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Hello ladies! I'm happy to be apart of this challenge. I DC'd on Tuesday with AO Honeysuckle Rose mixed with olive oil, castor oil, honey and aloe vera gel. I'm overnight DC'ing right now with ORS Olive Oil Replenishing Pak mixed with olive, castor, and coconut oils and aloe vera gel.

Pic of 12/30/08 DC:

Pic of 1/3/09 DC:

I apologize for the huge picture. I tried to resize it in photobucket but it's still coming up large through the link. :ohwell:
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That is my theme song for this year Aggie - retention, retention, retention!! I have to remember (again) to treat my hair like antique lace!

For me it's retention as well - BIG TIME!!!

I'm using mainly Eqyss Premier Creme Rinse (love this stuff), and Elasta QP Intense Fortifying Conditioner. I just ran out of the Trader Joe's Refresh Conditioner (loved it!) and I'm feining for some AO HSR - I need to go to the health food store next week. :yep:
I also use a lot of food - honey, molasses, bananas, and the like. I'm also getting up on some herbs - I use hibiscus in all my DC's now, and I have some irish moss in the cabinet that I need to play with.

:thud: Is this the sort of stuff I msis by not stalking fotkis!?!?!?!?! Oh my goodness, I had no clue! Gorgeous hair, missy!

Me and you both!!! :lachen: :look:

Not Aggie, but I so love it when people put their starting pics in the post - that way, when :look: someone is looking through the thread later (like, years later) long after you've changed your avatar, they'll still be able to see your progress - it's great comparing some old posts to current avi's/siggies! :lol:

Awesome idea right here JK, or and nice progress you gat goin' on here girlie:grin:.

With that said, here is my starting pic, taken today - a solid 4.5. Just for reference, APL is around 8.


I really fell off the DC'ing twice a week thing towards the end of the year - I've been styling my hair differently, and I haven't been using MT, and I really haven't felt the need to do the midweek DC. :look:

Urmhrm, and that's why I'm starting to see a wee bit more breakage, too, I think. *sigh* So, my reggie is kinda in limbo, as I try to figure out how to balance my differing needs and not eat up all my time during the week. Once I figure it out, I'll post a reggie. :lol:

Girl JK, thank you so much for coming in and spreading your contagious love and bubbling personality here. Love ya honey.
Hello ladies! I'm happy to be apart of this challenge. I DC'd on Tuesday with AO Honeysuckle Rose mixed with olive oil, castor oil, honey and aloe vera gel. I'm about to overnight DC right now. I'm still not sure what I'm going to mix together.

Lovely hair Cyn and great starting point for the challenge too.
Still dc'ing with my cholesterol treatment. I've been doing it over night on dry hair since i'm feeling kinda lazy.

Girl Lei*Lei, this kinda laziness will pay off in the long run. This DC'ing on dry hair works wonders for my hair too:yep::lick:.
Lovely hair Cyn and great starting point for the challenge too.

Thanks Aggie! I appreciate the kind're making me :Blush2:

Update on tonight's DC:
I decided to DC with ORS Olive Oil Replenshing Pak mixed with my favs (olive oil, castor oil, coconut oil, and aloe vera gel). My hair is soooo soft already. I added this to my dry hair after bunning for the past 3 days.
DC Divas!

I'm thinking about going old school on my DC for awhile. I'm in Boston, and the where outside can be frightful. Question for you:

By old school, I mean DC'ing with eggs, mayo, and/or a mayo and avocado mix.

What do you all do after you DC? If it is a protein based product, do you follow it up with a moisturizing shampoo?

Deep conditioned last night(protein) for one hour without heat and overnight w/a moisturizing conditioner. I will likely deep condition on Sunday & Wednesday of each week b/c I notice that my scalp got a little itchy from waiting a week to dc again.
DC Divas!

I'm thinking about going old school on my DC for awhile. I'm in Boston, and the where outside can be frightful. Question for you:

By old school, I mean DC'ing with eggs, mayo, and/or a mayo and avocado mix.

