up shirts. I assume because they tend to be form fitting and brings attention to my chest.