
Well-Known Member
Okay, so...I have a neighbor that I don't know that well. She asked me if she could borrow my flat irons which I thought was strange since I didn't know her like that. I was hesitant but went against my better judgement and lent (sp?) them to her thinking that I was being a little uptight.

Low and behold, getting them back was like pulling teeth. Not only was it hard to get them back, the coating on the irons which was only coming off a little was now almost 50% GONE! :wallbash: I was PISSED! She offered to buy them from me, but I didn't want to sell them. Now I'm thinking that I should sell them to her and use the money to get another pair.

I've learned my lesson...from now on, the answer will be "I don't Indulge in Lending Hair Stuff" :lachen:...

Has this ever happened to you?
No this hasn't happened because I DO NOT loan out my stuff. I'll use it on you in my own house but you will not take it from my possession. Just like my books...I do not loan out stuff that I consider valuable.
yes!!! and it makes me so mad!!! they, don't wanna give stuff back and they, try and steal your products!!
Girl I don't let people borrow my hair stuff. No one cares about it or take care of it the way I do.

I did this girl's hair once to show her a different way to style her natural hair. After she told me she washed her hair once every 3 months, I told her she could keep the comb!:ohwell:
Not to strangers. People don't even really ask me.

The last time...I asked....I was away at a conference...and another sista I knew had curly hair one day and straight hair the I asked to borrow her flat was so big and could not straighten my 14+ weeks roots......I gave it back the next day.

Only weeks later did I realize it was the infamous Maxiglide.
Okay, so...I have a neighbor that I don't know that well. She asked me if she could borrow my flat irons which I thought was strange since I didn't know her like that. I was hesitant but went against my better judgement and lent (sp?) them to her thinking that I was being a little uptight.

Low and behold, getting them back was like pulling teeth. Not only was it hard to get them back, the coating on the irons which was only coming off a little was now almost 50% GONE! :wallbash: I was PISSED! She offered to buy them from me, but I didn't want to sell them. Now I'm thinking that I should sell them to her and use the money to get another pair.

I've learned my lesson...from now on, the answer will be "I don't Indulge in Lending Hair Stuff" :lachen:...

Has this ever happened to you?

LOL yeah I spent like $200 on this fancy Corioliss flat iron, my mother 'borrowed' (kidnapped) it and I haven't seen it since.Her hair looks good though ....I have also lost a heating cap and a hooded dryer this way

I think I'm gonna have to start tellin' ppl that for real:lachen:
My sister who is also a member of LHCF, visits my home frequently to borrow/use my products. I don't mind, becuase I know she understands my products value and how to use each one correctly.:grin:
But to any joe schmoe on the street Heck No, Don't even think about asking.:clubu:
Not to strangers. People don't even really ask me.

The last time...I asked....I was away at a conference...and another sista I knew had curly hair one day and straight hair the I asked to borrow her flat was so big and could not straighten my 14+ weeks roots......I gave it back the next day.

Only weeks later did I realize it was the infamous Maxiglide.

:blush: I have a maxiglide that I'm scared to use...
Girl I don't let people borrow my hair stuff. No one cares about it or take care of it the way I do.

I did this girl's hair once to show her a different way to style her natural hair. After she told me she washed her hair once every 3 months, I told her she could keep the comb!:ohwell:

Yuck. I think that's why the coating on my flat irons came off so quickly when she used them. I'm thinking she doesn't wash her hair that much and the buildup stripped the coating off.
Yea I did this before and never again. I let me neighbor use me blowdry last year, which since being on lhcf I rarely use. The dryer was nice and clean when I have it to her. When I asked for it back, some of the teeth were broken, some missing, and it had hair glue and grease all over it.....Did she even wash her hair!!! And if she did why do I only have like 4 teeth remaining on the pic!!(not literally but still, lol). I would have been so embrassed giving someone back their stuff like that. She could have at least cleaned it off. It was so nasty that I went out and bought another blowdryer.

I wouldn't do it unless you hate the product, have another one, or would not mind if it got damaged, which means probably didn't want the product in the first place, lol.
I am extremely conscious of people borrowing my stuff because 9 times out of 10, they are never returned in the same condition that they left in. Take my hair rollers for example. I'm in college and I lent my friend my magnetic rollers to use. I was like, there is no way she could destroy them. She took them to her dorm and when she brought them back, I realized that I had 4 fewer rollers. The amount I had to begin with was barely enough to rollerset my whole head, so imagine my anger when I rollersetting my hair the next week and realized that I didn't have enough to do all of my hair.

Another time I let a friend borrow my Keracare Shampoo that was brand new and she used half the bottle during that one use. I was like, WHAT?!! She should have purchased her own.

I hate letting people use my stuff, but I do let them use it out of niceness because I know there will be times when I might need the favor. I just ask them to be careful with it or give them the proper instructions so they don't mess them up.
HELL NO!! I lend out NOTHING related to my hair. I will point you in the right direction so that you can buy one for yourself. That's the best I can do for you.:ohwell:
:lachen::lachen::lachen:Gee zee whiz! You're gangsta!