What do you all do after you DC? If it is a protein based product, do you follow it up with a moisturizing shampoo?


No, you shampoo first, then use your "old school" protein conditioner, followed by a moisturizing conditioner for a minimum of 30 minutes with or without heat.
Deep conditioned last night(protein) for one hour without heat and overnight w/a moisturizing conditioner. I will likely deep condition on Sunday & Wednesday of each week b/c I notice that my scalp got a little itchy from waiting a week to dc again.

Hrmmm, you know better than this tishee:nono:. Thank goodness your hair and scalp talk to you this way:yep:. By the way, once a week is allowed only for those who are wearing their hair braided and weaved up.
Dc'ed last night with tresseme' mixed with glycerine. Good luck ladies. My goal is MBL by the end of the year.:grin:

I hope you reach your goal with room to spare. :grin:

This morning I rinsed the AO HSR out of my hair, did a co-wash, added my leave-in after blotting out excess water, put my hair in a bun, and headed out to church with my cousin.

They serve breakfast at her church before early morning service. While we were serving, one of the sistas reached over me to get some napkins and got a wiff of that HSR. She told me that my hair smelled very nice. I :blush: and said thank you. She then asked me what I used, and when I told her, she said "that's not for black hair." I cracked up, shook my head, then with a big smile on my face I said, " It works well on my black hair." :lachen::lachen:She told me that I shouldn't be surprised when all my hair started to fall out. I just laughed. We were, after all, in church. I guess she would have fallen out on the floor if I had told her that I've been using AO products for almost a year.

Just thought I'd share that with my fellow DDDC ladies.
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I'm DC with Elasta QP DPR with out heat, will DC for a few hours..not my fave DC but I'm trying to get rid of the little bit I have left.
I hope you reach your goal with room to spare. :grin:

This morning I rinsed the AO HSR out of my hair, did a co-wash, added my leave-in after blotting out excess water, put my hair in a bun, and headed out to church with my cousin.

They serve breakfast at her church before early morning service. While we were serving, one of the sistas reached over me to get some napkins and got a wiff of that HSR. She told me that my hair smelled very nice. I :blush: and said thank you. She then asked me what I used, and when I told her, she said "that's not for black hair." I cracked up, shook my head, then with a big smile on my face I said, " It works well on my black hair." :lachen::lachen:She told me that I shouldn't be surprised when all my hair started to fall out. I just laughed. We were, after all, in church. I guess she would have fallen out on the floor if I had told her that I've been using AO products for almost a year.

Just thought I'd share that with my fellow DDDC ladies.
Thanks for sharing GB. This happens all the time among my friends and associates as well, but I just smile and walk away. No point in arguing, I mean afterall, the proof is in the pudding....Ooooops! But then again they haven't seen the "pudding" (ie my natural hair) for a long time:lachen:because I have been hiding my hair from them for over a year now.
After joining LHCF in August last year I realized that DC is so important at least for my hair. So I started using Pantene R&N Deep Condish Mask but it wasn't moisturizing enough for me by itself. I added melted shea butter to it and it made my hair feel so soft and heavenly. To combat the effects of cold, everchanging weather here I started doing hot oil treatments as well and still my hair felt great with the hot oil and DC. My mistake was combining oils in my Pantene Deep condish mask/shea butter mix. My hair was shedding so badly. It felt rough. I should have left well enough alone and not jumped on the "mixing this mixing that" bandwagon. So..
Now I am using Silk Elements Mega Cholesterol Moisturizing Treatment and my hair seems to love the switch. And the moral of the story is...

What works for one doesn't work for all. But overall I am so glad that I deep condish now, and my hair is as well. Thanks for the challenge.
I hope you reach your goal with room to spare. :grin:

This morning I rinsed the AO HSR out of my hair, did a co-wash, added my leave-in after blotting out excess water, put my hair in a bun, and headed out to church with my cousin.

