Does combing curly hair=nappy frizzy hair?


Well-Known Member
I just wonder b/c now that I'm seeing a lot of new growth, my hair is pretty curly! And I LOVE curly hair. :grin::yep: I mean I have some parts that look like waves the way hair does when you take it out of small braids and some parts are curly spirals and ringlets. And I am SO loving it! I can't wait for it to be ALL curly! I notice that before when I would comb or brush it, I would get a big frizzy nappy mess! These are the few glimpses of memories I have of my natural hair as a child. So I wonder if my hair back then had just been handled differently, I would've been able to see my curls and maybe there would've been no need for a relaxer. I don't know if I'm making any sense! LOL... does anyone know what I mean?
Thanks for the link PiscesGirl! I'm not natural or transitioning, but I've always wondered about this.