I know it's a little mean but folks just don't take good care of things and I have spent too much time and money building up my little home salon over here.:lachen:

Now, a concession I would make is allowing someone to use my products in my home. Like if they come over and want to try a butter or use my blowdryer or flatiron? That I can do.:yep:

ETA:After thinking about this a little more, I think the only concession I would make is for my Mom.
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It depends, but typically no. Especially if I know that I paid a pretty penny for something and the other person is very nonchalant about things and thinks I take them too seriously. You can treat your $10 beveling iron like crap, but I'm not letting you drop my expensive flat iron all over your bathroom floor. Then when it comes back damaged and beat up the person is like "oops my bad".

Same thing with products. I have products that are an investment in quality. You can't have the free benefits of what I paid for and then offer to replace it with Herbal Essence.
It depends, but typically no. Especially if I know that I paid a pretty penny for something and the other person is very nonchalant about things and thinks I take them too seriously. You can treat your $10 beveling iron like crap, but I'm not letting you drop my expensive flat iron all over your bathroom floor. Then when it comes back damaged and beat up the person is like "oops my bad".

Same thing with products. I have products that are an investment in quality. You can't have the free benefits of what I paid for and then offer to replace it with Herbal Essence.

My feelings exactly. I have invested a lot of money in products and tools and I'm careful with my stuff. You are not going to be slathering my Kerastase conditioner all over your head like it's cheap dime store stuff or being heavy handed with my Pibbs. Un-uh.:nono:

Oh, and why does it never fail that the people that always want to use your stuff have the most busted hair ever?!:perplexed
I keep my old flatiron and products that did not work for me to "lend" if anyone stays over/asks

My staples/ new appliances, Sorry NAH!
NO WAY - NOT even to DEAR freinds.

NO NO NO.....

I just told a freind I would do her hair for her - but she won't be able to keep my stuff.
My feelings exactly. I have invested a lot of money in products and tools and I'm careful with my stuff. You are not going to be slathering my Kerastase conditioner all over your head like it's cheap dime store stuff or being heavy handed with my Pibbs. Un-uh.:nono:

Oh, and why does it never fail that the people that always want to use your stuff have the most busted hair ever?!:perplexed

That is the worst. When you know how much something costs and the person just goes through it like water. You're sitting there like I could have gotten 3 or 4 more uses out of what you just wasted in one sitting.

I have a theory about the people with busted hair. They think you have some miracle product that will fix their hair in one try. They don't understand that consistency is just as important as the products.
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I've learned a dear lesson. I won't be lending out anymore stuff either. I'm glad I learned before I lent out something expensive although I loved those flat irons.

As a matter of fact, I'm gonna go ahead and sell them to her.
As the OP stated, people don't wanna return stuff. I think that's their nice way of saying "can I steal your stuff". You won't see it back and if you do, you wouldn't want it back.:nono:

I had a friend, sorry, let me rephrase, she told everyone she was my play sister and best friend, mind you, she never called until she wanted to borrow something or wanted me to buy something for her (which when I did DH would get pissed so it wasn't worth the internal and external hassles).

Anyway, I decided a long time ago, no one borrows anything. When they say they want to borrow something, I have to ask myself, "are you ready to part with this? If so, consider you have just given your A, B or C away."

This was basically handbags because I didn't have more than grease, a tabletop hair dryer and a revlon flat iron to give you in the way of hair products pre LHCF.

However, we should all consider buying counterfeit products. That way, when folks ask if they can borrow our flat iron, what they saw was the Maxiglide, what they can borrow will be the $19.99 revlon...what they saw was the pibbs...what they can borrow will be the Hot Tools table top...:lachen:
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However, we should all consider buying counterfeit products. That way, when folks ask if they can borrow our flat iron, what they saw was the Maxiglide, what they can borrow will be the $19.99 revlon...what they saw was the pibbs...what they can borrow will be the Hot Tools table top...:lachen:

Un-uh girl! I'm not spending more money just to keep from hurting their little feelings about borrowing MY stuff!:nono:

Wanna borrow my Maxiglide? Sorry, I don't lend out my things but here's a 20% off coupon to Bed, Bath and Beyond. You can go get your own! :ohwell:

Heck no!

I have special "you can borrow this" stuff. But, not my main stuff.

My ex asked me if he could borrow my blowdryer becuse his broke. I was like :ohwell:

I gave him my old one. LOL Not my Rusk CTC Lite. Heck to the NAWL!
Un-uh girl! I'm not spending more money just to keep from hurting their little feelings about borrowing MY stuff!:nono:

Wanna borrow my Maxiglide? Sorry, I don't lend out my things but here's a 20% off coupon to Bed, Bath and Beyond. You can go get your own! :ohwell:


:lol: :lol:
My sister and neice are the only ones that can borrow a FEW of my items and I mean few. They know I will pull a Madea act on them so they understand and respect!

For others I don't lend anything out. I will give away, like product samples or some things that I make but I do not LEND.

LEND - is a dirty four letter word when discussing my hair utensils and products.:evil:

I am normally a very even tempered person and will serve and sacrifice to a fault but I learned a loooooooong time ago some women do not respect their hair or their hair tools and I have a real issue with folks sharing hair items, particularly combs, brushes, irons, etc.