They serve breakfast at her church before early morning service. While we were serving, one of the sistas reached over me to get some napkins and got a wiff of that HSR. She told me that my hair smelled very nice. I :blush: and said thank you. She then asked me what I used, and when I told her, she said "that's not for black hair." I cracked up, shook my head, then with a big smile on my face I said, " It works well on my black hair." :lachen::lachen:She told me that I shouldn't be surprised when all my hair started to fall out. I just laughed. We were, after all, in church. I guess she would have fallen out on the floor if I had told her that I've been using AO products for almost a year.

Just thought I'd share that with my fellow DDDC ladies.

All I can say is ignorance or lack of knowledge can produce over-generalization or stereotyping.
I did a protein treatment today.
Mixed Keraphix and Nexxus Aloxxi Emergency.
I left that in my hair for 30 min. No heat.
I washed with Moisturizing Shampoo
I sat under my heat cap for 30 minutes to DC.
Now I am just hanging out on LCHF with the DC in
my hair. I put a hat on to hold in the moisture until
I am ready to wash it out. I have to get dinner ready.
I hope you reach your goal with room to spare. :grin:

This morning I rinsed the AO HSR out of my hair, did a co-wash, added my leave-in after blotting out excess water, put my hair in a bun, and headed out to church with my cousin.

They serve breakfast at her church before early morning service. While we were serving, one of the sistas reached over me to get some napkins and got a wiff of that HSR. She told me that my hair smelled very nice. I :blush: and said thank you. She then asked me what I used, and when I told her, she said "that's not for black hair." I cracked up, shook my head, then with a big smile on my face I said, " It works well on my black hair." :lachen::lachen:She told me that I shouldn't be surprised when all my hair started to fall out. I just laughed. We were, after all, in church. I guess she would have fallen out on the floor if I had told her that I've been using AO products for almost a year.

Just thought I'd share that with my fellow DDDC ladies.
What did her hair look like?
Hello ladies! I'm happy to be apart of this challenge. I DC'd on Tuesday with AO Honeysuckle Rose mixed with olive oil, castor oil, honey and aloe vera gel. I'm overnight DC'ing right now with ORS Olive Oil Replenishing Pak mixed with olive, castor, and coconut oils and aloe vera gel.

Pic of 12/30/08 DC:

Pic of 1/3/09 DC:

I apologize for the huge picture. I tried to resize it in photobucket but it's still coming up large through the link. :ohwell:

Girl, your hair is beautiful!
I want to join. I will be using Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor, Pantene Restoratives Time Renewal Replenishing Mask, and Keracare Humecto. If I change products I'll let you know. Starting point is in my siggy.
For anybody that did this challenge last year, how was your growth rate?

My hair grew from Just below shoulder length to touching BSL and that's after having 3 trims (and mad hair breakage in August after my trip to humidity-less Canada:wallbash:) for the year. Pretty good progress I'd say:yep:. My hair simply loves being deep conditioned.
I want to join. I will be using Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor, Pantene Restoratives Time Renewal Replenishing Mask, and Keracare Humecto. If I change products I'll let you know. Starting point is in my siggy.

Welcome hairsothick. How is that Pantene restoratives mask working for you? Just curious:grin:.
Oh Goody *clapping hands*. I cannot wait until this time next year.

My hair grew from Just below shoulder length to touching BSL and that's after having 3 trims (and mad hair breakage in August after my trip to humidity-less Canada:wallbash:) for the year. Pretty good progress I'd say:yep:. My hair simply loves being deep conditioned.
I just applied Elata QP DPR-11 to my hair and is so thick and yummy!

I need to write down which DC are the bomb so that I remember to keep buying the right stuff:

So my top choices for 2009 are:
  • AO Honeysuckle Rose
  • Elasta QP DPR-11
  • Dark & Lovely Ultra Cholestrol
  • Lustrasilk Olive Oil or Cholestrol
The best part is that all of these are under $6!
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